This will be a rare actual live SD viewing since I'm on the go and might as well watch it live on USA before 205 Live. Rusev will get a Pride of Bulgaria celebration and KO and Shane will be here live. KO's attack of Vince is shown and we see Shane's promo from last week. Shane saying I CONDEMN YOU TO A BEATING AT THESE HANDS remains hilarious. I love Kevin blaming Shane for the attack on Vince. KO comes out and basically calls Shane someone is all bark and no bite. He gets in a great line about liking and respecting Vince - which isn't the case for Shane, so imagine what he'll do to him. Sami comes down with a new pretty awesome shirt. Between this shit and The Bar's shirt, they're on a mini roll with these.
Sami tells him that he's snapped and it never ends well. He headbutted Vine and figured that he snapped once again. Kevin says he's not here to talk sense into him - he's just jealous. He says Sami signed two and a half years earlier, but KO has been IC Champion twice, was US Champion, and was Universal Champion. KO announces that his match will be the official main event and what he's done so far is just the beginning. He says nothing Sami has done has had the impact his skull had on Vince's. Sami says he's not wrong - but he's done everything it took to get there, but his day will come and he can at least look at himself in the mirror.
Bryan comes down and says that Shane may not be here - but he knows someone who wants to fight him, so we'll see KO vs. Sami tonight. Well, if they're going to do non-stop rematches, at least they provided some actual context for it. Tye also faces Baron next. Baron's new theme is pretty great - even if I do prefer his original tron presentation. Tye comes down and they quickly cut away from a Bullet Club-shirted fan to show some other ones. AJ comes down to watch the math and gets a full intro. I love his American flag-colored gear. Tye jumps Baron and lariats him over the top to lead to an ad break so he can sell during the PIP ads.
Baron runs in and eats forearms in the corner, but fights back with knees before eating a Thesz press. Baron goes for a suplex, but gets inside cradled for 2. Baron gets the chokeslam backbreaker and AJ tells Baron to stop pointing at him. Tye goes for the Tye breaker, but Baron uses his size to drop him. He throws water on AJ and tosses Tye into AJ to win via countout. Um, shouldn't this be a DQ against Corbin? Corbin beats him up and does the TEN deal. Okay, that was great. Baron thanks AJ for helping Tye out so much and he won't take any shortcuts at HIAC to get the US Title.
Jinder and the Singhs are backstage and will be out to talk about the promo from last week. After the break, AJ vs. Baron is made official. Jinder and his goons come down. He says taht he went too far last week and apologizes. He says he respects him - he's a worthy foe and he'll compliment him tonight. We get more tron comedy, which is all this rivalry has been since Summerslam. This stuff doesn't help either guy - it's low hanging fruit, and Jinder's not even all that good at it. They mock his pose only to reveal that it isn't a photo - he's there and gets a huge chant. He cuts a brief promo before coming out and getting his epic intro. The sing-a-long stuff for his theme remains great. Nakamura beats up the goons, but Jinder posts him. Jinder eats a kick and then the goons eat knees and punches before Jinder goes for the cobra clutch slam. Jinder avoids that, but eats a Kinshasa and covers his face up as soon as possible.
Sami vs. KO is hyped up as a first time ever match on SD, while the Usos face the Hype Bros next. New Day comes out and we get some shots of folks in Marty Scurll shirts. New Day has snacks and will watch from ringside. Hype Bros. get a jobber intro while the New Day vs. Usos mathc is hyped as the culmination of a great rivalry. The Hype Bros are now not in matching gear - with Zack in black and purple.Big E has binoculars to watch the action. Usos dominate and New Day chants for Mojo. Zack gets a semi-hot tag and flapjacks Jey before hitting a neckbreaker. Mojo blind tags himself in and gets knocked into Zack. This sends Zack down and Mojo eats a superkick and a superfly dive. Usos tell New Day to stay in the sidelines wit the fans and tells them to take notes on what a real tag team looks like. Kofi has a box of Booty Os behind his belt, which is hilarious. Kofi says they talk a big game for guys who lost the titles, and E is curious about why they talk about the Uso penitentiary a lot - they want a hell in a cell match.
Rusev's celebration is recapped and Miz's beating of Roman is shown. Ultima Luha Tres gets an ad - so it looks like El Rey is spending some good money on the show to some degree. Aiden English sings for Rusev's introduction. He introduces the mayor and his gigantic key before singing the Bulgarian nationa lanthem and bringing Rusev out looking downright dapper. Rusev stands atop a giant Bulgarian flag platform and the mayor says some stuff and declares it Rusev Day. Rusev raises the giant key with pride. Rusev shows his victory over Orton and says that Orton was the legend killer and the apex predator, but now, he is the predator. Aiden sings a song somewhat to the tune of "Voices" about how Ruev is the better man. RKO hits Aiden before Rusev hops off his platform and eats an RKO. Corey and Tom were fantastic throughout this.
Bryan gets off the phone with Shane, who got off the plane and will come after KO tonight. Sami doesn't want this and says he wants his own shot at KO tonight. Charlotte faces Carmella next. Randy asks Renee for a favor and to tell Rusev he wants him at Hell in a Cell, before wishing her a Happy Rusev Day. Charlotte comes out and they plug Connor's Cure stuff - including Charlotte's gold kneepads. Carmella comes down with Ellsworth o his leash, which is now on the post. Tom asks Corey for an explanation as to why a grown man is in a dog collar, and perhaps that is something best unexplained. Carmella gets Trish's corner rana before a PIP ad break. Charlotte gets tripped on the apron thanks to an Ellsworth distraction. Carmella saps her and gets 2 before a chinlock. A crossbody off the top gets a pair of 2 counts before kicking her into the buckle. A revers eDDT gets 2 as well. Charlotte gets 2 off an O' Connor roll and pins her with a yakuza kick.
Nattie comes down and says she's glad to see that Ric is healthy- because he'll see her lose at HIAC. Angle-Cena from SD in '02 is shown for the Snickers moment of the week. Fashion Files return next week! Dolphertaker comes down and Tom is fooled, espite this guy wearing sneakers being a foot shorter, and actually moving quickly. Dolph eating a chokeslam from Taker after all this crap would be pretty fun. GLORIOUS finally hits and Bobby Roode gets a nice ovation. It's amazing how well he works as a babyface just hopping around. Roode calls Dolph one of hte best ever, and wants him to back it up against him at HIAC. Dolph buries Roode's intro for being flashy and involving hte fans, making him everything that's wrong with WWE. He goes for a rest in peace bit before Roode stops him to say it will be glorious.
Enzo's dickishness on Raw is shown before they hype up 205 Live. Sami gets his intro A Frye-Takyama spot starts things off before KO kicks his spine before landing the cannonball. Shane enters the building to walk to the ring. Sami lands an apron brainbuster, but eats a massive superkick for 2.5. Sami avoids the pop-up powerbomb and gets 2 off the blue thunder bomb. He goes for the corner kick, but KO rolls out and eats a flip dive. Sami goes for the torpedo DDT, but eat a superkick. APRON POWERBOMB! That ends it because Sami can't continue, which I like - he didn't lose, KO just mauled him with something that no one can withstand. It also gets over that you can get KOs in wrestling again - which hasn't really been done since Brock's first big push in '02.
Sami is carried out while Kevin calmly sits on the announce table in a trance - it's almost a bit like Bubba in 2000. He jumps Sami and attacks him until Corey says that SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP KEVIN OWENS. He goes to use a chair on Sami's throat before Shane comes down. Shane gets muted and Sami is tossed into Shane before KO just runs away. This was a great angle and a very good overall show - which SmackDown has sorely needed. I loved Kevin waving goodbye, and it looks like Shane's lip was split by the chair when Sami was shoved into him.
This is where I'll primarily be posting wrestling show reviews and some of my best video game wrestling matches as well. Since the Paypal button I tried out isn't working, donations can be sent via Paypal to
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Sunday, September 24, 2017
WWE No Mercy 2017
Asuka debuts at TLC and Alexa gets a proposal from a fan. Elias actually got Apollo over by insulting him in his song. Apollo does a bunch of flips, but eats Drift Away that ends it. They brought Brock up at THE perfect time to wind up with footage of him beating legends like Flair and Hogan. Heyman frames Brock as the underdog here, it's great. The show itself gets a good vs. evil hype video. Miz is out. If anyone is going to resurrect X-Pac Heat, it's Jason Jordan. Right now, he's just got nothing. Jordan gets no chant and Miz and his unborn kid are more over. Jordan nearly drops Bo on his head off a suplex, but almost gets the win off a crossface. Miz's goons help him win. Okay, so logically, shouldn't Kurt order a restart given the cheating? Renee interviews Jordan to a sea of boos.
FINALLY, THE MAN VERSUS MAN MATCH IS HERE.Bray, logically beats up Balor for taking five million years to do his intro. Good. Finally, some logic on this show. NOT A URANAGE, NO! NOT THE MOVE THAT ALWAYS GETS A 2 COUNT! And now they're playing it off like an injury angle. Finn takes off his jacket and NOW BRAY IS EXCITED! Finn gets the shotgun dropkick on the barricade. They do some weird staredown spot that is pure comedy. Bray is great just tossing his around and the shotgun lariat is great. However, Bray gets the win anyway - so really, no one won here.
The Bar is backstage and THEY HAVE A SHIRT! Dean takes a bad fall on his wrist and Dean keeps going. Sheamus's chain'o backbrackers is a great spot. Cesaro posts himself and loses his front teeth. Jesus guys. Double crucifix gets 2. Cesaro is still going, which is crazy. WHITE NOISE AND THEN A SUPER RICOLA BOMB GETS 2! Raintrigger and the DDT end it!
Bayley gets the "let's plug Hulu" intro. Yikes. Cole gives Steph credit for the women's revolution. Nia flings folks around carelessly for a bit. Nia splats off of a tower of doom on the floor. Ouch, she just went splat. Bayley eats the DDT and jobs. Holy shit is she done. Usos vs. New Day is being put over as this all-time great rivalry here...neat! It's time for Cena vs. Roman, and they're giving it plenty of time starting before 10 PM. Giant Cena chant - so all it took to make folks appreciate Cena was to give them Roman as his successor. IS IT ROMAN REIGNS'S TIME TO RULE WWE!? He is a multiple-time WWE Champion. Also, Roman has a new vest design with more subtle trim and the Superman punch in the middle of the Not Spider-Man Logo.
They go back and forth and get a CM Punk chant. Superman punch avoided and turned into an STF! LOOK AT THIS STREENNNNGTTTTHHHHH! leads to a powerbomb. Superman punch gets 2. Avalanche AA gets 2. Cena clears the tables, but Roman spears him through one and lands on his head! CHAIN OF AAs gets 2! Superman punch and the spear end it! They're milking the loss big-time. This feels like the end of WM 6 - Roman won the match, but Cena won the crowd. Miz annoys Kurt and gets MizTV to start off Raw. No punishment for cheating - he instead gets rewarded. Enzo comes out looking like a complete goof.
Enzo botches a lockup. Neville kicks his ass and Enzo gets a "this is boring" chant. Neville teases a red arrow and opts to go for a phoenix splash, which misses. DDG hits! Enzo grabs the belt to distract the ref so he can STEAL YANO'S FINISH AND LOW BLOW AND CRADLE NEVILLE TO WIN! Braun comes out looking amazing and Heyman gives Brock an epic intro. GERMAN! CHOKESLAM AND THE POWERSLAM GET 2! Brock recovers and gets the Kimura and delivers Germans! A single F5 hits and ends it!
FINALLY, THE MAN VERSUS MAN MATCH IS HERE.Bray, logically beats up Balor for taking five million years to do his intro. Good. Finally, some logic on this show. NOT A URANAGE, NO! NOT THE MOVE THAT ALWAYS GETS A 2 COUNT! And now they're playing it off like an injury angle. Finn takes off his jacket and NOW BRAY IS EXCITED! Finn gets the shotgun dropkick on the barricade. They do some weird staredown spot that is pure comedy. Bray is great just tossing his around and the shotgun lariat is great. However, Bray gets the win anyway - so really, no one won here.
The Bar is backstage and THEY HAVE A SHIRT! Dean takes a bad fall on his wrist and Dean keeps going. Sheamus's chain'o backbrackers is a great spot. Cesaro posts himself and loses his front teeth. Jesus guys. Double crucifix gets 2. Cesaro is still going, which is crazy. WHITE NOISE AND THEN A SUPER RICOLA BOMB GETS 2! Raintrigger and the DDT end it!
Bayley gets the "let's plug Hulu" intro. Yikes. Cole gives Steph credit for the women's revolution. Nia flings folks around carelessly for a bit. Nia splats off of a tower of doom on the floor. Ouch, she just went splat. Bayley eats the DDT and jobs. Holy shit is she done. Usos vs. New Day is being put over as this all-time great rivalry here...neat! It's time for Cena vs. Roman, and they're giving it plenty of time starting before 10 PM. Giant Cena chant - so all it took to make folks appreciate Cena was to give them Roman as his successor. IS IT ROMAN REIGNS'S TIME TO RULE WWE!? He is a multiple-time WWE Champion. Also, Roman has a new vest design with more subtle trim and the Superman punch in the middle of the Not Spider-Man Logo.
They go back and forth and get a CM Punk chant. Superman punch avoided and turned into an STF! LOOK AT THIS STREENNNNGTTTTHHHHH! leads to a powerbomb. Superman punch gets 2. Avalanche AA gets 2. Cena clears the tables, but Roman spears him through one and lands on his head! CHAIN OF AAs gets 2! Superman punch and the spear end it! They're milking the loss big-time. This feels like the end of WM 6 - Roman won the match, but Cena won the crowd. Miz annoys Kurt and gets MizTV to start off Raw. No punishment for cheating - he instead gets rewarded. Enzo comes out looking like a complete goof.
Enzo botches a lockup. Neville kicks his ass and Enzo gets a "this is boring" chant. Neville teases a red arrow and opts to go for a phoenix splash, which misses. DDG hits! Enzo grabs the belt to distract the ref so he can STEAL YANO'S FINISH AND LOW BLOW AND CRADLE NEVILLE TO WIN! Braun comes out looking amazing and Heyman gives Brock an epic intro. GERMAN! CHOKESLAM AND THE POWERSLAM GET 2! Brock recovers and gets the Kimura and delivers Germans! A single F5 hits and ends it!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
WWE SD 9-19-17
The Vince-KO promo is recapped before Shane comes out and promises vengeance. Aiden English has a back and forth match with five billion time World Champion Randy Orton. RKO ends it. Rusev wants a rematch from Summerslam, and a superkick ends it. Jinder says words and Nakamura says he'll be champion. Don't care. AJ is out to face Corbin, but Tye beats up Baron. AJ locks on the calf killer and maybe that was a match. We get some terrible skit with Charlotte, Tamina, Noami, Nattie, and Becky and Bryan says that the winner of a match tonight faces Nattie at HIAC. New Day beat the Hype Bros. Dolph does more intros of other, bigger stars and Owens is pissed VIA SATELLITE. Charlotte wins this and will hopefully win the title - it matches her gear.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
WWE SD 9-12-17
KO comes out to insult Shane, WWE, the clones, before Dolph comes out as Shane. Bryan comes out and tells him that Vince will be here later. Tye gets beaten by AJ in a pretty good little match. Baron jumps AJ and will seemingly face him at HIAC. Rusev talks about going home to be with those who love him - but he wasn't greeted with open arms. Jinder comes out for Photoshop comedy with Nakamura. Jinder says he looks constipated and then they mock his mannerisms. Well, that killed time. KO tells Sami he'll kick him off his show.
New Day beats Usos in a pretty damn fun street fight. Usos really shined brightly here, and New Day gets yet another tag title run. Nattie beats Naomi, and KO tells Aiden he likes his singing and he'll need an intro for the Kevin Owens Show. Dolph does Bayley's and Warriors intros. Shelton is out in new black, gold, and white gear that looks awesome with Gable. They beat the Hype Bros. in impressive fashion. Vince comes out and makes KO a made man just being in the ring with him. Then he lets KO shoot headbutt him, resulting in a giant bruise on KO's head and Vince being split open. In a post-Shibata world, this is just stupid. Vince gets superkicked, frog splashed, and Steph makes her TV return telling KO to leave. This was just out of this world on several levels.
New Day beats Usos in a pretty damn fun street fight. Usos really shined brightly here, and New Day gets yet another tag title run. Nattie beats Naomi, and KO tells Aiden he likes his singing and he'll need an intro for the Kevin Owens Show. Dolph does Bayley's and Warriors intros. Shelton is out in new black, gold, and white gear that looks awesome with Gable. They beat the Hype Bros. in impressive fashion. Vince comes out and makes KO a made man just being in the ring with him. Then he lets KO shoot headbutt him, resulting in a giant bruise on KO's head and Vince being split open. In a post-Shibata world, this is just stupid. Vince gets superkicked, frog splashed, and Steph makes her TV return telling KO to leave. This was just out of this world on several levels.
Mae Young Classic 2017 Finals
Shayna is hyped up a ton in the pre-show video package, which is a bit surprising. HHH and Steph hype up the MYC before the red carpet stuff. KHARMA RETURNS TO WWE TV...thanks to GLOW. Wrestling is weird. Lita and JR are here live and we get a long hype video for Shayna before one for Kairi. Kairi is so great.
Shayna slaps hands off a handshake attempt, but gives her a clean break in the ropes. Kairi gets grounded and pounded, but turns both an armbar and RNC into cradles for 2. Love Shayna tripping her up off a bridge to kick her spine. WHY ARE THEY TURNING THE LIGHTS OFF ON THE CROWD FOR THIS!? Of all things to retain from the MYC presentation, that isn't one they need to keep. Shayna kicks the shit out of her arm and Kairi sells it like she just can't move it. Shayna hits a big running knee after mangling the arm on the mat.
Kairi recovers and gets her in the corner, but she misses the walk the plank sliding elbow. Shayna locks on the rear naked SLEEPER because it can't be a choke, and Kairi attacks the ribs. Shayna eats a backfist and goes up for the Insane Elbow, but Shayna mafia kicks her down. KIMURA UP TOP! HEADBUTT AND AN ALBERTO DOUBLE STOMP TO SHAYNA GETS 2. Sliding forearm to the ribs hits and the INSANE ELBOW WINS IT!
They hug while Lita talks about this being A MOMENT. Steph, HHH, and Sara Amato present Kairi with flowers and the trophy. HHH puts her over and why not just have him be a face? Babyface NXT HHH is great - megalomaniac heel HHH is done.
Shayna slaps hands off a handshake attempt, but gives her a clean break in the ropes. Kairi gets grounded and pounded, but turns both an armbar and RNC into cradles for 2. Love Shayna tripping her up off a bridge to kick her spine. WHY ARE THEY TURNING THE LIGHTS OFF ON THE CROWD FOR THIS!? Of all things to retain from the MYC presentation, that isn't one they need to keep. Shayna kicks the shit out of her arm and Kairi sells it like she just can't move it. Shayna hits a big running knee after mangling the arm on the mat.
Kairi recovers and gets her in the corner, but she misses the walk the plank sliding elbow. Shayna locks on the rear naked SLEEPER because it can't be a choke, and Kairi attacks the ribs. Shayna eats a backfist and goes up for the Insane Elbow, but Shayna mafia kicks her down. KIMURA UP TOP! HEADBUTT AND AN ALBERTO DOUBLE STOMP TO SHAYNA GETS 2. Sliding forearm to the ribs hits and the INSANE ELBOW WINS IT!
They hug while Lita talks about this being A MOMENT. Steph, HHH, and Sara Amato present Kairi with flowers and the trophy. HHH puts her over and why not just have him be a face? Babyface NXT HHH is great - megalomaniac heel HHH is done.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Mae Young Classic Episode 8 Recap
Tonight features the semi-finals of the tournament, with Kairi Sane facing Toni Storm and Shayna facing Mercedes Martinez. Shayna talks about exploiting weaknesses while Mercedes says she'll teach her a lesson. Mercedes hits a nasty corner chop and dominates before eating a corner knee. Shayna eats a pair of nasty Saito suplexes and Mercedes goes for the buster, but Shayna gets the falcon arrow RNC! Shayna gets flowers from Steph, because of course she has to be in this.
Kairi and Toni feel each other out while Shayna watches backstage. KAIRI HITS A CRAZY CROSSBODY OFF THE TOP TO THE FLOOR AND BONKS THE STEEL! Hip attacks by Toni, BUT KAIRI SPEARS HER! Toni counters the flying elbow by catching her up top and hits a fisherman buster for 2. Ciampa's armbar is locked on by Toni, but Kairi escapes. Legdrop off the top to the back hurts them both. Kairi locks on a wacky scorpion and then elbows the spine. KAIRI HITS THE ELBOW AND WINS IT! Kairi faces Shayna in the finals. Steph and HHH put Kairi over and she stares down Shayna.
Kairi and Toni feel each other out while Shayna watches backstage. KAIRI HITS A CRAZY CROSSBODY OFF THE TOP TO THE FLOOR AND BONKS THE STEEL! Hip attacks by Toni, BUT KAIRI SPEARS HER! Toni counters the flying elbow by catching her up top and hits a fisherman buster for 2. Ciampa's armbar is locked on by Toni, but Kairi escapes. Legdrop off the top to the back hurts them both. Kairi locks on a wacky scorpion and then elbows the spine. KAIRI HITS THE ELBOW AND WINS IT! Kairi faces Shayna in the finals. Steph and HHH put Kairi over and she stares down Shayna.
Mae Young Classic Episode 7 Recap
Abbey Laith and Mercedes Martinez's tourney history is shown before the card rundown. Kairi faces Dakota, Piper faces Toni Storm, and Abbey faces Mercedes in the opener. They have a fun match here, but it's a bit sloppy. Abbey sorta hits a flying crossbody off the top to the ramp for 2. Mercedes avoids the Alligator Clutch and wins with the fisherman buster. Candice comes out to face Shayna and gets a bit of an edge by dodging a kick and crotching Shayns. Candice hits a suicide dive into a DDT! Arm trapped crossface is on! Shayna picks her up and sideslams her. Candice gets her up, but the swinging neckbreaker is countered into a smooth RNC FOR THE WIN!
Piper faces Toni and we get a shockingly technical match here. Piper dominates a bit with the size and gets a splash for 2. PIPER DRIVER GETS 2.5! Piper goes up, but EATS A GERMAN! Legdrop off the top ends it! We get a terribly-acted Horsewomen vs. Horsewomen skit and get a rundown of Sane vs. Kai. Ross talks about how Kairi was so popular in Stardom, and Dakota actually dominates. Machine gun chops and a big knee gets 2 for Dakota. Kairi knocks her loopy with a backfist and they fight up top. Dakota knocks her down into a double stomp position, but it misses. Kairi's hesitation forearm doesn't - ditto the sliding forearm. Dakota high kicks her down, but a high knee misses. Alabama slam hits as does the elbow to end it!
Piper faces Toni and we get a shockingly technical match here. Piper dominates a bit with the size and gets a splash for 2. PIPER DRIVER GETS 2.5! Piper goes up, but EATS A GERMAN! Legdrop off the top ends it! We get a terribly-acted Horsewomen vs. Horsewomen skit and get a rundown of Sane vs. Kai. Ross talks about how Kairi was so popular in Stardom, and Dakota actually dominates. Machine gun chops and a big knee gets 2 for Dakota. Kairi knocks her loopy with a backfist and they fight up top. Dakota knocks her down into a double stomp position, but it misses. Kairi's hesitation forearm doesn't - ditto the sliding forearm. Dakota high kicks her down, but a high knee misses. Alabama slam hits as does the elbow to end it!
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Mae Young Classic Episode 6
Shayna faces Mia, Candice faces Nicole Savoy, and Toni Storm faces Lacey Evans. Toni says she feels bad for Lacey's neck already - awesome line. Toni boots her down hard and hip attacks are met with a schoolgirl for 2. Lacey eats a backstabber out of the corner and a hip attack. Strong Zero hits and ends it. Mia and Shayna's video makes it impossible to root against either of them. Shayna poses next to WWE's horsewomen, who flash the fingers. Ross talks about there being two sets of horsewomen.
Shayna lands a bunch of kicks, but Mia lands a running rana. Mia lands a suicide dive, but SHAYNA GETS A KARELIN LIFT FOR 2. Shayna hits a rising knee for 2 and locks on an ankle lock after countering a deadlift German. Mia hits a Liger bomb for 2 and goes for a 450, but gets locked into an RNC! Shayna wins and celebrates with her crew before staring down the WWE chicks.
Rhea Ripley faces Dakota Kai, and TEAM KICK starts off strong with a kick to the back. Rhea goes for the full nelson slam, but Dakota hits a Pele kick. Dakota hits the wacky Alberto double stomp to win it. Candice LeRae is up for the main event against Savoy. Candice locks on some wacky submissions. Candice wins it with Ms. LeRae's Wild Ride and she hugs Johnny. Good to see her move on and do so well here.
Shayna lands a bunch of kicks, but Mia lands a running rana. Mia lands a suicide dive, but SHAYNA GETS A KARELIN LIFT FOR 2. Shayna hits a rising knee for 2 and locks on an ankle lock after countering a deadlift German. Mia hits a Liger bomb for 2 and goes for a 450, but gets locked into an RNC! Shayna wins and celebrates with her crew before staring down the WWE chicks.
Rhea Ripley faces Dakota Kai, and TEAM KICK starts off strong with a kick to the back. Rhea goes for the full nelson slam, but Dakota hits a Pele kick. Dakota hits the wacky Alberto double stomp to win it. Candice LeRae is up for the main event against Savoy. Candice locks on some wacky submissions. Candice wins it with Ms. LeRae's Wild Ride and she hugs Johnny. Good to see her move on and do so well here.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
WWE SD 9-5-17
Orton and Nakamura cut bad promos one each other to hype up the main event. Carmella and Ellsworth are mid-ring before KO comes down and bullies the ref. Shane and KO brawl before Bryan comes down to cool him down. KO tells Bryan that he'll sue the company and take SD down. Nattie cradles and beats Carmella. Carmella buries Ellsworth and breaks up with him. Dolph comes down and looks to be maybe 210 pounds. He does a Cena parody, a Savage parody, one for Naomi, and then buries the crowd. Okay, this is stupid. English beats Sami in another match. What in the fuck.
Bryan and Shane are out and Bryan says that Vince said that Shane is indefinitely suspended as commissioner. Well, they've run through a month of angles with this. Baron beats Tye with the end of days. Carmella makes out with Ellsworth backstage and then slaps him. Whatever. Orton and Nakamura have a glacial match that Nak wins with the kinshasa. Vince is coming back next week and three titles matches will happen too. All right - well this show sucked.
Bryan and Shane are out and Bryan says that Vince said that Shane is indefinitely suspended as commissioner. Well, they've run through a month of angles with this. Baron beats Tye with the end of days. Carmella makes out with Ellsworth backstage and then slaps him. Whatever. Orton and Nakamura have a glacial match that Nak wins with the kinshasa. Vince is coming back next week and three titles matches will happen too. All right - well this show sucked.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
Mae Young Classic Episode 4 Recap
Kairi Sane vs. Tessa Blanchard is the showcase match tonight. Renee Michelle vs. Candice LaRae is hyped up, with Renee just being nothing here. Candice says she's a high-risk wrestlers, says she's getting no help due to her husband being here and gets a super-happy theme. Candice darts around and is using speed to get an edge. The Wild Ride ends it.
Lacey Evans is hyped up and she says she's a wife, mother, and SWAT TEAM MEMBER. So yeah, don't fuck with her. Taynara Conti is from Rio and looks stunning. She comes down in a gi while Lacey has her flag and gives it to her daughter. They have a really sloppy match and Lace wins with the Omori driver.
Reina Gonzalez's father is shown as a job guy while Nicole Savoy's power is showcased. Reina is apparently living her father's dream here. Reina taps to a cross armbreaker. This leads to JR talking about Ronda while Lita talks about Kairi. Ross talks about knowing Tessa's grandfather. Tessa is shown via NXT clips, while Kairi is shown with training footage. Kairi has a really epic theme and looks awesome in her pirate garb.
These two are just awesome together. Tessa hits a crazy second-rope codebreaker and gets the abdominal stretch. Kairi sends her down in the corner and WALKS THE PLANK BEFORE A SLIDING ELBOW. Kairi lands the gorgeous forearm blast off the top for 2. Octopus is locked on and she gets an Alabama slam before HITTING THE FLYING ELBOW! This was a lot of fun.
Lacey Evans is hyped up and she says she's a wife, mother, and SWAT TEAM MEMBER. So yeah, don't fuck with her. Taynara Conti is from Rio and looks stunning. She comes down in a gi while Lacey has her flag and gives it to her daughter. They have a really sloppy match and Lace wins with the Omori driver.
Reina Gonzalez's father is shown as a job guy while Nicole Savoy's power is showcased. Reina is apparently living her father's dream here. Reina taps to a cross armbreaker. This leads to JR talking about Ronda while Lita talks about Kairi. Ross talks about knowing Tessa's grandfather. Tessa is shown via NXT clips, while Kairi is shown with training footage. Kairi has a really epic theme and looks awesome in her pirate garb.
These two are just awesome together. Tessa hits a crazy second-rope codebreaker and gets the abdominal stretch. Kairi sends her down in the corner and WALKS THE PLANK BEFORE A SLIDING ELBOW. Kairi lands the gorgeous forearm blast off the top for 2. Octopus is locked on and she gets an Alabama slam before HITTING THE FLYING ELBOW! This was a lot of fun.
Mae Young Classic Episode 3 Recap
Toni Storm gets an awesome highlight video. Santana Garrett is hyped up as WWE's Wonder Woman - so I guess she's signed. Toni Storm gets a longer showcase and her hat makes her instantly look awesome. "I'm sorry in advance for the damage I'll be causing you." Aisha Taylor is a powerflifter. Toni hits a bunch of hip attacks before slapping her ass. Storm wins with a cradle.
Kavita Devi is highlighted as the first Indian woman in a WWE ring. THE GREAT KHALI HAS TAUGHT US EVERYTHING. OH GOD NO! Dakota Kai is shown off with Shimmer footage. She hits hard with strikes. Kavita dominates with power, but Dakota takes her out with a double stomp off the top. This was sloppy, but Dakota looked good. Rock's female side of the family is shown, including his ex-wife Dany and Nia Jax.
Sage Beckett is hyped up as a world warrior while Bianca Belair is...still really unpolished. Holy Jesus is this sloppy and bad. These two are just not good together and Belair just isn't ready for WWE at all. Bianca of course wins with a spear. Santana Garrett is hyped up while Piper Niven definitely has a star presence and comes off like the monster they want Nia to be. Piper wins with a Michinoku driver in a good-ish match that really never gets out of first gear.
Kavita Devi is highlighted as the first Indian woman in a WWE ring. THE GREAT KHALI HAS TAUGHT US EVERYTHING. OH GOD NO! Dakota Kai is shown off with Shimmer footage. She hits hard with strikes. Kavita dominates with power, but Dakota takes her out with a double stomp off the top. This was sloppy, but Dakota looked good. Rock's female side of the family is shown, including his ex-wife Dany and Nia Jax.
Sage Beckett is hyped up as a world warrior while Bianca Belair is...still really unpolished. Holy Jesus is this sloppy and bad. These two are just not good together and Belair just isn't ready for WWE at all. Bianca of course wins with a spear. Santana Garrett is hyped up while Piper Niven definitely has a star presence and comes off like the monster they want Nia to be. Piper wins with a Michinoku driver in a good-ish match that really never gets out of first gear.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
SNME 5-27-89 - Big Bossman vs. Hulk Hogan
I loved seeing the Hogan-Bossman cage match in clipped form on a Coliseum Video I had as a kid - so what the heck, let's see it in pristine quality in full. Hogan starts off with a coked-up promo behind a cage - simple and effective. Vince hypes up the WWF Title match tonight and says three titles will be on the line. Demolition faces the Brainbusters and Rude defends against Duggan. Heenan is shown helping Rude win the title leading to an amazing Gene, Bobby, and Rude promo. Gene is sarcastically irate and always brings up how the title win is tarnished and how he MIGHT JUST LOSE IT TO DUGGAN tonight.
Rude has a replacement theme and Gene cuts a promo with King Duggan. Gene says it's memorial day, so Duggan could win the title for America. Duggan is um...let's just say that Eugene's gimmick was definitely a bit more Duggan in '89 than I remember.Duggan says that the IC belt shouldn't be worn over fancy pants and he thinks he's a, BUT BY GOLLY, DUGGAN IS A REAL MAN! He carries his wood in one hand and umm...yeah nothing odd about that at all.
Aloha Arn off a sunset flip leads to a GIANT punch. Duggan actually hits a sloppy piledriver for 2.5, but Rude gets the foot on the rope. Haku comes down to get revenge on Duggan, but gets stopped and it leads to a break. Rude lands some knees and punches, but the three point stance clothesline sends him out for a ten count - so Duggan wins on Memorial Day, but doesn't win the title. Well, if you're going to book yourself into a corner having a babyface promise victory for dead soldiers, but can't have him as champ - this is as good a way as any to do it.
Gene talks to Neidhart about facing Savage tonight. Jim says he hates Randy for how he treated Liz and he might be able to push some guys around - but he can't push The Anvil around. I love hims saying that if you want Hogan's belt, you have to go through him - it makes the babyfaces all seem like a united front and actually makes him come off like a somewhat top-level guy. Jim comes out and Vince says he doesn't think Randy can beat him. Jesse interviews Randy, who badmouths Liz. They go on and on about how this is a true test - so hey, if you're going to make a mid-card guy seem like a bigger deal, this is how you do it.
Randy is in green and yellow eyesore gear. Anvil dominates with power and hits the flattener for 2. Randy gets caught in the ropes and Jim attacks, so Sherri removes him and Jim misses a charge. Randy hits the double sledge off the top to the guardrail, tosses him in and wins with the elbow. Good stuff - Randy looked strong and that's the main goal. It's amazing how much better "have to earn a title shot" is compared to "HERE'S YOUR AUTOMATIC REMATCH".
Jesse interviews Slick about how he was able to get Bossman the first shot at Hogan and Bossman says Hogan's gonna serve hard time. Slick says he's a showman and they've got first-row seats for showtime. Bossman coming out to Slick's theme is never not weird - but you do have to enjoy the cop gimmick being paired with the pimp. Zeus comes out and they shoot him like he's five billion feet tall before showing the SNME graphic for the match.
Hogan comes down and slaps hands, possibly wearing the Winged Eagle for the first time on national TV before just happening to spot Zeus. They get this awesome shot of a staredown and for live TV, it's amazing how well they were able to shoot all of this. Zeus looks so much bigger than Hogan here - it's a great example of smoke and mirrors making the act work. Jesse says THIS AIN'T THE MOVIES, Zeus clubs him and kicks him before Bossman dominates.
Bossman punches away, but eats a lariat. Bossman sends him down and gets a splash. Bossman hits a light spinebuster and goes up top. Hogan grabs him through the bars and then hits the superplex off the top of "the cage", which is technically correct. Bossman was on the top of the cage, while Hogan was on the top rope - so it wasn't all that dangerous compared to a normal top rope superplex.
They milk this perfectly - with Hebner coming in because both guys are out. He gets to eight and HOGAN DOES THE TAKER SITUP! Hogan tries to get to the door, but Bossman uses a chain to choke him out. They punch away and then double bonk their heads into the cage. Hogan slams him into the cage and Slick comes in to prevent an escape. Slick gets beaten up and then crotches Bossman for a hilarious sell. Hogan beats up Slick and Jesse points out that he's a coward for beating up a small manager and now he's beating up Bossman after he's handcuffed. Hogan wins and Jeese is outraged.
The match ends and the brawl continues. Jesse is outraged over this for not being content to just win and then tosses Slick into the cage. Hogan plays around with Bossman's baton and puts on Slick's cap to pose. Vince happens to mention that the tag title match is up too. Oh yeah, that thing. Well, the show has definitely peaked with this.
I like that for the graphics, the Demos have hair missing from the chroma key. Heenan is interviewed with the Busters, who have a great logo. Arn says the belts are theirs - and all they have to do is pick 'em up. Demos yell about winning tonight, and Gene says this is what wrestling is all about. Arn acts the glue for this thankfully and the Demos stick to a power game before all Hell breaks loose and it's a double DQ.
Savage cuts an intense promo on Hogan before Snuka comes out to face Boris Zhukov. Snuka wins it with a superfly dive and Hogan cuts a promo with Gene. Hogan says that before the movie shoot, Zeus gave him issues, which continued throughout it and happened tonight too. Hogan says he can't wait for the little and big Hulkamaniacs to see him in No Holds Barred. And then Vince and Jesse drag things out more with rambling.