A billion year long video on MITB airs to start the show. Bryan is out to open the show against Cass - well, if you're not in the main event, open the show. Cass comes out to no reaction to his bland theme. Cass avoids a heel hook and elbows the back. Cass works a long bearhug. Bryan works the knee over for a while and hits the corner dropkicks. Bryan gets the yes lock and Cass accidentally taps but waves it off. Bryan hits the crossbody off the top to the floor. Cass hits a fallaway slam off the second rope. Bryan clips the knee and then kicks away at it before a buzzsaw kick. Cass boots him for a 2.9. Bryan gets the kneebar and the tap.
New Day is backstage chatting about their MITB plans. KO is called a fool and brings a trash bag full of pancakes. No word on if he's here to see Honk if You're Horny in peace. KO says he's not a pancake guy, or a breakfast guy - he didn't like Booty Os either. Sami's out to face Lashley. Sami jumps him early and gets an edge with some punches and crossfaces. Lashley gets the delayed vertical, a Canadian backbreaker into sorta-a-dominator, and then hits another suplex. He does this over and over and wins. Riveting.
Ronda shadowboxes backstage with Nattie. Elias sings before his match with Seth. Seth's mouth gets busted up and he hits the kneeling superkick for 2. Elias hits the big flying elbow for 2. Seth gets a cradle and wins by cheating with the slacks. Women's MITB is up. Ember misses a flip dive that Becky sells. Sasha eats a blind diving crossbody from Ember onto a ladder. Nattie hits the run-up dorpkick on the ladder. Naomi does some stuff with a ladder mid-ring and blockbusters Sasha off the apron. Sasha and Charlotte bonk each other off the ladder. Sasha hits the shotgun knees off the ladder to Charlotte and Nattie. Bexploder kinda on a corner ladder. Alexa grabs the case.
Kurt and Paige chat about brand supremacy. Baron tells Kurt to bring both MITB cases to Raw. Paige asks him "what's with the tude, dude!". Sunil comes out in a wheelchair and a sling and neckbrace. I like them being a pro wrestling game in at least some ways still. Roman misses the drive by and we get a LONG CHINLOCK. CM Punk chants break out. Sunil attacks Roman and gets his ass kicked. Big Dog beats Jinder. Riveting. The Special Olympian in the Big Show ad gets her own entrance on the show - well that's sweet. Pre-show match is recapped along with the rest of the show to this point.
Carmella vs. Asuka is hyped up, which is good since I completely forgot about that match. Carmella avoids Asuka by kicking away on the ropes. Asuka hits a sliding knee on the apron. Carmella low-bridges her off a hip attack on the ropes. Asuka gets 2 off a cradle and hits a sliding knee. An Asuka lookalike jumps on the apron and gets a CM Punk chant. Asuka hits a pop-up kick, but Ellsworth is revealed as the imposter and Carmella pins her with a superkick!
AJ vs. Nakamura is up, with AJ eating a slew of knee strikes. They brawl in the crowd for a bit. A WHOOP WHOOP chant breaks out. AJ avoids a ballshot, which completely shocks Nakamura. Nakamura taps to the calf crusher, but it doesn't matter. AJ chairshots the back, shoulders, and legs. Nakamura lures him into a LOW BLOW! AJ gets up and eats a Kinshasa, but the knee is hurt - so it doesn't get all the usual damage. AJ uses the table to get up at 9. STYLES CLASH OFF THE STEPS! Nakamura uses the table for a 9.9 count! Phenomenal forearm from the ring through the announce table! That does it!
The Hardys doc is plugged and Cole gets in a "from Woken to BROKEN - the table is destroyed!". Tale of the Tape is done for Jax vs. Ronda. Nia comes down first and Ronda is hugely over. Nia tosses her around and avalanches her in the corner. Ronda avoids another one and gets corner shots. Trinalge armbar leads to a Rampage powerbomb. GIANT SWING INTO THE BARRICADE to Rousey! Gorilla press drop hits for Nia and gets 2. AS SHE'S IN A BEARHUG, Coach says this is a chance for Ronda to rest. Ronda hits a crossbody off the top for 2! JUDO THROW TO NIA GETS 2.5! RONDA GETS THE ARMBAR, but Nia cradles her for 2. URANAGE BY RONDA! ALEXA HITS RONDA WITH THE CASE! She teases a cash-in, but beats up Ronda more and Nia with the case.
Case shots, arm work, the DDT and the Twisted Bliss end it - Alexa wins the title!
This is where I'll primarily be posting wrestling show reviews and some of my best video game wrestling matches as well. Since the Paypal button I tried out isn't working, donations can be sent via Paypal to lordpeepness@aol.com
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Saturday, June 16, 2018
NXT Takeover Chicago 2018
A rundown of the last few months of TV airs. It has been some TV. Over one year ago at last year's Chicago show, Johnny was destroyed by Ciampa. Burch and Lorcan get a Takeover payday - good for them. Kyle is sent outside early, but he recovers and knees Burch in the corner. Lorcan tags in to run wild and lands a double running blockbuster. Doomsday European uppercut hits! Strong and Lorcan have a stiff knee and uppercut exchange before a hocket fight breaks out between the teams. High/low sweep ends it - good, but not amazing.
Hogan getup on Dream!? Well, that's...interesting...Dream overpowers him and poses! INDIE STANDOFF! Dream hits a run-up somersault senton! Ricochet hits a tope, then a fosbury flop! DREAM HITS A SUPER DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! This insanity only gets 2.9! Dream suplexes him off the apron to get a near double countout. Dream hits a rolling DVD for 2.9! Running suplex from Ricochet leads to a superkick from Dream. Dream talks shit and eats a DVD of his own! Purple Rainmaker on Dream gets 2.9! Ricochet wants the 630, but Dream moves - so he does an SSP and eats knees for 2.9! A COAST TO COAST PURPLE RAINAMKER MISSES! 630 to the back ends it!
Shayna vs. Nikki is hyped up with the word "championship" said about 900 times. Nikki wants to be taken down and is, and does wacky things. Cross gets a sleepr and then Shayna does, but Nikki avoids it. Nikki goes for a sleeper on the floor, but gets Vader dropped into the ramp! Nikki hits a draping fisherwoman's suplex for 2.9 when Shayna puts her foot on the rope. Shayna gets the sleeper and chokes her out while Nikki has a look of bliss on her face. EC3 is in the crowd alongside KEITH LEE!
Black vs. Lars begins with clubbering! Lars avalanches him in the corner. Lars world's strongest slams him for 2. Lars goes for an inside-out chokeslam, but he eats a spinning back elbow. APRON POWERSLAM BY LARS! Okay, Braun needs that ASAP. Diving headbutts hits for 2.5. Black Mass hits sorta! He gets a "you fucked up" chant and eats a lariat. Jumping knee and a second Black Mass hits! Third one knocks him out to win it!
Candice gives Johnny a half-crutch and tells him to kick Ciampa's ass. Johnny sends him out with a lariat over the top. They fight in the crowd and Johnny does Dreamer's 20+ year old bit of taking a stop sign out of a fan sign. Johnny hits a big dive. Ciampa takes him to suplex city. Johnny topes him and Ciampa tosses a trash can at his head on the steps, as ya do. Air Raid Siren on the steps gets 2.9! Ciampa gets bolt clippers and cuts the apron away. WWE saw Bully destroy the ring on the TNA show they put clips of on the Prichard show and thought "hey, let's do that!" Super celtic cross is countered into a sunset bomb that is countered, but leads to a buckle superkick. Johnny's pescado is met with a crutch. Johnny chairshots the bad knee to death! Ciampa kicks him into a corner can and locks on the Gargano escape!
Ciampa slugs the neck and works on his brace. Crutch to the neck gets 2.9! Ciampa picks him up and walks alongside him and tosses him into the LED board. They go to the crowd and climb onto a wacky area. Ciampa takes off Johnny's wedding ring, spits on it, and throwd it in the crowd. This fires up Johnny to send him through the table with a celtic cross!
They tease taking Ciampa out, but Johnny takes him back to the bsuted up ring and beats him up on the stretcher. Gargano Escape gets the tap, but there's no ref for it and he beats up goons. He handcuffs him for a superkick party! GARGANO ESCAPE! More goons come down and Ciampa hits the DDT on the exposed wood to end it!
Friday, June 8, 2018
NJPW Dominion 2018
The new NJPW President Harodl Meij comes out and cuts a promo in Japanese about how much he loves wrestling and then cuts the same promo in English. R3K is out to get the Jr tag titles from Kanamaru and Desperado. Lots of crowd brawling and cheating from Suzuki-gun. Last ride lungblower hits for 2! Whiskey bottle to the head of YOH leads to a cradle and a pin. Finlay and Juice are out to face Jay White and YOSHI-HASHI. Finlay and Switchblade have great chemistry - and Switchblade chants break out surprisingly. Finlay stunners YOSHI, but eats a Blade Runner. PULP FRICTION TO JAY WHITE AND HE PINS SWITCHBLADE!
Suzuki and ZSJ are out and Kevin Kelly talks about a fan flying 5,000 miles to bring Minosu Suzuki a painting that she made of him. Yano and Ishii are quite an odd pairing, but Don is perfect for him. He is grateful for ZSJ's attempts to take him out of the business. Yano yells at Minoru to not run off the ropes, but he does so anyway and kicks him. ISHII AND SUZKI HIT EACH OTHER HARD. Yano and ZSJ are in and Yano goes for the buckle pad, but ZSJ attacks the arm. ZSJ blocks a low blow and taps him out with an armbar while Minoru locks on an Octopus to Ishii. Ishii and Suzuki brawl.
Taichi is out with Miho singing. BIG MIKE is leg big and more ripped. Goto remains Goto. Big Mike sets off a sunset bomb tower of doom. Taichi hits a superkick on Goto for 2. Taichi lands a buzzsaw kick and a Gedoh clutch gets 2. Buckle bomb, buckle bomb INTO GOTO and then the Elgin bomb ends it. Sucks that Elgin didn't pin the former champ, but this was short and solid. Bucks are out to face SANADA and EVIL for the heavyweight tag belts.
Double snapmare dropkicks to SANADA. Nick hits a crazy spin dive to the floor. Matt eats a tilt a whirl and a dropkick. Indytaker is prevented by EVIL. EVIL eats a sharpshooter, but SANADA locks on a Skull End. Nick makes a save and everyone's down. EVIL AND SANADA HIT AN INDYTAKER FOR 2! Magic Killer hits, but Nick makes a save! STO is countered into a backslide for 2.9! Matt lands a big lariat after being locked in Skull End. SPINNING SKULL END! SPEAR OFF A MOONSAULT! SUPERKICK PARTY OFF A SPRINGBOARD! More Bang for Your Buck hits and THEY WIN THE IWGP HEAVYWEIGHT TAG BELTS!
Liger, Tana, and Rey are out. Rey's half-mask/half-lion mark logo is great. Of course the graphic spells his name as "Ray". Cody, Marty, and Hangman are out to take out the legends. Weird to see Tana in the legends role already. Rey's red, black, and white gear is his best major league gear outside of the Rumble. Rey kicks away at Marty, and it's amazing how much better he's moving now than he was in WWE eight years ago. He and Marty work great together and a wheelbarrow facebuster into a 619 is met by Hangman. Liger is in with Cody and he lands a shotay, and a double 619 hits. Avalancha rana hits, but Cody ends it with a Cross Rhodes.
Hiromu is out with his statue and its broken wing - making a wing out of his hand and putting Band-Aits on the trophy itself. Greatness! Ospreay is out and Kevin talks about how great he is, but how much people worry about him burning out. Hiromu hits a shotgun dropkick to the floor. Ospreay hits a pip, pip cheerio foreaarm. Kneeling forearm exchange! Hiromu gets a triangle and the dynamite clutch hits for 2. DVD into the buckle hits! TIME BOMB HITS AND ENDS IT!
Jericho is out in a completely new look - long black pants, a top hat, and face paint. He's letting the grey hair grow into the beard and it works for him. They start off with a big brawl on the floor. Jericho is in slow motion already and he hits a suplex on the floor. Powerbomb through a table, and Naito lands terribly with his head hitting the barricade. Jericho repeats his camera grab> bird flip - but does it with the hard camera!
Jericho eats a neckbreaker/reverse DDT after a low blow. Corner basement dropkick hits for Naito! NAITO PILEDRIVES HIM ON THE TABLE AND IT DOESN'T BUDGE! Jericho avoids an avalanche rana and gets the walls! Swinging DDT hits for Naito and gets 2. DESTINO HITS, but he can't follow up! It only gets 2 and Jericho grabs the rope. Gloria hits and Destino meets a low blow and a Codebreaker! JERICHO WINS IT and wins his first IWGP title! He beats up Naito afterwards and is really giving off a modern-day Brody vibe. He takes his belt off and whips him with it. EVIL makes a save!
Omega is out super-ripped and blonde again with Ibushi. Kevin talks about them having over two hours of ring time so far. They start on the floor with a brawl. Omega lands a series of kicks to the back before more floor brawling leads to a snap rana. Omega eats a nasty shotgun dropkick and lands horribly on the railing. Ibushi has a white towel in his hand - which adds some drama here. RAINMAKER POSE leads to a snapdragon out of nowhere. FLIP DIVE at 25 minutes!
Okada gets a cradle and gets the first fall. Angel is avoided, V Trigger hits and an electric chair German gets 2.9999! More floor brawling and an Omega back suplex hits. BACK SUPLEX ON THE APRON! SUPER CROSS LEGGED SUPLEX BY OMEGA! Forearm exchange! SNAPDRAGON! V Trigger and the One Winged Angel gets the second fall!
Okada is still out of it and Gedo is icing him up as much as he can. Okada is out still and Gedo stalls. V TRIGGER! Angel is countered into a RAINMAKER! Omega's foot kicks Okada and sends him down. V TRIGGER! Anothe ris met with a counter and GODDAMN DROPKICK! He goes for a tombstone but Omega blocks and he hits another dropkick! Omega ducks a Rainmaker and goes for a hat trick German. German by Okada, with wrist control! Omega ducks and hits more Germans! REWIND RANA! RAINMAKER COUNTERED INTO THE ANGEL, BUT HE'S IN THE ROPES! They're both out of it on the ropes!
V TRIGGER ON THE ROPE! OMEGA HITS THE ANGEL AND WINS IT! HE IS THE IWGP CHAMPION! Wow - this was incredible! The Bucks come down and hug Omega with Ibushi! He holds off on holding the belt to hug them. The Bucks and Omega hit WK 9 in the junior heavyweight division and were successful there, and now three and a half years later, they reign supreme as heavyweight champions! Omega cuts a promi in Japanese and talks about how people told him to play it safe. He thanks the fans and wishes everyone goodnight.
Suzuki and ZSJ are out and Kevin Kelly talks about a fan flying 5,000 miles to bring Minosu Suzuki a painting that she made of him. Yano and Ishii are quite an odd pairing, but Don is perfect for him. He is grateful for ZSJ's attempts to take him out of the business. Yano yells at Minoru to not run off the ropes, but he does so anyway and kicks him. ISHII AND SUZKI HIT EACH OTHER HARD. Yano and ZSJ are in and Yano goes for the buckle pad, but ZSJ attacks the arm. ZSJ blocks a low blow and taps him out with an armbar while Minoru locks on an Octopus to Ishii. Ishii and Suzuki brawl.
Taichi is out with Miho singing. BIG MIKE is leg big and more ripped. Goto remains Goto. Big Mike sets off a sunset bomb tower of doom. Taichi hits a superkick on Goto for 2. Taichi lands a buzzsaw kick and a Gedoh clutch gets 2. Buckle bomb, buckle bomb INTO GOTO and then the Elgin bomb ends it. Sucks that Elgin didn't pin the former champ, but this was short and solid. Bucks are out to face SANADA and EVIL for the heavyweight tag belts.
Double snapmare dropkicks to SANADA. Nick hits a crazy spin dive to the floor. Matt eats a tilt a whirl and a dropkick. Indytaker is prevented by EVIL. EVIL eats a sharpshooter, but SANADA locks on a Skull End. Nick makes a save and everyone's down. EVIL AND SANADA HIT AN INDYTAKER FOR 2! Magic Killer hits, but Nick makes a save! STO is countered into a backslide for 2.9! Matt lands a big lariat after being locked in Skull End. SPINNING SKULL END! SPEAR OFF A MOONSAULT! SUPERKICK PARTY OFF A SPRINGBOARD! More Bang for Your Buck hits and THEY WIN THE IWGP HEAVYWEIGHT TAG BELTS!
Liger, Tana, and Rey are out. Rey's half-mask/half-lion mark logo is great. Of course the graphic spells his name as "Ray". Cody, Marty, and Hangman are out to take out the legends. Weird to see Tana in the legends role already. Rey's red, black, and white gear is his best major league gear outside of the Rumble. Rey kicks away at Marty, and it's amazing how much better he's moving now than he was in WWE eight years ago. He and Marty work great together and a wheelbarrow facebuster into a 619 is met by Hangman. Liger is in with Cody and he lands a shotay, and a double 619 hits. Avalancha rana hits, but Cody ends it with a Cross Rhodes.
Hiromu is out with his statue and its broken wing - making a wing out of his hand and putting Band-Aits on the trophy itself. Greatness! Ospreay is out and Kevin talks about how great he is, but how much people worry about him burning out. Hiromu hits a shotgun dropkick to the floor. Ospreay hits a pip, pip cheerio foreaarm. Kneeling forearm exchange! Hiromu gets a triangle and the dynamite clutch hits for 2. DVD into the buckle hits! TIME BOMB HITS AND ENDS IT!
Jericho is out in a completely new look - long black pants, a top hat, and face paint. He's letting the grey hair grow into the beard and it works for him. They start off with a big brawl on the floor. Jericho is in slow motion already and he hits a suplex on the floor. Powerbomb through a table, and Naito lands terribly with his head hitting the barricade. Jericho repeats his camera grab> bird flip - but does it with the hard camera!
Jericho eats a neckbreaker/reverse DDT after a low blow. Corner basement dropkick hits for Naito! NAITO PILEDRIVES HIM ON THE TABLE AND IT DOESN'T BUDGE! Jericho avoids an avalanche rana and gets the walls! Swinging DDT hits for Naito and gets 2. DESTINO HITS, but he can't follow up! It only gets 2 and Jericho grabs the rope. Gloria hits and Destino meets a low blow and a Codebreaker! JERICHO WINS IT and wins his first IWGP title! He beats up Naito afterwards and is really giving off a modern-day Brody vibe. He takes his belt off and whips him with it. EVIL makes a save!
Omega is out super-ripped and blonde again with Ibushi. Kevin talks about them having over two hours of ring time so far. They start on the floor with a brawl. Omega lands a series of kicks to the back before more floor brawling leads to a snap rana. Omega eats a nasty shotgun dropkick and lands horribly on the railing. Ibushi has a white towel in his hand - which adds some drama here. RAINMAKER POSE leads to a snapdragon out of nowhere. FLIP DIVE at 25 minutes!
Okada gets a cradle and gets the first fall. Angel is avoided, V Trigger hits and an electric chair German gets 2.9999! More floor brawling and an Omega back suplex hits. BACK SUPLEX ON THE APRON! SUPER CROSS LEGGED SUPLEX BY OMEGA! Forearm exchange! SNAPDRAGON! V Trigger and the One Winged Angel gets the second fall!
Okada is still out of it and Gedo is icing him up as much as he can. Okada is out still and Gedo stalls. V TRIGGER! Angel is countered into a RAINMAKER! Omega's foot kicks Okada and sends him down. V TRIGGER! Anothe ris met with a counter and GODDAMN DROPKICK! He goes for a tombstone but Omega blocks and he hits another dropkick! Omega ducks a Rainmaker and goes for a hat trick German. German by Okada, with wrist control! Omega ducks and hits more Germans! REWIND RANA! RAINMAKER COUNTERED INTO THE ANGEL, BUT HE'S IN THE ROPES! They're both out of it on the ropes!
V TRIGGER ON THE ROPE! OMEGA HITS THE ANGEL AND WINS IT! HE IS THE IWGP CHAMPION! Wow - this was incredible! The Bucks come down and hug Omega with Ibushi! He holds off on holding the belt to hug them. The Bucks and Omega hit WK 9 in the junior heavyweight division and were successful there, and now three and a half years later, they reign supreme as heavyweight champions! Omega cuts a promi in Japanese and talks about how people told him to play it safe. He thanks the fans and wishes everyone goodnight.