Saturday, July 27, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7-27-24 and Battle of the Belts XI

 AEW ran a killer ROH show last night and has some threads here tonight including the very real chance of DUSTIN WINNING ONE MORE TITLE with the Von Erichs! Orange Cassidy is shown at the Adult Swim show. OC is out to face Johnny TV and my capture card gets all wonky. He twirls around a bit and poses in the corner. Orange Punch ends it before Willow saves OC from a Taya beating. Bang Bang Gang will take the gold back from the Patriarchy. Three-way tag with Yuta and Claudio, Top Flight, and Shane Taylor Promotions with Lee Moriarty as the new Pure champ. 

Cage hit a giant full nelson slam before Lee eats a giant swing. Darius hits an F5 into an X Factor for 2! Claudio hits a Polish hammer! MEAT MEAT MEAT as Cage and Claudio clonk each other with lariats. Yuta hits a judgment slam and gets a pin with the seatbelt! This was a riot! Mark Briscoe says that he's feeling the fatigue but he isn't gonna let it get down his spirits! He asks Kyle to hold "his baby" the belt and the new member of the Conglomoration is LITTLE JAY! Big Tom is NOT AMUSED.

THE BEAST MORTOS vs. Hologram/Aramis is up and MORTOS is over huge! Mortos avoids a rana and eats a victory roll for 2. Mortos runs wild with a strike combo, neck snap on the mat and a powerslam for 2 amid a giant LUCHA LIBRE chant. FLIP DIVE WITH SO MUCH HANGTIME! THE HANGTIME, like the literal time of Mortos hanging onto him, was ungodly!

Mortos goes for the avalanche press slam BUT IT'S TURNED INTO A HEADSCISSOR, a sick springboard crucifix bomb and a cradle ends it! Goddamn this ruled! It's such a shame that Mortos excels at getting everyone else over that he'll probably never get his due. Rosa's out to face Miya World in a 20 minute time limit match. Probably won't be needed. Rosa worked heelish here and won with her new finish. 

Ospreay vs. Archer is hyped up for Dynamite with a video package of their last NJPW match. ARCHER BEATS UP DUDES! Conglomeration vs. Premier Athletes is a showcase for Woods and Mark and WOODS WORKING WITH ISHII! KOR earns a tapout. Archer massacres a jobber and THIS FORMAT RULES! FTR is out to face THE MXM COLLECTION! Mansoor poses eats chops and then HOPS INTO MADDEN'S ARMS! Madden prevents the spike piledriver and Mansoor gets a cradle for 2. SHATTER MACHINE ENDS IT!

They shake and the Acclaimed's killer promo post-War Games airs. PAC vs. Lio Rush is up! Rush rana turned INTO A LIGERBOMB FOR 2! Corner kick by Rush and a Rush low stunner is met with a German for 2 as the show fades to Battle of the Belts XI. Brutalizer ends it. TIMELESS TONI IS BACK IN THE RING to face Taya Valkyrie with Ian on the call too. Toni's got short hair now and is just popping in all-white. Taya attacks on the floor with a steps meteora. TONI SLAPS HER TITS OFF! 

ROAD TO VALHALA GETS 2! SHANIA PAIN CURB STOMP HITS FOR TAYA! TONI HEADBUTT AND THE STORM ZERO ENDS IT! Taya wound up with lipstick on her face and Toni's got lipistick on hers or is busted up a bit. Toni talks about the WHORE YOU ALL ADORE IS THE CHAMP! 

Kip Sabian says his goal is to be the best wrestler in this company. He wants Nick Wayne whenever. WILLOW IS HERE TO SPREAD JOY AND HAPPINESS and Deonna is out to snap arms! Deonna is in slick black and neon blue and pink gear and just massacring the arm a ton. Willow WILLOWS UP before Taya comes out with a turnbuckle and the ref sees it and Rosa saves and the doctor bomb ends it! 

AND THEY CALL HIM THE NATURAL and the Von Erichs are here! KEVIN IS HERE TOO and boy is there zero reason to not have this win this one in Texas. Marshall is a fantastic babyface here and Dustin ran wild afterwards! DUSTIN HITS A DESTROYER and it's shattered dreams time! Spinebuster by Bennett and a moonsault misses by Taven! SICK KICK HITS FOR 2! The ROH tags are used as a distraction for Aubrey so they bonk him with a cowbell and Nigel gets in a GODDAMMIT HE'LL BE TEXAN DEAD! SHIBATA AND KEVIN HAVE CLAWHOLDS ON! FINAL RECKONING HITS AND DUSTIN HAS GOLD ONCE AGAIN!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7-24-24 - Blood and Guts

 Ospreay meets with Marvez to find that his tire has been punctured before taking Marvez's car. MJF gets a bunch of cheerleaders for his intro and tells Swerve that he'll come for his crown when he wants and he'd better hope that moment doesn't come. He tells him to give a grave next to his dead grandmother - but make it about a football field away because the fat pig needs all the room she can get. He throws the International Title away because IT'S NOT AMERICAN and he calls himself the American Champion before unleashing a giant flag with his face in place of the stars.

Ospreay came out and says he's got a shot at ALL IN! Ospreay grabs the belt out of the trash, so the American Title name is akin to Lance naming belts after Canada. Backstage, the Elite have taken out Daniels and give themselves the man advantage in War Games with a fake coin. FTW Title time with Jericho against MINORU SUZUKI! BACK AND FORTH CHOPS! A TRILLION CHOPS and Jericho is bleeding. Ex hypes up Kobashi vs. Sasaki here and a FIGHT FOREVER and CHOP FOREVER chant breaks out. 

They go to a break and MORE CHOPS ATER THE BREAK until Jericho KICKS HIM IN THE GUT! GOT THE ROPES ARE CAKED IN BLOOD and Suzuki armbars him on the ropes! Forearm exchange before an RNC attempt and Jericho avoids the Gotch piledriver and ballshots him! JUDAS EFFECT ENDS IT! This ruled! It was different and memorable and fantastic in its own way. Suzuki hits the piledriver and the goons hit the ring. They were apparently banned in the NO DQ match but SHIBATA SAVES!

Willow gets beaten up and F5's onto road cases by Kris in hot booty short jeans. Backstage, Danielson chats with Renee about talking to Doc Samson about his neck being fixable now before Jarrett intervenes He says that you overcame the odds I couldn't and how proud he was to raise his hand. Jarrett telling THE AMERICAN DRAGON IT'S TIME TO FIRE UP! A lot of people believe in him and he's at the top of the list.

Britt's out with no DMD pyro and Shida's out and we get a recap of their rivalry in AEW. Shida avoids a flash cradle and uses one to avoid the lockjaw. Britt gets a wonky lockjaw and the win. Mone is out and that Strong belt looks perfect on her frame. KAMILLE JUMPS BRITT and hits a torture rack drop! 

Nick Wayne talks shit to Kip Sabian about sucking it up with having a dead father. Pac is out to face BOULDER from titty city. CORNER PUMP KICK after a suplex evade by Pac. Second rope moonsault misses for Boulder and a Pac corner uppercut hits. THE GLAMOUR is here and demolishes a jobber, who takes awkward bumps for a missile dropkick. Mayday, hip attack and the STORM ZERO ENDS IT! TIMELESS TONI RETURNS IN DISGUISE AND BRAWLS with a scar on her head! She asks her IF SHE'S PREPARED TO DIE BECAUSE SHE IS!

DEAN MALENKO narrates the Blood and Guts hype package! He's quite good at that. Perry is out with a chair and tosses it at Darby to brawl on the floor. POWERBOMB INTO THE CAGE ON THE FLOOR BY PERRY! Darby gets sent into and over a step ramp into the crowd! DARBY RECOVERS AND LARIATS HIM OVER THE BARRICADE! Trash can to the done of Darby! LAWN DART INTO A TRASH CAN IN THE CORNER! Nicholas has a chair and a giant metal case! Slingshot legdrop Demolition Decapitation hits! Darby eats a superkick into the cage and an apron PK!

Boy that 2 man advantage being lost to the ad break sure kinda kills the point of it. CHICKEN IS HERE AND GETS A GIANT DEMBOYS CHANT! Exploder to a caught Nick! Corner coffin splash into a ladder on Nick! MATT IS OUT AND DOES AN ARN DUCK WITH A SUPERKICK AND HE DDTS HIM! MATT DOMINATOR DURING A NICK DOUBLE STOMP AND THEN A NICK BACKSTABBER!  Bowens is out to show what a workhorse he can be. 

CUTTER BY MARK AND A DEATH DROP BY DARBY! TACK SKATEBOARD DOUBLESTOMP! SCISSORS TO THE HEAD OF JACK PERRY BY BOWENS! SCISSORS TO THE FACE OF PERRY! Okada is out with the RAINMAKER DRIVE sign. TOMBSTONE TO MARK ON THE SIGN! Rainmaker teased for a low blow and dropkick! Caster is out during a break and bonks dudes. Bucks save Okada from a double suplex onto a barb wire board Bowens goes in off a hiptoss AND A SLAM! barb wire board sandwich swanton! Bowens is out to have an Orton Backlash moment here.

DOUBLE SUPERKICK TO CASTER WITH TACKS IN THE MOUTH! Hangman's time is up but he's not out! Mark hits a corner exploder to a buck! Hangman waits until Swerve comes out to jump him! He handcuffs him to the cage! The Bucks threaten to FIRE HIM if he doesn't get in the ring. Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn take out Cutler and save Swerve with bolt cutters and a key! The bolt cutters give him an opening! Seated uppercut to Okada! Hiptoss into a deadlift suplex by Swerve! Between the ring punches to Hangman from Swerve and Swerve gets a staple gun but a low blow ends it! THE ELITE HAVE A CASE FULL OF STAPLE GUNS AND STAPLE SWERVE! 


MONKEY BAR COFFIN DROP BY DARBY THROUGH A TABLE TO PERRY! Perry gets chained up and caned! MARK CHAIRSHOTS HIM IN THE HEAD AFTER DARBY SAYS LET'S GET IT STARTED! Darby has a gas can and lighter! Darby will avoid lighting him on fire to get his ALL IN MATCH and Matt gives it to him! MATT QUITS!


Saturday, July 20, 2024

AEW Collision 7-30-24 - Residency Begins with Hologram Debut, Trios Titles Up for Grabs

The trios titles are up for grabs with the ass boys and Juice facing the Patriarchy and Hologram debuts in the company's Arlington residency for Collision. Collision has a new theme that isn't "Saturday Night" by Elton John. The Collision Zone looks fantastic and Darby starts off against THE BEAST MORTOS! Torpedo dive to Mortos! Mortos catches him off a rana and hits a swinging powerbomb to the steps! Mortos whoops him and lands a corner cannonball! A corner flying knee misses and he sails out! COFFIN DROP DIVE HITS! Nigel takes credit for the sellout before a tornillo dive by Mortos! Mortos spears him for 2! 

Mortos sends him down with a power slap before A HEEL GUNSHOW and an avalanche press slam! Poison rana and a coffin drop ends it! THIS RULED! Darby says no one thought he could walk at 30 but HE'S 30 NOW AND HE LOVES IT and he'll take getting punched and kicked instead of being a dishwasher. He and Sting retained and he's scarred for life and they suck - they never come to Collision and never hype it! HE DOES! Perry vs. Darby at ALL IN - presumably with Sting by his side to counter the Elite.

Shida vs. Skye is up and Skye's setup looks great. They brawl on the floor and Skye is out and Shida wins via stoppage. The replay shows that it might be a knee injury. LANCE ARCHER BEATS UP GOONS! Everything is echoey backstage and Jericho's promo is dreadful with it. Premier Athletes talk shit and it's time for REY FENIX TO FACE TONY NESE! Fenix slips and Tony says Woods grabbed a foot and Nese covered things up perfectly. He recovers with a dive and hits a flip dive to the pile! Fenix eats a sitout powerbomb and a 450 that got 2! Fenix ends it with a frog splash.

Tony in a suit jacket and Collision shirt brings out FTR for a promo. Cash rambles on about being distracted by his gun charges and say he's innocent - well ya still goofed up but yeah. Dax says he got hurt and he says it's time to get the gold back and on Collision next week, the road for the gold begins and they want the belts back at ALL IN! Shida is backstage with Lexy and she wants BRITT BAKER and she'll make her bleed again on Dynamite! Roderick Strong is out to avenge an ROH TV Title loss nearly a decade ago to ISHII! 

CHOPS APLENTY BACK AND FORTH! FLIP BUMP GERMAN BY ISHII! Delayed superplex hits for Ishii but a Judas Effect hits for Roddy! ISHII CATCHES A KNEE AND LANDS A GAMENGURI! FLIP BUMP LARIAT GETS 2 FOR ISHII! Heel distraction ends it after the knee! Kingdom jumps but the Conglomeration saves! 

Ospreay vs. MJF recap. Hologram FKA Aramis and Tony brings up him being reborn as Hologram. GRINGO LOCO IS HERE! Hologram stands atop his shoulders and flips and sends him down with a rana and then out with a flip dive! Loco slammed him and hit a standing moonsault for 2. Backflip into a firemans carry by Hologram. Ropewalk rana to the floor! Inverted airplane spin torture rack powerbomb ends it! THE PORTAL BOMB! Well that's a better name.

KEVIN VON ERICH IS WITH HIS KIDS and Dustin and he tells Dustin to guide them. Dustin says it's the first time the families are together since the 70s. MARK BRISCOE CUTS A PROMO ON FRIDAY AND STRONG BUT TWO DAYS BEFORE FRIDAY, IT'S ALWAYS WEDNESDAY AND THAT'LL BE BLOOD AND GUTS! 

Thunder Rosa is up for a lumberjack match against Deonna! Deonna gets a backstabber for 2. Spinning DVD gets 2 for Rosa. Deonna snaps the arm on the rope before Taya hands Deonna a buckle and she KOs her. Okay match but overbooked. Trios tag title time and the ROH and Acclaimed belts are gone - good,  makes them more serious.

Tony - The fans want Juice in there!
Nigel - They broke the mold when they made Juice Robinson - and shut down the factory.

Juice gets the punches and a cannonball before a jackhammer gets 2. LEFT HAND OF GOD TO CHRISTIAN! Nick wanted a low blow but Juice grabbed it and hits a powerbomb for 2. Frog splash hits for Cage for 2.5! Killswitch hits Cage by 'accident' and the falling DDT GETS 2 FOR JUICE! Juice wants the Unprettier but MOTHER WAYNE'S HAIRSPRAY LETS A KILLSWITCH HIT AND NEW CHAMPS ARE HERE! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7-17-24 - Dynamite 250 MJF vs. Ospreay International Title

 It's a loaded show with a Wembley-level feature bout as MJF vies for the International Title against Will Ospreay in the opener and Okada face Swerve in champ vs. champ non-title match. A fan showcases a killer Eaton shirt! ANOTHER HAS THE SIMPSONS AUSSIE FLAG!

Ospreay busts out a flip dive after MJF jerks off to the crowd and flips them off. MJF hits a back suplex INTO A STUNNER! PHENOMENAL FOREARM BY OSPREAY GETS 2! Double-jump moonsault into an SSP gets 2 before a second-rope SPIRAL TAP HITS FOR 2! Panama Sunrise is avoided, but a Storm Zero gets 2 for MJF! MJF gets a figure four after Ex and Taz chat about DA GLUTES! Max runs wild with corner overhand chops. Ospreay lands some Kawada kicks! OSCUTTER ON THE APRON MISSES!

Butterfly powerbomb shoulder breaker hits! MJF flees the ring and they fight in the crowd BEATS OF THE BOUDREN ON THE STAIRCASE! Ospreay puts him on a table before MJF escapes and they go back and forth on victory rolls! Sunrise hits for 2! OSPREAY GETS A CROSS RHODES FOR 2! STYLES CLASH ON THE APRON and Osprey gets him down for 2! HIDDEN BLADE ON THE FLOOR! DIVING STANDING FOREARM TO THE NECK OF OSPREAY GETS 2! MJF wants a super rana BUT AN AVALANCHE STYLES CLASH HITS! 

MJF sets him up for the diving elbow on the table AND IT HITS! And that's a fantastic ad break! MJF reminds me so much of Tully Blanchard - but he's a better worker than Tully was with his head on far straighter. Rana attempt leads to a powerbomb to the knee for 2! MJF gets a corner lariat AND HITS THE SUPER RANA BUT WILL GETS ON HIS FEET! MJF brainbuster turned into a stundog! OSCUTTER AND A HIDDEN BLADE GET 2 AFTER HE COUNTERS AN AVALANCHE TOMBSTONE!


MJF leaves with oxygen - what an insane match! That was perhaps the best TV match in history - not just in AEW history, but in all of wrestling on TV. Insane! Mark Briscoe chats with the Acclaimed and they want to be in Blood and Guts. Swerve approves! TV TIME WITH CHRIS JERICHO is up! He didn't miss many shows - BUT HE'LL STICK AROUND TO SHOW 500 and when you don't listen to him, PEOPLE GET HURT! THEY ALL SHOULD HAVE BEEN LISTENING!

MINORU SUZUKI IS HERE! KAZE NI NARE IS HERE and SUZUKI FACES JERICHO WITH THE GOONS BANNED FROM RINGSIDE! HEADBUTT KOS JERICHO! The Elite claps back about Blood and Guts and Mercedes thanks them for banning DMD tonight and Okada wants the CEO dance and gets it. He's got the hots for her. 

Mercedes vs. Nyla is up and Mone is a great David against Goliath here. Vader bomb into a corner bronco buster and then a seated meteora for 2! AVALANCHE BULLDOG AND SHE'S GOT A CEO GLOVE ALA BRITT! LOCKJAW IS ON BUT NYLA BITES DOWN! BUT THE CROSSFACE IS ON AND THE STATEMENT MAKER WINS IT! Mercedes tears a fan sign up BUT IT'S BRITT IN A STING MASK and she darts after her before security breaks them up. 

Mariah vs. Toni recap and the great thing with this feud is it's already perfectly-built for Wembley and yet there's like 6 weeks left. Jack Perry beats the shit out of Cutler to make him a sacrifice. Mariah May comes out as Timeless Toni Storm! Tony calls her a bitch and Mariah says that everyone saw it coming but Toni because she was so blinded by the spotlight that she gave it all to her. She's been Toni Storm and now she can be so much more! All Elite Wrestling is now All About Mariah!

Well, they could probably main event Wembley with Mariah May vs. Toni Storm and be fine. OKADA VS. SWERVE IS UP! Ex and Tony hyped up Okada as the longest-reigning IWGP World Champion in history after a headlock exchange. Seated 2nd rope uppercut hits for Swerve! SWERVE STOMP HITS but the Bucks attack! Acclaimed makes a save before Perry hits! MARK BRISCOE RUNS WILD! Perry hits a kneeling DDT to Mark before EATING A HOUSE CALL! EVIL HANGMAN IS HERE! THEY STAREDOWN AND NOW DARBY'S OUT AS MAN 5 FOR TEAM AEW!