Wednesday, October 2, 2024

AEW Dynamite 10-2-24 - Dynamite 5! Danielson vs. Okada

This is a massively-loaded show coming on the heels of the WBD-AEW deal being announced to a large extent. Mox tells Wheeler to pick sides and on October 12, he sends Danielson home. Nigel replaces Taz Ricochet vs. Ospreay starts things off! The Callis Family chats with Ospreay and Takeshita stays behind after Fletcher and Don leave. Well, that telegraphs things a bit but I don't mind it. 

Outstanding fast start before a double backflip ovation spot and a suicide dive by Ricochet! BARRICADE RANA BY RICOCHET! Ricochet avoids an oscutter by tossing him off the rope APRON OSCUTTER! Ricochet avalanche rana is met with a surefooted landing by Ospreay! OSCUTTER BY RICOCHET FOR 2! BACKSLIDE DRIVER GETS 2 FOR RICOCHET! Snap rana by Ricochet leads to a Styles clash for 2 and an oscutter for 2! Hidden blade avoided by Ricochet and THEN HIT BY RICOCHET! Shooting star and a stomp, vertigo is avoided and a reverse rana exchange! HIDDEN BLADE! Both sets of shoulders are down for the...retention. It is a draw! Okay - you've got a PPV in a week and a half, do a rematch there.

BUT TK ORDERS IT TO CONTINUE! Hidden blade, but TAKESHITA ATTACKS and lays out everyone! TV Time is up and grinds the show to a halt as Jericho wants an ROH World Title match at Wrestle Dream! Jericho evokes Jay's name and Mark throat chops him! Darby cuts a promo on riding metro buses and daydreaming and folks spat on him and he just minded his own business. He says he has nothing left to lose and offers up an open challenge at Wrestle Dream! 

Hangman vs. Juice is up and Hangman's intro has everything covered in a piss filter before he straps Juice to bits. Superplex by Juice and Nigel said he thanked TK and wrestling - NOT BRYAN DANIELSON! LEFT HAND OF GOD! CANNONBALL MISSES! Avalanche deadeye is met with a powebromb but a low blow opens the door to a buckshot win! Hanger hangs him with his belt BEFORE SWITCHBLADE RETURNS!  Spear through a table in the crowd by White! 

Jack and the bus are here and Shibata challenges him for Wrestle Dream and gets a maybe before beating him up and accepting with bus smashes! Deeb vs. Britt is up and we get a lot of matwork before a stretch muffler by Deeb and an avalanche air raid for 2! Lockjaw ends it and Aminata saves Britt from a beating. Hook vs. Joe gets hyped up in highlight form. Renee chats with Hook about Taz's off-screen attack He's gonna find who did this and come for them.

Christian Cage says he's your father figure, he's the face of TBS and the reigning, defending NEXT WORLD CHAMPION and he'll have it all soon. Mariah May chats with Renee and she buries Willow for losing all of her titles and Willow calls her a shady bitch and brawls. PRIVATE PARTY GETS A NEW THEME to face the Iron Savages and Jacked Jameson - who now follows me on Twitter! Gin and Juice ends it and they set up Bucks vs. Private Party again after hyping up their win over the Bucks in ep 2 of Dynamite. Zay cuts a great promo about saying they'd be new champs in the year and THEY WILL - his hand's messed up, his shoulder's messed up and Quen's pec's messed up BUT THEY'RE FEELING FROGGY! HE WANTS IT NOW!

The Bucks bring up the overrun and having time for it now - BUT they have limited dates and they're not gonna waste one on this town. THANKS GUYS! Perry jumps them AND SHIBATA SAVES! Trios match is made for Rampage - well that's a smart move to not kill the crowd. MVP is backstage and Nana says that people are talking spicy about he and Swerve before MVP says he doesn't deal with complaints. THE PRESIDENT OF HIS COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT IS SHELTON BENJAMIN!

At 9:51, the main event begins with the longest overrun in Dynamite history. The slow pace is perfect for the story they're telling - Okada WANTS this to go past 20 so only Danielson's title is on the line. Nigel tells the tale of their series with Bryan winning 1 with a broken arm and Okada winning 1 with a rainmaker. DIVING HEADBUTT MISSES and Nigel talks about how hard that is on a bad neck. God, Nigel adds so much to Bryan matches with the explanation of every part of the match's story. OKADA DROPKICK SENDS HIM TO THE FLOOR! I love them playing up that Danielson is actually the underdog here because he has a shorter time limit to win Okada's title than Okada has to win his. Okada dropkick and the rainmaker is turned into a triangle elbow shot! LeBell lock is on for Danielson! 19 MINUTE MARK! 

Okada rolls out for a countout attempt to end the Continental Crown title portion! DANIELSON DIVE! TOMBSTONE ON THE FLOOR BY OKADA! Corner chops and kicks by Danielson before a German is met with a shotgun dropkick by Okada! Arn trap kicks by Danielson right to the ribs! HE KICKS HIS FUCKING HEAD IN ON THE MAT! YES chants! BUSAIKU MET WITH A RAINMAKER BUT HE CAN'T COVER! This whole Danielson run in AEW feels like such a blessing - he came back from retirement and really was...okay in WWE and is now the best version of himself with both ROH and WWE versions of himself in one.

OKADA BIG BOOK BUT A GERMAN MISSES. BUSAIKU BY OKADA GETS 2! RAINMAKER BY DANIELSON GETS 2.9! Flash cradle by Danielson ends it! BUT THE BCC IS HERE! RAINMAKER FROM OKADA AFTER THE BELL! Mox says it's not about him and Yuta saves WITH A HAMMER. Mox wants it against him! Claudio doesn't attack Yuta and instead just covers up and shoves him off. Next week, Title Tuesday, he wants a fight with them! Yuta and Danielson against Claudio and Pac!