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Wednesday, January 17, 2018
WWF Raw 1-11-93 - Debut Show
This is a new episode for the wayback playback and it's fairly short - so what the heck. Outside the Manhattan Center, Sean Mooney stops Bobby Heenan from coming in. Vince, Savage, and Rob Bartlett are here. Koko B Ware comes out dressed as 1991 to be destroyed by Yokozuna. Yoko is in his white and red gear, a far worse look than red and black. Yoko tosses him off a tieup. Yoko drops the leg and lands the corner assalanche. Banzai drop finishes it.
An ad for the Rumble airs and we get '80s hair in '93. Heenan hypes up Narcissus - which was his name. It wasn't a screwup by Heenan at the Rumble, that was his actual name that they changed up. Heenan gives him an A+ hype job and says he's better than perfect. Steiners come out to beat up jobber ninjas. Oh this will be a ton of fun.
The Steiners are in their classic '90s gear that they would keep wearing forever. Barry Hardy and Duane Gill are the victims and Doink is walking around in the crowd. Rob calls him DORK THE CLOWN. Ha! Rick registers instead of selling for a jobber, who falls into an irish whip. Rick tosses him gut first into the ropes. Scott bonks their heads and Rob does a three stooges impression. Rewind powerslam by Rick and Scott catches a jobber in a bearhug for an overhead belly to belly. Kneeling tiger driver and the double impact bulldog ends it.
Sean Mooney detains Bobby Heenan dressed as Bartnett's aunt. Razor comes out in an astonishing outfit. Holy crap is this thing incredible. Vince talks about Bret taking 8 1/2 years to get the WWF Title and Razor wants it immeditely. Well hey, that's a nice way to take the narrative of the company and turn it into something you can work with at any time. Razor beats up Owen on Mania in purple Zubaz. Razor flicks the toothpick at Vince, which is hilarious now.
Tatanka cuts a promo on Headlock for Hunger to raise money. Max Moon is out without the jetpack dressed in jobber blue to face HBK. HBK has red and white gear with the light blue strap - so it's an odd look. Max Moon is super early '90s here with the color scheme. Moon hits a Japanese armdrag and armbars him for an ad break. Moon rolls out of the way of a corner charge and snake eyes him on the ropes. HBK hits a dropkick and Rob does his Mike Tyson voice. Max gets a schoolboy for 2. HBK lands a flurry of punches to no reaction. We get some awkward Tyson rape stuff and Moon hits a runnig seated senton on the floor. Moon gets a corner spinkick and a Finlay roll with a bridge for 2. Superkick lands and the teardrop suplex ends it.
Taker vs. Demento is hyped up and Gene hypes up IcoPro and THE RUMBLE with the graphics on a green screen. This is simple build, but it all works out and we get HBK's rebuttal to Sherri being there when he faces Marty. Marty says he'll end the title reign and his career. Flair, Tatanka, IRS and Ted DiBiase, Lawler, and Perfect are in. Perfect is all puffy in this promo. Yoko and Fuji get a promo for "YOKOZUMA!" Papa Shango, TENYRU AND CARLOS COLON ARE IN. Jim Duggan is in too and he says he'll do his best to win. This is the first year where the title shot at WM was on the line in the Rumble win.
Heenan is dressed as a rabbi to get into the show. All American Wrestling is hyped up, and it's got a great logo. A WWF 7-11 cup with Earthquake is shown and we see Kamala being abused by Harvey and turning face. Kim Chee beats up Slick, who still looks great in '93. Kamala sends Kim Chee over the top with a chop. Damian Demento is mid-ring with his neat-looking shoulder pads. Taker comes down and Rob Bartlett does comedy. Vince tells Rob that Paul Bearer is from the famous Bearer family.
Paul Bearer makes wacky faces. Ropewalk chop hits and he gets a corner choke. Tito faces Flair on next week's show, which should be a solid match. Taker eats a shot and does the zombie situp and gets the flying shoulder. Tombstone hits while Rob talks about the gloves being for dishpan hands. DOT MATRIX REST IN PEACE SIGN. Oh my how great.
Vince interviews Doink about Crush and says that as long as he laughs, he thinks it's funny. Crush cuts a promo and Doink water guns him. Crush runs in the ring and Doink bumps on the floor and chuckles. Sean tells Bobby he can go that the show's over. Well, this was an easy watch.
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