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Friday, January 24, 2020
NWA Hard Times
JIP due to a post-work nap. Wild Cards vs. RNR Express vs. Storm and Drake as Anderson left for Impact. Robert drop toeholds Isaacs for a Storm kneedrop for 2. Storm plays face in peril and Latimer can't prevent a tag, but Isaacs makes sure the ref doesn't see it. Latimer gets a pop-up powerbomb, but RICKY TAGS IN AND SLUGS AWAY. CANADIAN DESTROYER TO LATIMER, but Eli hits a Gravy Train off it and wins the titles! Storm boys to them while Eli hugs Robert.
It's amazing that in 2020, the NWA is bigger than it's been in 30 years. Billy Corgan has worked a near-miracle getting it to this level and building up so much goodwill so quickly. Great promo work by Storm and Eli saying that they're as thing as beer and liquor. Beer Muscles is teased as a team, but Eli says you can just call them Champs. Rosa vs. Kay is up next. Rosa's out and just has IT in spades with the war paint.
They meet in the middle with a Frye-Takayama exchange to start. Big northern lights by Kay gets 2. Nice corner flurry by Kay leads to Rosa getting ahead with some kicks in the corner. It amazes me how Bennett has just slid into the role of color man so seamlessly - I legit don't miss Cornette at all now. Bennett is just perfect for the role with the modern product. Rosa legdrops the arm and gets a Yes Lock. She rolls through into a front choke, but a rope break ends it.
Rolling kneebar by Kay is avoided. Kay gets her elbow kicked and Bennett relays being out 6 months with surgery due to a shot like that. God, he's just SO GOOD. Disarmher by Rosa. Rosa gets a corner German. Rosa goes for an apron somersault, but Kay hoists her into an apron bomb. Rosa dives and Kay drops her with...something and eats a Destroyer for 2. Rosa eats a big tombstone for 2.5, but gets the Thunder Driver to win it. This was fantastic and the best showcase yet of Stu Bennett on commentary.
ROH invasion angle airs. Marty's out and he wants a shot at the title. Flip's match isn't a title match because Nick is a coward because title matches are box office. Aldis says that this is the house that he built and ROH was the hot ticket when he was there and now the NWA is the hot ticket due to himself too. Nick says he'll give Flip a chance for the title and if Nick wins, all of his stuff with ROH is on his terms. And this starts tonight because if he wants Flip to get a shot at the title, Marty has to leave.
Dan Maff is out on his comeback trail for a TV Title semi-final. Trevor Murdoch's out and appears to have gained 30 pounds since the last taping. HOSS WARFARE! Murdoch lands a billion forearms to the jaw before Maff lands a corner spear. Chest and back rake by Maff. Murdoch wins hoss warfare. Storm vs. Starks is up and Starks wins with a crucifix for the title match against Murdoch in the main event.
At a weight he refuses to disclose TO ANYONE is a great little bit. Question Mark is out in Kill Bill attire while Steiner has his TNA theme. This is exactly the kind of getup Steiner should be in at this point. It fits his character and hides his body nicely. Long tieups lead to Steinier chopping him in the chest in the corner. Big Biel out of the corner. Bennett talks about Aron "Shooter" Stevens' initials being ASS.
Steiner lands an overhead belly to belly and Stevens sells it with a deadman sitiup and it gets 2. Stevens lands a corner boot and uses the ropes for 2. Double axehandle leads to a flatliner Recliner is on BUT THE QUESTION MARK CHOPS HIM FOR A DQ. Steinerline takes him down and a Recliner is on Question Mark before Stevens leaves.
Heel Flip Gordon is odd, but he looks great. "He turned his back on Lifeblood - which could be the best decision he ever made!" - Well yeah. Aldis avoids a suplex on the announce desk. Flip turns a hammerlock into a cover for 2. Flip's working like a guy who has a point to prove - good. Aldis gets a figure four with the rope as Bennett talks about how much history this move has in NWA World Title matches.
Flip reverses and Flip gets 2 off a moonsault. He goes up for a moonsault block, but Aldis kicks his legs out in the buckle. Super German hits and Flip moonsaults out. Aldis gets a tombstone and the perfect diving elbow gets 2.5 into a crucifix for 2. TWO SPRINGBOARD ECLIPSES hit for Gordon and only get 2. Bret-Owen WM X finish as Aldis counters a victory roll attempt and drops down to pin him.
Starks hits a pair of big lariats for 2. 619 to the arm of Murdoch. Nasty spill on the floor leads to Starks being a defacto face as he's now fighting from underneath. Corner walking powerbomb gets 2. Spear and the Stroke/Jay Driller gets it. Right guy wins it, but this was just a match. Starks is a good choice for the TV Champ - he's young and has a major league look with this red, black and gold gear with slick chains on it.
In this manner my buddy Wesley Virgin's tale begins in this shocking and controversial video.
ReplyDeleteWesley was in the military-and shortly after leaving-he revealed hidden, "SELF MIND CONTROL" secrets that the government and others used to get whatever they want.
As it turns out, these are the same tactics many celebrities (especially those who "became famous out of nothing") and top business people used to become rich and successful.
You've heard that you use less than 10% of your brain.
That's really because most of your brainpower is UNCONSCIOUS.
Perhaps this thought has even taken place INSIDE your own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind around seven years ago, while driving a non-registered, garbage bucket of a vehicle with a suspended driver's license and with $3.20 on his bank card.
"I'm absolutely frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck! When will I get my big break?"
You took part in those conversations, right?
Your success story is waiting to be written. You just need to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.