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Wednesday, March 11, 2020
AEW Dynamite 3-11-20
A new Kenny Omega moonsault clip hypes Dynamite before the show on TNT. The show starts off with a recap of Mox being taken out last week and Page talking with Tony about who his partner will be tonight - and he wouldn't team with Matt if he was the last person on Earth. He'll let everyone know who his partner is later - for now, it's a mystery. Cody's out to face Ortiz and eats a rolling headbutt to the gut. Lance Archer and Jake Roberts come through the backstage area.
Cody dives onto Santana to protect Arn and hits the gordbuster on Ortiz on the ramp. Ortiz gets 2 off a perfectplex. Cody gets a figure 4, but Ortiz taps. I love that - they got a submission over nicely in one match and set up Blood and Guts nicely since it's submission or surrender. Arn protects Cody from another madball shot before Matt and Kenny come down.
Jericho mocks Cody and calls the Elite a bunch of pumpkinheaded dipshits before showing Nick laid out udner a door. Nick gets loaded into an ambulance with Cody and Matt following the ambulance in a car. Wouldn't be shocked at all if Matt Hardy is Hangman's partner. OH JOY A RANDOM WOMENS TAG MATCH! Kris is out alongside Shida and her tremendous theme.
Bea Priestley's out after just being in Stardom not long ago. So weird to have AEW working with Stardom - a Bushiroad company, and not NJPW. Nyla's theme is great. Nyla takes Shida down and gets 2 off a legdrop. Bea chokes Shida out on the rope and Ross says that Mox isn't allowed at the building due to the medical staff. Shida gets an awesome "holy shida" chant working with Bea! Nyla aims to take out Shida with the diving knee over hte rope, but Shida rolls out. FALCON ARROW BY SHIDA TO ROSE GETS! Shida gets a superplex, but eats a spear and Beast Bomb to take the L. Priestley takes out Nyla and holds the gold up.
The saga of Daniels with the Dark Order is recapped from Revolution before Daniels does a mock video on Dark Order recruiting and saying you might know him from BTE and DANIELS ALMOST DIES. He said the Dark Order was poised for success, until they faced SCU.He challenges Uno and Grayson to matches anywhere to prove there's no Exalted One.
Butcher and the Blade come out with Allie. Butcher's wacky walk is great. MJF has I'M BETTER THAN YOU to his theme. MJF is everything WWE wanted Ted Jr. to be. They take out Luchasaurus' knees and a dragon screw to him gets 2. Butcher lands a sick spinning uranage on the apron on Marko! MJF and Blade grab onto Lucha's legs and he walks with them before they figure out that they can just get up and do, and he still takes them down! Jungle Jack is in and hits a rewind lariat! Low-pe is caught, so Jungle Boy dives on them all! STEP UP DIVE BY LUCHASAURUS! Butcher and Luchasaurus clonk before a black mass hits and Butcher just lariats him down. MJF gets a tap off the Fujiwara armbar to Marko. "I'M GOING TO DISNEYWORLD!" What a great asshole.
Recap of the Darby stuff last week and we get a creepy video of him pulling a body in a farm in a "SAMMY" body bag. Tony and DR BRITT BAKER are on-stage with her burying Utah and says you can't actually drink here. I'M A DENTIST DIDN'T YOU KNOW!? She implies that everyone in Utah is inbred, but you can still live your dreams! YOU CAN EVEN BE A DENTAL ASSISTANT. Swole talks about "YOU ACT LIKE I DON'T EVEN WATCH THE PRODUCT!" and Britt says people only care about her boyfriend. Swole says she's married BAYBAY! Britt throws the coffee on Swole. FINALLY, Cedric gets put over on national TV in 2020. Granted, it's on TNT on a show he isn't on - but still!
So they take an act that's largely all intro in Private Party and put their intro in PIP. GREAT! Joey and PP are here to fall to Death Triangle. They get a custom tron and revamped theme with a darker version of LUCHA BROS/MEXAKING! Joey's tan is somehow even worse than MJF's since he doesn't have a body to make it look better. Lots of plodding here despite a fast pace. I can't help but notice this match hasn't ended yet and put the new top-tier stable over a makeshift trio quickly. Janella sets up PAC in a fireman's carry before Quen lands a flip dive off the top and Joey gets a DVD on the apron! Flying elbow hits and then Fenix hits the flying cutter and the double stomp/driver hits before the Black Arrow ends it. The heels lock on the Death Triangle hold before Orange and the Best Friends save!
Lexi Nair is here with Dustin to tease him as a partner for Page - Dustin wants to kick the Inner Circle's ass and he's here to be his partner whether he likes it or not - it's time for some cowboy shit! Shawn Spears partner search continues with meatheads and goobers. EXALTED ONE IS REVEALED NEXT WEEK! Inner Circle vs. Elite six man is next week and we get the B/G rules. IT'S ONLY 2 WEEKS AWAY! Ross chats with Mox at his home with a nice fireplace in the background. Mox says the Inner Circle has tried to end his career - and he's in the blind spot with Blood and Guts.
So weird for Dustin to just be the partner without Hangman having a say or even an on-screen thought about it. Jericho steals the beer from a fan gimmick. Sammy and Dustin are great together. Buckshot into a Walls! Sammy gets an SSP, but Page avoids it and kicks him into a Buckshot position - but Jericho pulls him off the apron. Dustin's destroyer leads to a Buckshot and a win before an Elite beatdown. Page needs a second finisher that doesn't have such a wacky setup - the Omori Driver he used to do would work fine. Kenny comes down and eats a Judas Effect. Cody runs down and runs wild! Cody's so ungodly over! They tease doing to Page what they did to Mox last week BUT MATT JACKSON RETURNS TO SAVE PAGE! DOUBLE SPEAR TO PNP! AND THEN HE FLIPS OFF PAGE!
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