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Thursday, July 23, 2020
In Your House II - HBK vs. Jarrett
A goofy Monday Night Football-esque video starts us off with lots of Jeff Jarrett. We get Vince yelling and both he and King in a country-western getup. Kid's out to face The Roadie after having his neck taken out by him on TV. Corner jump headscissors by Kid send Roadie to the floor. This is apparently a martial arts tactic. They cut backstage and Jeff is shown not watching the match. They talk about it, but don't lay into it big - so you just slowly tell the tale. King spending 20 years explaining the Hollywood wedding joke. Well, maybe for him, 16 years is more fitting.
Standing spinkick hits for 2 and then a corner dropkick lands for Kid. HE HITS A FROG SPLASH FOR 2 and I literally never remember Waltman doing a frog splash. Rana is countered by a Ligerbomb by Roadie for 2. Roadie crotches the Kid up top and super piledrivers him, in 1995, to win. Roadie checks the mic - so that match kinda meant nothing. The Corporation is backstage and everyone cuts a promo for Sid. Why the fuck is Tatanka cutting a promo for Sid Vicious!?
King Mabel and Sir Mo, who somehow looks fatter than Mabel are out to face Razor and Savio. Heels dominate but Savio avoids a do-see-do corner splash by Mabel. Mo hits a suplex on Vega and gets a shitty cover for 2. Mabel tags in and just SOS slams Savio across the ring. Mo's moonsault was both better and worse than Vader's. I love that Mo misses a moonsault - but does a front roll bump off it. Razor comes in and runs wild before slamming Mabel off the top. Mabel runs him down and ends it with a splash.
Todd verbally drumming is...a thing to do. Backstage, Diesel's lumberjacks are here and JESUS what a babyface lineup here. Jeff Jarrett's out to sing and cuts a mock-laugh filled promo before "singing" while dressed as only Jeff Jarrett would dare dress in public. Summerslam ad airs and Diesel picks up a chick on the roadside. Henry O is out and the power goes out and nixes both my PS4 and Xbox One for a bit. Okay, back now and Bigelow is out to face Godwinn. They plod for a bit until Henry misses a knee off the top and loses.
Backlund argues with fans in Cobain and Lakers shirts. HBK is backstage with Todd looking horrible. The live band performs Jarrett's theme terribly. Jarrett and HBK proceed to have possibly Jeff's career-best match ever. HBK makes him work to his level and the gorgeous flying elbow with cocky cover gets 2. Roadie grabs the leg accidentally and Jarrett is distracted and superkicked to end it. Backstage, Barry Didinsky celebrates with the new HBK shirt.
Backstage, Dok yells to Vince about the Roadie and Jeff Jarrett in a coked-out manner. They brawled and fought outside. This is when they both just up and quit the company, which led to Jeff going to the USWA and coming back to a lesser push before Road Dogg came back as Jesse Jammes and was given a theoretical big push - but was really buried deep beneath the Earth.
Luger and the Bulldog face Yoko, who is a trillion pounds and Owen. The pyro presentation for the Powers is great and that's something they did so well in this era that they don't do now. Lex has red kneepads on and is OH!ing his way through this Yoko sequence. Owen and Lex have shockingly great chemistry together - there's a singles match that would've been fun. Big USA chant makes sense...except for poor Davey. Luger eats a legdrop from Yoko and that's it. TWO YEARS of off and on feuding between them and Yoko beats him clean.
Diesel vs. Sid is recapped with the turn of Sid being shown. Lumberjacks are out and Vince talks about ALL THE BEEF! They plod and plod and Diesel beats up the corporation goons. Diesel wins with a big boot and that's it. Well that was shit and it may be the only time in history you can say things got better when TATANKA RAN IN. Even on IYH, they had an impressive show-recap video by the end of it.
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