Wednesday, May 22, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5-22-24

 Well, it's been an early-out work week and that's resulted in a lot of gaming and maybe a bit of writing tomorrow too! Double or Nothing is coming up on Sunday and this is a fairly loaded lineup too. A new Mad Max-themed intro video airs with Callis on commentary again. OC and Ospreay are up against Strong and Trent! Trent and OC brawl on the floor while Roddy and Ospreay do glorious battle in-ring. Turnbuckle gutbuster from Strong to OC! Trent wants a piledriver on the steps, but OC saves! TRENT SPEAR TO OC ON THE FLOOR!

Powerbomb by Ospreay before a spiral tap and then a wet nap elbow for 2.5! Callis holds OC's foot to prevent the End of Heartache and the Oscutter hits after a stundog! Wardlow jumps Ospreay on the ramp! BUSAIKU BY TRENT AND THE END OF HEARTACHE WINS IT. THIS RULED! Post-match beating splits open Ospreay and chokes out Cassidy with the gogoplata. Bang Bang Gang is out and Jay White is such an awesome promo. The Gunns have a wagon for the gold - which is a nice homage to Brian Christopher in the USWA. Pac says he isn't even mad about being attacked - but it's not 3 on 3 - IT'S TIME FOR THE DEATH TRIANGLE! THEY'RE BACK AND KICK ASS! And it's official for Double or Nothing! That should be a title change.

FTW 3-Way eliminator is up with Jericho on commentary. Keith clubs away at Hook before Hook gets Redrum on him, but Shibata locks on a sleeper on Hook! USHIGOROSHI BY SHIBATA! Figure four and the heel hook on Keith! REDRUM TO KEITH AND IT'S A DOUBLE TAPOUT SO IT'S A THREE-WAY AT THE PPV! Jericho says that he's just getting started as FTW Champion and it's now a three-way FOR THE RULES FOR THE WORLD RULES TITLE MATCH! 

Takeshita vs. Sydal is up after a Mox vs. Takeshita hype video and Takeshita starts off with a giant deadlift brainbuster. Death Knell forearm shiver hits and ends it! I love that move, but it's hurt by a decade+ of forearm exchanges in every match in puro. Release German! Mox walks in among fans singing and just bonks the shit out of him with the mic! Swerve is up with the Bucks and they suck up to him and tell them to hit his music! Swerve vs. Nick Wayne is up.

Slingshot sorta-house call almost a Roman drive-by! A bit like TJP's wrecking ball dropkick too. Leg-snatch into a rotating suplex into a powerslam by Swerve. Christian darts out and steals a car before NANA BLOCKS HIM! DDT ON TOP OF THE SUV! CONCHAIRTO WITH THE HOOD! Cage avoids it and leaves. Malakai is up against KOR - a bit of an odd spot for KOR to be enhancement, but he is Cope's partner now so it's a good story. Malakai blocks some kicks and lands some in response. Cross armbar is on from KOR, but a waistlock escape gives Malakai an edge. Teep from Black allows for a wacky line from KOR that is countered BEFORE THE END. BROOD COPE ERA IS HERE! LEGALLY NOT THE BROOD THEME ​​​​​​​LEGALLY NOT A BLOODBATH! Well that all ruled.

Timeless Toni and Mariah May are up against Saraya and Harley Cameron, who is already better than Saraya. Saraya hides from Mariah and Toni tags in and slams Mariah on her for 2. Double kisses from the faces to the heels, a Storm Zero/Mayday combo and then the Storm Zero on Harley wins it! Serena beats up everyone and gets booed! HEEL TO THE FACE OF TONI! Half crab with a chair and Toni taps. GUNN FIGHT AT THE COLLISION CORRAL to get a DON title shot. 


Singh vs. Danielson was a nice David vs. Goliath match to set up the return of Darby after he got banned from the building. Suplex to Danielson, who recovers and lands a few dropkicks on the chair-sat Singh before a LeBell lock after fireman's carry elbows from Danielson. LeBell lock leads to a DQ with goons and the Elite is out WITH AN ENEVELOPE with the cash! Bucks are down and miss the EVP trigger, leading to a kick-centric beatdown and OKADA! RAINMAKER TO DANIELSON!  TONY KHAN DRIVES DARBY INTO THE VENUE AND FIST BUMPS HIM! DARBY COMES OUT WITH A FLAMETHROWER! HE'S FRANK SCORPIO NOW!

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