Wednesday, July 3, 2024

AEW Dynamite 7-3-24 - Beach Break


It's a pretty loaded lineup with the return of Jeff Jarrett to Dynamite after his incredible promo against the Elite's hand-picked Wild Card and Garcia gets an International Title shot. Renee interviews him to start the show off strong and MJF wants to corner him. Uh oh... PAC VS DANIELSON IS THE OPENER! They start off with a holy shit chant before matwork and a chop exchange in the corner. Danielson lands a series of uppercuts and Pac rocks him down with a single forearm shot! TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT BY PAC!

 Pac gets a brutalizer, but Bryan gets the rope. Pac hits Bryan with his own kneeling kicks! Bryan seats him in the corner of the barricade and kicks him before eating a superkick! ELBOW OFF THE BARRICADE TO BRYAN ON THE FLOOR! ANOTHER ELBOW MID-RING FOR PAC! TOMBSTONE BY PAC! Brutalizer, but Bryan gets the lebell lock and the win! KILLER PROMO FROM WILLOW!

Mark Briscoe cuts a promo on SHARK WEEK! He gets jumped by Perry and KOR gets jumped by Okada! Toni and Mariah are backstage and Mariah faces Shida on Rampage. Stat vs. Willow is up and WILLOW POUNCES HER DOWN THE RAMP! Stat avoids the doctor bomb and hits an axe kick after a superkick for 2! German by Stat for 2! AVALANCHE GERMAN BY WILLOW! Stokely gets a chain but WILLOW CRADLES HER AND WINS AND STOKELY IS GOBSMACKED! Jay cuts a promo for Jeff about the match tonight.

BRITT AND TONY RETURN and she says that the past is a lesson, our present is a gift and the future is a motivation. Her right side stopped working and she had TIA. She had a mini-stroke and needed to stay home and get right. She cuts a killer promo about needing AEW and saying she was nervous on Sunday and mocking Mercedes for being so arrogant after building the company...oh wait nah. AND THEN MERCEDES HONKS HER SUV HORN AND interrupts with the EVPs! A giant SHUT THE FUCK UP chant breaks out uncensored. Britt says she wrestled at the first ALL IN and was the first AEW woman on the roster and she wrestled at ALL IN WEMBLEY and you were just in the crowd! AND SHE WANTS HER AT ALL IN!

Well goddamn that was money! Ospreay promo time! Kyle Fletcher is here behind his bruv and Will thanks Don for the tools he gave him - and gave him Jericho at Wembley and he's loyal to him, but he wants things that he can't give him. He wants out of the Family now and Don will do him that favor and may have a favor later. Callis will let Ospreay go...but he's got Fletcher to manipulate too... 

Jericho comes out and says that HOOK stole his finish! AND THAT DOESN'T WORK FOR ME BROTHER! AND TAZ WAS CLAPPING LIKE A MARK and he talked to the EVPs and he's going to have Taz removed so he can do commentary tonight! Joe, Shibata, and Hook are out to massacre dudes! CAGE OF AGONY!? Okay then. Giant gutbuster by Toa gets 2. KHAN POUNCES JOE! Cage F5 to Shibata! Hook DDTs out of the F5 and Jericho is hilarious on commentary. Avalanche by Joe into the Shibata dropkick and a Hook/Shibata double suplex with Shibata doing a half-hatch and a Joe senton. TRIPLE CHOKEOUT FINISH! The bad apple Pillmanizes the arm of Shibata. Jericho KOs Hook with knucks and the Redwood conchairtos the ribs of Joe on the steps. 

Jeff Jarrett is out for what feels like a final match against HANGMAN ADAM PAGE with a new, slow heel theme. MASSIVE lariat by Page! APRON POWERBOMB TO JARRETT! Jarrett avoids the Deadeye on the apron and HITS A STROKE ON THE APRON! Aubrey annoyingly counts loudly before Jarrett does the jaw-jacking punches and a Russian legsweep before getting a figure four and enzuiguri. Deadeye turned into a SHARPSHOOTER but no! DEADEYE TO JARRETT! SHARPSHOOTER BY JARRETT, but the Buckshot and a second Deadeye end it. THIS RULED!

FIREBALL TO THE FACE OF HOOK by Jericho. BYE HOOK! Hanger confronts the Bucks and says he's a horse with no stable AND HE'S WINNING THE OWEN! Garcia vs. Ospreay is up and MY GOD OSPREAY IS OVER. Cravate by Garcia and we're getting PWG Garcia here in-ring. Garcia goes for three amigos and gets 2 of them before a DDT! Ospreay hits Kawada kicks and Garcia hits him with his cock and a SPANISH FLY GETS 2 FOR OSPREAY. MJF offers up the ring to use before a cradle exchange. A Garcia lariat hits hard! He doesn't want to use the ring and EATS THE HIDDEN BLADE AND THAT ENDS IT!

Ospreay chats to Daniel, which can't be heard. MJF says that THE PEOPLE STILL LOVE YOU, DANNY and it's on me buddy! AND HE BALLSHOTS HIM AFTER A HUG! He hits him with the ring and they hype up him opening up Collision - which telegraphed the heel turn. AVALANCHE TOMBSTONE TO GARCIA! Ospreay comes out and MJF runs away! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE SHOW!

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