Wednesday, September 25, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9-25-24 - Grand Slam - Danielson vs. McGuinness


Nigel vs. Danielson starts things off! They exchange uppercuts! Tons of matwork before a DANIELSON SLAP! Nigel wants a LeBell lock, but Danielson locks it on! Nigel and Bryan ringpost spot DONE SAFELY THANK GOD! LONDON DUNGEON! Tower of London avoided and turned into a busaiku knee by Bryan! Corner handstand is countered by Bryan and he lands a forearm before Nigel escaped and hit a corner final cut for 2. EUROPEAN UPPERCUT BY BRYAN BUT IT HURTS THE BAD ARM! REBOUND LARIAT BY NIGEL GETS 1! 

Eye poke and a ripcord lariat by Nigel gets 2! Nigel wants the dungeon, but eats kicks and Danielson eats the hammer and anvil elbows! Inverted suplex INTO A TOWER OF LONDON FOR 2! BACKSTABBER VARIANT OF THE DUNGEON! Hammer and anvil shots from Danielson, but he goes down too! LARIAT GETS 2.9 FOR NIGEL! LeBell Lock is on and he taps and says "thank you!" Beautiful. 

Cage teases a cashin but Sabian takes the pen and Cage runs past Pac and Claudio and darts away. Strong vs. HOOK is up and Roddy has a killer hoodie on and Hook suplexes everyone around and white Russian legsweeps Roddy into the barricade. Hook lands some lariats and a corner northern lights gets 2 for Hook. Hook goes for Redrum, but Roddy sends him into a corner chair. Gutbuster on a chair and a sick kick get 2.5! Redrum ends it! Roddy shakes his hand and hugs him - good stuff. Tony gives Hook and the FTW Title props and he retires it before giving it to Taz and one more "thank you Taz" chant breaks out. 

United Empire vs. Bucks for the tag titles is up! SILLY GOOSE KYLE FLETCHER mocks the Bucks pose! DOUBLE OSCUTTER GETS 2! Buck destroyer but a hidden blade hits! APRON TK DRIVER FOR FLETCHER! 9 COUNT TO AVOID A COUNTOUT! Seated knee to Fletcher from Nick! DOUBLE STYLES CLASH GETS 2.9! Hidden blade hits! STORM BREAKER FOR 2.9 when Nick saves. Half and half by Fletcher! Nick does the CM Punk corner knee>bulldog combo! TK DRIVER TO MATTHEW GETS 2.9! 

TURNBUCKLE BRAINBUSTER FOR 2.9! Don gives Kyle the screwdriver and Will doesn't want it and Kyle eats a belt and a BTE trigger ends it. Don undid everything for his team. Conglomoration promo and they're going to kick the Learning Tree down every side of the tree. Nana is out. MVP! Hopefully Tony has enough sense to not let him wrestle - he's been washed for a decade ever since he blew his knee out in TNA and really wasn't that great in New Japan before that. MVP wants to let Nana know that he'd do a better job than Nana and let him know when he'll talk BUSINESS.

Yuka Sakazaki and her super-happy theme are out to face Mariah May! MAGICAL GIRL DIVE TO MARIAH! Shotgun dropkick by Mariah on the floor! Mariah slaps the shit out of her in the corner and Yukz avoids the Trish rana and locks on a draping triangle over the rope. Yuka goes around the world for a cradle and got 2. Mariah headbutt and German hit for 2. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB HITS FOR YUKA! Magical girl splash meets knees and the Storm Zero ends it! Mariah is such a low-key fantastic worker. Willow is out and Mina distracts leading to a May beltshot and Mariah May flees with her!

Mox vs. Darby is up with JR on commentary. Mox forearm and chops him in the corner and Ex talks about BR being sunset.  Darby wants a suplex onto a chair but Marina nixes it. COFFIN DROP INTO AN RNC ALA THEIR PAST MATCH! Darby is in a bulldog choke and froths to get to the rope! AVALANCHE DEATH RIDER ENDS IT and Mox gets his shot at Wrestle Dream! 

Danielson comes out and chokes Mox with a necktie! Zay and Quen are out! Komander gets chucked on the floor by Pac! Danielson DECLARES WAR ON THE BCC AND HE'S GONNA KICK HIS FUCKING HEAD IN! 

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