Sunday, June 30, 2024

AEW Forbidden Door 2024

The pre-show features a card rundown and Brodie Jr and Amanda Huber hyping the new Brodie Lee sneaker. Kyle Fletcher starts things off facing Serpentico, whose name sounds SOOO COOL in Japanese. Pump kick hits from Fletcher right away! Calf kick against the rope and the FLETCHER DRIVER HITS! Buckle brainbuster ends it! Kings of the Black Throne, Private Party, and Kidd/Strong, and Ishii/KOR. MEAT DIVISION WARFARE between King and Ishii! Gabe and Strong chop away at KOR before King MASSACRES Kidd with a chop! GONZO BOMB TO ZAY ENDS IT! This was a riot.

Kris Statlander and Momo Watanabe are out to face Willow and Tam Nakano. KRIS AND WILLOW GO AT IT after Stokely poses with his team. Momo hits a rock bottom for 2 on Willow! AVALANCHE DVD ON MOMO GETS 2.9! Momo hits a dudebuster for 2.9! Willow pounces Momo and takes out Kris with a lariat to the floor! Nakano hits a killer German on Momo to win it!

Mariah May is out to face Saraya with Toni out in her STARDOM tracksuit. Nigel says that there's no better example of love in the species than Mariah and Toni. Mariah gets a quick 2 off a schoolgirl. Distraction and Saraya hits the Paige turner/GoodKnight for 2! Mariah avoids the scorpion crosslock before a cradle gives MARIAH THE PIN and TONI GIVES SARAYA THE OUTCASTS L! A recap of the women's title rivalry airs after the match - weird timing there.

Hiromu, Tsuji, and TITAN are out to face the Lucha Bros and Mistico! Fenix OVERHAND CHOPS TITAN hard as fuck! Gonna need Fenix vs. Titan on its own - holy shit is this unreal! PENTA VS. TSUJI INCOMING! Penta lands a headstand Hardyac arrest kick before Tsuji rebounds with a curb stomp. Stiff chops and forearms shots before Mistico gets in with Hiromu! Swanton gets 2 for Mistico! Tsuji and Titan hit ranas! JESUS TITAN JUST DID THE HAMRICK BUMP OFF A DROPKICK IN THE CORNER! Ropewalk PK and Penta-assisted splash get 2 for Fenix! Titan superkicks THE SOUL OUT OF FENIX for 2.9! Fenix-assisted Tornillo from Mistico! Fear Factor with the stomp on Hiromu but Hiromu gets out! La Mistica to Titan ends it! THIS RULED!

Hechicero vs. MJF starts the main card off with MJF doing the Rude hip swivel AND THE Flair strut and the Bulldog flip! Max is locked into the cross armbar before getting the Fujiwara and that gets countered. MJF is locked into a grounded octopus before that gets turned into a double armbar! Delayed sheer drop brainbuster gets a quick win for MJF. 

The EVPs are out and Okada gives them a double handshake before Tana is out for the Acclaimed. Tana and Okada are teased but Okada tagged out and they talk about Tana and Billy Gunn met in NJPW and Billy bowed out here for him. AIR GUITAR BABYFACES are insulted by RAPMASTER OKADA! INVERTED BURNING HAMMER BY BOWENS GETS 2! Rainmaker turned into the Arrival and mic drop elbow! PUMP UP SUPERKICKS TO THE ACCLAIMED, neck of Tana! ELBOW OFF THE TOP BY OKADA! Rainmaker pose into a bird flip and a Rainmaker is turned into the lightning cradle for 2! Rainmaker ends it and he wants another one but Billy saves! 

Shingo vs. Danielson is up! And of course now the weather goes all wonky. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6-26-24

It's the first Dynamite after the epic Jeff Jarrett promo and my goodness it was incredible. I loved seeing him live in Fairfax with Lethal against The Outrunners and they're incredible together. It was a perfect Memphis-style tag and it's something I hope sees the light of day. MJF is out and Tony's voice sounds shot before Daniel Garcia comes out in Buffalo and thanks MJF for chatting with him nine months ago and that he saw him as a pillar of AEW. He thanks him - but if he talks shit, he's gonna look two-faced tonight. They go back and forth and MJF pitches Garcia vs. MJF for ALL IN! Ospreay comes out and pisses MJF off by saying he's going to give Garcia a shot for both the International Title and the World Title - before Swerve says you're putting the cart before the horse backstage. 

BCC is out to face LIJ's Hiromu, Titan, and SHINGO! CLAUDIO IS INCREDIBLE WITH TITAN and catches him for a backbreaker and then a swing! Mox and Shingo stiff each other with elbows and lariats before Shingo gets a double DDT/Lariat combo. TIME BOMB to Yuta gets 2 before Mox eats a superkick. Mox chairshots Hiromu for a DQ! Naito comes out to pose! So Danielson draws the line at SHINGO STEALING HIS ELBOWS TO THE HEAD!? Okay then. Weird finish.

BY ORDER OF THE BANG BANG GANG - GUNS UP! Jay White vs. Fenix is up! MASSIVE USHIGUROSHI BY WHITE GETS 2! Sheer drop brainbuster and the bladerunner ends it. The Patriarchy is out to call their shot with the trios champs. The Bucks say that THE ACCLAIMED CHEATED to beat them and they'll win when the belts are on the line! They're also going to put a new Wild Card into the Owen to have all the power and the gold. 

Acclaimed calls them the Young Cucks and says they can't run the company right or run from a fight. Okada tells them to SCISSOR ME, BITCH! Acclaimed and Daddy Ass is teased for the PPV and INSTEAD WE GET TANA INSTEAD OF BILLY GUNN! YES! That will be a lot of fun. Mark says he's got two shoulders and one title and he needs to add the TNT Title to his other shoulder! KOR cuts a Mark Briscoe promo on ZSJ. Toni Storm and Mariah May are out with Mini and Mariah goes back to do the dance with Mina to face Saraya, Anna, and Harley. Mina and Mariah get an edge and shake their tits mid-ring before Toni does it on the apron. Saraya takes a hip attack and tags out to lead Harley to landing a backstabber. MINA DRIVER TO ANNA JAY after a Judas effect ends it! This was a lot of fun.

Mariah offers up champagne and they all dance before Mina BONKS MARIAH WITH A CHAMPAGNE BOTTLE WHEN TONI MOVES! Jericho and the Redwood are out and THE BAD APPLE IS HURT and has a partner set who LIKE HIM IS A WRESTLING OBSERVER HALL OF FAMER - MINORU SUZUKI. But Suzuki doesn't want to team with him - HE WANTS A SHOT AT THE FTW TITLE GUYS! 

KOR faces ZSJ in a fantastic technical showcase with OC on commentary and Taz telling him to amp it up a bit. ZSJ gets a tap before the UK comes out and Ishii stands by OC! Swerve and Ospreay vs. the Gates of Agony are up to tie up a loose end for Swerve. AVALANCHE JACKHAMMER BY KHAN GETS 2 ON OSPREAY! SWERVE STOMP OFF THE APRON ON LEONA! Arm snapper and the hidden blade end it! 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

AEW Collision 6-15-24 - One Year Anniversary


Christian Cage welcomes everyone to HIS SHOW THE SHOW HE STARTED and put on the map. THE BCC IS HERE IN THE OPENER! I don't recall them being advertised, but we also get Lio Rush, Romero, and TMDK here! ADVERTISE PEOPLE. Luckily, the show looks fantastic here - better than Dynamite has in a long time.

Rocky and Yuta chop the shit out of each other for a bit before Danielson hits the corner dropkick but eats a Haste flying forearm. LEBELL LOCK IS ON! Haste gets the rope! Mox runs wild on Nicholls with slugs in the corner, an RNC and a Gotch piledriver. Frog splash from Rush and he avoids the death rider by flipping out. BUSAIKU KNEE BY BRYAN! GIANT SWING TO ROCKY! Claudio toss into a death rider ends it! This was a lot of fun. Mox says he's not coming to Forbidden Door to just retain - HE'S COMING TO RETIRE NAITO AND BURY HIS ASS ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are out to no reaction. They bring up the Bucks' fines and Cutler says THEY'RE BEING FINED MORE so Daniels says nah and smacks Cutler with a clipboard. Deonna vs. Rosa is up in a street fight and Rosa is dressed for battle. Rosa misses a steps dropkick before tables are out. MASSIVE CHAIRSHOTS to the back of Deonna! Samoan drop on a downed table for 2. TABLE RAMP DROPKICK INTO A TRASH CAN BY ROSA! VENUS DE MILO BY DEONNA! Deonna uses a camera and knocks her out before locking on the De Milo on the ropes and it's over! 

One year anniversary video showcases Punk and MJF vs. Kenny, which I honestly forget about alongside the Bang Bang Gang classic. THE OUTRUNNERS FLEXING TO DALTON'S THEME IS INCREDIBLE Dalton says that Hichicero stole his Game Gear AND SONIC TRIPLE TROUBLE - THAT GAD! Quick match with a twisting legdrop la mistica winning before the Gates of Agony get run off by DG. Dante vs. Lee is hyped up with Dante saying that everyone's banned from ringside. Shayna is out saying that YOU BOO A MOTHER!

Christian shows off a letter from Nick and a Prince Charles-style painting from Killswitch and of course, he loves the kid-style letter more. He talks about how Killswitch needs to stay in line and his path to the top again begins with the Trios title and Tony, I AM YOUR FATHER NOW! Backstage, the BBG talks about proving if the HOB can hang with them. Lee vs. Dante is up and STP ruins that one. KOR vs. Anthony Henry is up and the suplex into the armbar ends it quickly. 

HOB vs. Bang Bang Gang is up and I've switched keyboard to have better results there, but with the mouse being a bit wonky. Juice pretends to dog piss on Malakai and Malakai just looks on gobsmacked. Buddy runs wild on the Gunns! ONE GUNN INTO ANOTHER LAWNDART SPEAR! JACKHAMMER GETS 2 FOR BUDDY! Super Meteora from Buddy and they carry him out. Juice cannonball to Brody gets 2! MALAKAI GETS A HOT TAG AND RUNS WILD LIKE HE HASN'T SINCE HE CAME IN AND BEAT CODY! Bridging German gets 2! Colton hits a Superman punch to the back of the neck for 2! Pac helps the HOB and THE END ends it! The Patriarchy shows Buddy taken out and says they're not a trios team anymore - oh nice!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6-12-24 - Ospreay vs. Fenix for the International Title


This isn't the best-built show ever, but it's got Mone live and a killer Ospreay vs. Fenix match. Swerve starts it off and Swerve tells him that a year ago, he saw the assassin in Ospreay - but not at DON. He was called Killshot because YOU DON'T MISS WITH HIM OR YOU'RE DEAD. Okada says it's MY HOUSE, BITCH! The Bucks propose BLOOD AND GUTS and they want him for the fifth man. The Acclaimed come out and Daniels says he needs everyone out of that ring and backstage because they have an opener - but Jack can stay because HIS MATCH IS NOW! 

Perry tosses Dustin around ringside into the steps too. Jack wants a piledriver on the floor, but eats a backdrop on the concrete instead. Jack wants a rope-bound V trigger, but Dustin gets a snap powerslam. Jack hit a DDT on the floor and got a great 9 count. Dustin flips the bird but eats the busaiku knee that ends it! Orange, Kyle, and Mark Briscoe with his new Camo ROH title are here for a trios tag. Mark cuts a classic Briscoe promo putting over KOR and OC and THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO WELL THERE'S ONE THING YOU CAN DO AND THAT'S GET YA ASS WHOOPED! Rush massacres Rusman and hits him with THE HORNS! He traps Rusman under his foot after the match before MJF comes out for a brawl! Security tries to stop them, so MJF helps him beat them up too!

MJF VS RUSH IS MADE AD-FREE FOR NEXT WEEK! Okay - definitely seeing that one live. Fletcher, Strong and Takeshita are up next for the trios tag. OC dive on the pile and a diving DDT to Fletcher gets 2! Fletcher lands a sick snap gamenguri and then a snap half and half! SHINGO IS COMING TO THE AMERICA! Daniels announces eliminator matches for title shots for the tag title and Continental title as well. Joe and Hook chat about why his dad loves orange so much. Joe and Hook attack and Shibata has the camera! Shibata and his neon yellow shoes beat up Sterling! RNC to Nese on the apron and Redrum by Hook to Daivari! THIS WAS PERFECT! 

Vaquer promo on Mercedes being spoiled and says she's premiere. Zeuxis looks great in there with Mone - dominating until a tornado DDT off the announce table before a Batista bomb gets 2 on Mone. METEORA OFF THE SECOND ROPE GETS 2! Three amigos countered into a butterfly codebreaker for 2. MONE MAKER ENDS IT! THE MICHAEL JORDAN OF MICHAELS JORDANS - THE LEARNING TREE CHRIS JERICHO IS HERE! Private Pary crotches him on the top rope and they flee.

Daniel Garcia faces off with Nick Comoroto - who now looks EXACTLY like '70s Bruno. Front choke finish before Fenix vs. Ospreay. They had an insane match with a shitload of counters and fast shit until the Hidden Blade to the back of the head ended it and Swerve stared down with Ospreay. Ospreay grabs the world title 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6-5-24 - MJF Returns

MJF is out and hugely over with a giant MJF chant. He says he's in Colorado and high and shills his merch. He buries Okada's physique and Swerve's promos "The cockney cockhead!" Bleep guy die or something? A GRANNY IS ALL ELITE sign is on the front row and Rush comes out to chat with MJF. MJF tells him he gets none of that and he thinks no one could hear Rush. They brawl and CD and the goons break them up. 

A Strong training video airs hyping up Swerve vs. Roddy tonight for the title. International Championship no. 1 contender 4-way is up with Orange, KOR, Lethal, and Rey Fenix! OC escapes a wristlock with the pockets! Lethal Combo and then the Injection on KOR! Fenix counters a figure four from Lethal into a small package to win it! Trent comes out and Don tosses a chair into the ring for Trent to take out OC with. OC'S GOT A CHAIN! Stokely threatens OC with Kris and SHE SLAPS OC! THE LEARNING TREE ARRIVES. "IF YOU RESPECTED CHRIS JERICHO, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE A SHAKY-ASS CAMERA!"

Willow says she's got a smile BUT NOW SHE'S BEEN BETRAYED AND SHE'S DANGEROUS! Mark Briscoe's out to face Brian Cage in a TNT Title qualifier. It's so dark in the crowd that it's hard to see Don and Takeshita even in close-ups. PUMPHANDLE JONES hits the Weapon M or X or something. Spinning Ligerbomb gets 2 for Cage. FROGGY BOW ENDS IT. Jericho gives Daddy Magic some advice on being the commentator on Rampage and he's an 8-time champion and a 3-time parent, he can help with Ange too! BCC is out as a team for their first 8-man match since Anarchy in the Arena last May. Claudio shines so nicely in there with lucha stars and Yuta is looking good too. GIANT monkey flip by Esfinge! Magnus sweeps the leg off a lariat and lands a shotgun knee! Seatbelt cradle wins it!

Jericho instructs a branch to scoop things better. Daniel Garcia hype video showcases his car accident and his desire to get the International Title and get into that gritty version of himself to win it! The Bucks tell the Patriarchy that they'd love to give them all gold, but CD will get in the way - BUT THEY'LL SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO! Toni is out with Mariah May, now in Outcasts gear to face Saraya. Saraya jumps her and Mariah comes back with Toni on commentary being incredible. "AEW is where the breast wrestle!" Saraya boots her after a Harley distraction. Kneeling forearm exchange! GIANT HEADBUTT FROM MARIAH! Trishcanrana off the top to Saraya! Wedgie and a hip attack hits for 2! KNIGHTFALL HITS FOR 2! SCORPION CROSSLOCK ENDS IT AND SARAYA WINS!

Danielson says it's a blessing to see Wheeler win tonight and he said it would be his most epic year in his last full-time year. But it hasn't been what he wanted - he's lost every title match and now he HAS to win the Owen to get ONE MORE TIME to get a World title shot! Strong grounds him but avoids a house call and the Kingdom catches Swerve leading to a Strong X PLEX ON THE APRON! Roddy codebreaker counter to the rolling flatliner! House call ends it!