Saturday, September 28, 2024

AEW Collision Grand Slam 9-28-24

Work was pretty draining, but I rested up a bit afterwards and got some food in me and that helped. Saraya's rules match is up and SARAYA SLAPS HER AND HITS HER WITH A VCR AND KEYBOARD! Harley chokes her about on the floor before Saraya empties a backpack of matchbox cars!

Harley and Hayter hit the table! Saraya wants a count out! FINLAY ROLL THROUGH THE TABLE BY JAMIE! MID-RING TOMBSTONE BY JAMIE! HAYTERADE HITS AND WINS IT. This was a blast! Ricochet and Ospreay interview with Renee and Ricochet points out that he's here to showcase himself in ways people hadn't seen. CONGLOMORATION TIME against the Learning Tree. Bryan Keith works over OC in the corner nicely. Jericho FUs Mark onto a chair! Kyle and Bill go at it on the apron! Jericho beats Mark and he wants the ROH Title again. Brody King is out to DO BRODY KING THINGS WITH ACTION ANDRETTI! This is all-action with Andretti hitting a high kick but eating a bullhammer off a dive and the ganso bomb ends it!

Archer and the Righteous jump the faces and Andretti saves! Jack Perry arrives in this bus and new gear! MINORU SUZUKI ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE! OH MY GOD! Suzuki is just incredible in AEW - like he'll never win a big one, but he's also never have a bad match. Suzuki wants forearm shots and gets them, then goes HAHAHA and just forearms the fuck out of him to knock him down. Chops from Perry have no effect and goddamn, this is a perfect match structure. Suzuki does NOTHING in terms of bumps, but every single thing he does matters. Inverted DDT gets 2 for Perry before he lands some mounted elbows. DROPDOWN CHOKE FROM SUZUKI! Perry avoids the piledriver with a backdrop before a hanging armbar from Suzuki! Suzuki hits him with a chair in the ribs and nails him with knees to the ribs. Draping DDT to the floor from Perry and he hits the running knee into the steps AND HE WINS VIA COUNTOUT! Wow - perfect!

SHIBATA SAVES SUZUKI! Claudio, Pac, and Yuta are out to face Komander and Private Party. Claudio hits a cheapshot on the apron before Yuta argues with his allies. ZAY SLAPS THE SHIT OUT OF YUTA and Yuta wrenches on the broken hand! Cattle Mutilation ends it! Killer new theme for Claudio and A NEW OUTRUNNERS VIDEO HITS with strong "Rock America" vibes.


Kris Statlander says she won't beg for chances - she'll just dominate because she's not insecure. The MXM Collection is out and IT'S NOT EVEN TIP TOUCHING TUESDAY! They bust a nut over the models and HANS is perfect and he has vascularity and striation! HANS IS BILLY GUNN and runs wild! IN A THONG!

Hangman vs. Jarrett is up! MAGNUM TA SIDE BELLY TO BELLY GETS 2 FOR HANGER! An apron slugfest and...then technical issues hit and Hanger is on offense in the corner. Russian legsweep by Jeff and HANGMAN GETS STRAPPED! Rope gulliotine! JEFF JARRETT DIVES ON THE PILE ON THE FLOOR! Karen comes in and Hangman teases a strap shot AND HE HITS JAY! HANGER GETS STRAPPED! babyfaces strap hanger! Low blow and a deadeye end it! THIS RULED!

Okada vs. Sammy is up and should be fantastic. MASSIVE sliding dropkick by Okada gets 1. Hangman vs. Juice is up for Dynamite. CUTTER OFF THE STEPS AFTER ARROGANCE FROM SAMMY!  Red ink is on and escaped by Sammy before a backdrop on the steps to Sammy! DROPKICK BY OKADA! RAINMAKER TURNED INTO THE SPANISH FLY FOR 2! GTH sends him into the buckle and a springboard is met with a rainmaker and a win! This was a riot!

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9-25-24 - Grand Slam - Danielson vs. McGuinness


Nigel vs. Danielson starts things off! They exchange uppercuts! Tons of matwork before a DANIELSON SLAP! Nigel wants a LeBell lock, but Danielson locks it on! Nigel and Bryan ringpost spot DONE SAFELY THANK GOD! LONDON DUNGEON! Tower of London avoided and turned into a busaiku knee by Bryan! Corner handstand is countered by Bryan and he lands a forearm before Nigel escaped and hit a corner final cut for 2. EUROPEAN UPPERCUT BY BRYAN BUT IT HURTS THE BAD ARM! REBOUND LARIAT BY NIGEL GETS 1! 

Eye poke and a ripcord lariat by Nigel gets 2! Nigel wants the dungeon, but eats kicks and Danielson eats the hammer and anvil elbows! Inverted suplex INTO A TOWER OF LONDON FOR 2! BACKSTABBER VARIANT OF THE DUNGEON! Hammer and anvil shots from Danielson, but he goes down too! LARIAT GETS 2.9 FOR NIGEL! LeBell Lock is on and he taps and says "thank you!" Beautiful. 

Cage teases a cashin but Sabian takes the pen and Cage runs past Pac and Claudio and darts away. Strong vs. HOOK is up and Roddy has a killer hoodie on and Hook suplexes everyone around and white Russian legsweeps Roddy into the barricade. Hook lands some lariats and a corner northern lights gets 2 for Hook. Hook goes for Redrum, but Roddy sends him into a corner chair. Gutbuster on a chair and a sick kick get 2.5! Redrum ends it! Roddy shakes his hand and hugs him - good stuff. Tony gives Hook and the FTW Title props and he retires it before giving it to Taz and one more "thank you Taz" chant breaks out. 

United Empire vs. Bucks for the tag titles is up! SILLY GOOSE KYLE FLETCHER mocks the Bucks pose! DOUBLE OSCUTTER GETS 2! Buck destroyer but a hidden blade hits! APRON TK DRIVER FOR FLETCHER! 9 COUNT TO AVOID A COUNTOUT! Seated knee to Fletcher from Nick! DOUBLE STYLES CLASH GETS 2.9! Hidden blade hits! STORM BREAKER FOR 2.9 when Nick saves. Half and half by Fletcher! Nick does the CM Punk corner knee>bulldog combo! TK DRIVER TO MATTHEW GETS 2.9! 

TURNBUCKLE BRAINBUSTER FOR 2.9! Don gives Kyle the screwdriver and Will doesn't want it and Kyle eats a belt and a BTE trigger ends it. Don undid everything for his team. Conglomoration promo and they're going to kick the Learning Tree down every side of the tree. Nana is out. MVP! Hopefully Tony has enough sense to not let him wrestle - he's been washed for a decade ever since he blew his knee out in TNA and really wasn't that great in New Japan before that. MVP wants to let Nana know that he'd do a better job than Nana and let him know when he'll talk BUSINESS.

Yuka Sakazaki and her super-happy theme are out to face Mariah May! MAGICAL GIRL DIVE TO MARIAH! Shotgun dropkick by Mariah on the floor! Mariah slaps the shit out of her in the corner and Yukz avoids the Trish rana and locks on a draping triangle over the rope. Yuka goes around the world for a cradle and got 2. Mariah headbutt and German hit for 2. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB HITS FOR YUKA! Magical girl splash meets knees and the Storm Zero ends it! Mariah is such a low-key fantastic worker. Willow is out and Mina distracts leading to a May beltshot and Mariah May flees with her!

Mox vs. Darby is up with JR on commentary. Mox forearm and chops him in the corner and Ex talks about BR being sunset.  Darby wants a suplex onto a chair but Marina nixes it. COFFIN DROP INTO AN RNC ALA THEIR PAST MATCH! Darby is in a bulldog choke and froths to get to the rope! AVALANCHE DEATH RIDER ENDS IT and Mox gets his shot at Wrestle Dream! 

Danielson comes out and chokes Mox with a necktie! Zay and Quen are out! Komander gets chucked on the floor by Pac! Danielson DECLARES WAR ON THE BCC AND HE'S GONNA KICK HIS FUCKING HEAD IN! 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

AEW Collision 9-21-24 - FTRUNNERS DEBUT!


THE BUNKHOUSE BRAWL STARTS THINGS OFF with Dustin and Sammy facing Taven and Bennett! Sammy gets a railing moonsault but eats a chair off a tope! DUSTIN BULLDOGS HIM OFF THE STAGE THROUGH TABLES AND BARB WIRE! APRON CUTTER BY SAMMY OFF THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE! Sammy gets knocked off a ladder through two tables and Dustin gets a double ball-claw! DUSTIN SUPLEXES TAVEN ON AN UPRIGHT CHAIR FOR 2! BARB WIRE SHATTERED DREAMS AFTER A CORNER SUPERKICK! Final Reckoning on a kendo stick! SWANTON OFF A LADDER BY SAMMY ENDS IT! THIS RULED!

The Conglomeration meet with the Premier Athletes for battle later. DMD hype video! HOLOGRAM has such a cool intro. Mark Sterling complains about the key to the city not even working! Hologram hits some cool stuff with Nese and a Jay driller ends it for Woods. MXM swears revenge on Caster and his jacket for next week's Collision. Mariah May is out to face Lady Frost in an eliminator. A MARIAH MAY KISS SENDS NIGEL ALMOST OFF THE RAMP and Nigel says if Tony was kissed, his wig would fall off. Face wash by May and a Frost German hit! Giant headbutt by May and a Storm Zero ends it!

Willow promo and the Acclaimed cut a promo on MXM saying they're Temu shoppers. Darby vs. Uno is up and Darby stares down Nigel... Low-pe hits but Reynolds cheapshots Darby AND UNO POUNCES HIM INTO THE BARRICADE! BULLDOG CHOKE BY DARBY! Uno flatliner for 2. COFFIN DROP to the standing Uno on the floor and then the usual one ends it! Jarrett pitches a lumberjack strap match and it's on! 

Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb had a damn-near classic. Tons of matwork by Deeb before Queen took her out with a headbutt after a face wash on the rope. Detox wins it for Deeb! Sammy wants Okada and he says that he wants the Continental title and he wants it for the 5 year show! 10-man tag is up and Mortos hits a basement whisper in the wind on Dax for 2. DAX AND RUSH CHOPFEST! MORTOS clubs Dax in the corner the Horns end it after a 90 SECONDS call by the ref. This ruled! Deeb challenges Britt for Dynamite 5. Nigel cuts a promo on Bryan and Tony Schiavone defends Danielson and Nigel wants him to walk up the steps and meet him in the middle of THIS RING FOR THE FINAL CHAPTER! He's been shouting for 12 years since he retired that he was as good as Bryan and he needs to prove it to EVERYONE ELSE! BUT ONLY 2 PEOPLE KNOW IT'S TRUE - ME AND YOU! And now, you're just running from me and even if you don't show up, I'M STILL VINDICATED! IF THERE'S A GOD IN HEAVEN, IT WILL HAPPEN AND IF THERE'S NOT, MAY THE DEVIL HEAR MY PRAYER! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9-18-24

 It's not the most loaded show in the world, but Ricochet vs. Mortos should be pretty great. OC vs. Jericho is up and Jericho avoids a diving elbow with knees up. Suicide DDT from OC is met with a walls into a slingshot into the barricade. Back suplex by Jericho off a road case through the timekeeper's table! Slow, plodding whatever. Orange punch with a roll of quarters ends it. Thank God.

Last week, Pac and Claudio call out Yuta and Pac says they have a title defense next week - and he's not responding. Claudio isn't mad - he's just disappointed! Yuta chats with Alex and says he's conflicted, but he's worked his career to be a champion and he'll do it. He says that Bryan taught him to not change yourself because of who around you is - and we'll defend it together. HOOK HOGAN taps out JD Ink right away with Redrum after a few suplexes. Patriarchy is backstage and bullies Renee and Kip comes in and Cage insults him. 

Deeb and THE AEW WOMEN'S WORLD CHAMPION THE GLAMOUR MARIAH MAY are out for their tag match with Amanita and Yuka Sakazaki! Mariah tosses her outside and does her poses! Yuka sends Deeb for a ride with a whirly bird! MAGICAL GIRL SPRINGBOARD DIVE TO THE FLOOR and then the magical girl splash to Deeb, but a May belt shot ends it! The BCC beats up Private Party with Marina beating some ass. Komander wanted a tope and ate an uppercut from Claudio. Mox tells them he could end them and they're in the same place they were 5 years ago and he smashes Zay's hand with a hammer. Darby attacks and Marina holds back Claudio. 

FRANK THE BEAST MORTOS vs Ricochet is up with snap ranas being popped up both ways! Apron powerbomb by Frank Mortos! 619 by Ricochet in the corner! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP BY MORTOS GOT 2! SUICIDE DIVE OFF A FLIP DIVE INTO A CODE RED BY RICOCHET! Springboard 450 gets 2! AVALANCHE PRESS SLAM BY FRANK MORTOS GETS 2! Atlantis backbreaker by Mortos is met with a crucifix bomb and an axe kick! VERTIGO ENDS IT! 

Sorrow of the Hangman video airs. Hangman comes out and says that Swerve is now gone! Hangman intimidates Tony and JEFF JARRETT IS OUT FOR THE SAVE! JEFF CHALLENGES HANGER and if it's the last thing he does, SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY THE LAST OUTLAW IS GONNA KICK YOUR ASS! We gotta get Dave Brown on the call for this one.

Ricochet chats with Ospreay about getting his wins up and he's got them up and from his perspective, he stepped into AEW and people are calling him out. He's calling him out and maybe not at Grand Slam - but THE NEXT WEEK! THE FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW IS RICOCHET VS. OSPREAY! Don Callis Family (and Ospreay) are out to face THE ELITE! Gamenguri and a brainbuster by Fletcher to Nick! Okada hits a trio of uppercuts but eats a Michonoku driver! Takeshita forces his way in and elbows Okada three times! DEADLIFT BRAINBUSTER BY TAKESHITA! Middle rope senton for 2! Okada catches him out of the corner with the alabama slam neckbreaker for 2! 


Friday, September 13, 2024

WWE SD 9-13-24 - USA Return

As per the norm for a big show, we've got a new intro and HHH is of course out to get a big pop to start the show off. He says they're sold out in Seattle and 25 years ago, he faced Rock and now we've got Cody vs. Solo for the title! The cage gets pyro and it looks like it's all aprons and no LED boards. Cody vs. Solo gets a hype video. 

Cody lands a couple of dropdown uppercuts and a bulldog that Solo pops up from. Cody is sent back-first into the cage and takes an assalanche in the cage. Cody eats a couple of cage powerbombs, but scales the cage for a CODY CUTTER FOR 2. Superplex by Solo! Two spinning solos hit for 2. Cody cutter for 2! Standing hip attack, basement hip attack, Samoan drop and a Superfly dive gets 2! Cross Rhodes hits for 2! CROSSBODY OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE FOR 2.9! Thank God he did that instead of that Wardlow cage moonsault! Spike turned into another Cross Rhodes to win it!

Cody is done with Solo, but NOT WITH THE BLOODLINE! They jump him before Roman saves and Cody and Roman fight together. Aldis says an offer has been made from Solo and the Bloodline to Cody and Roman. Michin vs. Piper and Piper eats a dive and Chelsea eats a caneshot, but it opens the door for a cannonball off the apron by Piper. Eat Defeat wins it and Chelsea attacks. RVD and Vickie are shown in the crowd

A-Town Down Under are out to face KO and a mystery partner, a bald guy with a furry chest and back. RICKY IS MY PARTNER - LET'S GIVE 'EM HELL!  But his partner's here so he stuns Ricky and IT'S ORTON! Waller does the Orton back suplex toss onto the announce table to KO and the ORTON POSE! Double suplex to KO got 2. Orton tags in for lariats and the powerslam. ANNOUNCE TABLE BACK SUPLEX BY ORTON! RKO ends it.

We get Hayes on-screen and NIA is mid-ring blathering on before Bayley interrupts. Tiffy's out in a really hot outfit Naomi is out so we've got a tag match. Hopefully. Naomi wants the belt and Nia wants a tag and next week, whoever wins faces her at Bad Blood and also the loser leaves SD. Roman will be out after the next match of Hayes vs. Andrade. Elbow hits for Andrade and the first 48 lands for Hayes. Hayes gets 2 off La Mistica. Hayes avalanche rana met with THE MESSAGE OFF THE TOP! LA vs. Andrade is up for next week.

Jade and Bianca are backstage and Nia and Tiffy walk up so maybe that will be a thing later. Roman comes out and his new theme is nowhere near as good as his last and he's mid-ring with Aldis. He wants the mic and says he hasn't changed - he doesn't need Aldis or a contract because IT'S FAMILY BUSINESS! Cody is out and says that this hasn't been Roman's WWE since Mania. I like them not just being buddy-buddy completely as the Bloodline is out for a brawl before signatures.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

AEW Dynamite 9-11-24


The show starts off with Moxley talking about taking over and being like Regal - not a villain and not perfect, but he can't be fake and Danielson's ways didn't work. Christian and the Patriarchy are out and Cage talks about cashing in before Kip Sabian stirs things up a bit in the crowed. Backstage, Callis asks Ospreay to team with Fletcher for the casino tag gauntlet and Ospreay says no, but Callis did bring up the favor... Takeshita looks on annoyed. Lio vs. Jack Perry is up and Lio thankfully doesn't have the pilot stripper garb. Lawndart and busaiku end it for Rush. Private Party and Komander get massacred by the Mox group. Hanger and JJ brawl backstage. Sammy and Ricochet have a vintage early Dynamite highlight reel match with Sammy doing a moonsault off the ring light entrance area before Ricochet lands Vertigo to win it. Darby's out and calls out Mox  and Mox comes out without Claudio and Pac and acts like he's in a film being checked out for a wire. 

Darby says that to this day, Mox will wrestle in a gym because he loves it and they first match not in AEW - but in a gym. He wants to know what he wants and Mox says hey, you've got a title shot but it doesn't mean anything yet because the Champion is out and it's a blessing because he isn't ready - but he needs him to hand that title shot over to me! Darby asks if he's drinking again and he's acting self-entitled. Mox wants the shot on the line at Grand Slam and he'll show him a lesson. He's gonna have to teach him the hard way now and Daniels meets with Alex before Nigel interrupts with a word for Tony. 

Mariah May is out to face Queen Aminata and once again I deal with issues with the capture card that have been running amok all night. MayDay ends it. Bucks cut a promo about being the division and they're waiting for ANYONE to earn a shot at the greatest team of the generation. Learning Tree is out and Jericho didn't find the money in his backpack. Learning Tree faces the Iron Savages and JACKED JAMESON! MEAT CHANT breaks out with Boulder and Bill. Stinger splash and a big boot from Bill! Rising uppercut from Keith and a diamond dust hits!  

Jericho is in his designer jacket and Taz has no idea who the designer is and says he's gotta be kinda rancid now. He shows a photo in the backpack with the Best Friends and Jericho offers a lesson about friendship - there are no friends in wrestling! If you have a friend, you have someone using and HE WANTS HIS CASH! OC is backstage with Jericho's new Bentley and they drop all of his change onto it! But he makes change and puts $1 on the seat. 

Nigel is mid-ring and says that at Grand Slam, there won't be a World title match as the champion is gasping for air like Justin Roberts when he was choked out with is own tie and it's not good for AEW! Nigel pulls out a contract and HE'S AFRAID OF ME AND THE ONE MATCH EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE! AND AT GRAND SLAM, IT WILL BE DANIELSON AGAINST NIGEL MCGUINNESS! Hook cuts a promo ala Owen making a two second point over two minutes. 

The casino gauntlet starts off with FTR and Ospreay and Fletcher. THE RIGHEOUS is out to dead silence. Lots of nothing until THE OUTRUNNERS come out for a near-fall and the Fletcher-Ospreay duo wins with the Hidden Blade.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

NXT 9-10-24 - TNA Knockouts Defense

I don't usually watch NXT live, but this is a loaded show with a tag title match, heritage cup match, last man standing match and mystery TNA Knockouts title defense. Fraxiom's intro is killer and Dawkins is ungodly fast! Axiom hits a C4 off the top to Dawkins! Powerbomb/blockster hits before THE BLOODLINE INVADES NXT and JACOB FATU RUNS WILD! 

Love that in 2024, we've got MARIGOLD footage on USA. GIULIA vs. Chelsea is hyped up a bit as a preamble for Giulia and Perez on the CW debut. Giulia kept her Hama Kimura tribute in the graphics! Chelsea hits a slap and eats a giant headbutt! SHOTGUN DROPKICK OFF THE TOP! SPIDER WEB MID-RING and Chelsea got the rope and avoids the rising knee. Corner sleeper by Chelsea after she yankst he arm in the rope. German and an elevated flatliner by Chelsea! RISING KNEE and the northern lights bomb ends it. This was a perfect showcase for both of them - but especially Green, who shined with a lot more offense blended in with the comedy.

Jordynne cuts a promo before being broken up by a video package. Lexis King looks goofy as shit with his facial hair getting styled. Demsey vs. Evans is up for the heritage cup after a wacky women's bickering skit backstage. Monkey flip cradles end the first round. Demsey wins the first fall in round 2. Demsey cravate gives him a further edge before Evans wins fall 2. Front chancery by Dempsey before turning it into a guillotine! Half hatch suplex hold from Dempsey got 2.5! Evans DIVES OVER THE RINGPOST ONTO DEMPSEY! TAVION HEIGHTS JUMPS EVANS WITH THE BELLY TO BELLY AND DEMPSEY WINS IT! Oh this ruled! 

HAMMERSTONE is out to face Oba Femi in a MEAT DIVISION MATCH! Hammerstone eats a press slam but lands a pair of belly to belly suplexes and a chokeslam for 2. FEMI JUST SACK OF SHIT TOSSES HAMMERSTONE! Femi hits his finish and beats Hammerstone clean. Damn this was short and fun! Hank and Tank want the Good Brothers and Chase U cuts a promo on Ridge and Duke cuts a promo on him - he's a fantastic promo within the limits of this act.

BIG DUKE ENERGY is here to face RIDGE - not the wallet or the racer, but Holland! Ridge clubbers in the corner before an overhead belly to belly and a slam. Rampage ends it and Thea Hail yells at him. RIDGE TOSSES PART OF THE BARRICADE ON DUKE to...some heat. Jordynne and Giulia have a little staredown. 

Dunne has lived like 10 lifetimes by 30 - and he's already preparing for life after wrestling, wisely, by doing producing too. Dunne cuts a good promo and says he's the lst man standing. MizTV will be on NXT - OH GOD WHY. Wes is out and grabs Vic's headset and calls it Zach for the CW on a street fight. SOL RUCA steps up to face Jordynne! Inverted gutwrench and a powerslam gets 2 for Jordynne. Corner tackle is met with a Ruca rana to the floor. Springboard splash gets 2 for Ruca!

Ruca apron high kick hits! Gunnslinger from Grace is met with a twisting DDT by Ruca for 2. Backhand and a world's strongest slam and Vader bomb get 2. Ruca cradle out of a Grace Driver for 2. Ruca crotched and the muscle buster hits! BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Rosemary and Choo attack Grace. OH GOD. Tatum does goofy dollhouse shit and Tatum is upset about Choo using her. Ava meets with Giulia and FUNAKI AS HER TRANSLATOR! Good God thank God for Giulia! Giulia says Roxanne is scared and she should be!

SHAWN SPEARS ACTING. Pete vs. Williams is up, possibly with Petey Williams producing. BOOK END BY TRICK after a bunch of walking and brawling on the floor. Leaping neckbreaker from Trick onto the chair...that largely hits himself there. Whoops. Bitter End gets an 8. TRICK SHOT HITS! DUNNE POPS UP AT 9.5! POWERBOMB THROUGH AN ANNOUNCE TABLE TOPPER AGAINST THE BARRICADE gives Dunne an edge. Page yells at them and runs at Trick and Trick avoids and wins it!