Bit of a late start to the show on MAX, which really needs to cue up some AEW footage for its preview before the show airs instead of BLUE. MJF talks shit about Hanger and we get the Swerve vs. Ricochet contract signing and Ricochet doesn't have the robe and says that it's getting modified AHAA! Swerve talks shit about TREVOR'S RING ANNOUNCER WIFE! SWERVE SCISSORS HIM IN HIS MASS EFFECT JACKET! Ospreay, Hobbs, OC, and Mark face off with the DCF and Bryan Keith next!
Ospreay and Cage rule together. Giant uranage to Hobbs by Cage, but Cage eats a suicide DDT BY OC! Hidden Blade ends it and Fletcher is a cocky shit after it. Kyle bullies Mark Davis around and Davis hits Will with a brainbuster on a chair. DCF and Omega hype video air. Cope vs. Yuta is up and Cope has the babyshit green gear on. A minute of action and we come back to a YUTA CHINLOCK!? Really now? Grindhouse and impaler to Yuta. Busaiki, but it sends Cope out and the spear wins it! Yuta shakes his hand as Cope hypes up this is what respect is like. Oh no HERE'S MOX!
Mox is pissed at Yuta and he says that you pulled the trigger - BUT YOU WON'T ON SUNDAY! Outrunners get a wacky '80s montage with a new wacky song! Hanger beats up a guy MJF dressed up like him before MJF jumps him. BUCKSHOT MEETS A BALLSHOT! The writer of Queen of the Ring is here to chat and TONI STORM IS HERE! Stat and Rose are out to face Bayne and Ford. Slingshot elbow by Kris but Rosa gets tossed onto her on the floor by Bayne! AND THEN SHE THROWS PENELOPE ON THEM! Shotgun missile dropkick to Bayne from Stat! Stat gets a twirling falcon arrow for 2. F5 wins for Bayne on Rosa!
Renee meats with Mone for nothing really. God I hope The Monk is here to destroy Max Caster in this standby match. Jay White massacre time! Jay will turn on Mox and we get some great shit between Toni and Mariah with Mariah saying she's a sick bitch and she's winning. Toni says that Mariah will exist, but not live - and be the answer to a trivia question of whatever happened to Mariah May?! Main event time and Ricochet as a little bitch with Okada is fantastic. Swerve works great with Okada and King is perfect with Ricochet and especially Okada. MASSIVE CHOP TO RICOCHET! DVD TO OKADA GETS 2!
Springboard frog splash by Ricochet gets 2 on King for Okada! Big pressure turned into a victory roll by Ricochet for 2! Swerve stomp but OKADA'S ELBOW BREAKS UP THE PIN! Cannonball misses and the HOUSE CALL HITS STANDING before Ricochet grabs the belt and clocks Swerve to win it! Fun show, but not really a must-watch.