Wednesday, February 19, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-19-25


They're shooting the show wisely here and MJF starts off with Hangman and tells the people he doesn't speak poor. He got screwed by Page in the first battle royal in AEW history and he beat Hangman for the ring. MJF points out that Page burned a man's home down and they'll chant cowboy shit but HE ISN'T THE MAIN CHARACTER! He ended the career of his mentor - THAT JOBBER HACK and that's a bridge too far for Hangman.  Daniels' retirement match means so much more in hindsight than it would have had they billed it as a retirement match. 

Page says that CD is a hero and MJF is a coward and that's how he'll be remembered. CD tells Hangman that this is what he fought for and then he gets his thank you chants and flowers. Grand Slam recap showcases the Cope theme singing! Patriarchy is out to face the OPPS! The OPPS have their own theme and tron now 

JOE BEATS EVERYONE UP! Cage throws Nick to the wolves and he gets choked out. Hangman vs. MJF is up for Revolution! ROH GLOBAL WARS RECAP with Bandido beating Jericho and he bitches about it. BIG BILL AND HIS BACKPACK face Hobbs in a street fight. Bill clonks him with a reinforced keyboard and Hobbs avoids a giant wrench shot.  MASSIVE chair shot from Hobbs launches a new meme. 

Hobbs hits a one-armed chokeslam to Keith through a corner table! BRICK FILLED BACKPACK TO THE HEAD OF BILL!  Hobbs hits one a choke toss slam to Bill through a barb wire board and that should do it! HE'S STUCK IN THE WIRE and it's over! Murder Machines want the tag titles and they announce Double or Nothing for AZ in May! Toni is THE TRAMP AND YOUR NEW CHAMP! She faced a woman who broke her heart, took her title and stole her soul - SHE'S A SICK BITCH! SHE RAILED HER WITH THE BIGGEST PACKAGE THERE HAS EVER BEEN - Mariah May has been compromised to a permanent end and it's time for a cheap plug - QUEEN OF THE RING ENJOY! IF YOU'RE WILLOW, KRIS OR EVEN WENDI RICHTER, SHE'S HERE TO GO TIT TO TIT OR LIP TO LIP! 

GABE KIDD IS COMING TO COLLISION!? Willow calls out Renee's husband. Bayne beats Stat thanks to Penelope! Rosa makes an awkward save with a chair and just kinda leaves. THE BEST WRESTLER ALIVE OPEN CHALLENGE hits Collision - it must be Gabe Kidd! Ricochet is out and cuts a money promo on WINNIN GOLD BABY! Nana comes out and says that he needs to talk to him tonight because he's been in the business throughout three decades. The robe stands for honor and Ricochet doesn't have that. 

Roddy vs. OC is up WITH JR ON COMMENTARY! OC takes Strong down for a thumbs up and hugs KOR before everyone else hugs! Stundog turned into a backbreaker into an armdrag! ORANGE PUNCH WINS IT! OC gets a title shot on next week's Dynamite! Tony is mid-ring with him for a post-match interview! BUT FIRST, the DCF interrupts! They attack OC but Kenny saves! STUNDOG TO TAKESHITS AND A V TRIGGER! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

WWE Raw 2-17-25


Cole hypes up Charlotte, NC tonight and Sami is out and hypes up KO and him as doing it TOGETHER no matter what. Sami is out and Pearce says he can't clear him to wrestle and they're given an unsanctioned match at Chamber. The Brazzers-level acting of Naomi and Bianca is replayed in full and they're coming to Raw. AJ vs. Dom is up and Dom dominates thanks to Carly until a Styles clash wins it. Bron goes to spear him afterwards, but he avoids it and Dom eats it and Bron eats a Pele! 

Dakota vs. Ivy is up and Dakota does a bunchy of goofy shit that involves spinning Ivy randomly before the KAIROPRACTOR! Ivy gets a long GRAPEVINE ANKLE LOCK and that's now just a transitional spot. Dakota wins after the GTK/Detonation Kick and so many goofy bullshit moves. Jey recap from last week. MAIN EVENT GUNTHER mocks Yeeting and the fans. He bullies Pat and Cole and Pat says Jey can win it. 

Dunne vs. PENTA is up and Penta has new black, red and white gear. Dunne ducks and eats a boot. Dunne works on the hands and snaps a finger and Penta chops! Leapfrog by Dunne is caught into a spinning AA for 2. Basically whatever Keith Lee's finish was there. MEXICAN DESTROYER and Kaiser hops up and Penta tosses Dunne into him and wins with the Penta Driver! Raquel vs. Roxanne and we get some nothing action until a fallaway slam and Bianca and Naomi come out dressed as cheerleaders and Poprox is a fluke win. Okay well that sucks. 

New Day recaps their beating of Rey and get Dom-level heat. Kofi is dressed like such a douchebag. LWO cuts a promo on them to prepare for losing a match one day. Balor jumps Seth to start and this is just a high workrate affair. Sharpshooter by Seth and the pedigree gets 2.99999 with no kickout until really what would have been 3. Coup de gras hits for 2 with a crucifix and then a Finn crossface, but he rolls out and the stomp wins it!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

AEW Grand Slam Australia 2-15-25

 Grand Slam begins with the Dream Team versus Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher! Heels are out first followed by OSPREAY OSPREAY! Fletcher is in PEAK HATER MODE here. Omega has his epic theme here - and it feels like a big show. Callis fucks around with Ospreay and finds out with a boot to the head after a dual Terminator dive! DOOMSDAY CUTTER ON THE TOP BY OSPREAY TO TAKEISHTA! Fletcher charges into Kenny in the corner but eats a Hidden Blade! Babyface finishes are turned into STEREO TOMBSTONES FOR 2.5! 


Harley is adorable and Mercedes is HER! Harley takes her down with a Russian legsweep! HARLEY MOTORBOATS HER! HARLEY BEATS HER UP WITH THE PUPPET AND THEN MINI MONE GETS PUNTED BY MERCEDES! THREE AMIGOS BY MERCEDES! Pumphandle back suplex gets 2 for Harley before a Mone' backstabber sends Harley out. Meteora hits for 2! CRUCIFIX GETS 2 FOR HARLEY! AREA CODE KICK BY HARLEY! SOMERSAULT SENTON MISSES FOR HARLEY! MONE MAKER ENDS IT - this was exactly what it needed to be. Harley beating Mone next year at Grand Slam will be even bigger in the main event. Momo Watanabe gets insulted by Mone' so that will be good.

Omega and Ospreay cut a promo backstage about how Omega wants the International Title at Revolution - he's tired of hearing Takeshita beat him twice in a week! Brisbane Brawl time! Cope is out in classic black and red the fans are just singing his whole theme after he's out! He's marking out here and Jay is in white. Mox and Claudio in a mask are out to wage war! Powerbomb through a table by Mox! Cope hits a double lariat on the Death Riders off the top! Paradigm Shift to Cope! 

BLADERUNNER TO CLAUDIO! YUTA ATTACKS JAY! HE WHIPS HIM AND THEN EATS A BEATING! Mox gets crotched by Cope! COPE CORNER SPEAR THROUGH A TABLE BY COPE TO CLAUDIO! BARB WIRE CONCHAIRTO! BUT NO YUTES! Case to the head and the Neutralizer gets 2.9! BULLDOG CHOKE BY MOX! Yuta chokes out Jay White! Wow what a nutty finish there - I don't see Cope beating Mox for the title.

Okada vs. Buddy Matthews is up! Buddy stares him down when he goes out to cower for a bit. Okada lures him in and forearms his jaw! GODDAMN DROPKICK UP TOP and Buddy takes a hell of a bump off the top! Meteora gets 2 for Matthews. Okada bird flip into boots! GTS BY BUDDY! CURB STOMP MISSES! Rainmaker gets 2! CURB STOMP AND MURPHY'S LAW GETS 2.9! Rising knee by Buddy and a superplex and jackhammer get 2! PRISM TRAP! Okada low blow and rainmaker end it! International Title series is announced for Revolution and HOBBS VS. BILL is up for Dynamite.

Mariah May vs. Toni is up with a big video package. Mariah's out in cool blue and pink gear and she goes WHAT THE FUCK at Luther. We go from ROCK STAR TONI to TIMELESS! She's in Aussie flag gear! Back and forth corner stomps! Toni locks on a headlock and a series of Germans hits for 2. MASSIVE assalanche hits and then a Storm Zero gets 2! MAYDAY CHAIN GETS 2! Mariah slaps her a ton in the corner before and a kiss of death from Mariah sets up a powerbomb and storm zero! BUT SHE ROLLS OUT! STORM ZERO BY MARIAH! Mayday but NO IT'S A SMALL PACKAGE WIN FOR TONI!

This was a show of the year contender and easily the best TV episode we'll likely get of any show across any company. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-12-25


The Gunns are backstage amped up and we see Dustin and Megan Bayne backstage too. Caster is out for the open challenge.  BABYFACE GOD AMONG MEN HANGMAN ADAM PAGE comes out to murk him. Caster hides in the crowd and Hanger chases him. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

WWE Raw 2-10-25

 AJ, Bayley, Lyra are shown and now Jey is out YEETing. He's on the table and gets beaten up by GUNTHER and Jey picks him for Mania. Liv and hyped up for the chamber and Dakota and Iyo face Raquel and Liv. Vengeance Day is hyped up for DC on Saturday and the Creeds get a tag title shot tonight. Good heel work by Raquel and Liv tagging in and out a ton to beat up Iyo. Liv SWIMMING for tags was fantastic. Liv gets busted up and the crowd is going crazy and the Iyo moonsault ends it! Bayley is out to face Lyra Valkria in a chamber qualifier with Roxanne in the crowd. Lyra catches an uppercut with a backslide for 2. Flying elbow misses and a Lyra tornado DDT is turned into a belly to Bayley for 2. Tornado DDT on the floor into a floor fisherman and then a mid-ring one for 2.5. Bayley cradles her for the win. 

Penta swears revenge on Kaiser who claps sarcastically and AJ walks by. Lyra is going to feud with Ivy Nile. AJ is out and says he had a career-ending injury, but he's back. Dom talks smack and gets nuclear heat for doing nothing. Speaking of which, Carlito is out cutting a promo as well. Pele to Carlito and Dom jumps AJ. P1 forearm to Carlito! Tag title match is up and the viking express hits for 2.5. Creeds use the belts for a DQ to make a statement. Punk cuts a promo on the chamber until Logan Paul interrupts. Paul and Rey have a pretty good match but Paul as a dickhead heel somehow works worse than him as a dickhead babyface.Loaded punch and a silly hanging spinning DDT hit to win.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-5-25 - Ricochet vs. Swerve


Renee chats with Jay White about Cope and he hasn't always gotten along with FTR and the Death Riders jump him before Rated FTR come in to brawl too. Giant brawl to ringside too and Claudio swings Dax into the railing. Spear to Claudio and Cope wants Mox for the PPV and Mox says no and White challenges Mox to Grand Slam Australia. 

Ospreay is out to face the Callis Family's MARK DAVIS! Sliding D in the corner hits snug! Callis talks about how Davis is in kind of under duress - so we'll see how that works in the future. Slingshot forearm and Ospreay bounces off Davis. OSCUTTER HITS FOR 2.5! Hidden Blade meets a lariat and a giant piledriver gets 2 for Davis. Hidden Blade wins it! 

Killer, epic video with Ricochet and Swerve. Hurt Syndicate is out with fans chanting WE HURT PEOPLE and MVP says they're coming for any titles they want - when they want. GUNNS UP TIME FOR THE SYNDICATE! The Gunns challenge and we get Harley with the Mone' puppet again. Mercedes bullies her and Harley flips her off behind her back while Renee tries to be a good friend and prevent her. Hangman talks to Renee about ending Daniels' career and he accepted a Texas deathmatch with him and he told him he'd hurt him. Max Caster interrupts and Hangman says hey you've got an open challenge...

Hounds of Hell are out to face Fletcher and Takeshita. Brody hits the seated crossbody to BOTH GUYS ON THE FLOOR. DOUBLE DOWN LARIAT WITH BRODY AND TAKESHITA! Buddy curb stomp turned into a Fletcher half and half! Okada's theme hits and Fletcher heads up for the brainbuster! But Fletcher eats a superkick and a rising knee! CERBERUS dropkick/cannonball get 2. Brody eats a draping DDT and they hurk Brody up for a brainbuster and that ends it.

Joe in a floral shirt and Hook are backstage and Hook tells him he's too emotional and beat up the Patriarchy and Christian is in the next room with Mama Wayne. MJF is out and I love that Max Caster is SO ANNOYING that even MJF is tired of his shit. Now Dustin is out annoying MJF and he says MJF isn't the devil - he met him and he beat him because he's been sober! He's a survivor and the last of his kind. MJF talks shit about Dusty and Cody and Dustin clubs him. 

Mariah May is out to do commentary for Toni vs. Amanita with TONI STORM AS MARIAH MAY! Toni hits the spiral sideslam. HIP ATTACK ON THE APRON! Release German by Amanita and a hip attack and Mayday ends it. We get a nice staredown and Dustin says he lives for blood, sweat and tears! He wants MJF on Tuesday and we get a Bill vs. Hobbs hype video. 

New York Minute is ringside and Bill cuts a promo on Hobbs who comes out and gets outnumbered before the OUTRUNNERS SAVE! MEAT CHANT! Swerve has JIMMY RAVE'S ROBE - it's a big fight feel! Ricochet jumps him with a chair and a barricade brawl leads to a rana INTO A POWERBOMB ON THE BARRICADE BY SWERVE! I get a Sega CD-looking version of Max for an ad break.

SWERVE STOMP! APRON GERMAN BY TREV! Springboard 450 gets 2! SSP TO THE SPINE GETS 2! SWERVE STOMP BUT RICOCHET CROSSES THE ARMS INTO THE BALLS! SPIRIT GUN ENDS IT! Ricochet steals Jimmy Rave's robe! Dustin vs. MJF is set for Dynamite, which is taping Tuesday and airing Wednesday. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

WWE Raw 2-3-25

 Rumble recap video starts things off. Jey starts things off with the fans and does it again. And again. Jey is like legit shook with all this too - wow. This is a moment. He is crying at how much this run means to him. Damn - dude has that natural conneciton with the fans. Gunther talks shit and tells him to explore his options because he'll massacre him again. Kaiser's quick elimination is shown and he's out to face PENTA. Corner gamenguri and headstand hardyac kick by Penta! Sacrifice and the Penta driver wins it. Dude is OVER! 

Dunne walks out and Kaiser jumps Penta. Charlotte's out and bombs on her promo with all the boos until Rhea talks shit and tells her to scamper to other brands. She'll be on NXT. New Day is out to face Rey and Lee and Logan Paul comes out and leads to an ad break with the heels using the distraction. Logan right hands Rey with the loaded fist and the trouble in paradise ends it. Rey vs. Logan is set for next week to go into the chamber.  Liv vs. Iyo is up and Liv gets 2 off a rana. Codebreaker counter off a crossbody gets 2 for Liv. Release German by Iyo and Rhea jumps Raquel AND HITS LIV AND LIV WINS BY DQ! Iyo is pissed and Seth's out.

Seth talks shit and Sami comes out and Seth stirs the pot between them and Punk's out. Lots of glitches throughout the show here. Headlock elbows and the corner bulldog is turned into the blue thunder for 2.5. Helluva misses and Punk wants the GTS and Sami cradles him for 2.9! CORNER EXPLODER! THE CROWD IS MOLTEN! HELLUVA MISSES AND THE GTS WINS IT. This was a fantastic TV match - one of Punk's best since returning. Punk and Sami hug and KO ATTACKS SAMI! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER TO KO! Wow - that would be a natural match for either the Chamber in Canada or Mania.