Saturday, March 8, 2025

AEW Collision 3-8-25 - Revolution Go-home Show


THE OPPS ARE OUT TO SQUASH GEEKS! Nigel gets in a "Tony, you down with OPP!? YEAH YOU KNOW ME!" Corner beatdown on Titus Alexander before the corner dropkick and PK end it with Shibata winning! Cope cuts a killer promo about NEEDING TO WIN THIS and take Mox into the trenches. Mercedes is out to do commentary for Momo's match against Deeb. Serena locks her in a wacky surfboard before she eats a buzzsaw knee and PK knee for 2. Sliding meteora gets 2.5 for Momo! Tequila Sunrise by Deeb! Pumphandle German wins it for Momo! 

Ospreay talks about how he was a part of a group when he was there as a young boy and Kyle Fletcher attacked him a year ago! I AM WILL OSPREAY AND I AM ON ANOTHER LEVEL! Love it! Harvley is out to face TATEVIK! Harley gets jumped but hits THAT'S MY FINISHER to win! Fletcher talks about the cage match being more than stepping stone for him - but WILL IS IN HIS WAY! Ospreay is going to be locked in the lion's den and THIS LION IS HUNGRY AND HE WILL PAINT THE CANVAS WITH YOUR BLOOD! Infantry vs UK is up and Strong hits a cool draping spinning backbreaker. Mox cuts a bitter promo on Cope and says HE WANTS RESPECT! 

There aren't words to describe how shitty Hologram's gear is compared to LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE IN LUCHA IN 40 YEARS! Hologram is out to face Dralistico! Avalanche rana to Hologram and Aubrey is counting to 10 on the floor in Spanish! Crucifix bomb to Hologram! Dralistico lands a springboard destroyer but Aubrey nixes him using the ropes to win. Portal Bomb wins it for Hologram! Mortos jumps him before Komander saves! The Hurt Syndicate says that the Outrunners are entertaining - but THEY LIKE VIOLENT ENTERTAINMENT!

Outrunners face off against the PREMIER ATHLETES, WHO DON'T SUCK! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

AEW Dynamite 3-5-25 - Revolution Go-home Show


Bit of a late start to the show on MAX, which really needs to cue up some AEW footage for its preview before the show airs instead of BLUE. MJF talks shit about Hanger and we get the Swerve vs. Ricochet contract signing and Ricochet doesn't have the robe and says that it's getting modified AHAA! Swerve talks shit about TREVOR'S RING ANNOUNCER WIFE! SWERVE SCISSORS HIM IN HIS MASS EFFECT JACKET! Ospreay, Hobbs, OC, and Mark face off with the DCF and Bryan Keith next! 

Ospreay and Cage rule together. Giant uranage to Hobbs by Cage, but Cage eats a suicide DDT BY OC! Hidden Blade ends it and Fletcher is a cocky shit after it. Kyle bullies Mark Davis around and Davis hits Will with a brainbuster on a chair. DCF and Omega hype video air. Cope vs. Yuta is up and Cope has the babyshit green gear on. A minute of action and we come back to a YUTA CHINLOCK!? Really now? Grindhouse and impaler to Yuta. Busaiki, but it sends Cope out and the spear wins it! Yuta shakes his hand as Cope hypes up this is what respect is like. Oh no HERE'S MOX! 

Mox is pissed at Yuta and he says that you pulled the trigger - BUT YOU WON'T ON SUNDAY! Outrunners get a wacky '80s montage with a new wacky song! Hanger beats up a guy MJF dressed up like him before MJF jumps him. BUCKSHOT MEETS A BALLSHOT! The writer of Queen of the Ring is here to chat and TONI STORM IS HERE! Stat and Rose are out to face Bayne and Ford. Slingshot elbow by Kris but Rosa gets tossed onto her on the floor by Bayne! AND THEN SHE THROWS PENELOPE ON THEM! Shotgun missile dropkick to Bayne from Stat! Stat gets a twirling falcon arrow for 2. F5 wins for Bayne on Rosa!

Renee meats with Mone for nothing really. God I hope The Monk is here to destroy Max Caster in this standby match. Jay White massacre time! Jay will turn on Mox and we get some great shit between Toni and Mariah with Mariah saying she's a sick bitch and she's winning. Toni says that Mariah will exist, but not live - and be the answer to a trivia question of whatever happened to Mariah May?! Main event time and Ricochet as a little bitch with Okada is fantastic. Swerve works great with Okada and King is perfect with Ricochet and especially Okada. MASSIVE CHOP TO RICOCHET! DVD TO OKADA GETS 2! 

Springboard frog splash by Ricochet gets 2 on King for Okada! Big pressure turned into a victory roll by Ricochet for 2! Swerve stomp but OKADA'S ELBOW BREAKS UP THE PIN! Cannonball misses and the HOUSE CALL HITS STANDING before Ricochet grabs the belt and clocks Swerve to win it! Fun show, but not really a must-watch.

Monday, March 3, 2025

WWE Raw 3-3-25 - Post-Chamber Fallout!


Chamber is recapped as a GOAT-tier show. Good - every show should be your best ever. Recap really put it over as a GOAT moment and Punk is out pissed. He throws a bitch fit and tosses shit around  and says he's middle-aged and crazy. He says he wishes he could have sold his soul to hold a fake title like the People's Title. Punk says Cena's been selling everyone bullshit for 23 years! Seth comes out to brawl and he's in something a human being might almost wear! GIANT "this is awesome" chant breaks out during this brawl.

Finn bitches a bit and wants Bron tonight. Otis vs. GUNTHER TIME! Otis FATS UP and hits a fallaway on the floor! CHOPFEST WITH GUNTHER LANDING KNIFEEDGES AND OTIS HITTING WAHOO CHOPS! Caterpillar gets 2! Shotgun dropkick by Gunther! POWERBOMB TO OTIS WINS IT! Gunther beats them up and Jey saves before A-Town Down Under gets beaten up by Jey and Jey eats a sleeper! Women's IC is up with Ivy against Lyra. AJ chats with Karrion Kross and his insane hair and he wants Logan Paul next week. Lyra's knee gets worked over before a wonky Batista bomb gets 2 and an ankle lock. Nightwing ends it!

Punk/Seth recap and PUNK JUMPS HIM AGAIN! Punk vs. Seth is up for Raw next week in MSG in a cage! Kaiser and Penta brawl and Kaiser avoids a Penta driver! Bianca HAS NOT HAD A CHANCE TO TALK TO EITHER JADE OR NAOMI! Chad Gable's LUCHA EXCURSION IS SHOWN! He meets an old guy who isn't Dario Cueto who gives him a paper box after forking over $500. CASH! Tag title time and a double suplex to Ivar gets 2. Angle slam and 450 HIT for 2.5! HULK SMASH CLUBS! 


Jey is pissed  and leaves. Bianca is out before the title match. MAMI POWER LORDY! Rhea throws her around in skimpy gear before eating a basement dropkick! IYO HITS KAIRI'S ELBOW! ASUKA LOCK! Basement METEORA IN THE CORNER! Bianca argues with Rhea and the avalanche riptide is turned into a rana and the moonsault wins it!? WOW! I guess Iyo loses it on SNME!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

WWE Elimination Chamber 2025


America the Beautiful is sung to close out the pre-show. TONS of boos there. Wow. YAY OH CANADA! Hogan vs. Warrior and Hogan vs. Rock are hyped up and THE ROCK IS HERE! Women's chamber opens the show up. Naomi is beaten up by Jade to start things up as Naomi is the one who beat up Jade and Jade DEMOLISHES HER and Liv tells Bianca it's her fault and Naomi is eliminated. Jade doing something new with the cage door slamming trope SLIDING THE CHAMBER DOOR ONTO HER ruled. AND WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, BIANCA IS IN NOW! 

She focuses on Naomi and Liv jumps her. Roxanne hops off of Liv's back for a rana on Belair for 2. Corner high knee by Liv to Roxanne and BAYLEY WHOOPS ROXANNE'S ASS IN THE POD! WITH THE POD! Frog splash to Bayley by Roxanne gets 2! Alexa's out and just has a trance on her face to face Liv. FIEND NO-SELLING ALEXA is hilarious given how tiny she is. Chamber dive by Bliss is caught by Bayley and Bianca for a slam. CROSSBODY TO THE FLOOR BY BAYLEY! CROSSFACE BY ROXANNE ON  BAYLEY! OBLIVION TO BAYLEY TAKES HER OUT!

Bianca whips her on top of the pod! BIANCA CROSSBODY TO THE PILE! Tower of Doom powerbomb! Pop Rox leads to her eating a Twisted Bliss and taking her out. Three amigos to Bianca and a shining enzuiguri to Bianca! Abigail DDT is met with a schoolgirl for 2! Liv gets a jackknife pin on Bliss AND USES BIANCA'S HAIR TO SOLIDIFY IT TO WIIN! Liv uses the hair to send her into the cage a ton. Codebreaker by Liv, SPEAR BY BIANCA FOR 2! Bianca hits the KOD AND WINS IT. This was fantastic!

Trish's first retirement match was 18 years ago. Holy shit. Candice is actually in the video package! Air Canada by Trish to Nia. Stratusfaction is turned into a back suplex.  Inverted bearhug ragdoll to Trish! Nia rubs her ass on the back of Trish's head. Tiff runs wild after a tag on Candice and a Trishacanrana hits! PME TO NIA WINS IT! They had Trish replica belts made - odd to not have her wear one here. 

TKO blows the Rock for a while. Sami vs. KO is hyped up. I love how ultra-produced this unsanctioned match is. SO THERE'S A REF - BUT HE'S NOT IN HIS WWE-BRANDED GEAR BECAUSE IT'S UNSANCTIONED! Cole hypes up a SUPERVILLAIN DEATH MATCH between KEVIN STEEN AND EL GENERICO! This gets the old TNA Xplosion blue lighting. Chairshots to the back of Sami! Ditto for KO's back! Crowd brawling time Trash can shots and a blue thunder bomb through a table of stuff. KO BELLSHOTS THE HEAD! Sami avoids the avalanche fisherman suplex only to get thrown off the top to the floor!

Fisherman buster through a chair to Sami! HALF-NELSON POP UP INTO ONE THROUGH A CHAIR TO KO! Helluva kick hits the ref and KO now has no one to count the pin for his stunner. He takes out Robinson who is in his REF KIT AFTER HE ONLY GOT 2 ON THE STUNNER! AVALANCHE FISHERMAN BUSTER THROUGH A TABLE! PETEY WILLIAMS IS OUT TO TALK SENSE INTO KO! HELLUVA KICK TO KO! BARB WIRE CHAIR! BARB WIRE CHAIR TO THE BACK! DROP TOEHOLD INTO THE BARB WIRE CHAIR! "My Eye!" ala Terry Funk! BLUE THUNDER BOMB THROUGH A BARB WIRE CHAIR BRIDGE! AND IT GETS 2! Pop-up powebromb to Sami and it sends him out! APRON POWERBOMB! ANOTHER ONE BUT SAMI FIGHTS OUT! Sami is out and KO wins.

He exposes the concrete by moving the mats! BUT ORTON'S BACK! RKO'S A PLENTY! Stephanie's Places is coming to ESPN Plus. Nah fam. Men's chamber is up!? Logan is out with the American flag and a Prime bottle base! Punk's out not in Bret gear! Jericho is given credit for inventing the match and CENA'S IN POWDER BLUE! 

Seth vs. Drew starts off and a boomerang on the bottom rope on the buckle! Overhand chop off with Priest and Drew! THE MAV is in and moonsaults Priest for 2. OLD SCHOOL RANA TO THE CHAMBER FLOOR by Priest! Cena runs wild with AAs and Protobombs before hitting the fistdrop on Paul! Drew is out! Paul frog splash off the pod to take out Priest! Punk's out for a brawl with Paul! Buckshot turned into a neckbreaker! GTS HITS PAUL AND HE BEATS HIM! It's down to Punk, Cena, and Seth! HART ATTACK TO SETH! Seth's out on the chamber floor and CENA AND PUNK HUG! GTS turned into the STF! AA TO PUNK GETS 2! 

CAGE BOMB TO CENA! AND ANOTHER THROUGH THE POD! Seth pedigree gets 2 on Punk! Punk hits the Savage elbow to Seth. Buckle bomb and stomp get 2 for Seth! GTS INTO THE AA AND PUNK PINS SETH! GTS gets 2 and Cena gets the STF on with Seth looking on and CENA WINS IT! 

Cody's out and Cena tells him he wants the match! LOL @ Dwayne getting a Travis Scott song performance to talk! Rock's got THE GOOSEBUMPS! Rock is out in a douchebag vest and he tells CODY TO EMBRACE HIM AS HIS BROTHER! Cody says his soul is for the people and CENA TURNS ON CODY AND HITS CODY WITH A BALL SHOT AND KNUCKS! RUNNING BELT SHOT! 

"AT THIS POINT IN HIS CAREER, HE'S GONNA STOOP TO THIS SHIT!?" Great line from Cole WEIGHT BELT SHOTS! Rock puts Cody's blood on the weight belt!