Sunday, September 26, 2021

WWE Extreme Rules 2021

I wasn't planning on watching live, but I've got an early shift in the morning - so it's better to get this over with than watch it later. Big E title win recap leads to him being speared on Raw before a backstage brawl between E and AJ/Omos and AJ vs. Big E would be a nice match on PPV. Instead, we'll probably get New Day vs. AJ, Omos, and Lashley. Sheamus vs. Priest vs. Hardy should be good. Six-man is added and we get a recap of Reigns beating Montel. "You not only lose - but you lose after the match." - WWE putting babyfaces over strong on the pre-show. Dawkins says the Bloodline Bitches will pay and then says they want the smoke. The idea of "serious Street Profits" was better than the execution, but reps like this are how you get better. Goofy Charlotte/Alexa video.

Carmella vs. Liv Morgan is up and both the English and Spanish commentary is on, with the Spanish commentary louder than both the commentary and Carmella on the mic. This goes on for several minutes and Liv hits the apron and eats a superkick on the floor while both Pat and Cole talk about how relatable she is. OH MY GOD THE SPANISH COMMENTARY IS BACK.
​​​​​​​This show! So glad I watched live. TWO long chinlocks by Carmella back to back. Edge o Matic gets 2 for Carmella. Step-up enzuiguri and step-up curb stomp gets 2 for Liv and a "let's go Liv" chant. Superkick gets 2 for Carmella. Double knees to the face gets 2 for Liv. I question the logic of just randomly jumping around on your back during a cover like Liv. Liv foot backstabs her into the announce table and then bouncy rope flatliners her for the win. Liv's big move offense is dreadful, but at least the right person won.

Hilarious backstage bit with Heyman. "Who hired her!? THAT IS THE DUMBEST QUESTION I HAVE EVER BEEN ASKED IN MY ENTIRE CAREER!" - Heyman getting paid to bury WWE's tropes is amusing. Rosenberg picks Roman to win it. "I feel like I'm repeating myself every month." - Rosenberg. Six man tag starts off with more bilingual commentary. God, it's like WWE is actively pushing for folks to pirate their shows later.

They put over Lashley basically as the babyface having beaten Orton before E cashed in and beat him. Lashley bowls over E with a lariat. MASSIVE biel by Lashley to Kofi leads to, of course, AN AJ CHINLOCK. Elevated flatliner from Lashley to Kofi gets 2. MASSIVE ST-Joe by E out of the corner to AJ. Kofi and E hit the powerbomb/cave in FOR TWO. Kofi dives onto Omos with...something on the floor. Lashley spears AJ and eats a Big Ending to lose. Well this got everyone under.

The Peacock ads just feel thrown in regardless of what the on-screen content timing is. So weird. Profits vs. Usos is up and we get Michael Cole WWE Facts about the teams to really hype this up. We get an Uso REVERSE BEARHUG instead of a chinlock. Dawkins gets a nice superplex and rolls into an elevated twisted brainbuster for 2. Doonsday device blockbuster gets 2 as well. MASSIVE Flip dive by Montez over the post! BIG FROG SPLASH HITS, but he can't cover! Montez feels like he needs to get in the IC Title mix on SD - he seems to be on the cusp of really getting over. Double Uso dive onto Montez ends it. This was fun.

Lashley...logically calls Big E a chickenshit for cashing in his case. He wants a rematch on Raw tomorrow night. Sure whatever. Recap of this awful Alexa/Charlotte rivalry can't even save it. Alexa's intro gets cut out mid-sentence for a Peacock ad. I had a feeling with the Street Profits coming out of nowhere. Alexa's out in her PPV booty shorts. 

We get some broad, but amusing poses from Bliss after the bell and then in the ropes. Charlotte gets a Gori special submission, but Lexi turns it into a rana in the buckle. Alexa wants a baseball slide rana, but gets a sideswipe powerbomb into the barricade instead. Twisted bliss misses and a figure four leads to a cradle. Snapping DDT gets 2.9 when Charlotte gets the rope. Charlotte throws the doll and boots Lexi! Natural Selection ends it - shocked Lexi didn't win so Charlotte could get another reign. Decent-ish match - best one Lexi has had in ages. Charlotte destroys the doll before Alexa beats her up. They brawl and Lexi gets tossed over the table. Lexi looks onto the destroyed doll and the doll is more over than most of the roster. A "thank you Lilly" chant breaks out before Alexa chomps on an Alka Seltzer to appear foaming at the theory.

Hardy comes out in black gear with purple, green, and white paint. Sheamus eats a shot from Jeff before clubbreing Damian and then eating a dropkick from Jeff. Sheamus gets an Alabama slam and we see his taped-up nose after the face cover is gone during the move. High kick on the apron by Priest leads to a slingshot something that Sheamo catches him and gets the white noise, but a twisto hits. Reckoning is avoided and Jeff slips on an inverted Twist that they save as an attempted dragon sleeper. Sheamo goes up and does the ALEX WRIGHT DANCE to mock Jeff. SWANTON ON THE STACK gets 2 and a big pop. Brogue hits and Jeff shoves him out for 2.9! Brogue to Jeff and Priest schoolboys Sheamus to win. Good to great a points - odd to see faces so heelish.

Big E says he didn't hide behind anything and his ass better get ready because ON RAW AT 8PM SHARP, IT'S TITLE TIME! Bianca shows up and kills the 'cock. Bianca's out and then Becky's out as THE TOP GUY with Cole saying "she was out for a year and a half". Or you can just say she had a kid. That's okay. Bianca dropkick sends her out and Becky as a heel bails for a bit. 

Becky gets outs a "Shut your FREAKING faces!" before a corner-mount punch series leads to a spinebuster to Lynch for 2. JBL MADE THE FALLAWAY SLAM FAMOUS!? In a world with Scott Hall!? Draping legdrop from Becky gets 2. Stacked armbar by Becky meets a Rampage bomb from Bianca for 2. Disarmer is almost locked on for another counter, but SASHA RETURNS AND RUNS WILD. Poor Bianca. Sasha brawls with everyone - so I guess a triple threat is up for the next non-Crown Jewel PPV.

Goofy wacky intro for The Demona fter Roman's own intro gets Peacock'd. DEMONIC lock-up.
​​​​​​​DEMONIC back-rake. Balor gets FOUR KENDO STICKS and then gets a double stomp on a chair. Giant uranage through a table by Roman. Spear by Roman means a boot and another spear gets 2.9 when THE DEMON low-blows him with his arm on the way up from a 2 count. COUP DE GRACE hits for 2.9 when the Usos hit the ring. Demon bomb through the table for Jimmy. ROMAN SPEAR THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER'S AREA. THE DEMON'S THEME hits and it's his headbeat and he DEMONS UP before the coup de grace...but THE ROPE BREAKS and the spear ends it. LOL.

This was a horribly-booked show in so many ways. WWE has such a great roster of talent, but they can't get out of their own way.


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