This show is absolutely cursed when it comes to injuries, but it still should be a fantastic event. Desperado and Kanemaru face Swerve in Our Glory and Gunn Club and Caster face the LA Dojo. Archer faces Komoroto and Solo and Marshall face Goto and YOSHI-HASHI! The latter match opens the Buy In and we've got Kevin Kelly on commentary and Takuro Shibata on the announcing call. Solo and HASHI do some basic matwork before Gogo and Marshall tag in for a faster clip. Solo with an eye rake but he eats a double tackle!
QT special hits on Goto before Solo hits a double foot stomp off the top for 2. QT mocks Goto with his pose and then eats a lariat before HASHI runs wild. Solo is looking sharp here! Flip dive and QT wants the cutter, but a handspring kick sets up the cutter for 2.9 when Goto make the save. Double team GTR/Powerbomb ends it - this was fun!
Archer vs. Nick Comoroto is up and this is going to be a fun one! It won't be long but it will be grea to see. Big brawl to start and then Archer runs out in a ZUuki-gun shirt and boots Comoroto. Apron charge sends Archer down on the barricade. Uranage from Archer sends Comoroto down hard. FOREARM SHIVERS BACK AND FORTH! Old School moonsault hits hard for Archer. Archer leaps into the corner and eats a thump for 2. Corner blackout hits for Archer and wins hit. This was a blast!
Clark Connors needs to speak up in his promo to hype up the title match. Desperado and Kanemaru are out Kanemaru slugs away before eating a facepalm! Swerve and Kanemaru are great together and then an eye poke leads to a dropkick from Swerve accidentally on Lee. GIANT BEAR CHOP TO KANEMARU and then he palms Desperado! Swerve runs wild with a boot on Kanemaru before a corner charge elbow and basement uppercut to the neck! Swerve half nelson suplex is countered into a cradle for 2 by Desperado!
Swerve avoids Pinche Loco and chops aplenty! Kanemaru darts in and dropkicks the knee before sending him down off three in a row. Figure four locked on and Desperado gets the stretch muffler before Lee clobbers his way free. Heels cheat to et an aedge after a near Spirit Bomb but Swerve gets taken down. WHISKEY TO THE EYES and a schoolboy gets 2! BBC hits thanks to Swerve making a save. THIS RULED!Starks and Hobbs talk shit and they want Swerve in our Glory.
Gunn Club tag is up and Caster is the best. Ass Boys are great goofballs and Taz brings up that it must be hard to get to the buildings not knowing the city they're in. Danhausen plays his "Ass Boys" song to get the guys out of there and the LA Dojo runs wild. BILLY GUNN of JESUS BILLY GUNN IS A HUGE DUDE gets chucked around. DADDY ASS runs wild and hits a big boot before eating a dropkick and taking a gorgeous bump from Kevin Knight. Tilt a whirl to Knight. Goughlin eats the cobra clutch slam. Fameasser and the Mic Drop elbow end it. This was so much better than it had any right to be.
Jericho Appreciation Society starts the show off. Suzuki is out and super-over! Umino is out and hugely over and we see Jericho beating up Shota Umino! Yuta is over as is Kingston, who gets the pop of the night so far. Jericoh tags in to face off with Yuta and Yuta gets pissed and slugs away. Snap German by Yuta and a series of low Germans ala Benoit! Hammerlock Angle slam and a crossface by Yuta! He's out to make him on a global stage here. Jericho and Shooter chop each other to bits.
BACK AND FORTH CHOPS FROM SUZUKI AND KINGSTON. Monster forearm takes Kingston down. These two are just loving beating the brakes off each other. The heels lock the faces up in submissions briefly - tremendous stuff. Kingston hits an exploder an STO to Sammy! Umino hits a big uppercut and then faceplants him on a slam and hits a basement uppercut at supersonic speed! Umino SURVIVES AN ATTACK BY SUZUKI AND TAKES HIM OUT AND THEN TAKES OUT SAMMY WITH A CORNER UPPERCUT. Fisherman suplex gets 2 for Shooter.
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SSP TO THE FLOOR BY SAMMY and Yuta flip dives onto him! KINGSTON WITH A SUICIDE DIVE! YUTA DECKS sUZUKI AND SENDS HIM INTO THE BARRICADE BEFORE HOPPING TO THE APRON TO TAG IN! Backdrop driver to Sammy by Kingston and then the stretch plumb! Spinning backfist takes out Suzuki. Blind dive cutter by Sammy BUT A FLASH FROG SPLASH FROM YUTA BRINGS IT TO A STALEMATE!
Rising knee by Sammy sends Shota down and Jericho goes for the Walls, but GETS ROLLED OUT! Codebreaker sends him down for 2! AVALANCHE POWERSLAM BY SHOTA TO JERICHO gets 2! Jericho is out to get Shota over huge here. Codebreaker to Shota and a GTH hits Yuta on the floor. Lionsault is stopped by Kingston and Shota gets 2. Bat to the back and the JUDAS EFFECT is missed. Shota tornado DDT into the brainbuster! IT GETS 22222222!
Walls by Shota and HE EATS SUPERKICKS FROM SAMMY! He keeps it on until headbutts from Suzuki send him down. Hard neck chop by Kingston leads to a piledriver by Suzuki. SHOTA SENDS SUZUKI DOWN WITH A RUNNING FOREARM but the Judas Effect hits and ends it. This was incredible. I came into it with good-to-great expectations, but holy shit that ruled! ROH/IWGP Tag Tilte match is up next. Bobby Cruise is out to announce this ROH World Tag Title match. CAPRICE COLEMAN IS HERE TOO! Umino will be in the hunt for the US Title by the end of the year. I can easily see him winning it and then facing Jericho at Wrestle Kingdom.
Dax and Trent go at it and Dax rolls out after a shoulder separation. FOREVER CLOTHESLINES but Cash pevents it and Dax is taken out. Cobb and Cash go at it and Cobb just bulldozes him with a lariat and surfboard. Cash TAGS OUT and he has to give up a chance to win it - at least for now to get Trent in and deal out and thus take more damage too. CLAW SLAM ON THE APRON for Trent. Cash comes back in and runs wild on UE with chops and uppercuts! DAX HITS TWO LARIATS ON KHAN AND A THIRD HOLDING LARIAT DOES THE JOB! FOUR GERMANS ATTEMPTED BY Dax, but Cobb backs him into a corner.
Double team superplex into a POWERPLEX SPLASH BY CASH gets 2! FTR SPIKE PILEDRIVER TO KHAN and Taz brings up breaking his neck on that in '95. STANDING MOONSAULT TO TRENT by Cobb! Back suplex flapjack by Khan and the tossing German to Trent gets 2.9! STRONG ZERO COMING UP AND IT HITS COB FOR 2.9 WHEN CASH SAVES! Juice and Jay White cut promos on their titles. All-Atlantic title is up for grabs.
Miro and Connors go at it and Connors looks fantastic in there with him. Connors dives onto Miro and gets caught and slammed on the floor! MASSIVE Miro chant hits! PAC and Malakai are super-quick together and Pac eats a sliding knee. Black kicks Miro and WE GETTING SOME MEAT-SLAPPIN!
We get plunder! Miro's head slams off the post and CONNORS SPEARS MIRO THROUGH A TABLE ON THE BARRICADE! Connors runs wild with lariats on Malakai before hitting a powerslam. PAC runs wild with kicks but Connors SPEARS HIM AND HITS THE TROPHY KILL POWERBOMB SLAM FOR 2.9! Pac wants the black arrow, but Black croches him. TOWER OF DOOM and machka kick to PAC!GAME OVER IS ON but PAC BLASTS HIM WITH MIST. PAC HITS A 450 TO MALAKAI AND TOPS CONNORS WITH THE BRUTALIZER!
Tony is out to call the IT'S STINNGGGG match! Shingo, Darby, and Sting are out to face the Bucks and ELP and Sting is not out for his intro. STING DIVES OFF THE ENTRANCE TUNNEL! Sting and Shingo DROP ELBOW DROPS and STING BUSTS OUT A SENTON! Wow! Bucks are in their BC retro gear and ELP does a ton of flips before THE BACK RAKE!
MATT FLIPS FOR ANOTHER BACK RAKE! CODE RED TO ELP! Shingo BEATS FUCKERS UP and hits lariats and punches! Lariat chain by Shingo and we get some misdirections and Shingo runs wild on Nick with a yukon lariat!Tornado kick by Nick leads to a pop-up DVD AND STING RUNS WILD.CHAIN OF STINGER SPLASHES before Sting goes for the scorpion deathlock and a DICKPUNCH by ELP! Coffin drop but the knees are up and it's time for More Bang for Your Buck!
Giant dive by ELP! Sting teases a dive but EATS THREE SUPERKICKS! BTE Trigger misses and the double death drop hits! TITTY TWIST AND A BALL SHOT BY STING! "HE'S GOT MY PURSE!" Pumping bomber to ELP hits and gets 2.9! LAST OF THE DRAGON ENDS IT! This was fantastic! September 21 sees the return of Dynamite Grand Slam and Rampage Grand Slam.
JAS beats up Umino with Tony and then A FIREBALL because Jericho's a wizard! Toni vs. Rosa is up with big-match intros. Fantastic matwork to start things off while Toni tosses her up for a suplex and Toni cradles her for 2. Big double stomp to Toni gets 2 for Rosa. Rosa FINALLY feels like the champ here with this match. Toni goes for a tornado DDT on the floor, but Rosa release northern lights suplexes her. APRON GERMAN BY TONI AND SHE TORNADO DDTS HER ON THE FLOOR TOO! JESUS! ASSALANCHE AND DDT GET 2! SHINING KNEE BY ROSA HITS! DVD BY ROSA! FIRE THUNDER HITS! 2.9!!! Shoulder kicks by Rosa and Toni gets a snap German! STORM ZERO COMING, but her arm is shot. Rosa snaps the arm and shows that it's time to fuck shit up! Final Reckoning hits and wins it! Rosa beats her! This was Rosa's best match since the Britt lights out match.
JIM ROSS COMES OUT FOR THE IWGP US TITLE MATCH! Despite Juice BEING HERE, Ospreay still has no belt. Deja vu and a big dive attempt by OC, but it's sitdown and roll time. OC DOES WILL'S POSE, but eats a yakuza kick. Okay, they show Juice with the belt in the skybox. Abdominal stretch WITH A BIRD FLIP by Ospreay!
Ospreay pats him on the head and OC lazily falls before the Hidden Blade can take him out. KAWADA KICKS BY OSPREAY! OC fires up and dropkicks Ospreay! Lazy Kawada kicks by OC and he THEN SUPERKICKS HIM AND HITS HARD KAWADA KICKS! HOOK KICK BY OSPREAY! OC just steps back to avoid the Oscutter and a clutch cradle gets 2 for OC. STUNDOG BY OC! 2.9 OFF THE MICHINOKU DRIVER BY OC!
DEJA VU DDT BY OC! DIVE BY OC! OC takes out the goons with a corkscrew plancha to the floor and OC hits a gorgeous flying DDT for 2.9! Standing Spanish Fly hits for Will and a headtrap superkick sends OC down and out! OC sends Will INTO THE CORNER CAM! OC avoids the Storm Breaker and HITS A BEACH BREAK FOR 2.9! OC FIRES UP and wants the Orange Punch! OSCUTTER IN MID-AIR AND THEN THE FULL-ON OSCUTTER GETS 2.9! Ospreay is shocked and the Stormbreaker is turned into a rana for another 2.999! LARIAT AND THE HIDDEN BLADE GET ANOTHER 2.9999! STORM BREAKER FINALLY ENDS IT! HOLY SHIT WHAT A MATCH!
Aussie Open destroys the pockets and JR bitches since it's not like he can't buy more jeans. Chaos makes the save! OC puts the shades on Shibata! Shibata does the lazy bit and puts OC over so big with this. WOW THIS RULED!
Claudio darts in and uppercuts him and HITS HTE NEUTRALIZER FOR 2.9 IN 10 SECONDS! ZSJ attacks the arm and Claudio boots him! LOOOOONGG delayed vertical suplex. BACKLUND LIFT into an armbar on the ropes and then they go out so Claudio BACKLUND LIFTS HIM UP THE STEPS AND INTO THE RING! Claudio leans in for a swing and eats a front choke before tossing ZSJ balls-first into the buckle.
Ex brings up that Eddie hates Claudio even more than he does Danielson. Octopus stretch IN THE ROPES UP TOP BY ZSJ! CORNER FOREVER UPPERCUTS! ZSJ avoids a third and hits one of his own but CLAUDIO ENDURES IT AND DECKS HIM WITH AN UPPERCUT FOR 2.9! Gable grip kneebar!ZSJ hits hte Bryan kicks to the chest and Claudio wants more! GIANT left arm lariat hits for 2.9! European clutch by ZSJ gets 2.9! Claudio hits the VERY EUROPEAN UPPERCUT AND THE DISCUS LARIAT OF DEATH! RICOLA BOMB HITS AND GETS THE WIN! WOW.
IWGP World Title time! Tombstone tease on the floor but White chucks Okada on the apron! Adams brawl on the floor. White and Cole double suplex Page on the floor and double-team Okada with chops in hte ring. FLOOR BRAWLING and Okada does an over the barricade dive. MONEY CLIP TO COLE! High angle Saito suplex by White to Okada! Patela brainbuster by Cole to WHITE GETS 2!
Back and forth shots send guys down back up and BACK AND FORTH FOREARMS! ORIHARA MOONSAULT TO COLE AND OKADA. Gedo eats a punch from Hangman and it's down to White and Hangman. BUCKSHOT IS MET WITH A BLADE RUNNER. NO! DEADEYE HITS HARD! BUCKSHOT HITS AND OKADA SAVES AT 2.99! Page avoids the dropkick and gets a dropkick and discus lariat! Cole prevents a buckshot to Okada! Panama sunrise attempt but Okada hits the air raid crash on the knee!
RAINMAKER POSE! SUPERKICKS APLENTY BY COLE! Cole eats the GODDAMN DROPKICK! Cole hits an enzuiguri and superkicks Okada before superkicking Page too. Boom is met with ANOTHER DROPKICK! Landslide hits and the Rainmaker is ducked! Blade Runner by White hits, but he goes for the pin on Cole and wins it! Okay well that was weird but okay sure. Undisputed Elite come out for Cole and White just blows past them. Doctors work on Cole, so maybe the weird finish was due to that.
Mox gets his Death Rider intro and "Wild Thing" song. Hyped for Regal to manage his first World Champion tonight. Moxley reminds me so much of Terry Funk's mindset, while Tanahashi feels like he's coming out for his last hurrah. Tanahashi has given so much physically that it's like Funk in '89 where he SHOULD be completely shot, but he's still ncredible and maximizes everything he can physically do.
Strong matwork before Tana gets too cocky and eats some shivers before a piledriver gets 2 for Mox. MOX LOCKS IN THE CLOVERLEAF! Tana gets the somersault senton, but gets tossed out for a skin the cat. Mox ain't about that life and sends him out with a lariat. URANAGE BY MOX THROUGH THE RINGSIDE TABLE TO TANA!
Mox gets sliced up somehow. ACES HIGH TO THE FLOOR! Mox wants the elevated death rider, but TWIST AND SHOUT HITS for a chain of them. GERMAN BY MOX! TANA FIRES UP AND EATS A SNAP DEATH RIDER! Unique fisherman's suplex cradle gets 2.9. 12/6 elbows hit and Tana HEADBUTTS MOX for attempting the Death Rider. KAMIGOYE BY TANAHASHI!
ACES HIGH and THE HIGH FLY FLOW GETS 2.9! MOX TURNS IT INTO A BULLDOG CHOKE! Mox headbutt leads to a jacknife cradle for Tana for 2. Mox gets an RNC, but Tana fires up off the rope for 2.9 in a Bret-Piper finish. LARIAT BY MOX! King Kong lariat by Mox GETS 1! RNC but TANA KEEPS FIGHTING! Elevated Death Rider ends it and Mox SURVIVES THE ACE to win the interim World Title.
Tana and Mox shake hands and Garcia and Jericho jump them! Kingston goes after Jericho and Garcia jumps him. Yuta and PnP come out to brawl too! JAS is fully out leading to the Blackpool Combat Club saving. Claudio makes the save and CLAUDIO SPINS AROUND COOL HAND ANGELO! Giant show-closing brawl is a bit too much like TNA and also using the PPV to build a TV show, but that's just how things worked out here. Hager dressing like a drug lord is good shit.
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