Wednesday, May 8, 2024


The TNT Title is on the line in the Cope Open as Brody King aims to take Copeland's crown. Copeland says that TONIGHT IT'S KING VS. COPE IN A NO DQ MATCH! A fan flashes his girlfriend's boobs before OC is out to face Trent. Orange and Trent brawl and OC hits a superkick in the crowd! Orange punch is met with a backdrop over the barricade. BUSAIKU KNEE but OC absorbs it and hits the Orange Punch! Callis comes out to a sea of boos for an ad break and sadly TBS has disabled rewinding! OC goes for a stundog, but gets countered. Corner to center attack by OC is met with a half and half suplex and a giant piledriver! ANOTHER BUSAIKU and Trent pulls a turnbuckle pad down. OC DOES IT TOO AND BONKS HIM FOR A SCHOOLBOY WIN! PILEDRIVER ON THE STEPS BY TRENT! Trent goes for a tool box and Orange uses a chair before DON CALLIS CALMS THEM DOWN! Trent cusses Stat out and Cassidy leaves with Callis! 

The Elite arrive and steal TK's parking spot before an Okada-Omega recap. Jack Perry cuts an ECW-style promo about Omega not being the hero the company needed and all have to sacrifice, and that was Kenny's! Kenny is in a hospital gown and says they were like family, but now he's at the ER and he's not taking this personally. He challenges the Elite to Anarchy in the Arena against Team AEW - FTR and two people that will be revealed later tonight. Deeb is out and says her 15 months out were the hardest of her life and she says that last year, she had three seizures and had to step away. Toni says she's a charity case and Deeb tells her to give a shit about this now. Toni doesn't give a single, solitary SHIT about what she's been through and Serena knocks her cold before Luther carries her off. 

Rocky Romero chats with OC and if he beats Jay, he and OC and a partner of their choice get a trios title shot! Mariah May is out in some Toni throwback gear before facing Harley Cameron in leather. We get random stage shots before a big corner charge by May. Apron throat smash, high kick and axe kick by Harley! Double flying hair mare! BALDO BOMB BY MARIAH GETS 2! FLATBACK MISSILE DROPKICK BY MARIAH! Saraya prevents the hip attack! MAYDAY ENDS IT! This was pretty solid given how little Harley has wrestled. MINA SHIRAKAWA SAVES MARIAH! 

Jay White interrupts Pac with is giant belt holder and says he needs MORE GOLD FROM OKADA and we get a Malakai video on Copeland going from a boy to the man who changed the landscape of wrestling. Swerve comes out and is interrupted by Christian, who says that Swerve isn't in his league and he's the face of TNT, TBS and will stand atop the mountain as WORLD CHAMPION. THE MOGUL EMBASSY BEATS DOWN SWERVE! Gates of Agony hit a two-man Razor's Edge off the steps through a table.

Willow chats to the WWE robot and cuts a killer promo on Mercedes before Jay White comes out to face Rocky Romero with the gold bat as a belt holder. Back and forth before the uranage spikes him and the bladerunner ends it! Pac makes a save for Rocky! Joe does a workout video about the fear of a warrior of never being good enough and facing a foe you cannot beat. THE LEARNING TREE beat up jobbers and God we need them recreating the Bruise Brothers' funeral skit with the Fabs parody. 

Copeland vs. King is a violent bloodbath with a DDT on the apron ON A CHAIR by Copesland slicing up Brody. Cope destroys the chair to get a crossbar, but eats a lariat! CROSSFACE WITH THE CHAIR'S CROSSBAR DURING THE BREAK! Draping RNC BY BRODY. DEATH VALLEY DRIVER BY COPELAND ON THE APRON! SUICIDE SPEAR THROUGH A TABLE BY COPELAND! CENTER RING SPEAR WINS IT! THIS RULED! 

King attacks, but KOR saves Copeland! Backstage, the interview robot chats with Mercedes and she says this is where THE BEST WRESTLE and she thrives under pressure and she's only getting started. Backstage, Cope and KOR are backstage and KOR wants a shot on Saturday at the Cope Open. The Elite are out and THE BEST BOUT MACHINE SAYS GET WELL SOON! The Elite talk shit and FTR is out with KINGSTON JOINING FTR FOR ANARCHY IN THE ARENA! AND DANIELSON! So it looks like we're getting Perry vs. Danielson at some point! Danielson will wrestle on Collision! BRAWL TIME WITH THE FACES WINNING!

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