Monday, January 27, 2025

WWE Raw 1-27-25 - Rumble go-home show


Cole starts us off with some Cody hype and is very echoey. Drew vs. Sami is up on this card. Seth comes out looking like a goober and talking in an annoying manner. He says he might have to win the Rumble to face Cody and beat him for the title he helped him win. GUNTHER comes out presumably annoyed that he wasn't mentioned. He's annoyed by Seth as is everyone and Logan Paul is out and gets nuclear heat.

Punk chats and Sami interrupts and wants clarity because one of them is a WM main eventer - and it's not Punk. Kross stirs the pot with Sami and Punk and the boot. War Raiders face Dom and JD next. JESUS CHRIST JD just smashed his head on the announce table on that Asai moonsault! Ivar hits a double handsrping elbow and JD avoids a wheebarrow double team. Carlito spits an apple and a Dom frog splash gets 2. The faces hit War Machine and win it. This overdelivered - Dom has become a low-key fantastic worker.

Dunne chats with Kaiser and New Day gets cut off by them too. Woods is out and his family isn't there. Zelina is out of the LWO after tonight as she'll be on SD - alongside I would presume her husband Malakai Black.  Rey gets spiked on his head but is fine and hits a big kick and he hits the seated senton and rana. SUNSET BOMB BY REY! Code Red gets 2! His family shows up with NEW DAY SUCKS shirts! 619 and the dime drop ends it. 

Sami chats with Seth who I'm just sick of. MAIN EVENT JEY IS UP IN YA CITY! Jey says he's winning the Rumble. Lyra cuts a promo backstage and then Ivy wants her title. Racquel and Liv are out to face Naomi and Bianca. Not much here beyond Liv eating a boot hard. Naomi eats a loss to presumably set up a title change. Heyman is out to announce Roman for the Rumble and Roman is the 2K25 cover star. Drew talks about slaying THE BEAST at WM and Brock sent him out before Roman saved him. Drew tells him to run and he's coming for Punk and Reigns.

Sami gets his nose busted up and is bleeding all over the floor before Drew misses the claymore on the announce table. Mid-ring helluva is met with a spinebuster and a cradle for 2. Sami crucifix gets 2 and a corner exploder hits for Sami. Helluva missed and Drew schoolboyed him with the ropes to win. Drew beats him up and Cody saves. AND SAMI ACCIDENTALLY BOOTS CODY! 

Cody chats about the title and Punk's distracting hairline says he lost friends over that title. They ramble on for a while and on and on and on and on and Punk says he's going to stab him in the front. Cody says the best in the world isn't the Best anymore. Okay this rambling nonsense was draining.

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