Cody and Arn are out for the TNT Title match. Sonny Kiss comes out and dances with cheerleaders looking like a star. Arn calls Cody out for taking Sonny lightly and tells him to take his head out of his ass, which amuses Taz. Double handsrping slap is set up by Sonny, but Cody counters with a full nelson and grounds him. Cody drops down for a powerslam but Sonny isn't in the pool and hits a flying rana off the second rope. Cody wants Cross Rhodes, but Sonny avoids it and lands one of his own for 2. Sonny gets 2.5 off a 450.
Cody avoids the face to ass spot and tosses Sonny outside for an Alabama slam for 2, when Cody's feet are under the rope. Din's Fire gets 2.5 and then he gets a yes lock for a rope break. Cody takes the buckle pad off, but gets sent into it! Sonny lands a series of forearm shots and a black mass kick lands hard. Another misses and Cody spikes him with Cross Rhodes to end it - this was a fantastic ***1/2 match for Cage. Cody and Sonny hug. They talk about the show working for COVID-19 donations.
Jericho gets a promo later and will be on commentary. The Elite faces the Jurassic Express and that can make stars in one night. FTR FACES THE LUCHA BROS! Lucha Bros and Butcher and the Blade come out in FTR's truck and we get some great stuff with Dax working the hand when Penta teases a CEIRO MIEDO spot. They go for a wacky wheelbarrow spot but the Bros. botch it a few times and time stands still as Dax still sells it. More shots of Tully throughout this match - so they're teasing a Horsemen group with FTR and Cody still.
Dax alley oops Fenix into the buckle, but he falls short, but Fenix is a pro so he sells it. Dax's chest is chopped to hell. "It's like getting hit with leather!" - Jim Ross says with a fair amount of certainty. Dax powerbomb setup into a Steiner-like bulldog gets 2. Wheeler avoids a package piledriver on the apron and chops Penta on the apron. Dax unmasks Fenix and small packages to pin him. Butcher and Blade mock FTR, but the Bucks double superkick them and give them the keys back. Kenny comes out with beer and gets them poured on his head by FTR before Dax spits beer at the camera DURING A PANDEMIC and the truck won't start. Haha.
Jericho's out in a tremendous white suit jacket. Jericho's mic is shit and he talks about WINNING THE RATINGS WAR. THE DEMO. LE CHAMPION WON THE DEMO AND HE'S NEVER BEEN BEATEN IN 18-49. He's now the Demo-God, okay, so the ratings stuff can fuck off but that was great. He says EVERYONE WANTS A REMATCH, AND THE NETWORK WANTS IT, but too bad because he already beat him. They pour one out for Orange Cassidy before the King of Sloth Styles strolls down.
Jericho calls him entitled and says there will NEVER BE A REMATCH and to get out of his arena. I SAID GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ARENA YOU PIECE OF SHIT! OC gives him THE THUMBS DOWN AND THE INNER CIRCLE GETS A JUICE BATH! HE'S RUINED JERICHO'S $7,000 JACKET! Then he demands a towel and doesn't realize it's an OC towel and the boys don't tell him either. Okay, this got Orange more over and they'll sell tons of towels now.
Alex Marvez meets with the Jurassic Express and Marko laughs at the Inner Circle's expense and Luchasaurus gets in some fun banter with Marko. Jericho does commentary doused in orange juice. They replay the juice bath and Jericho freaks out over the towel and says you can also get his boot up your ass on AEWShop. Bucks are out in their All In gear. I love their tron just being the BTE logo to get that over while Ex hypes it up.
RUNNING PK TO MARKO while he flosses and an apron superkick to Jungle Jack! Run-up rana to Nick by Jack to the floor! Double jump swinging DDT by Jack to Matt! Luchasaurus beats up the entire Elite! Matt eats a round kick and Nick gets chokeslammed for 2 while Page drinks backstage anf FTR joins him to drink. CHAIN OF SNAPDRAGONS and Jericho loves him now. Jack and Luchasaurus bring Marko in for a lift-up rana to Kenny! DESTROYER BY MARKO OFF THE BACK OFF THE TOP! MARKO CRADLES KENNY FOR 2, BUT A V TRIGGER AND OWA END IT! THIS RULED! Kenny holds Marko's hand AND THEN RAINS DOWN PUNCHES! Everyone's pissed at Kenny. This is great.
Marvez meets with Shida and he says that 4/5 the top contenders can't face her now, and Nyla wants a shot now. She's down to face anyone, not just Nyla. Mox says Taz doesn't think he can hit the Paradigm Shift and that's fine - he'll just tear his biceps, the one he got surgically-repaired. Dustin's white and red paint getup is nice. Nightmare Sisters face Kenzie Paige and MJ Jenkins. Brandi starts off with Sheamus's finisher doing nothing. Reverse slingblade by Allie leads to the bionic spear by Brandi. Nightmare on Helms Street ends it for Allie.
Nyla has an announcement next. Dasha is mid-ring for it while Britt has Reba shine her shoes. Dasha wants to know who the manager is, but she isn't going to give that info out - they'll say it. It's Vickie and her theme has Excuse Me in it. Dasha asks what her strategy is while Vickie says that she won't give her strategy out now - but they'll go for the gold at the perfect time. No one can cheat to win against Nyla, and Nyla will steal every chance they've dreamed of! Next week, Cody defends the TNT Title while Page faces Five, Ivie faces Diamante, and MJF will be in action with THE BUCKS FACING BUTCHER/BLADE in a falls count anywhere match. Jurassic Express faces Jericho and Hager.
Cage is out as FTW Champ, which isn't recognizes - but does get its own orange and black name graphic. Taz talks about Mox chirping some propoganda bullshit and while Mox was busy quarantining with his wifey, Cage was wrestling and training. Mox strolls down the steps and looks so great. Mox is out in a Danny Havoc shirt and Ex talks about the significance of that losing his close friend in May. Cage hits a chain of lariats in the corner.
Mox goes for a Fujiwara armbar, but Cage hoists Mox up and does curls into a backbreaker. Corner charge into the rising gamenguri. Saito suplex by Cage and Mox wisely puts his hands up. Mox avoids an inside-out suplex and stunners the arm on the rope. Tope and armbar on the floor! Cage and Mox fight outside and Cage chops him on the barricade. Mox traps the arm in the barricade and kicks it to hurt the arm. Mox brings a barricade to ringside while Ex says that the ref is allowing it and Mox eats a German into the barricade!
Mox grounds him with a sleeper. Okay, Mox's tell of holding his head before taking a bump is getting distracting. Cage gets a torture rack and then suplexes him through a chair. Cage lands a jumping knee and the flash Shift gets 2. Jericho puts over that this move is what beat him and took the title, and adds credibility to Taz by saying that his prediction came true. Superplex into a side-mount Kimura! Powerplex by Cage! Cage sets up the Drill Claw, but Mox rolls through and gets a rolling armbar and turns it into an omaplata. Taz coaches Cage through all this like it's a UFC fight. Grounded stomach-down armbar is locked in and Mox gives him the finger and Taz throws in the towel for cage. I like that - it saves Cage, builds up a new finish for Mox, and gets over towel finishes.
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