The 2016 Magnificent Seven remake is on before the show - and TNT needs to put more Westerns on before the show. Elite and FTR vs. the Dark Order (and Colt Cabana) starts the show off. Lee takes Nick down and misses the Eddie hilo. Brodie works so well with the Bucks - or anyone, his time in CHIKARA really served him well. Back and forth lariats between Nick and a Dark Order guy. FTR saves Omega and Page before they team up for a suplex on three Dark Order members. Brodie superkicks Omega on the floor. Dax back elbows a dude and then snap legdrops him.
Ross references both Buzz Sawyer and Johnny Valentine throughout all this. Five gets 2 on a small package. Snapdragon to Grayson before a wheelbarrow/cutter on a goon. Dax goes down selling the braced knee and a goon prevents a three count. It's "Nine" covered head to toe. Double-pop powerbomb gets 2 for Grayson and Uno. Cash and Page leave before Page comes back and runs wild. Page moonsaults on the pile on the floor! Page and Brodie slug it out mid-ring with forearms before Page gets low-bridged and Brodie dives onto him.
Colt hits the Chicago Skyline on Page, but Kenny saves him. Uno and Grayson hit corner cannonballs and a swanton for 2. SUPERKICK PARTY BY THE BUCKS! SNAP DRAGON/SUPERKICK PARTY TO BRODIE LEE! Buckshot misses, but the Discus doesn't and THE DARK ORDER WINS IT. Tremendous flip sell by Page too - great match.
TRENT'S MOM SUE brings them to the building earlier. Taz says that he hopes Darby and Mox take each other out and Mox says that early on, he fought demons. He went into deathmatches and wished he'd listened. But sometimes, he's glad things worked out as they did. Now he's become the guy he regretted telling him years ago and Darby's in the same spot he was many years ago - but the last time they wrestled, he nearly broke Darby's neck. He doesn't want to end his career - he's his favorite guy, but the title's on the line. Ross talks about how PNP hasn't been in the top 5 since February and it shows how much depth they have.
Best Friends vs. PNP to get back in the tag title hunt. Chuckie rolls up Santana for 2. Santana hits Trent with a uranage for 2. Trent eats a big snap double suplex. Chuck comes in and runs wild and gets 2. Sole Food gets 2 as does a falcon arrow. Trent comes in and Tony wonders if that's wise before Chuckie helps him for a superplex. Stack-up superplex to Ortiz! They take Trent's back out with a forearm before a Liger bomb/punt combo gets 2.9 before the faces fire up to get a flash win.
MJF campaign headquarters time! He fires cueball and spits his gum at him because it's terrible. Then he buries Nina for not smiling and does a wacky Riddler hop to tell Lee to make his poster level before having Nina show him winning in the polls. Matt Hardy cuts a promo and says that when he came to AEW, he wanted to show fans the multiverse of Matt Hardy - but now, he wants to showcase Matthew Hardy. Off-screen, he wants to give back to guys like Private Party and Sammy Guevara. Sammy didn't take that advice and now, he doesn't want to help him - he wants to hurt him. Sammy and Matt slug it out and Matt sets up a table but his Twist leads to a post shot. Matt is put on the table and Sammy tosses a chair at him and slices his head open before Sammy does a twisting dive.
Backstage, they show PnP beating up Trent's Mom's Minivan with a madball and ball bat. It's bizarre to make Trent's mom the focal point of this angle, but...okay. It's not bad, it's just odd. Reynolds and Silver are out to face Cardona and Cody, who gets a subdued intro. Cody and Matt get a nice double sledge on Reynolds before Cody goes to beat up everyone on the apron, but Silver sends him down on the apron and Reynolds gets a hop-over double footstomp.
Cody gets 2 on Silver with a flash cradle before Silver kicks away but a backslide leads Cody to eating an upkick. Cody snap slams him down! Cardona tags in and gets a missile dropkick! Broski Boot is avoided, so he hits a double baseball slide instead. Cardona hits a tiger driver for 2! Cody cutter and an ass over teakettle suplex spot. Radio Silence hits to end it. Scorpio Sky challenges Cody and Trent calls them cowards for attacking his mom's van.
Sammy comes out with his cue cards and it's time for the debate, which of course gets Mania-level pyro. Eric Bischoff comes out and looks great and Tony says it's been 20 years since he's been on TNT. Bischoff asks the fan-created question why they hate each other. Jericho buries his getup and Orange puts on a clip-on tie before Jericho says he's a joke who just plays pocket pool weekly. Eric asks who the bigger star is and Jericho says that Orange hasn't been out of Florida and the only title he's had is the biggest slacker. Orange still has no response while Eric asks about global sea levels changing. AND THIS EXCITES ORANGE and he drops facts!
The next question is why is Orange so popular and Jericho says it's because he's like the smart marks and he'll have to spend $7,000 to fix his ruined jacket - WHICH JUST GETS ORANGER EACH WEEK! When he beats him, he'll send him back to Jamba Juice to make him a smoothie - and he won't tip him! Eric asks why the rematch means so much and Orange tells Chris to shut up. He thinks he's smart by scheduling a debate against a guy who doesn't talk. He isn't embarrassed - he doesn't care about this, but he cares about next week. It's the biggest match of his life. It's also the biggest match of Chris' career because HE'S CHRIS JERICHO, MAN - he's done it all! What if Jericho loses to the guy that puts his hands in his pockets!?
"I WANT YOU TO LOOK IN MY EYES AND LOOK AT THE MAN WHO IS GOING TO EMBARRASS YOU AND THE MAN WHO NEXT WEEK, IS GOING TO BEAT YOU!" Tremendous stuff and Bischoff gives Orange the win due to the global warming thing. Jericho says he still hates Bischoff and has for 22 years. Bischoff says it's been 24 and then Jericho sics Hager on Cassidy. Hager sends him into the Judas Effect before the Best Friends come in - so they help him win and all the angles dovetail nicely.
Britt and her MJ top make Reba face Big Swole. Taz says that Rebel has wrestled about 100 matches - but has done makeup for AEW for a year. Reba is wrestling as a manager and is doing a better job of doing that than she did as a straight worker. Reba misses a second rope moonsault. Swole hits dirty dancing and takes her out. They hype up next week's show with Cody vs. Sky and next week is tag team appreciation night as the Jurassic Express face FTR and we'll see Tully, Arn, and the RNR Express.
Darby comes out with a Mox face over his own. They just slug each other for a bit before brawling on the floor. Darby takes a sick shot into the post and just clanks. During a break, Mox gets him in a straightjacket choke. Darby reminds me of Jeff Hardy in 2000 where yeah, he's an in the moment act - but I also don't see him being able to move in five years. Mox tells him that when he says tap, you tap! Suicide spear by Darby and then he wedges Mox's fingers into the post and Coffin Drops onto him on the floor!
Darby springboard Coffin Drops into a German, but he flips out of that and works the fingers and gets a Code Red for 2.5. Mox gets a super German and Darby lands on his face and feet and flips back. MJF and Wardlow come down and Wardlow distracts the ref while MJF belts Mox AND THE COFFIN DROP HITS FOR 2.99! Shotgun dropkick by Darby and they bonk heads off a back elbow by Darby. Coffin Drop INTO AN RNC! Darby goes for the eyes and Mox turns it into a Gotch piledriver to get 2.99999999! Now they've gotten the RNC and the Paradigm Shift - and this can be a solid secondary finish too. He doesn't want to, but puts him down with a Paradigm Shift. Tremendous storytelling here.
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