Thursday, August 6, 2020

WWF Summerslam 1988

It's time for another F4W board group watch and it's for a show I've never seen in full - although I've certainly seen the IC Title and main events a lot. A sweeping shot of a jet flying and the WWF eyecatch while they fly over MSG for shots of the heels cackling. 

The opener has the Fabulous Rougeau Brothers FROM FRANCE BUT RELOCATING TO AMERICA to face the Bulldogs. The heels play fake faces and Jacques gets beaten up in the corner. A FOURTH THIS IS A HAPPENING in the first seven minutes. Armlocks on the mat for the faces. A HAPPENING #5 during an armbar. Davey still has a good amount of his speed compared to '91 and gets 2 off a jackknife cradle. 
Jacques works on Davey's leg with the snapping Muta lock and the heels wishbone him. Davey counters a spinning toe hold with a small package for 2. Davey gets a monkey flip and a hot tag and the crowd goes wild during the opener. Snap suplex hits hard. Davey powerslams Raymond, but Jacques makes the save. Double team belly to back to Dynamite off the second rope gets a high-neck landing. Heels double gutbuster Dynamite and Dynamite is locked into an abdominal stretch using the tights and then Raymond flies in and gets it on with a neck crank. 

Dynamite goes to escape, but Raymond gets hoisted up and Jacques runs in to stop that. IT'S A HAPPENING #6 as the heels prevent a pinfall count on the small package. Jacques gets another stretch and Raymond uses the tag rope to TAG IN, HOPS IN, AND BOOGIES! Jacques gets crotched off a military press when they come in. Double-team rocket launcher headbutt hits for the Bulldogs and the bell rings. ALL THAT FOR A TIME LIMIT DRAW. Well hell, still a great match - but a shit finish.

Brutus was supposed to wrestle, but Ron Bass attacks him with a whip and strangles him before dragging him around. Bass attacks him with the spur and gigs him more leading to the big red X. This gets a hell of a reaction and I like that they just keep the red X up no matter what is on-screen. Brutus won't wrestle for the IC Title, but SOMEONE will...Gorilla doesn't know who it will be, but it will be the number 1 contender. Why wouldn't he know who that is?

Bad News Brown is mid-ring to face Ken Patera. Superstar says that Patera is "all champions of everything". Patera gets some plodding offense and then Brown chokes him. Patera gets a somewhat quick cradle for 2. Crowd dies a death here. Patera gets the bearhug while Graham talks about the placement of the bodies preventing Brown from attacking the eyes. Then he lifts his head up and Brown rakes the eyes. Full nelson is on, but Brown gets the ropes. Another full nelson, another run to the ropes. Patera rams his shoulder into the corner and misses a charge and eats the Ghetto Blaster to end it. 

COKED UP MEGA POWERS PROMO! Hogan with the Mega Powers text on his gear helps freshen his look up a tad and puts Savage's gear design over while Savage adopting Hogan's color scheme actually works for him too. Rude is out to face JYD and Heenan just stands around looking angry. Rude didn't like working with Heenan and you get a sense of that when he stands in front of him during his promo. He's got JYD on his gear - so he actually spent money on that and JYD is shot from below and looks even fatter/

JYD runs wild and Rude bumps around for him. JYD misses the grounded headbutt and shows off his bald spot. Rude clubs him and Rude clamps on a chinlock. Rude eats a few headbutts and then climbs up and pulls his tights down to shot off the Cheryl gear and then Jake runs down and beats him up after the fistdrop. 

Jimmy Hart cuts a promo with the Honky Tonk Man, who says that he knew Brutus wouldn't rassle him. He wants ANYBODY. Gene says that the man who has the shot is exciting and HTM doesn't want anyone to know who it is - even he doesn't want to know. HE CAN SHAKE, RATTLE, AND ROLL ANYBODY. HE LOVES SURPRISES!

Slick introduces the Bolsheviks. NIKOLAI SINGS, and he's a better singer than he is a worker. They face the newly-babyface Powers of Pain, who have Baron Von Raschke as THE BARON as their manager. Lots of plodding heel double team tactics in the corner. With the pace of these matches, they should've sold No Doz at the concession stands. Nikolai hits a...spinning kick to the stomach. Barb tags in and hops over the top and slugs both heels. Barb boots both guys hard - and did anyone have a better big boot than him? MAYBE Test. Warlord hits the Davey Boy powerslam and Barb hits the diving headbutt to win. Odd to ape the Bulldogs' finishers while they're still in the company, but a good finish for big guys to stand out. 

Brother Love is mid-ring for what was going to be a Ric Flair introduction piece. Brother Love says the guest needs to learn a lesson of love. Instead of Brother Flair, we get Brother Hacksaw. Duggan is out here in a ringer shirt and his character still has a few working brain cells. Brother Love says that Duggan has no love for his country, unlike Brother Dino Bravo. HE SEES A MAN WITH A 2X4 AND THAT DOES NOT SHOW HIM LOVE. Duggan tells him to shut up or he'll shove the 2x4 where the sun doesn't shine. Love backs off saying HE'S A MAN OF LOVE AND HE'S WEARING GLASSES and he loves him! Duggan swings the board and that gets the show closer to the grave. 

IC Title time and it's a classic. HTM is out all cocky and Warrior's theme hits and he gets a massive reaction and steamrolls him. Warrior clubs him, lariats him and splashes him to win. This is a career highlight for Warrior and both a highlight and a lowlight for Honky as he'd never reach the level he did before this again. This is how you elevate someone in two minutes though - you make the fans want a guy to succeed by booking him strong and then BOOM, pay it off easy. 

Muraco is out looking roided out of his mind while Heenan mocks Graham for Muraco having his music while he can't do anything. Muraco vs. Bravo is up and I expect...two bumps total. Graham buries Bravo's "world record" because it had no officials and he didn't use official weights. We get a long tieup. Then another one and A BUMP. Muraco stomps him off an Irish whip monkey flip attempt. Corner monkey flip and an arm drag features Bravo kind of throwing himself sideways in a plank position. Inverted atomic for Bravo and WE GET ANOTHER BUMP. Muraco gets a Russian legsweep. This is over-delivering. Bravo gets the side slam and wins it. For what this was, it was decent. 

Sean Mooney is with Jesse Ventura talking about the controversy of Jesse being the ref. Jesse took money from the Mega-Bucks and Jesse says that if someone wants to give him money, he'll take it - but he didn't ask for it. Good logic there. Tag title match is up with the Hart Foundation getting no intro as they face Demolition. They get TWO MANAGERS in Fuji and Jimmy Hart, who is just there to advise them as the Foundation's former manager - I like that logic. 

I like Gorilla putting Neidhart over as someone who was too rough for pro football. Axe clubs away quickly at him in the corner. Bret tags in and gets worked over and shock of shocks, he's a great babyface in peril. Jim tags in, but the ref doesn't see it - but thanks to the damage he's done, he can get a legal tag and runs even more wild! Big dropkick pops the crowd! Neidhart was such a great tag worker - he and Animal were perfect in the powerhouse Robert Gibson role. Neidhart hits the flattener for 2. Bret tags in and flings Jim into Smash for 2. Bret goes for a piledriver, but Axe grabs the megaphone and clubs Bret to get the win. Good match, if a bit short. 

HTM says HE'LL ALWAYS BE THE BEST CHAMPION EVER. Big Bossman is out with Slick and gets mocked for his weight. Koko's out to lose, but make Bossman look great. Graham tells Bossman to take the badge off because it can be a weapon...and they'd also gotten some legal threats over it. Bossman is knocked into the Andre position and eats a headbutt. Billy Graham points out more logic flaws like him also having handcuffs on him. Graham calls Koko "Little Koko Man" for some reason, hopefully just him facing the Big Boss Man. Koko hits an upkick right to the mouth. Rope avalanche by Bossman. Bossman misses the shitty top rope splash where he lands on his feet. Bossman gets crotched up top and Koko slugs away  and lands a spring-legged missile dropkick for 2! Bossman slam ends it. This was fun - a great match for Bossman, but Koko got enough shine to still look good. 

Warrior cuts a crazy Warrior promo about taking on all challengers. Herc is mid-ring to face Jake Roberts. Roberts slugs away and Herc avoids a quick DDT attempt. Herc gets a back suplex off a Jake headlock - but Jake hands on. Now there's a little thing that FTR needs to steal. LONG CHINLOCK ON THE SNAKE MAN according to Graham. NICE punch on the apron by Herc. GREAT chest club. Herc has really underrated strikes. Jake signals for the DDT and the crowd goes insane, but Herc backdrops him. Jake floats over off a slam attempt and hits the DDT for the win! Jake unloads Damien. 

OUT COMES DA REPTILE. OUT COMES DA SERPENT BROTHA. Superstar is something else. Mega Powers vs.  Mega Bucks recap. Even the Superstars of Wrestling non-logo graphic gets blurred here. I like that Brother Love implying Jesse is afraid of Andre, so Jesse stands up for himself and says HE COULD STAND IN THE RING TOMORROW AND BE WORLD CHAMP, WHY WOULD HE BE AFRAID OF BROTHER LOVE? Andre threatens Jesse and I love this long recap video - it lays out the story perfectly and Jesse being bullied is rare, and true to his character, he stands up for himself. Gorilla says Jesse was a Navy SEAL and his broadcast partner, and he'd be surprised to see him give in.

Jesse gets his own intro, as he should since he's a key part of the story. A Macho Man fan wears some top-notch gear. They stall using Jesse moving around the tag rope to kill some time. Andre works over Savage for a bit. Hogan gets a hot tag but gets double teamed and makes for a solid face in peril. Ted locks in a chinlock while Superstar bitches about positioning. Savage tags in and sledgehammers Ted. Savage gets 2 off a crossbody, but eats a nice lariat. Andre tags in and clubs away in the corner. He rams him with his ass and hits a big gut punch before sitting on his head and then ramming him with his ass to his face. 

Ted tags in and gets 2 off a suplex. Hogan tags in and gets a suplex on Ted and KOs Andre. Hogan locks Ted in a sleeper and Savage dives into a boot of Andre. Andre headbutts the back of the head and tosses Hogan outside. The faces risk getting counted out and Liz hops on the apron and takes off her dress bottom to reveal a small red set of panties. Ted gets slammed by Hogan and the flying elbow and legdrop end it when Savage shoves Jesse's hand down.

Hogan plays grab-ass with Liz and Savage gives him a "WHAT'S UP MAN" look and body language before they shake hands and celebrate. Hogan poses a ton and also around. 

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