Wednesday, October 12, 2022

AEW Dynamite 10-12-22 - Canadian Debut Danielson vs Jericho 3


Renee starts the show off and brings Christian out, who says that he's the face of Canada and he'll make a guarantee as iron-clad as the Maple Leafs losing! Luchasaurus vs. Perry is up! Big German by Luchasaurus! Jack avoids a powerbomb through a table, but eats the post back-first. PIP shoulder charge in the corner by Luchasaurus. SUNSET BOMB THROUGH THE TABLE BY JACK! 

TAKER SITUP BY LUCHASAURUS and he eats a ton of superkicks! Luchasaurus hits O'Haire's WWE finish for 2.9. Jack sets up a poison rana, but eats a face jam! Cutthroat attempt, but hammer elbows from Jack nix it. ACCORDIAN BACKBREAKER INTO A CRUCIFIX BOMB FOR 2.9! Jack wants a killswitch, but Luchasaurus hoists him up into an electric chair, then a poison rana and KILLSWITCH GET 2.9! SNARE TRAP IS ON! Christian distracts and SUPER CHOKESLAM BY LUCHASAURUS! CUTTHROAT HITS AND ENDS IT!

The Firm has taken over the contract of Private Party and Matt wants Page, and Page offers up a match on Rampage to free them. If Ethan wins, then The Firm has Matt's contract. QT mocks WardJoe and this bodes poorly for him. Joe and Wardlow chuck QT around and then Wardlow just overheck chucks Comoroto around too! Joe wins with a choke and IT'S TIME FOR THE POWERBOMB SYMPHONY! BUT Nana and the Embassy interrupt!

FTR gets called out and they get a king's reaction here. They'll team up with THE PINNACLE OF PRO WRESTLING Shawn Spears at Rampage and he's got a new theme and setup. Good stuff - dude's over as hell again! Swerve vs. Daddy Ass is up and Billy Gunn is a new level of neon sign. Daddy Ass takes a knee drop to the leg and yells OH SHIT. Billy hits a tilt a whirl. Powerbomb position into a self-scissor, but Swerve avoids the fameasser. Flatliner by Swerve! SWERVE STOMP WITH A SCISSOR ME DADDY GETS 2.9! Swerve cheats to win by grabbing the ropes. Okay then.

Nese and Sterling are out and have TRADEMARKED SCISSOR ME IN PRO WRESTLING. Okay. Sterling as WWE Legal is something else. Stokely annoys the shit out of MJF backstage. Stokely being SO ANNOYING that he turns MJF babyface in full works well. MJF cuts a money promo about being sick of his shit and hating himself more than the fans do.

Moxley faces Page next week on Tuesday Dynamite. Mox is out and we get some epic shots of Mox coming out in this sea of humanity. Hangman says that he hesitated when he faced Moxley last time and he's lost his friends now and he's lost his friends from before too. He's mad, he's angry, he's depressed and he's still here. HE'S 31, a former world champ, and lowered family into the ground while bringing new life into it! It's been a night of fantastic promos for a generation in this single TV show. MJF came from a realistic place as a human being, as have Mox and Page. This is the best part of JCP with characters being rooted in reality and that making it easy to tell compelling tales. 

Jericho vs. Danielson is hyped up as an all-time ROH World Champion against the man out to take the title out in Jericho. Bryan kicks away the hand from a handshake and we get a sea of kicks to the chest and back and forth chops. Tons of back-based offense here with Jericho headbutting the spine and Bryan elbowing the ribs and back. ANTI-AIR CODEBREAKER GETS 2.9! WOW! 

Danielson hits Turner accidentally and we get a double-down for a lariat! GARCIA COMES OUT TO PREVENT A JERICHO BELT SHOT BUT HE HITS DANIELSON WITH THE BELT AFTER THE BUSAIKU KNEE TO JERICHO! WOW! The great thing here is you can STILL turn Garcia face later on. The belt shot ends it. THIS RULED. 

Shida and Storm are out to face Britt and Hayter, WHO IS OVER AS FUCK. Jesus! Her theme and Shida's are incredible and Shida's in particular hits really hard live and in person. Twist and Shout fisherman gets 2. STORM ZERO HITS and gets 2 with Hayter breaking it up. Headbutt from Storm and a falcon arrow with back and forth cradles ends with Shida on top and tighter in the grip to win it! This ruled!

OC is out and "Jane" really does work even better than his prior theme for him. Pockets kicks from Pac! BUT OC KIPS UP AND DROPKICKS HIM! Pac grabs him mid-tope and FALCON ARROWS HIM TO HELL on the floor! He beats his ass on the ramp during the break too. HE COMES IN AT 9.9! Brutalizer is on and he fades right away! BUT HE GETS THE ROPE! DDTS APLENTY! ORANGE PUNCH HITS AND IT ONLY GETS 2.9999!

Apron warfare! BEACH BREAK ON THE APRON! Pac's ear is split open and the Brutalizer is met with ropes again. Pac goes for the hammer and DANHAUSEN CURSES HIM! The ref grabs a hammer, but Pac gets another one and OC clocks him! ORANGE PUNCH HITS! ANOTHER ONE HITS AND OC WINS HIS FIRST AEW TITLE!

What a fantastic night this was! AEW needed a slam dunk of a Dynamite and they had it here. 

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