Tuesday, October 18, 2022

AEW Dynamite 10-18-22 - Title Tuesday

NXT and AEW are back to being at war for ONE WEEK ONLY and AEW has Hangman vs. Mox for the gold. MOTION GRAPHICS FOR THE MAIN EVENT and the ROH history video package hyping up Castle vs. Jericho was good. Fenix swantons Chuckie for 2. WACKY LUCHA SUBMISSION TO FENIX before Penta saves. 

Love Ex putting over Penta and Fenix for working TripleMania. Double rana attempt by OC but the LB stop him and PAC dropkicks him to the face. Wheelbarrow into a codebreaker into a double stomp into a GERMAN FOR 2! Sole Food/half and half to PAC! Triple team shoulder-mount splash gets 2 for the babyfaces. High kick by Penta to Trent and a Strong Zero gets 2.9 when Fenix saves! Inverted 619 into a Blackout and the Fenix driver ends it!

Hype vid for Mox vs. Hangman with Mox saying he's coming home after leaving with nothing and Hangman says they fought in a ladder match last year and that's it - tonight, it's his night. Britt and Hayter get in "Shida later" and say one will be the full-on women's world champ. Shida vs. Storm is up. Shida's theme is several billion levels beyond Toni's.

Nice forearms back and forth. Big Toni headbutt, but Shida gets a trio in the corner and a meteora gets 2! Disaster kick avoided by Toni and Toni Germans her. Tornado DDT attempt by Toni, but Shida catches her and almost gets a falcon arrow for 2.9! Storm Zero hits and then Britt's group hits the ring! 

SARAYA RUNS DOWN AND SLUGS BRITT DOWN! Crutch to the back of Toni and RIHO RETURNS! WarJoe challenges the Kingdom to come for either of hteir title and Joe says that they had six million ways to die, but chose the wrong ones. FTR with Renee and they say they have to be AEW World Tag champs too. Swerve says that THIS IS THEIR HOUSE and FTR has been top contenders for seven months and have been busy everywhere. Keith Lee apologizes with HOW Swerve said things, but agrees to wanting the tag title shot and they'll go at it in Norfolk. 

Marvez meets with Lethal and Darby and they fight after saying they won't and drop a door on him and Lethal puts a figure four on him. Regal is mid-ring and MJF interrupts. He says when he was training with Buck and Myers and they got him WWE extra work and it was a chance. He put his best suit and gear on and Regal greeted them. They had tryout matches and he wasn't fighting for a contract - he was fighting for his life and PRO WRESTLING IS HIS LIFE! Regal told him to follow him and took him to a room and told him he had three minutes to sell himself and he did.

He blew Regal away and he was promised a job. He wasn't going to be the ADD Jewboy - he would be a Superstar! He said he was 19 and that was it - he was too young. Regal said he didn't put his name on many, but Claudio, Moxley, and Danielson were among them but he couldn't do it for MJF until he was older and he wanted a match and promo every month. For two months, he was ignored and on month three, he sent him a promo that he saved to his phone. 

"Max, I'm a very busy man. I've got talent for months and I've had to watch you show me your acting skills. Don't reply to this, but how does this make me want to hire you? Make a name for yourself and the game has changed and WWE only hires world-class athletes. When you're one of them, maybe send me your stuff." He says that e-mail made him want to end his career and his life. BUT IF HE DID, the naysayers would win. The year is 2022 and Regal is just a sad old man who got fired! Now you're in this company like a succubus sticking yourself to talent who is better than he ever was. And in 2024, WWE would end lives to sign him. 

MJF doesn't read the e-mail to put a chip on his shoulder - but when he needs a laugh. That's all Regal is now - a joke. "I'M MAXWELL JACOB FRIEDMAN AND I'M BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU KNOW IT!" Fuck this was money! Regal says he was 16, he left to work on a carnival and fought grown men to get into the business. He wanted to light a fire under MJF because when you're 17 and you're bleeding everywhere, and if a damn e-mail is what got him here, then you've had it easy! You mastered promos and Regal told him to practice every time you brush your tooth and make sure they notice you.

"BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, I WAS INSULTING TONY SCHIAVONE AND I NEVER TOUCHED HIM!" MJF uses a ring to knock people out and Regal didn't need knucks - HE JUST LIKED THEM. IF YOU WANT TO BE THE DEVIL, DO IT RIGHT AND BEAT EVERYONE! BE THE DEVIL AND HIT ME! Nice Dalton video - good to see they had the sense to not try to get his lone TNA match where in classic TNA fashion, they turned the best gay act in 20 years straight and had Josh bury him the whole time. Daddy Ass and the Acclaimed talk about Mark trying to take away scissoring. Title vs. TRADEMARK on Friday!

Renee meets with Bryan and Yuta and Danielson says that Garcia could be the best young talent ever. Yuta is pissed and says Mox and Claudio are on his side. Bitter Yuta is good - he needs a personality and this is one. Dalton is out looking like a MEGASTAR with a giant intro before grabbing his cock and then flipping off Jericho before stalling, runng around and hitting a big exploder.

Corner chops by Jericho but Dalton takes him down with a grounded cobra clutch and Jericho elbows him out. Walls are locked on the formerly-broken back of Dalton Castle! Lionsault but Dalton CATCHES HIM, HOLDS HIM AND HITS IT despite the bad back and gets 2.9! BANGARANG HITS FOR 2.9! Judas Effect hits and ends it. THIS RULED. Castle earned himself a job here.  ALL HONOR THE OCHO! I love this gimmick. Jericho threatens Ian and Jerry Lynn makes a save and HITS A TOMBSTONE ON THE ROH TITLE!


Christian Cage says that he and Luchasaurus are done with Jack and the right hand of destruction wants gold. Cool - give him the ROH TV Title and give him a run with it. Rampage and Dynamite are hyped up and it's time for Mox vs. Hangman. Backstage, Jade wants her belt and the baddies didn't get it, but Nyla will be at Rampage and Jade will take her belt back. Either she gets her belt back and she'll take the show over.

Hangman jumps Mox on his way to the ring and since he's the de facto heel in Mox's hometown, sure.  CRAZY YEEHAW MOONSAULT BLOCK by Hangman! We come back to Mox...paying homage to Lou by blading on-camera. Ex talks about how Mox worked here as a guard and now he's the World champion while Regal worries about a blood stoppage ala Ali. Cutter by Mox! And Page rolls to the corner stunned. MJF HAS LEFT HIS PERCH! Maybe to get a guard bird. DEADEYE ON THE APRON! 

STF by Mox before some back and forth forearms up top! SUPER FALLAWAY SLAM BY PAGE GETS 2! MONSTER LARIATO BY MOX! Doctor stoppage after the lariat due to the neck landing - Doc Samson ends it and Mox gets cheered. Regal comes down to talk with Mox and this was unique - not everything it could be, but great for a TV match and a fascinating finish that makes every move matter.

It feels like a work having Taz, whose career was shortened with a neck injury, talk about how big a shame this is. Taz talks about this from his experience and Mox says he hopes that Page can walk and talk again - so I kind of really hope it's a work because WOW is that a weird line.  Mox says if MJF wants to prove who he is, COME DOWN HERE! MJF is out and he's got the chip and a ref! Dynamite vs. NXT is a great night to make history like this if you're AEW.

MJF says that if you want to talk about him cutting corners, fine. He'll cash the chip in - BUT HE'LL ANNOUNCE IT. HE WANTS HIM 110%! HE WANTS NO EXCUSES! MJF VS MOX IS MADE FOR FULL GEAR. He gives Regal the chip and says for the first time in his miserable life, HE'LL EARN IT! So Regal gets his point across, but it can cost his man the title! More weird sound edits and on November 19, we'll get a great match.


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