Saturday, May 11, 2024

AEW Collision and Rampage 5-11-24 Copeland vs. KOR!


Copeland's Cope Open will be met by Kyle O'Reilly and Tommy Billington faces Dax Harwood, in a match that should get the Bulldogs a job. Claudio and Danielson face off with Top Flight to start things off! Danielson works to start things off and Nigel talks about Danielson faking his neck injury while Darius evades shots. Suplex>tope atomico combo to Claudio gives Top Flight a brief edge. DRAPING KNEE BY BRYAN! Dante hits a suicide dive! DOUBLE JUMP MOONSAULT TO CLAUDIO GETS 2! Dante misses off the top AND THE BUSAIKU KNEE HITS! Running Claudio uppercut ends it! This was a riot!

Danielson's chest is all lit up here and he wants a cheer for Top Flight and he gets an AEW chant going after thanking the fans for starting one before. The first Anarchy match almost ended his career - but he's willing to do it again for AEW! Cage and the Gates of Agony wrestle tonight and the main event is seemingly the TNT Title match. Lee faces WILL OSPREAY with Roddy on commentary! Ospreay's out to get five stars out of Lee Moriarty here. However, the match is hurt on TV by Roddy's commentary. 

Ospreay hits the handspring gamenguri and then a pump kick! Lee lands a finger snap and an Andrade spiral butterfly suplex for 2! Ospreay hits AJ's torture rack bomb for 2! HOOK KICK AND THE OSCUTTER, but the BC stretch is on instead! HIDDEN BLADE OUT OF THE CORNER! STORMBREAKER ENDS IT! The former Mogul Embassy destroys a set of jobbers and Cage says that Swerve and Nana were selfish. SWERVE CHOKES OUT THE GOONS WITH A CHAIN! Drill Claw turned into a German by Swerve! HOUSE CALL!

Swerve uses a cinder block on a charging Leone! CONCHAIRTO WITH THE STEPS! Swerve cuts a promo on Cage and challenges him for Everett on Wednesday! DANIEL GARCIA TIME against KM in a quick match with KM dancing and falling to a dragon sleeper. The hour one main event is Dax "THE AXE" Harwood against "Dynamite Kid" Tommy Billington! He's out in classic Stampede gear with a stripe and star on the back and Cage vs. Swerve is official!

Billington worked him over to start with some matwork before Dax landed a big lariat for 2. SHOTGUN DROPKICK BY BILLINGTON and an over the top rope landing crossbody on the rope! Dax sets him up for a superplex and eventually gets it. Surprisingly, no cradle ala Dynamite/Savage there. ROLLING GERMANS ALA BENOIT FROM DAX THE AXE! NOW DYNAMITE HITS THEM! CHOP BY DAX AND THEN A RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX BY DAX! Dynamite cradle gets 2! Owen-Bret victory roll cradle attempt leads to the Dax Liger bomb off the ropes ala Ultimo and ends it! This was an outstanding match overall.

Fletcher and Cobb face off with Danielson and Claudio on Dynamite! The Elite cut a promo with Jack saying a year ago, he was a pillar and he was goddamn tired - now he's a keystone of this shit. Daniels talks to Matt and they knock him down and berate him. He says he'll never forget where he's come from - even if the Bucks have. He shows his staff badge and the company's five years old and they want to make it about themselves. He picks Sydal to team with him to face the Bucks.

Rosa faces Robyn Renegade in a squash. BUT FIRST Dax hypes up FTR as workhorses before announcing an Okada match on Dynamite. Rosa stiffs Robyn and lands a codebreaker. Rosa gets a grounded cobra clutch after a moonsault misses to win. This took FOR-EVER! Johnny and Taya cut a promo on the VANLOSERS and they came to be winners! He wants to face THE BASTARD and he'll win unlike everyone in Vancouver! 

Hook cuts a promo on Jericho saying that none of what he did shocked him because he said he knew who he was from the start. Cope is locked into a front choke, but a rope gordbuster ends that one! Cope is locked on a kneebar, but HE GETS THE ROPE! Spear into the ropes misses INTO AN O'CONNOR ROLL AND THEN COPE WANTS AN RNC! SPEAR INTO THE FRONT CHOKE BY KOR! The spear wins it for Cope!

To start off Rampage, Cope wants a handshake and gets a hug. Cope wouldn't let go and it pisses KOR off. Backstage, Claudio says that he understands Bryan wanting to fight for AEW - but he can't support EDDIE KINGSTON and that leading to Danielson being taken out injury-wise before and he can't support that. I like that logically, he's being a good friend. TRENT is out to face Dalton with THE BOYS! Trent gets outworked to start, but smacks Dalton's head and neck against the ring connector. 

DALTON CHUCKS HIM AROUND FOR A BIT! God, it's incredible how much he can still do well. BLIND SWITCH GERMAN SUPLEX BY DALTON! Trent pokes the eye to stop a countout and then slams the head into the connector with an arm pop and the running knee and gogoplata ends it! 

Deonna cuts a promo on Rosa and says she'll take out Lady Frost and follow advice a great man - likely her husband, gave her - keep your enemy at the front so you know your fate. THE GREATNESS OF RUSH IS RECAPPED with  his ROH World Title win and now he's going to take over AEW. Fantastic stuff there. Bryan Keith's out to face JD Drake - and Keith gets an intro! I went to get my pizza out of the oven and the match ended. Cope challenges Malakai to a BARB WIRE STEEL CAGE MATCH AT THE PPV!  

Deonna avoids some of Lady Frost's gynmastics on the apron and smacks her face on the apron off a cartwheel. Toni Storm faces Harley Cameron on Dynamite! Frost gets a hestitation dropkick for 1 when Deonna grabs the rope to save energy. Fujiwara out of a roll, but Frost escapes. Corner tree of woe spear from Deonna ends it. Rosa runs her off with a chair. MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER NORMAL PERSON SCORPIO SKY is back! We'll see how this pans out. Pac vs. Johnny TV is up! Johnny does the towel floss bit with a Canucks jersey! 

Pac eats the basement knee on the floor, but after a break, responds with THREE FLYING FOREARMS! Starship pain misses, but the black arrow won't...BUT TAYA GETS INVOLVED! STANDING BRUTALIZER ENDS IT! The Gunns and Jay White talk shit about Pac and they say he listened to Jay to win it tonight! Guns up!

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