Wednesday, May 15, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5-15-24


Dynamite is live from the near-hometown of Bryan Alvarez - EVERETT, WASHINGTON! It's also new WWE 2K24 DLC day and it has been a blast playing as Terry Funk and adjusting Punk's moveset  bit too. Fittingly with Funk, MOXLEY STARTS THE SHOW OFF! Mox and Danielson face off Cobb and Fletcher - which should be fantastic. I may have to delete Ahmed Johnson in the PS5 2K24 and then put him on PS4 to put Cobb on PS5. Mox gets jumped and Danielson runs down to save in his home state! We get a mini Anarchy in the Arena brawl before a countdown clock for Swerve vs. Cage to start off hour 2.

Cobb eats the corner kicks from Danielson and then a figure four on Cobb opens the door for a tag and a Mox elbow for 2. Danielson runs wild with a shotgun dropkick and a corner dropkick before landing the kneeling kicks but the buzzsaw kick is met with a shove and a low-bridge to Cobb. SUICIDE DIVE TO FLETCHER! Danielson leapt right into a sidewinder suplex! CORNER UPPERCUT BY COBB into a rotating tombstone by Fletcher for 2.9! Now Mox vs. Fletcher would be a fun WGP Title match. Roundhouse kick by Danielson, Mox gets the Death Rider on Fletcher and it's over! THAT RULED!

Takeshita jumps Mox with a German and a kneeling giant elbow! Claudio ran down for a save just a wee bit too late - but it would logically take more time to get a giant crowbar. Swerve's media rounds are shown and make him feel like a bigger deal. Cope comes out and gets jumped by King and Buddy! Malakai gets a shut the fuck up chant and he tells Buddy to take his wedding ring after a chokeout. We see Kingston get hurt and the Bucks say that Eddie mighta got bit by the injury bug! Okada tells Dax that he'll take him out, BITCH!

Bucks Reebok ad airs with Okada being wacky before the Bucks are out for their match and Jack Perry is on commentary and demands some goddamn respect! Daniels talks shit and Sydal lands a corkscrew senton! NICK HITS A DOUBLE SLEDGE ON SYDAL! Iron Claw ad. The Bucks win and Matthew says that they're here to clean up the office from all this toxic behavior and now their hand has been forced - DANIELS HAS BEEN FIRED! But they're not heartless - they're gonna pay him for 30 days and they're even paying for an immediate security escort! I bet that immediate security escort was pricey - hopefully they don't take that expense out of Daniels' last check.

Harley's goons are banned from ringside AND TONI HAS WORDS OF WISDOM. "Thank you for knocking me out so I didn't have to listen to another second of your sob story!" "You can bet your bottom dollar ON THIS WHORE THAT YOU ADORE that everything is coming up Chin. Tits. SHOE!" "You'll be in Vegas flat on your back with an ass in your face, wondering where your dignity went!"

Malakai chats about the wedding ring and now he's excited that evil still lurks in his heart and if he beats Copeland, then Cope bends the knee to the HOB. HOOK is here to massacre Sebastian Wolfe. High crotch lift exploder before crossfaces and Redrum! HOOK says he's not here for this, he's here for his title and Jericho! They jump Hook and SHIBATA MAKES THE SAVE! Swerve walks backstage for a single shot and welcomes Brian Cage to WHOSE HOUSE! 

It starts off quick with Swerve going for fast-break offense and getting the rolling thunder flatiner, but eating chinlocks and the draping superplex by Cage! TEEP BY SWERVE, but Cage responds with a missed right and a left-arm lariat! Apron-draping SWERVE STOMP TO THE FLOOR! Cage eats a few forearms and Swerve wanted a stomp, but got a powerbomb. ARM SNAPPER TO CAGE! HOUSE CALL HITS AND ENDS IT! Nick Wayne jumps Swerve with a lowblow when Christian and Shayna distract. Nick smashes a photo of Swerve's family over his face and then Christian comes down. Christian rubs the photo in Swerve's blood and in two weeks, he takes the title.

Backstage, Hook and Shibata chat with Renee and Hook says he'll beat anyone to get his title back. Shibata's Google Translate gimmick asks if he'll even beat him if he needs to. Shibata's Google Translate gimmick is a better promo than Hook. YES CASUAL MALE SAMOA JOE IS HERE! Shibata's Google gimmick says that Joe's too large to be wearing a floral pattern. TIMELESS TONI STORM vs. Harley Cameron is up - it's the queen of the talkies versus the queen of the titties!

Toni gets a fisherman suplex for 2. Eat Defeat by Cameron! Sky high by Toni gets 2. Storm Zero ends it! Ospreay talks to the Undisputed Kingdom and says they're all Bellends and calls Wardlow the Big Veiny Bellend and Will says that he's never been respected by Strong. Strong says that yeah, he's an idiot out of the ring. He's still an idiot, a child and a fraud! This was outstanding.

Mercedes and Willow meet mid-ring and Mone says that money changes everything. In 2015 in Brooklyn, she changed the game forever! SHE KICKED DOWN DOORS AND BROKE GLASS CEILINGS - there would be no Willow without her!  Willow says hey, the last time they wrestled, she walked out a champion and Mercedes didn't walk out at all! Willow lays her out with the doctor bomb! Dax vs. Okada is the main event! 

Draping DDT to the floor from the barricade to Dax! Dax wants the Ultimo slingshot Ligerbomb, but Okada ranas into a cradle for 2 after a Dax counter. DAX COUNTERS A TOMBSTONE WITH A TOMBSTONE! Rainmaker countered into a sharpshooter by Dax! Low blow and the rainmaker end it before the Elite jump everyone AND DARBY MAKES THE SAVE! NO ONE LET HIM DO ANYTHING UNTIL THE PPV!

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