Saturday, May 18, 2024

AEW Collision and Rampage 5-18-24

 Crazy day at work - so we'll see how much PBP we get to here. Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor is up with Roddy on commentary. The International Title belt appears to have the blue globe revamped a bit - it's a brighter blue. Ospreay dives on him, but Taylor trucks him down. Taylor chops him and does the OSPREAY OSPREAY bit! Hidden Blade is met with a knee and a uranage from Taylor. SPANISH FLY BY OSPREAY GETS 2! Oscutter tuned into the Rikishi Driver for 2.5! STORMBREAKER, called the Storm Driver by Nigel, wins it!

Mox and Claudio cut a killer promo about the Elite siccing folks on them, but they'll be flattered to take everyone out. The Learning Tree chats about Hook splitting Jericho open and he's a fan of the injury because it shows Hook is learning - BUT THIS SMARTS! Hook vs. Johnny TV is up and this should be a great learning tool match for Hook. Lariat, judo throw and a capture suplex off a roundhouse kick attempt! Disaster kick and STARSHIP PAIN, but it misses and the redrum ends it!

SHIBATA is here and he's facing Rocky Romero! Lots of matwork until a figure four from Shibata gives him a big edge. CORNER HESITATION DROPKICK BY SHIBATA! Flash cradle by Romero got 2 alongside a backslide. Rebound heel kick and then a deep schoolboy gets 2. PK AND THE FIGURE FOUR ARE LOCKED ON AND SHIBATA WINS IT! I love the figure four being a finish for him! Shibata came out after HOOK and now Bryan Keith comes out after Shibata! Boulder gets 2 off a powerslam. Keith avoids Titty City and gets a win. 

Pac chats with a generic interview robot and he says the Bang Bang Gang is naughty. MAKE ME CARE and as for you, leave me alone. BBG is out and THEIR INTRO SHOWS A FALLEN PAC! OC and Brother Zay go at it and OC gets a wonky bow and arrow turned into a cradle by Zay for 2. Trent comes down and Zay attacks OC and a back suplex on the LED barricade! Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Zay! Stundog and the tornado DDT land but he struggles for the nip up. BACK AND FORTH APRON TEEP KICKS! LOGICAL REF USAGE INTO THE SILLY STRING FOR ZAY! SWANTON TO THE BACK GETS 2! BEACH BREAK WINS IT! This was outstanding!

Trent talks shit about OC and gets a ton of heat and calls him a sociopath! RULES MATTER! He should be the President of the AWF. Deeb vs. Anna Jay is up! Deeb ties her up into a paradise lock and dropkicks her ass. Anna avoids a cradle with a neckbreaker and a back elbow. Deeb avoids  tackle and clips the knee before getting locked in the queen slayer, but it gets 2! Deeb hits the rehab faceplant and the serenity lock ends it! Lutha does not approve and steals the flag! Toni strips behind it and uses is as a bathrobe before getting chased away!

Nick Wayne versus JACK CARTWHEEL here on TNT! Cartwheel tiger moonsault misses but the Wayne's World doesn't! HOUSE CALL ENDS IT! FTR and Danielson against Archer and the Righteous is up! Power plex to Vincent and a splash misses. Archer is in and wants a blackout, but eats the busaiku knee! Cash hits a tornado DDT before Vincent got 2 off a cradle! SHATTER MACHINE TO VINCENT ENDS IT! Heel beatdown AND GARCIA SAVES!

KOR is up against Lee Moriarty with Lee fighting hard for a Kimura on the back. Front choke is locked in and then a few headbutts hits before a triangle ends it and KOR vs. Malakai is set for Dynamite. Acclaimed and Daddy Ass chat with Lexy about their music video and they say that Bowens will face the Machine Brian Cage tonight and Cage doesn't have AI in him! RUSH is out to massacre a jobber and does so quickly with the basement shotgun dropkick and a post-match beating - including cable choking!

Lex chats with Danielson and FTR is out for Dynamite, but they failed BECAUSE HE WILL BE! Deonna works an entirely too long match with a Renegade that she wins with a double Fujiwara before Rosa saves. Dutt hypes up Danielson vs. Singh on Dynamite! Swerve vs. Nick Wayne is set up for Dynamite too.  Cage vs. Bowens is up and Caster mocks Cage. Cage dominates with power before slugging away off the mat. Trent vs. OC is announced by Tony via VO for the PPV. DRAPING SUPERPLEX BY CAGE GETS 2!  Cage does the Terminator beat  Bowens hits the discus forearm, superkick and PK for 2.9! Kick to the balls, Drillclaw wins it!

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