Friday, September 13, 2024

WWE SD 9-13-24 - USA Return

As per the norm for a big show, we've got a new intro and HHH is of course out to get a big pop to start the show off. He says they're sold out in Seattle and 25 years ago, he faced Rock and now we've got Cody vs. Solo for the title! The cage gets pyro and it looks like it's all aprons and no LED boards. Cody vs. Solo gets a hype video. 

Cody lands a couple of dropdown uppercuts and a bulldog that Solo pops up from. Cody is sent back-first into the cage and takes an assalanche in the cage. Cody eats a couple of cage powerbombs, but scales the cage for a CODY CUTTER FOR 2. Superplex by Solo! Two spinning solos hit for 2. Cody cutter for 2! Standing hip attack, basement hip attack, Samoan drop and a Superfly dive gets 2! Cross Rhodes hits for 2! CROSSBODY OFF THE TOP OF THE CAGE FOR 2.9! Thank God he did that instead of that Wardlow cage moonsault! Spike turned into another Cross Rhodes to win it!

Cody is done with Solo, but NOT WITH THE BLOODLINE! They jump him before Roman saves and Cody and Roman fight together. Aldis says an offer has been made from Solo and the Bloodline to Cody and Roman. Michin vs. Piper and Piper eats a dive and Chelsea eats a caneshot, but it opens the door for a cannonball off the apron by Piper. Eat Defeat wins it and Chelsea attacks. RVD and Vickie are shown in the crowd

A-Town Down Under are out to face KO and a mystery partner, a bald guy with a furry chest and back. RICKY IS MY PARTNER - LET'S GIVE 'EM HELL!  But his partner's here so he stuns Ricky and IT'S ORTON! Waller does the Orton back suplex toss onto the announce table to KO and the ORTON POSE! Double suplex to KO got 2. Orton tags in for lariats and the powerslam. ANNOUNCE TABLE BACK SUPLEX BY ORTON! RKO ends it.

We get Hayes on-screen and NIA is mid-ring blathering on before Bayley interrupts. Tiffy's out in a really hot outfit Naomi is out so we've got a tag match. Hopefully. Naomi wants the belt and Nia wants a tag and next week, whoever wins faces her at Bad Blood and also the loser leaves SD. Roman will be out after the next match of Hayes vs. Andrade. Elbow hits for Andrade and the first 48 lands for Hayes. Hayes gets 2 off La Mistica. Hayes avalanche rana met with THE MESSAGE OFF THE TOP! LA vs. Andrade is up for next week.

Jade and Bianca are backstage and Nia and Tiffy walk up so maybe that will be a thing later. Roman comes out and his new theme is nowhere near as good as his last and he's mid-ring with Aldis. He wants the mic and says he hasn't changed - he doesn't need Aldis or a contract because IT'S FAMILY BUSINESS! Cody is out and says that this hasn't been Roman's WWE since Mania. I like them not just being buddy-buddy completely as the Bloodline is out for a brawl before signatures.


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