Saturday, September 7, 2024

AEW All Out 2024

The Zero Hour was an okay bunch of trios matches and tags and MJF vs. Garcia starts the PPV off proper. MxM Collection stole the show on the pre-show backstage. Danny jumps his ass early, but catches a beating in the corner and MJF flips off the fans. MJF drills him with the rampage for 2. Danny nails a twist and shout and avoids a brainbuster to land a second. Big avalanche DDT by Garcia gets 2 when MJF just sprung right by the rope off it anyway.

Walls is locked on by MJF before Garcia gets the Yes Lock! MJF counters into the crippler crossface and the SHARPSHOOTER IS ON FOR RED DEATH! Not quite a dragon tamer yet! BANG NOW IT IS! MJF transitions by grabbing the arm into a Fujiwara before turning into a double-arm Asuka lock and then a kneebar too! FRONT CHANCERY BY DANNY! JUMPING PILEDRIVER TO MJF GETS 2.9! MJF ballshots him and does a fisherman's jackknife to win it!

Danny wants a super piledriver after the match and nails it! Okay, so Max won the battle and Danny won the war - I dig this. Tag title time with the Bucks against the BCC's Claudio and Yuta! BCC lands back to back wishbones on the Bucks to show that wrestling really doesn't have to be that hard to get right. LOCOMOTION CORNER TO CORNER UPPERCUTS BY CLAUDIO! Seatbelt got 2 and the Bucks kicks are turned against them for 2.5! 20 REVOLUTION GIANT SWING GOT 2! EVP TRIGGER WINS IT!

Pac vs. Ospreay is up! The crowd is unreal for just their faceoff - very Omega vs. Danielson there. AVALANCHE BRAINBUSTER BY PAC! Ospreay lands a handspring tornado kick for 2! MASSIVE DDT BY PAC AND OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS HEAD! Snap Liger bomb gets 2! C4 HITS FOR OSPREAY FOR 2! Tombstone faceplant by Ospreay, but Pac avoids the hidden blade and lands a superkick! Big forearm by Pac! Apron hook kick by Ospreay! APRON OSCUTTER IS MET WITH AN APRON STEINER RELEASE GERMAN! APRON POISON RANA!  Brutalizer is mid-ring! Five years ago at All Out, Kenny lost to that but Ospreay makes the ropes. Black Arrow meets knees and a cradle for 2.5! An Ospreay Ligerbomb is met with a Pac snap rana for 2.5!

GODDAMN THIS IS UNREAL! SPIKE POISON RANA HITS FOR PAC AND GETS 2.9! OSPREAY POISON RANA AND A FLASH HIDDEN BLADE GETS AN HBK-KO'ED COVER FOR 2.99999999999! Ospreay avoids an avalanche poison rana and HITS A HIDDEN BLADE WITH A RIKISHI SELL FOR 2.9999999999! Oscutter and the Storbreaker, but that's a snap rana. STYLES CLASH AND THE BLINDSIDE HIDDEN BLADE WIN IT! Holy shit that was a match of the year winner right there!

They're wisely doing something different to follow it with Willow vs. Statlander with Stokely having a New Jack tribute chair. Willow avoids the chair and lands a buckle bomb early! APRON POWERBOMB avoided and Kris hits a running powerbomb through the SAT! SWANTON THROUGH A TABLE MISSES, but Stat's legs smash into Willow! Capture card stopped working for a long time - dang. Missed the street fight and Continental four way, but things clear up for the TBS Title match.

Nice dropkick from Shida as a CE-Blows sign is on TV. RISING DRAPING KNEE GETS 2 FOR SHIDA! Snap rana by Shida and then a draping knee to the head in a 619 position. Shida ran right into a flash crossface! Three amigos hit, but Shida lands a trifecta of falcon arrows. Shida avoids a money maker, but a knee clip opens the door for that to end it!

Danielson vs. Perry is up! This show is flying by even with the technical issues I've had. Perry gets a cool car combat-ish video with the SCAPEGOAT bus and the Elite brings his gear for him. JR IS ON THE MAIN EVENT CALLS! BRYAN GETS FINAL COUNTDOWN and Perry gets a sea of boos. Bryan gives Perry an edge on the mat before Perry flips over off the shotgun missile dropkick. SUPERKICK BY PERRY and a draping DDT on the floor. Hammer and anvil elbows up top before a back suplex off the top! Perry backslide turned into a Danielson Yes lock and then a double-arm Asuka lock! CATTLE MUTILATION BY PERRY! A pair of snap dragon suplexes by Perry! Roundkick chest kicks on the apron from Danielson! Snaretrap is on! Half and half by Perry is turned into a Regaplex by Danielson! Ref goes down and the Bucks get involved. 

TK DRIVER! Claudio and Wheeler run them out! KILLSHOT KNEE HITS and gets 2.9! A Perry bird flip is met with  Busaiku knee! Perry slaps the shit out of him but DANIELSON ABSOLUTELY SLAPS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM before eating a superkick BUT LANDING A BUSAIKU KNEE! 2.9! AND HE KICKS HIS FUCKING HEAD IN! Perry takes the bullet ala Jax at the end of SOA and it's over! This is an all-time great PPV and that's with me basically missing 2 matches. 

KILLSWITCH JUMPS DANIELSON! AND CHRISTIAN HAS THE CASE TOO! BCC prevents it and Mox and Claudio are in white and black... AND THEY JUMP DANIELSON AND MOX PUTS A BAG ON HIS HEAD! Yuta wants to save Danielson, but Pac holds him at bay! A "this is murder!" chant breaks out. 

Main event time and they fight before the cage lowers. Nana throws shit in and as the cage lowers, they tease it lowering on heads. STAPLE GUN TIME! Staples to the chest of Swerve and then to the back of Hangman! Swerve staples a family photo of his to Hangman's chest! ANOTHER PHOTO TO THE FACE! AND THEN HE RIPS IT OFF! Triangle lariat to Swerve on the rope and it's Barb wire lariat time and he cusses out Swerve. BUCKSHOT BY SWERVE OFF THE REF! Nasty chair to the back by Swerve and then a lawndart into the chair in the corner got 2!

FINALLY A COVER! Wow. VERTEBREAKER ON THE CINDER BLOCK! SWERVE STOMP THROUGH A TABLE! Deadeye hits for 2.5! WHOSE HOUSE - IT'S A PIECE OF SWERVE'S HOUSE! SPIKE TO THE FACE and Hangman gets a powerbomb on the cinder block for 2! Swerve eats cage-mounted punches and nails a cage bomb! HOUSE CALL HITS! 2.9! AVALANCHE POWERBOMB BY HANGMAN! deadeye gets 2! Swerve eats a chair and gets up defiantly, but falls down to his feet. HE PULLS THE GRILL OUT OF HIS MOUTH! HYPODERMIC THROUGH THE JAW! CHAIR EXPLODES THROUGH THE HEAD OF SWERVE and it's ended by the ref via knockout! 

Goddamn what a match and what a night!

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