Renee chats with Jay White about Cope and he hasn't always gotten along with FTR and the Death Riders jump him before Rated FTR come in to brawl too. Giant brawl to ringside too and Claudio swings Dax into the railing. Spear to Claudio and Cope wants Mox for the PPV and Mox says no and White challenges Mox to Grand Slam Australia.
Ospreay is out to face the Callis Family's MARK DAVIS! Sliding D in the corner hits snug! Callis talks about how Davis is in kind of under duress - so we'll see how that works in the future. Slingshot forearm and Ospreay bounces off Davis. OSCUTTER HITS FOR 2.5! Hidden Blade meets a lariat and a giant piledriver gets 2 for Davis. Hidden Blade wins it!
Killer, epic video with Ricochet and Swerve. Hurt Syndicate is out with fans chanting WE HURT PEOPLE and MVP says they're coming for any titles they want - when they want. GUNNS UP TIME FOR THE SYNDICATE! The Gunns challenge and we get Harley with the Mone' puppet again. Mercedes bullies her and Harley flips her off behind her back while Renee tries to be a good friend and prevent her. Hangman talks to Renee about ending Daniels' career and he accepted a Texas deathmatch with him and he told him he'd hurt him. Max Caster interrupts and Hangman says hey you've got an open challenge...
Hounds of Hell are out to face Fletcher and Takeshita. Brody hits the seated crossbody to BOTH GUYS ON THE FLOOR. DOUBLE DOWN LARIAT WITH BRODY AND TAKESHITA! Buddy curb stomp turned into a Fletcher half and half! Okada's theme hits and Fletcher heads up for the brainbuster! But Fletcher eats a superkick and a rising knee! CERBERUS dropkick/cannonball get 2. Brody eats a draping DDT and they hurk Brody up for a brainbuster and that ends it.
Joe in a floral shirt and Hook are backstage and Hook tells him he's too emotional and beat up the Patriarchy and Christian is in the next room with Mama Wayne. MJF is out and I love that Max Caster is SO ANNOYING that even MJF is tired of his shit. Now Dustin is out annoying MJF and he says MJF isn't the devil - he met him and he beat him because he's been sober! He's a survivor and the last of his kind. MJF talks shit about Dusty and Cody and Dustin clubs him.
Mariah May is out to do commentary for Toni vs. Amanita with TONI STORM AS MARIAH MAY! Toni hits the spiral sideslam. HIP ATTACK ON THE APRON! Release German by Amanita and a hip attack and Mayday ends it. We get a nice staredown and Dustin says he lives for blood, sweat and tears! He wants MJF on Tuesday and we get a Bill vs. Hobbs hype video.
New York Minute is ringside and Bill cuts a promo on Hobbs who comes out and gets outnumbered before the OUTRUNNERS SAVE! MEAT CHANT! Swerve has JIMMY RAVE'S ROBE - it's a big fight feel! Ricochet jumps him with a chair and a barricade brawl leads to a rana INTO A POWERBOMB ON THE BARRICADE BY SWERVE! I get a Sega CD-looking version of Max for an ad break.
SWERVE STOMP! APRON GERMAN BY TREV! Springboard 450 gets 2! SSP TO THE SPINE GETS 2! SWERVE STOMP BUT RICOCHET CROSSES THE ARMS INTO THE BALLS! SPIRIT GUN ENDS IT! Ricochet steals Jimmy Rave's robe! Dustin vs. MJF is set for Dynamite, which is taping Tuesday and airing Wednesday.
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