This is where I'll primarily be posting wrestling show reviews and some of my best video game wrestling matches as well. Since the Paypal button I tried out isn't working, donations can be sent via Paypal to
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
AEW Dynamite 10-30-19 - Tag Champs Crowned
Tony starts the show off at the airport next to a plane with Dustin and Cody coming off. So we're going for Gene and Ric at Starrcade '93 with Cody playing the role of Flair and Tony as Mean Gene. Recap of the Omega-Moxley brawls and more between Page and PAC. We see Moxley and Omega being announced by Tony as a lights-out match. Sammy Guevara comes out to face Page. The themed ringposts remind me of the Slim Jim corner posts for Halloween Havoc shows in the late '90s. Page lands a series of great chops and a big boot. Snap suplex gets 2 for Sammy.
Sammy dives into a fallaway slam that Page nips up from. Page goes on the apron and gets pulled down awkwardly. Sammy gets a squatting Samoan drop for 2. Sammy teases a dive off the top and hops off for a slap. Apron warfare leads to a bossman slam on the apron from Page! Orihara moonsault hits for Page! Discus elbow to Sammy leads to a Buckshot and a win! Each guy shined brightly and this wasn't a perfect match, but damn fun.
Page grabs the mic and says at Full Gear, it's time for some real cowboy shit and he'll take PAC's head off. COWBOY SHIT gets a huge chant. Backstage during the PIP break, Private Party meets the Rock 'n Roll Express! Shanna debuts to face Hikaru Shida, who gets a very Muta '89-esque intro. Shanna elbows out of a go-behind. Shanna goes for a dive and eats a knee. Hard corner knee by Shida gets 2. Forearm shivers by Shanna lead to a PIP break. Angels wings hits for 2.
Shanna blocks a superplex with a headbutt and an Alberto stomp. Shanna slaps the back to get her up and eats a Dudebuster. Shida gets a deadlift superplex for 2.9! Shanna gets a flash cradle for 2. THIS HAS ONLY GONE ON 10 MINUTES!? Jesus. Feels like 20. Shida hits a running knee and a falcon arrow for 2.5 when the leg isn't hooked up. Another running knee hits and ends it. This was good, but entirely too long.
Brandi getting all pissed and POINTING last week gets dramatic music. Kong is shown throughout this alongside a murderer's row of the women. They're telling chapter 10 of a story they need to tell chapter 1 on first. Chris Van Vlient brings out Ricky and Robert! Ricky talks about West Virginia before PNP comes out and beats them up with loaded socks. AEW tag belts looked great on the Express. They pick up Ricky and toss him through a table next to the stage. That's a big bump for Ricky to take at his age. Bucks make a save as they've seen JUST ABOUT ENOUGH.
More with Cody and Tony. This is right out of the Flair-Vader playbook and that was one of the best show-long stories I've ever seen and it's being done wonderfully now. QT Marshall is mid-ring with Silvers and Reynolds to face THE BEST FRIENDS with Orange Cassidy and a Ricky and Morty intro. Exalibur has JR read some copy to amuse himself. Excalibur talks about corporate synergy as Trent loses his wig. LOL at JR getting a jab in at Trent's male pattern baldness. Sole food/half and half hits. Marshall bumps around for Cassidy. Strong Zero ends it. This was fun.
Jericho comes out for the contract signing in a tremendous purple and pumpkin suit. Cody arrives with Tony in his limo. Jericho knocks SKEEAVONE and says that this is the biggest match of Cody's career because it lets him be what he always wanted - the World Champion. Jericho insults the fans and gets called an asshole. Jericho tells Cody that he's needed elsewhere as we see Hager ballshot Dustin and smash his head into the limo before slamming his wrist in the car door. Great stuff. This is right out of the best early '90s WCW stuff. Jericho smokes a victory cigar afterwards.
Hybrid2 is out with Kip Sabian to face The Elite. Kenny gets a revamped tron and theme with an Undertale theme. Nick and Matt are out in their Fyter Fest SF II gear. Heels jump the faces because their entrance is too predictable. Lots of crazy shit and then Omega does a bunch of snapdragons and everyone Flair flops when he snaps his fingers. Sabian lands a tornado DDT to Matt before Nick lands a superkick. TERMINATOR DIVE gets stopped. Sabian goes for and gets Shield bombs on the apron. V Trigger and the OWA on Evans end it. This was a lot of fun.
PNP dresses up like Bucks fans and beats them up. Tag tourney finals are tonight and why is Peter Avalon on my TV at 9:34? Leva is dressed like Olive Oil. Moxley comes out to kick his ass. GO MOX GO. HURRY! Kick and Paradigm Shift hits! He says he's tired of suits and yes men saying he's different. He tells everyone to kiss his ass and stay out of his way. Well that was good, but not particularly exciting.
We come back from a break and SCU and the Lucha Bros. are in the ring for the main event. Okay, I get that things ran long - but having this not get a full intro hurts even with Justin Roberts being great and hyping up each guy with the intro. Dark Order Fat gets a human throne to watch this match. I could do without ever seeing them again.
Penta hits a driver for 2. Excalibur talks about being retired for 15 years and Scorp and Kaz are faster now than they were then. Rapid-fire kicks to Fenix Fenix does some crazy shit and Penta electric chair tosses Sky into the steps and trips him up. Fenix hits a slingshot legdrop over the top to the floor and hopefully didn't just Johnny the Bull himself.
Well, he's kicking tons of ass during the break - so he lucked out. Sky comes in and runs wild with lariats and elbows. Slingshot headscissor from him leads to Kaz going for a slingshot rana to the floor and just clonking everything and everyone. Pop-up tornado DDT hits for Kaz. This reminds me of All In's main event where it's a technically great match that has me focusing more on time running out than the result. Sky hits a destroyer on Penta and Fenix hits a rainbow cutter on Sky for 2. Crossbody collision mid-ring! Kaz goes for an apron PK, but Penta pulls him down for a powerbomb through a ringside table!
Penta superkicks Sky down and Fenix gets a run-up shoulder splash for 2.5! Sky gets an inside cradle off the cradle piledriver and wins it! This was very good, but sloppy and hurt by the poor pacing of the show. Sky came off like a huge star and SCU is a great team for the inaugural champs as they can be anywhere on a card and with the CD angle, Sky and Kaz come off like bigger stars.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
NWA Powerrr Episode 4 - Dealer Calls Again
The fall of Tim Storm over the past three shows is recapped. Jim and Joe Galli welcome is to the show and talk about Murdoch vs. Jocephus. James Storm comes out and says he's tired of Aldis ducking him and now Colt wants him even though he's already kicked his ass. Colt comes out and says he wants a rematch. Eli says Storm deserves a shot and Aldis comes down and says that Storm's ramblings are alcohol-fueled. Eli doesn't drink and his only vice is wanting to be like Nick Aldis in the best line he's ever had. Aldis says that this needs to be settled in the ring with a six man tag. If Nick's team wins, Cabana gets a shot at the National Title. Storm says if his team wins, he gets a shot at the World Title - but he must vacate the National Title to get it. Storm says that he accepts and he's sorry about that big truck that hit his Jaguar on the way in.
Kamille-Aldis drama recap. Trevor Murdoch is here with Dave Marquez with his chest all beaten up. Murdoch says he's here to work for a contract and he doesn't think Josephus should be suspended - he wants a match with him. Josephus gets his ass kicked and his powder is kicked into his own face before a super bulldog ends it. Aron Stevens comes out and Galli reminds everyone to avoid eye contact. Stevens tells a fan who says that he's in a blouse is wrong - he's in a shirt! Ricky Starks comes out and Stevens says he wants to be his stunt double. Starks tells him he talks too much and slaps him into the other table with Cornette.
An Austin Idol ad for the Kayfabe Cocktail airs and we see Ricky Morton out Ricky Mortoning himself in a powder blue suit. We see some of their NWA highlight and find out that they'll be here soon.The Dawsons and Kingston and Homicide brawl before Kingston eats a chair bridge slam. Royce attacks Kingston and The Dawsons get the win. Marti Belle says she's out to prove she deserves a title shot.
Allysin Kay tells both Marti and Ashley Vox to do well, but she doesn't think either is ready. They have a sloppy, but fun match. Way too much comedy stuff that doesn't make sense, but it led to an enjoyable match overall and Marti has improved a ton from her TNA days. Thunder Rosa marches down with drums and wants a handshake from Marti, who leaves. Tony Falk ad. Stevens faces Starks and loses quickly to an O'Connor roll when Starks threatens to slap his face.
Anderson, Aldis, and Cabana are out to face Storm and the Wild Cards. Latimer and Aldis start off with their TNA history brought up a bit in passing - I like that a lot. Storm accidentally superkicks Royce and Colt's Superman Pin wins it - so he gets a National Title shot and Storm's title is safe for now.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
AAA Twitch TV Tapings 10-26-19
Une Fon Man is here and we get a wacky baby birth to garbage man to luchador ad for whatever reason. Dinastia cuts a promo and gets booed despite being champ. A long recap of crazy shit from Heroes Immortales airs. Pena/Roldan tribute. DEMUS is out looking bizarre and great. Mini Psycho Clown has a far worse theme than ever regular Psycho Clown. Loredo Boy, Drago Kid, and DINASTIA KEEPS HIS CHILI PEPPERS SONG! Dinastia's Goku cosplay getup with a tail is a nice touch.
Dinastia and Mini Clown do some nice acrobatics to start. Drago Kid hits an insane double-run flip dive to the floor. Clown chops Dinastia before Damus lands a senton for 2. Crowd is chanting like crazy for Drago Kid. Drago Kid is over in ONE MATCH. unreal. Corner belly to belly by Clown to Dinastia gets 2. Dinastia hits a super rana and a standing moonsault to win. Fun match - they made a star and Dinastia kept the belt.
El Poder del Norte is out to face Mr. Iguana, Octagon Jr and Nino Hamburesa. Mr. Iguana gets shoved and gets a chant. IGUANA RUNS WILD! Chopfest with Octagon taking his top off to eat the shots more. Run-up tornillo! Nino hits what we'll generously call a superkick alongside a back elbow. Mr. Iguana gets a wazzup dropkick to the balls. Slingshot chairshot to Octagon, who covers up. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE BALLS OF NINO! Iguana hits a flip dive on the floor and slams his hamstrings into the barricade and a swandive ends it. Poor Mr. Iguana drops the fall!
Pentagon Jr. comes out with his AAA tag belt and cuts a promo. Dinastia's out for double duty with Bengala and Mami. Lady Maravilla is out with Keyra. and BIG MAMI IS HERE! Ultimo Maldito, Keyra, and Maravilla are the heels. Bengala lands a run-up high kick. MAMI RUNS WILD AND POSES! Keyra attacks Dinastia, so he enzuiguris her and flips a bunch. Mami runs wild and Bengala does an insane dive into the crowd. Mami lands a twirling Samoan drop and a falling sofa splash gets 2. Heels attack Mami BUT NINO MAKES A SAVE! Maravilla tries to trick him again BUT HE SHOVES HER DOWN. Nino Hamburesa is a better-booked babyface than anyone in WWE. Mami is still pissed at Nino and challenges Marivella to a mask vs. hair match.
Supero Fly, Texano Jr, and Abismo Negro Jr face Drago, Murder Clown, and Puma King. Puma hits a flip dive and his feathers fly. Murder beats up Texano's chest with overhand chops.Puma King gets double-team crotched with the lariat of Texano. Drago gets tossed over the top by Murder, who gets then hits a big powerbomb to help give Puma King the win. Texano and Murder chop each other to the back.
Arez and Vikingo start off hot with a vikingo rana into a sunset flip by Arez seamlessly. More great stuff with them including a run-up apron double stomp! Vikingo hits a suicide dive 3/4 of the way the ramp, as ya do and then strolls in for a 2 count. Snap German by Taurus to Arez, who is shortening his career tonight. Arez dives onto Taurus who just misses him and the barricade catches him. Rodeo driver on the apron to Vikingo leads to another one mid-ring to a partner and that's it. This was insane but super-fun.
Dinastia and Mini Clown do some nice acrobatics to start. Drago Kid hits an insane double-run flip dive to the floor. Clown chops Dinastia before Damus lands a senton for 2. Crowd is chanting like crazy for Drago Kid. Drago Kid is over in ONE MATCH. unreal. Corner belly to belly by Clown to Dinastia gets 2. Dinastia hits a super rana and a standing moonsault to win. Fun match - they made a star and Dinastia kept the belt.
El Poder del Norte is out to face Mr. Iguana, Octagon Jr and Nino Hamburesa. Mr. Iguana gets shoved and gets a chant. IGUANA RUNS WILD! Chopfest with Octagon taking his top off to eat the shots more. Run-up tornillo! Nino hits what we'll generously call a superkick alongside a back elbow. Mr. Iguana gets a wazzup dropkick to the balls. Slingshot chairshot to Octagon, who covers up. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE BALLS OF NINO! Iguana hits a flip dive on the floor and slams his hamstrings into the barricade and a swandive ends it. Poor Mr. Iguana drops the fall!
Pentagon Jr. comes out with his AAA tag belt and cuts a promo. Dinastia's out for double duty with Bengala and Mami. Lady Maravilla is out with Keyra. and BIG MAMI IS HERE! Ultimo Maldito, Keyra, and Maravilla are the heels. Bengala lands a run-up high kick. MAMI RUNS WILD AND POSES! Keyra attacks Dinastia, so he enzuiguris her and flips a bunch. Mami runs wild and Bengala does an insane dive into the crowd. Mami lands a twirling Samoan drop and a falling sofa splash gets 2. Heels attack Mami BUT NINO MAKES A SAVE! Maravilla tries to trick him again BUT HE SHOVES HER DOWN. Nino Hamburesa is a better-booked babyface than anyone in WWE. Mami is still pissed at Nino and challenges Marivella to a mask vs. hair match.
Supero Fly, Texano Jr, and Abismo Negro Jr face Drago, Murder Clown, and Puma King. Puma hits a flip dive and his feathers fly. Murder beats up Texano's chest with overhand chops.Puma King gets double-team crotched with the lariat of Texano. Drago gets tossed over the top by Murder, who gets then hits a big powerbomb to help give Puma King the win. Texano and Murder chop each other to the back.
Arez and Vikingo start off hot with a vikingo rana into a sunset flip by Arez seamlessly. More great stuff with them including a run-up apron double stomp! Vikingo hits a suicide dive 3/4 of the way the ramp, as ya do and then strolls in for a 2 count. Snap German by Taurus to Arez, who is shortening his career tonight. Arez dives onto Taurus who just misses him and the barricade catches him. Rodeo driver on the apron to Vikingo leads to another one mid-ring to a partner and that's it. This was insane but super-fun.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Bellator 231 - Mir vs. Nelson

Bellator 231 is upon us and Jake Hager's in the opener - so that should at least be some kind of spectacle with The Inner Circle around. Frank Mir also faces Roy Nelson in the main event in what should be a loser retires fight. Nelson has NOTHING left even at the Bellator level and Mir isn't exactly on a hot streak either. Mike Golberg and Big John chat while loud talking is heard over the PA. Jay Glazer talks about Randy Couture's heart attack this past week where he finished his workout, had surgery, and he walked himself out of the hospital two hours ago. Chael is impressed by Randy walking himself to the hospital during it and he has no jokes about it.
Jake Hager's up for his fight with Anthony Garrett. Hager's WE THE PEOPLE is on his tron and he gets a knock-off of his Final Fantasy music and he's in his Inner Circle shirt! Quick flurries start off before Hager goes to run him into the cage. Hager lands a knee that Garrett says is low. and the ref disagrees. Then he just flat out knees his balls.
Chandler and Benson are interviewed via satellite and with THREE PEOPLE TALKING, we can still hear the damn PA system. Bec Rawlings returns to MMA after working with Bare Knuckle boxing to face Ilara Joanne. Bec is put over as a mother who fought 10 months after giving birth to her first son. A flurry of fists to start before Joanne goes for a high kick and Bec blocks. Joanne dominates on the ground just by preventing Bec from doing anything for round 1.
Big high kick hits for Joanne and she dominates on the ground again with Bec getting some elbows from the back. I missed the finish due to a bathroom break. Apparently, it was a tapout win off a kneebar. SHE HAS A KILL LIST and cross Bec Rawlings off it! Tremendous! She'll have no trouble getting sponsors now. Douglas Llima is interviewed about tomorrow night's fight for the title and the tournament money.
Big high kick hits for Joanne and she dominates on the ground again with Bec getting some elbows from the back. I missed the finish due to a bathroom break. Apparently, it was a tapout win off a kneebar. SHE HAS A KILL LIST and cross Bec Rawlings off it! Tremendous! She'll have no trouble getting sponsors now. Douglas Llima is interviewed about tomorrow night's fight for the title and the tournament money.
Ed Ruth and Jason Jackson are shown backstage. "THE ASS KICKING MACHINE" Jason Jackson has the best nickname. Ruth lands some nice leg kicks, but he eats a good shot and gets rocked before they just land shots until round 1 ends. Ruth goes for a hook kick and it misses. Not a whole lot going on for rounds 2 and three. I'd give 2 to Jackson and Ruth does a better job in 3. Ruth wins it by decision and that's fine - both guys came off great here. It was a non-stop action fight.
Batista is shown with someone briefly. King Karl is out to face "Mr. Wonderful" Phil Davis. Back and forth to start off with Karl getting the better of him on the mat briefly until Davis dominates on the ground with some cage-mounted shots with minimal power. Not a whole lot going on in round 2. Round 3 has Phil getting a nice edge with shots against the cage, but he's gassed and doesn't have much power behind them. Overhand left sends him down and then lands some big shots on the ground to end it.
Mir and Nelson meet in the middle and circle. Nelson begins to throw air punches. More circling and MIR LANDS A LEG KICK A MINUTE IN! They focus on Frank's daughter Bella to provide something interesting. Lots of nothing in round 2. Roy busts up Frank and GETS A BIG the last 10 seconds. Batista is shown with someone briefly. King Karl is out to face "Mr. Wonderful" Phil Davis. Back and forth to start off with Karl getting the better of him on the mat briefly until Davis dominates on the ground with some cage-mounted shots with minimal power. Not a whole lot going on in round 2. Round 3 has Phil getting a nice edge with shots against the cage, but he's gassed and doesn't have much power behind them. Overhand left sends him down and then lands some big shots on the ground to end it.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
AEW Dynamite 10/23/19
The show starts off right away with the semi-final match with Private Party against the Lucha Bros. HOW DO YOU NOT SHOW THE PRIVATE PARTY INTRO? And how do you have it as "voda cranberry" for a second week in a row? Quen lands a dropkick to Fenix, who hits a release German right away. They tear off Quen's top and chop him in the ropes. They throw him up and he lands a one-man double dropkick. That was a whole bunch of stuff that is very Kaientei esque in that it's ahead of its time and a nightmare to try and call live. Double team hopping curb stomp into a flip dive.
Tornado kick by Kassidy. Silly String saves Kassiy and leads to a 450 by Quen for 2! High kick by Fenix leads to a Penta superkick and then a double assisted ball stomp by Penta. They plant one on top of the other for d double impact and force a poison rana. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT BY FENIX! Penta driver gets 2 on Quen. Fenix pulls Quen off the top into a rana to Penta before Kassidy gets a middle rop springboard rana on Fenix. Kassidy gets a blind faith rana to Fenix and a suicide dive to Penta and then an Asai imoonsault before landing the Yagerbomb crucifix for 2.5 on Fenix!
Sole butt into a stunner by PP and then a tornillo by Kassidy! SSP by Quen gets 2.9! Fenix hits a Gory bomb on Quen and a legdrop to Kassidy. Penta slinglade into a powerbomb on the knee to Kassidy. GIN AND JUICE HITS but PENTA'S LEGAL! Gin and Juice leads to a DESTROYER! Ropewalk PK by Fenix and the armbreaker! Double stomp zero fear hits and Fenix hits a tope on Kassidy - so they go the finals. Goddamn this was nuts - not as technically good as the Bucks match, but still very good.
Wacky workout vid for Wardlow airs. SCU comes out in Jaguars gear before a Dark Order hype video airs.Kaz and Grayson start off and DO really needs Mark Gullen as a mouthpiece. Excalibur talks about the Dark Order disappearing six years ago and now they have this cult-like group with them. Grayson lands a crossface while SCU gets a big chant. The Inner Circle goes through the crowd and Kaz gets 2 off a neckbreaker. Okay, the GET OVER HERE leg push into an overhead belly to belly makes 3 seconds of this match worthwhile.
Jericho is drinking in his suite. A double dragon sleeper gets over huge, but doesn't end. Grayson hits a flip dive to the floor and Uno gets 2. Fatality is avoided and Kaz hits a slingshot DDT to Stu. SCULater hits and ends it - so it's SCU vs. the Lucha Bros in the finals. Either team could win and have a legit claim to being worthy holders. I would go with the Lucha Bros if you want them to be a main event-level title and go with SCU if you want to have an act that you can put in any spot on the card and have them work.
Janela comes out and we see clips of his match with Moxley and then brief clips of the match with Omega before this rematch. Okay. I love the Inner Circle booing Omega. I do wish he'd come out with the Mega Title though if they're going to talk about it. We get some really yellow-looking footage of Omega winning the Mega title. I really dig Kenny's grey gear - it isn't a color used a lot, but it works for him. Corner charge misses for Kenny, leading Joey landing an uppercut. Joey lands a crossbody off the top to the floor for 2.
Finlay roll into the moonsault for Kenny. SNAPDRAGON! SECOND ONE! Joey avoids a third and lands a German to the buckle. GORGEOUS flying elbow hits for 2. Third Snapdragon hits and a V trigger hits for 2.5! German to Kenny leads to Joey eating a chop but landing a pump kit. Fisherman buster by Joey! Double rope-run lariat by Joey gets 2! JOEY misses the PCO apron swanton! BANG knee hits and knocks Joey into the ropes dead to rights before Kenny lifts him up for the OWA and wins it. Wow. This was another star-making match.
Cody gets his full-on huge intro with the elevated lift and tons of pyro for an interview segment. Cody is a star and can draw - but he's veering very close to Jeff Jarrett mid-'00s levels of go-away heat with how elaborate these intros are. Cody and Tony are mid-ring with PNP ruining it with airhorns. Okay, knock that shit off because it just leads to fans wanting to do it. Cody tells them this isn't WWE and there isn't an invisible wall between he and them in the box - so he can just fight them all now.
Jericho tells them he's outnumbered. So Dustin comes down with MJF. AND THEN DDP COMES DOWN AND RETURNS TO TNT. I do love Jericho knocking MJF for wearing a scarf. Jericho locks his group in the luxury box, so Cody uses MJF's scarf to protect his hand as he smashes the glass and unlocks it! They brawl around the building's concourse. TREMENDOUS! And this makes me want to play HCTP and brawl in the concourse area. I would much rather have this be leading to a War Games match at Full Gear instead of a world title match since they have a logical reason for that now.
Orange Cassidy comes down in a PIP intro for a Best Friends vs. Bucks match. Cassidy isn't amused by their pose. He lands "superkicks" to them and then he eats a superkick party. Double irish curse into a rolling neckbreaker. BUCKS STEAL THE HUG! Doomsday knee leads to a HI MOM by Chucky. Cassidy is described as laconic and sloth-like by Excalibur leading to JR and Tony losing their shit in the best way.
Nick eats a German and tags in Matt, who eats a back suplex. Chucky gets a standing sliced bread and then a pop-up Ligerbomb for 2. Chucky's falcon arrow gets 2.5. AVALANCHE GERMAN BY TRENT! Sole food into a half and half by Trent! THEN THEY HUG and JR says THEY WANT HUGS GODDAMMIT! Strong Zero gets 2 for TBFs. Doomsday knee, but Matt lands on his feet and lands a billion superkicks! More Bang for Your Buck ends it and THEY GET A WIN! Bucks accept LAX's challenge and they'll face off at Full Gear.
Britt talks about loving Pittsburgh before Jamie Hayter comes out to face Britt. Okay, the Khans getting the Steelers mascot for her is a fun get. She's got Steelers getups on her gear and in Steelers colors. Britt's gear looks fantastic and she plays a nice babyface in peril with Hayter. Slingblade on the floor by Britt before a break.
Forearm exchange leads to a sleeper by Hayter. Britt drops back hard Now that's a falcon arrow! Great snap on that. Hayter only gets 2. Rainmaker by Britt is countered into a nasty uranage. Lariat gets 2.9 by Hayter. Cutter by Britt and a neckbreaker gets 2. Kneeling superkick hits for Britt and then Lockjaw ends it. Well, this is how you get a babyface over in their hometown!
Jenn Decker interviews Jamie before Brandi kicks Jamie's ass and shakes her finger at Jenn. Okay, whatever that was was bad. Mox comes out and PAC attacks him with a chair. PAC getting a bastard chant is a wonderful changeup of the old "asshole" chant. PAC goes for a black arrow, but Mox rolls out. NASTY buzzsaw kick from PAC leads to a standing SSP for 2. Goddamn that was stiffski. Mox blocks an apron German by hooking the rope and then lands an apron headlock driver! X Plex hits for Mox and gets 2.
Tope suicidia hits! Black hole slam from Mox gets 2.5. Cloverleaf from Moxley leads to two Dean Malenko references. Four minutes of TV time left. God, it feels so good to care about time limits again. PAC HITS THE DEADLIFT FALCON ARROW OFF THE TOP FOR 2! Black Arrow is avoided and Mox gets a schoolboy for 2. Apron PK by Pac! APRON 450! BLACK ARROW MISSES! This is such a great match and not just for the guys - but for what it sets up in the company. PARADIGM SHIFT HITS BUT HE CAN'T COVER! PAC KICKS OUT WITH 3 SECONDS REMAINING! It's a time limit draw and it's so good to have that established. They're building the foundation wonderfully and Mox saves face by laying out the ref with the Shift. AEW made effective use of every second of TV time they were given this week and it's a lesson that every company can learn from.
Tornado kick by Kassidy. Silly String saves Kassiy and leads to a 450 by Quen for 2! High kick by Fenix leads to a Penta superkick and then a double assisted ball stomp by Penta. They plant one on top of the other for d double impact and force a poison rana. SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT BY FENIX! Penta driver gets 2 on Quen. Fenix pulls Quen off the top into a rana to Penta before Kassidy gets a middle rop springboard rana on Fenix. Kassidy gets a blind faith rana to Fenix and a suicide dive to Penta and then an Asai imoonsault before landing the Yagerbomb crucifix for 2.5 on Fenix!
Sole butt into a stunner by PP and then a tornillo by Kassidy! SSP by Quen gets 2.9! Fenix hits a Gory bomb on Quen and a legdrop to Kassidy. Penta slinglade into a powerbomb on the knee to Kassidy. GIN AND JUICE HITS but PENTA'S LEGAL! Gin and Juice leads to a DESTROYER! Ropewalk PK by Fenix and the armbreaker! Double stomp zero fear hits and Fenix hits a tope on Kassidy - so they go the finals. Goddamn this was nuts - not as technically good as the Bucks match, but still very good.
Wacky workout vid for Wardlow airs. SCU comes out in Jaguars gear before a Dark Order hype video airs.Kaz and Grayson start off and DO really needs Mark Gullen as a mouthpiece. Excalibur talks about the Dark Order disappearing six years ago and now they have this cult-like group with them. Grayson lands a crossface while SCU gets a big chant. The Inner Circle goes through the crowd and Kaz gets 2 off a neckbreaker. Okay, the GET OVER HERE leg push into an overhead belly to belly makes 3 seconds of this match worthwhile.
Jericho is drinking in his suite. A double dragon sleeper gets over huge, but doesn't end. Grayson hits a flip dive to the floor and Uno gets 2. Fatality is avoided and Kaz hits a slingshot DDT to Stu. SCULater hits and ends it - so it's SCU vs. the Lucha Bros in the finals. Either team could win and have a legit claim to being worthy holders. I would go with the Lucha Bros if you want them to be a main event-level title and go with SCU if you want to have an act that you can put in any spot on the card and have them work.
Janela comes out and we see clips of his match with Moxley and then brief clips of the match with Omega before this rematch. Okay. I love the Inner Circle booing Omega. I do wish he'd come out with the Mega Title though if they're going to talk about it. We get some really yellow-looking footage of Omega winning the Mega title. I really dig Kenny's grey gear - it isn't a color used a lot, but it works for him. Corner charge misses for Kenny, leading Joey landing an uppercut. Joey lands a crossbody off the top to the floor for 2.
Finlay roll into the moonsault for Kenny. SNAPDRAGON! SECOND ONE! Joey avoids a third and lands a German to the buckle. GORGEOUS flying elbow hits for 2. Third Snapdragon hits and a V trigger hits for 2.5! German to Kenny leads to Joey eating a chop but landing a pump kit. Fisherman buster by Joey! Double rope-run lariat by Joey gets 2! JOEY misses the PCO apron swanton! BANG knee hits and knocks Joey into the ropes dead to rights before Kenny lifts him up for the OWA and wins it. Wow. This was another star-making match.
Cody gets his full-on huge intro with the elevated lift and tons of pyro for an interview segment. Cody is a star and can draw - but he's veering very close to Jeff Jarrett mid-'00s levels of go-away heat with how elaborate these intros are. Cody and Tony are mid-ring with PNP ruining it with airhorns. Okay, knock that shit off because it just leads to fans wanting to do it. Cody tells them this isn't WWE and there isn't an invisible wall between he and them in the box - so he can just fight them all now.
Jericho tells them he's outnumbered. So Dustin comes down with MJF. AND THEN DDP COMES DOWN AND RETURNS TO TNT. I do love Jericho knocking MJF for wearing a scarf. Jericho locks his group in the luxury box, so Cody uses MJF's scarf to protect his hand as he smashes the glass and unlocks it! They brawl around the building's concourse. TREMENDOUS! And this makes me want to play HCTP and brawl in the concourse area. I would much rather have this be leading to a War Games match at Full Gear instead of a world title match since they have a logical reason for that now.
Orange Cassidy comes down in a PIP intro for a Best Friends vs. Bucks match. Cassidy isn't amused by their pose. He lands "superkicks" to them and then he eats a superkick party. Double irish curse into a rolling neckbreaker. BUCKS STEAL THE HUG! Doomsday knee leads to a HI MOM by Chucky. Cassidy is described as laconic and sloth-like by Excalibur leading to JR and Tony losing their shit in the best way.
Nick eats a German and tags in Matt, who eats a back suplex. Chucky gets a standing sliced bread and then a pop-up Ligerbomb for 2. Chucky's falcon arrow gets 2.5. AVALANCHE GERMAN BY TRENT! Sole food into a half and half by Trent! THEN THEY HUG and JR says THEY WANT HUGS GODDAMMIT! Strong Zero gets 2 for TBFs. Doomsday knee, but Matt lands on his feet and lands a billion superkicks! More Bang for Your Buck ends it and THEY GET A WIN! Bucks accept LAX's challenge and they'll face off at Full Gear.
Britt talks about loving Pittsburgh before Jamie Hayter comes out to face Britt. Okay, the Khans getting the Steelers mascot for her is a fun get. She's got Steelers getups on her gear and in Steelers colors. Britt's gear looks fantastic and she plays a nice babyface in peril with Hayter. Slingblade on the floor by Britt before a break.
Forearm exchange leads to a sleeper by Hayter. Britt drops back hard Now that's a falcon arrow! Great snap on that. Hayter only gets 2. Rainmaker by Britt is countered into a nasty uranage. Lariat gets 2.9 by Hayter. Cutter by Britt and a neckbreaker gets 2. Kneeling superkick hits for Britt and then Lockjaw ends it. Well, this is how you get a babyface over in their hometown!
Jenn Decker interviews Jamie before Brandi kicks Jamie's ass and shakes her finger at Jenn. Okay, whatever that was was bad. Mox comes out and PAC attacks him with a chair. PAC getting a bastard chant is a wonderful changeup of the old "asshole" chant. PAC goes for a black arrow, but Mox rolls out. NASTY buzzsaw kick from PAC leads to a standing SSP for 2. Goddamn that was stiffski. Mox blocks an apron German by hooking the rope and then lands an apron headlock driver! X Plex hits for Mox and gets 2.
Tope suicidia hits! Black hole slam from Mox gets 2.5. Cloverleaf from Moxley leads to two Dean Malenko references. Four minutes of TV time left. God, it feels so good to care about time limits again. PAC HITS THE DEADLIFT FALCON ARROW OFF THE TOP FOR 2! Black Arrow is avoided and Mox gets a schoolboy for 2. Apron PK by Pac! APRON 450! BLACK ARROW MISSES! This is such a great match and not just for the guys - but for what it sets up in the company. PARADIGM SHIFT HITS BUT HE CAN'T COVER! PAC KICKS OUT WITH 3 SECONDS REMAINING! It's a time limit draw and it's so good to have that established. They're building the foundation wonderfully and Mox saves face by laying out the ref with the Shift. AEW made effective use of every second of TV time they were given this week and it's a lesson that every company can learn from.
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