Saturday, October 26, 2019

AAA Twitch TV Tapings 10-26-19

Une Fon Man is here and we get a wacky baby birth to garbage man to luchador ad for whatever reason. Dinastia cuts a promo and gets booed despite being champ. A long recap of crazy shit from Heroes Immortales airs. Pena/Roldan tribute. DEMUS is out looking bizarre and great. Mini Psycho Clown has a far worse theme than ever regular Psycho Clown. Loredo Boy, Drago Kid, and DINASTIA KEEPS HIS CHILI PEPPERS SONG! Dinastia's Goku cosplay getup with a tail is a nice touch.

Dinastia and Mini Clown do some nice acrobatics to start. Drago Kid hits an insane double-run flip dive to the floor. Clown chops Dinastia before Damus lands a senton for 2. Crowd is chanting like crazy for Drago Kid. Drago Kid is over in ONE MATCH. unreal. Corner belly to belly by Clown to Dinastia gets 2. Dinastia hits a super rana and a standing moonsault to win. Fun match - they made a star and Dinastia kept the belt.

El Poder del Norte is out to face Mr. Iguana, Octagon Jr and Nino Hamburesa. Mr. Iguana gets shoved and gets a chant. IGUANA RUNS WILD! Chopfest with Octagon taking his top off to eat the shots more. Run-up tornillo! Nino hits what we'll generously call a superkick alongside a back elbow. Mr. Iguana gets a wazzup dropkick to the balls. Slingshot chairshot to Octagon, who covers up. RUNNING DROPKICK TO THE BALLS OF NINO! Iguana hits a flip dive on the floor and slams his hamstrings into the barricade and a swandive ends it. Poor Mr. Iguana drops the fall!

Pentagon Jr. comes out with his AAA tag belt and cuts a promo. Dinastia's out for double duty with Bengala and Mami.  Lady Maravilla is out with Keyra. and BIG MAMI IS HERE! Ultimo Maldito, Keyra, and Maravilla are the heels. Bengala lands a run-up high kick. MAMI RUNS WILD AND POSES! Keyra attacks Dinastia, so he enzuiguris her and flips a bunch. Mami runs wild and Bengala does an insane dive into the crowd. Mami lands a twirling Samoan drop and a falling sofa splash gets 2. Heels attack Mami BUT NINO MAKES A SAVE! Maravilla tries to trick him again BUT HE SHOVES HER DOWN. Nino Hamburesa is a better-booked babyface than anyone in WWE. Mami is still pissed at Nino and challenges Marivella to a mask vs. hair match.

Supero Fly, Texano Jr, and Abismo Negro Jr face Drago, Murder Clown, and Puma King. Puma hits a flip dive and his feathers fly. Murder beats up Texano's chest with overhand chops.Puma King gets double-team crotched with the lariat of Texano. Drago gets tossed over the top by Murder, who gets then hits a big powerbomb to help give Puma King the win. Texano and Murder chop each other to the back.

Arez and Vikingo start off hot with a vikingo rana into a sunset flip by Arez seamlessly. More great stuff with them including a run-up apron double stomp! Vikingo hits a suicide dive 3/4 of the way the ramp, as ya do and then strolls in for a 2 count. Snap German by Taurus to Arez, who is shortening his career tonight. Arez dives onto Taurus who just misses him and the barricade catches him. Rodeo driver on the apron to Vikingo leads to another one mid-ring to a partner and that's it. This was insane but super-fun.

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