The roster talks about Jericho's influence on them in the opening video package. PNP talks about becoming a team when they read his first book. Jungle Boy says that the match he had with Chris was his first big match here. Darby said that the pep rally appearance showed that AEW was for real while Britt says he's the original role model. JUST the AEW photos alone at the end show that he's had a ton of career highlights in just under two years here already. Unreal.
Miro is at ringside playing an arcade machine and JR messes up Ricky Starks' name, which of course pisses Taz off. Ex hypes up the card and Hobbs vs. Cage starts things off. Will Hobbs is on a 4-match streak and that's used as a nice way of showcasing that he's earned a shot. I like the small touch of the FTW graphic being orange and black. Cage has his right thigh taped up, because of course he does. Cage muscles Hobbs around and gets winded in the corner. No-move fallaway slam into a standing moonsault for 2. Pumphandle facebuster hits for Cage, but Hobbs just slugs him in the jaw with forearms. BIG SPINEBUSTER HITS FOR 2. Frog Splash misses and the Drillclaw ends it.
Taz gets on the mic and gives Hobbs the chance to join Team Taz. That's Option A, but Option B is he says no and gets an ass-kicking. BUT HERE COMES DARBY! Darby's painted hashmarks on his jacket and painted spine on the skateboard are great. He comes off as someone who just does everything himself and it's hard not to root for him.
Ted Irvine, Bully Ray, Slash, and TANAHASHI give Jericho props for 30 years. Lance with Jake cuts a promo on HOW 20 MEN COULDN'T STOP HIM SO MOX HAS NO CHANCE. The Bucks watch TV from a WWE viewing position backstage. Ex and Tony talk about the fines not hurting the Bucks, so JR says just take them off TV and hurt them that way. FTR's out to face H2 and Cash gets a ringpost figure 4 on Evans. Dax goes for a a German, but Evans springs out and koppou kicks him! POWERPLEX ENDS IT! Backstage, the Bucks superkick the guy holding the camera for their shot. Nick says they owe him 10K and Matt says he forgot his wallet. Heel Bucks rule. Best Friends come out for a challenge next week.
MJF cuts a promo about never meeting your heroes - but he disagrees with that after meeting Chris Jericho. Gene Simmons, Lars Ulrich, and Don Callis put over Jericho. Lars is a better promo than 99% of people in WWE. Dog collar match is hyped up for the TNT Title. Cody gets an ungodly huge intro while Brodie brings the chain, Anna Jay, and John Silver with him. Cody does the Hogan shirt rip and wow, it's only been since late August that Cody was taken out - feels like it's been longer. They've done A LOT with Brodie in that time.
Cody dropkicks Silver on a chair outside. Cody hits a lariat, but eats a DDT. Brodie tells Anna to get him out and Cody is sliced above the eye. They fight on the floor and Cody gets chain-pulled into the barricade. Cody responds by chain-pulling him INTO A CUTTER ON THE FLOOR! Cody hits a package piledriver off the apron through a table! Brodie comes up bloody!
Cody just slugs him with the chain and Brodie is a mess. Brodie gets his revenge by hanging him on the ropes with it. Black Hole Slam hits for 2 for Brodie. Brodie tosses a chair at Arn, who ducks and comes in to kick the shit out of somebody and Reynolds eats a spinebuster! Arn takes a gutshot and goes down! Cody clubs him with the chain and gets 2 off Cross Rhodes. He tries Din's Fire but Brodie escapes and superkicks him twice and powerbombs him on the chain for 2. Brodie gets a superplex and a pop-up dragon suplex! Cody gets a floatover Reckoning and uses the chain across the eyes, mouth and nose before slugging away with the elbow! Cross Rhodes hits once more and ends it!
Cody cuts a tremendous babyface promo about being able to compete in front of a live crowd and he spent from the time he was 15 to this point to feel the people! He's sticking with the fans until the end! It isn't pandering, it's his life's work to be a wrestler and what he wants to do is to come to the anniversary of Dynamite and defend the TNT Title. ORANGE CASSIDY ACCEPTS THE CHALLENGE! Kenny cuts an overly-dramatic promo about winning tournaments without even having to try. He drop Page down and says he's a "tag team wrestler" to go for a singles title. Swole beats Serena Deeb with a pump kick and discus elbow in a match that wasn't too long in a traditional sense, but went too long because Swole just isn't all that good.
Mox cuts an intense promo on Archer saying that he could lose it to Archer, but he can survive him - he did it before. He faced him before in Tokyo and we get shots of their WK match. Archer followed him across the world and we get a reprise of the Death Rider stuff with him in a bar actually as himself and not a body double. He'll have to take the belt off his dead body - and maybe he'll do it. But hey, everybody dies, right Lance?
Lance gives Jericho a shoutout with Ex hyping up Luther as a friend and rival of Jericho since 1991. Kevin Smith and Eli Roth send in love too. Jericho and Hager's wins are covered while the roster sings him to the ring. Jericho is just beaming in the ring. This is tremendous. It's not about him being a face or heel here, but just honoring a legend in his time. Tony hypes him up as a Wrestling Observer Hall of Famer and boy is hearing that on TNT something else. Ross talks about how he was Dr. Luther, but he lost his license. Lionsault to Luther as Ex talks about Luther giving Jericho the idea of that move. Luther takes out the goons, but the Judas Effect KOs him.
Jericho gets the mic and gets a ton of cheers and claps. He says 30 years is only due to the fans...and then MJF's theme hits. He says this isn't about him so he wants his music cut, it's about CHRISTOPHER! And he's certainly not here to take his spotlight, he RESPECTS HIM. IT'S GIFT O CLOCK AND HERE'S CLOWNICHO THE CLOWN! HE'S HOLDING A PRESENT AND HE'LL GET SAMMY HIS JACKET, HE SWEARS. He wants to show him love next week too, and tonight. IT'S A PHOTO OF MJF! Oh this is going to be great. Whatever it is whenever that happens, it'll be great.
He breaks the picture on Clownicho's head and hits a Judas Effect! HE HATES CLOWNS AND INTERRUPTIONS! MJF and Jericho cackle about this and the MJF announcement next week before they go to an SNL-style credits sequence with Jericho doing everything. Tremendous show!
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