Sunday, October 18, 2020

WCW Clash of the Champions XX - 20 Years of Wrestling on TBS


We get Gordon and Andre before OF COURSE HERE'S BILL WATTS IN HIS PRIME! Andre, Bruno, Hank Aaron, Bill Watts, and Sting arrive. Bill Watts is of course with the black mayor of Atlanta of the time to show that he couldn't possibly be racist. Jim Ross talks about taking a tally on the hotline about taking away the top rope DQ rule - well, might as well try to make money off it somehow. Steamboat's out to face Austin with his Jesus Christ Superstar knockoff before Johnny B is out to introduce the girl for the national anthem. 

Ricky takes him down with a headlock takedown. Great back and forth action and the crowd goes nuts for Steamer throughout this. Long, good abdominal stretch leads to a Ricky escaping and getting a tombstone and crossbody off the top to win it since it's no DQ. Clip of Mr. Wrestling II winning with the kneelift. Tag team history video airs. Jesse meets with Hayes, Arn, and Eaton about Michael giving them advice on Terry Gordy.  Slater and Valentine are mid-ring to face Arn and Eaton. We get some great action from Eaton before Arn hits a spinebuster. Larry hits Greg with a cast before Eaton hits the Alabama jam to win it. 

Bruno promo about this show and Halloween Havoc '92. Teddy is with Andre and Gordon Solie. WE GET A BULLET BOB PROMO! Randy Watson's speaking style is right out of Thunderbolt Patteron's promos. Mr. Wrestling II chats from Hawaii about HOW WRESTLING IS GETTING BACK TO WRESTLING! Tony talks about Brad being hurt in Japan wrestling Muta. Bill puts over Brad as a fiery babyface who wants to come back, but couldn't DUE TO THE DOCTORS and he's being stripped of the belt for a tourney later. Pillman cuts AN AMAZING promo on Brad for being a coward for not wrestling and depriving all his fans of seeing him win the title - to the point that even Jesse is defending Brad.

Singles star video package. Simmons title win video package. Cactus is out to face Ron in slick black and yellow gear. Ron whips his ass and beats him with a powerslam that demolishes his ribs after already killing him with the spinebuster. We get clips of Chono's NWA Title win in Japan, starting with the celebration and leading to the ya do. We get a Rude promo about wanting the NWA Title - but he's got the US Title too. ANOTHER HALLOWEEN HAVOC VIDEO! Nice intense promo from Jack here. He knows Ron's weaknesses and he's BUTCH REED. Reed and Barb face Dustin and Barry and BARB WINS WITH A GIANT BOOT! 

We get clips of Dusty and Willie Nelson. The history of Sting and Vader is showcased before we see Rude and Nikita brawl. We get some NJPW footage of the Steiners double impact DDTing Mutoh. Rude talks out Nikita with a knee on the apron allowing Jake to schoolboy him for the elimination. Sting takes out the Super Invader with a facejam! Rick goes for the double impact, but can't get Vader up - so he holds him with his head and Scott lariats Vader who takes a nasty head bump! Cactus clothesline by Rick after Scott's DQed for going off the top. Vader goes for a floor powerbomb on Rick, who barely backdrops him up and Vader flips himself over. Rick gets counted out and it's Sting versus everyone! Vader splashes Sting, but hits Rude! Jake DDTs Sting to win it! 

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