Saturday, July 20, 2024

AEW Collision 7-30-24 - Residency Begins with Hologram Debut, Trios Titles Up for Grabs

The trios titles are up for grabs with the ass boys and Juice facing the Patriarchy and Hologram debuts in the company's Arlington residency for Collision. Collision has a new theme that isn't "Saturday Night" by Elton John. The Collision Zone looks fantastic and Darby starts off against THE BEAST MORTOS! Torpedo dive to Mortos! Mortos catches him off a rana and hits a swinging powerbomb to the steps! Mortos whoops him and lands a corner cannonball! A corner flying knee misses and he sails out! COFFIN DROP DIVE HITS! Nigel takes credit for the sellout before a tornillo dive by Mortos! Mortos spears him for 2! 

Mortos sends him down with a power slap before A HEEL GUNSHOW and an avalanche press slam! Poison rana and a coffin drop ends it! THIS RULED! Darby says no one thought he could walk at 30 but HE'S 30 NOW AND HE LOVES IT and he'll take getting punched and kicked instead of being a dishwasher. He and Sting retained and he's scarred for life and they suck - they never come to Collision and never hype it! HE DOES! Perry vs. Darby at ALL IN - presumably with Sting by his side to counter the Elite.

Shida vs. Skye is up and Skye's setup looks great. They brawl on the floor and Skye is out and Shida wins via stoppage. The replay shows that it might be a knee injury. LANCE ARCHER BEATS UP GOONS! Everything is echoey backstage and Jericho's promo is dreadful with it. Premier Athletes talk shit and it's time for REY FENIX TO FACE TONY NESE! Fenix slips and Tony says Woods grabbed a foot and Nese covered things up perfectly. He recovers with a dive and hits a flip dive to the pile! Fenix eats a sitout powerbomb and a 450 that got 2! Fenix ends it with a frog splash.

Tony in a suit jacket and Collision shirt brings out FTR for a promo. Cash rambles on about being distracted by his gun charges and say he's innocent - well ya still goofed up but yeah. Dax says he got hurt and he says it's time to get the gold back and on Collision next week, the road for the gold begins and they want the belts back at ALL IN! Shida is backstage with Lexy and she wants BRITT BAKER and she'll make her bleed again on Dynamite! Roderick Strong is out to avenge an ROH TV Title loss nearly a decade ago to ISHII! 

CHOPS APLENTY BACK AND FORTH! FLIP BUMP GERMAN BY ISHII! Delayed superplex hits for Ishii but a Judas Effect hits for Roddy! ISHII CATCHES A KNEE AND LANDS A GAMENGURI! FLIP BUMP LARIAT GETS 2 FOR ISHII! Heel distraction ends it after the knee! Kingdom jumps but the Conglomeration saves! 

Ospreay vs. MJF recap. Hologram FKA Aramis and Tony brings up him being reborn as Hologram. GRINGO LOCO IS HERE! Hologram stands atop his shoulders and flips and sends him down with a rana and then out with a flip dive! Loco slammed him and hit a standing moonsault for 2. Backflip into a firemans carry by Hologram. Ropewalk rana to the floor! Inverted airplane spin torture rack powerbomb ends it! THE PORTAL BOMB! Well that's a better name.

KEVIN VON ERICH IS WITH HIS KIDS and Dustin and he tells Dustin to guide them. Dustin says it's the first time the families are together since the 70s. MARK BRISCOE CUTS A PROMO ON FRIDAY AND STRONG BUT TWO DAYS BEFORE FRIDAY, IT'S ALWAYS WEDNESDAY AND THAT'LL BE BLOOD AND GUTS! 

Thunder Rosa is up for a lumberjack match against Deonna! Deonna gets a backstabber for 2. Spinning DVD gets 2 for Rosa. Deonna snaps the arm on the rope before Taya hands Deonna a buckle and she KOs her. Okay match but overbooked. Trios tag title time and the ROH and Acclaimed belts are gone - good,  makes them more serious.

Tony - The fans want Juice in there!
Nigel - They broke the mold when they made Juice Robinson - and shut down the factory.

Juice gets the punches and a cannonball before a jackhammer gets 2. LEFT HAND OF GOD TO CHRISTIAN! Nick wanted a low blow but Juice grabbed it and hits a powerbomb for 2. Frog splash hits for Cage for 2.5! Killswitch hits Cage by 'accident' and the falling DDT GETS 2 FOR JUICE! Juice wants the Unprettier but MOTHER WAYNE'S HAIRSPRAY LETS A KILLSWITCH HIT AND NEW CHAMPS ARE HERE! 

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