Saturday, August 31, 2024

WWE Bash in Berlin 2024

They go with a nice docu-style opening for this one - very filmic look. Owens vs. Cody starts the show off  and they fuck up Wade's graphic and give off bullshit stats to make this feel like a rare title match for KO. Headlock exchanges before a disaster kick misses and a KO senton hits. Suicide dive leads to KO driving him "glutes-first" into the apron before a dive hits perfectly. 

Massive CODY/CODY RHODES song chants! Arm slicer by Cody Back and forth slugfest, forearms and KO attacks the knee! He wants the apron powerbomb, but can't bring himself to do it! Stunner hits for 2.9! Cross Rhodes trinity gets 2 out of 3 of them before KO escapes and just hits a stunner and recovers right away to cover for 2.5. Swanton meets knees and a desperation Cross Rhodes wins it!

HHH hypes up WM in Vegas and WWE being on fire. Fire and Dawn are due to face Jade and Bianca and boy does Isla have IT in spades. Very cute act, great in the rule and the heels go 2-on-1 with the ref just doing nothing. Jade comes in to even the odds and the ref still does nothing to attempt to restore order. Tarantula/superkick combo from the heels gets 2 on Bianca.  Sliding knee on the apron by Dawn Jade finally tags in and landed a Samoan Drop into a fallaway slam. Jackhammer gets 2! Backstabber/swanton is avoided and Bianca and Jade hit the pop-up suplex/wheelbarrow German to win it. Jade as THE STAR in this while Bianca does all of the work is weird.

Punk and Drew time. OH WHAT IN THE FUCK THEY HAVE STUPID LIGHTS ON THE BUCKLES! Jesus. Punk gets jumped by Drew and press slammed into the announce table. Drew straps him a ton, but eats a GTS and Punk doesn't care about winning and just straps him. Punk sets up a table on the floor, goes in and eats a claymore. Punk goes through the table off a toss from a bulldog attempt and Punk is on Drew's back and Punk does the cheap thing for 3 buckles before getting a sharpshooter and Drew passes out. RUNNING CLAYMORE. GTS. ANOTHER! ANOTHER GTS! ANOTHER ONE before he takes the bracelet and hits the buckle to win it. That felt like a blow-off. Or they'll just do a cell.

Dom and Liv are out to face the Terror Twins and Wade calls Dom the love machine - I love that moniker living on 30 years past Art Barr. Rhea comes in when Liv comes in and hits a blind dropkick when Priest blocks Liv and hits a big fallaway slam. Love the La Parka gear on Dom. Priest runs wild on Dom with a WHO'S YOUR DADDY chant. Dom goes for 3 amigos but eats a broken arrow before Rhea comes in and dominates Liv. RAGDOLL GERMAN BY RHEA! Codebreaker and a crucifix bomb get 2 for Liv after Rhea beats up Dom and wraps her legs around his neck in the corner. Upkick by Rhea before Priest runs wild on Dom. DOUBLE BELL CLAP AND A DOUBLE RAZORS EDGE! The Judgment Day goons come out and open the door for Dom to get a 619 and frog splash for 2. POUNCE BY PRIEST! Headbutt and the Riptide win it! 

Orton is out looking gigantic in red and white with a weird strobe effect for his entrance. Nice depth of field for the background. The fans singing his theme has him in a trance. Randy could have this exact match with Jimmy Valiant right now. The crowd is carrying this one and Orton doesn't have to do a thing. Draping DDT after some announce table bashing. RKO turned into a German! Shotgun dropkick hits for Gunther! Splash gets 2.5. Powerbomb hits for 2.5 with the bad arm. RKO HITS FOR 2.9! Randy climbs steps next to the French table and tosses him through the announce table. RNC by Gunther and Orton wants an RKO BUT EATS A CHOP TO THE NECK and the RNC ENDS IT! This was a lot of fun.

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