Saturday, August 31, 2024

WWE Bash in Berlin 2024

They go with a nice docu-style opening for this one - very filmic look. Owens vs. Cody starts the show off  and they fuck up Wade's graphic and give off bullshit stats to make this feel like a rare title match for KO. Headlock exchanges before a disaster kick misses and a KO senton hits. Suicide dive leads to KO driving him "glutes-first" into the apron before a dive hits perfectly. 

Massive CODY/CODY RHODES song chants! Arm slicer by Cody Back and forth slugfest, forearms and KO attacks the knee! He wants the apron powerbomb, but can't bring himself to do it! Stunner hits for 2.9! Cross Rhodes trinity gets 2 out of 3 of them before KO escapes and just hits a stunner and recovers right away to cover for 2.5. Swanton meets knees and a desperation Cross Rhodes wins it!

HHH hypes up WM in Vegas and WWE being on fire. Fire and Dawn are due to face Jade and Bianca and boy does Isla have IT in spades. Very cute act, great in the rule and the heels go 2-on-1 with the ref just doing nothing. Jade comes in to even the odds and the ref still does nothing to attempt to restore order. Tarantula/superkick combo from the heels gets 2 on Bianca.  Sliding knee on the apron by Dawn Jade finally tags in and landed a Samoan Drop into a fallaway slam. Jackhammer gets 2! Backstabber/swanton is avoided and Bianca and Jade hit the pop-up suplex/wheelbarrow German to win it. Jade as THE STAR in this while Bianca does all of the work is weird.

Punk and Drew time. OH WHAT IN THE FUCK THEY HAVE STUPID LIGHTS ON THE BUCKLES! Jesus. Punk gets jumped by Drew and press slammed into the announce table. Drew straps him a ton, but eats a GTS and Punk doesn't care about winning and just straps him. Punk sets up a table on the floor, goes in and eats a claymore. Punk goes through the table off a toss from a bulldog attempt and Punk is on Drew's back and Punk does the cheap thing for 3 buckles before getting a sharpshooter and Drew passes out. RUNNING CLAYMORE. GTS. ANOTHER! ANOTHER GTS! ANOTHER ONE before he takes the bracelet and hits the buckle to win it. That felt like a blow-off. Or they'll just do a cell.

Dom and Liv are out to face the Terror Twins and Wade calls Dom the love machine - I love that moniker living on 30 years past Art Barr. Rhea comes in when Liv comes in and hits a blind dropkick when Priest blocks Liv and hits a big fallaway slam. Love the La Parka gear on Dom. Priest runs wild on Dom with a WHO'S YOUR DADDY chant. Dom goes for 3 amigos but eats a broken arrow before Rhea comes in and dominates Liv. RAGDOLL GERMAN BY RHEA! Codebreaker and a crucifix bomb get 2 for Liv after Rhea beats up Dom and wraps her legs around his neck in the corner. Upkick by Rhea before Priest runs wild on Dom. DOUBLE BELL CLAP AND A DOUBLE RAZORS EDGE! The Judgment Day goons come out and open the door for Dom to get a 619 and frog splash for 2. POUNCE BY PRIEST! Headbutt and the Riptide win it! 

Orton is out looking gigantic in red and white with a weird strobe effect for his entrance. Nice depth of field for the background. The fans singing his theme has him in a trance. Randy could have this exact match with Jimmy Valiant right now. The crowd is carrying this one and Orton doesn't have to do a thing. Draping DDT after some announce table bashing. RKO turned into a German! Shotgun dropkick hits for Gunther! Splash gets 2.5. Powerbomb hits for 2.5 with the bad arm. RKO HITS FOR 2.9! Randy climbs steps next to the French table and tosses him through the announce table. RNC by Gunther and Orton wants an RKO BUT EATS A CHOP TO THE NECK and the RNC ENDS IT! This was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8-28-24 - HAYTER RETURNS

ALL IN gets a brief recap with weird music playing and Ricochet's debut is hyped up. Mox is out to his NJPW theme and he looks pissed off. Tony asks him HEY HOW YA DOING BUDDY! Mox calls out Darby and says IT'S NOT TONY'S COMPANY ANYMORE in a black turtleneck ala the Shield debut...MARK BRISCOE IS FIRED UP with his black and white camo belt and Hangman vs. BIG TOM is up!

Forearms and an APRON DEADEYE IS MET WITH A DDT ON HIS NON-NECK! Tons of Germans, flip Germans, forearm shivers, exchanges, ramming lariants and a Deadeye and Buckshot end it! THIS MATCH RULED! SWERVE IS OUT TO STARE HIM DOWN in his mink coat! Swerve says he's the champ forever and Hangman says he's a piece of shit, not a champion! Hangman runs down the feud and wants all the bullshit gone - and Swerve names a cage match!

Hayter is out looking amazing to face Harley Cameron - who messes up a Stratusfaction and Harley just tosses her on HER BUTT-OCKS according to Taz. Haytebreaker combo/irish curse combo! MJF cuts a rambling promo for a few decades and Garcia thankfully jumps him and locks on a front choke! He puts off doing a piledriver due to looking in the corner he was piledriven from and goons get involved. CD and goons save after taking a beating to start. Garcia says the ring is missing because he pawned it for a trip to England to ruin his life! Garcia vs. MJF is set for ALL OUT. 

A Riochet hype video showcases his many mini-match moments in the battle royal before he says he can finally give everyone the Ricochet they want. All-star 8 man tag. OH GOD MIZ'S DIVE CATCHING 101 CLASS for Mark Briscoe there. REDRUM TAP TO STRONG WITH HIS FOOT ON THE ROPE! SHE STEPPED OVER HIS FOOT. What a stupid-looking finish - but Roddy vs. Hook for the title at ALL OUT will be a good teaching match for Hook.  Mercedes celebration. The budget has definitely been cut for wacky backstage bits - that feeling started with Mox having his New Japan theme too. Private Party interrupts and she has Okada teach her how to say BYE BITCHES in Japanese.

Mariah May buries Champaign, IL and says they enjoy pisswarm beer and that's not the only thing they cram down their throats. They don't deserve her celebration. Ricochet vs. Kyle Fletcher features a killer meteora on the floor and then a PEWPEWPEW - man is Ricochet fired up! Death valley bomb by Ricochet! Vertigo ends it and OSPREAY IS OUT! BUT PAC JUMPS HIM WITH A POISON RANA ON THE RAMP and he welcomes Ricochet to AEW. 

A camera guy asks Mox what he means and he shoves a goon and then MARINA RETURNS AND BEATS UP A DUDE AND STEPS ON HIS FACE in a way that would make Tony Atlas envious. Bryan tears up talking about ALL IN being his favorite moment of his career and said it was his daughter's favorite day - and it wasn't just because they went on a Peppa Pig double decker bus! It's time for him to go home - BUT NOT YET! Jack Perry hits the tron and says that no one knows Bryan's future - but he knows his since HE MADE IT. He took out TK, destroyed Omega, won the TNT Title and buried Darby in Wembley! AND HE WAS LIT ON FIRE AND STILL PINNED BRYAN DANIELSON!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

AEW Collision 8-17-24 - Final Show at Arlington eSports Arena/eSportatorium

Britt opens the show up to face off with Harley Cameron as Nigel hypes her up as a singer and ventriloquist too! Sole food by Harley after Britt goes for the glove. Slingblade after a kick fakeout and the Stomp hits to win it. Harley shined so much brighter than Britt here - something has been missing with this run. Mone and Kamille come down and Britt's kendo stick is snapped over Kamille's knee. They stand over Britt and set up Britt's win nicely.

ALL IN Texas hype alongside showing Arlington mayor Jim Ross in the crowd. Sammy's ROH return is shown before he and Dustin are out to face the Kingdom. Bennett avoids the crouching uppercut and hits a superkick. Sammy gets run down but MAKES THE HOT TAG TO DUSTIN! Strong and Mortos are out and THE VON ERICHS SAVE! Cage of Agony is out! CONGOMORATION CLUBBERING! AVALANCHE CUTTER BY SAMMY! Final Reckoning hits and SAMMY IS UP! DUSTIN GETS THE PIN AND IS A DOUBLE CHAMPION! This Arlington run feels like a whole era in his career - he went from holding no gold in over a decade to BEING A DOUBLE CHAMPION IN JUST THIS RUN!

Jericho and a bright yellow jacket and he'll face Tommy Billington at Dynamite and cuts an insufferable promo that goes on for about 20 years. IT'S HOLOGRAM GUYS here to face Angelico! He gets a Save_Us presentation fittingly right after Jericho. ANGELICO STILL HAS HIS BANGER THEME! Ropewalk rana by Hologram! Wasteland hits after a slingshot DDT! 450 misses and an Angelico rising enzuiguri hits and Holo hops up on the back for a pop-up rana for 2! A trillion cradle exchange gets 2.9! A flash crucifix gets the win for Hologram!

Tiger Driver '91 hype video with Misawa all over it - and that's a surreal sight on TNT in 2024. Jack Perry is out to face Danny Orion from DallasSinglesdotcom! Corner clubs and a rebound lariat by Perry! Busaiku knee ends it! He puts Danny in a body bag and spray paints his face white - which seems dangerous and puts the TNT belt in there with him and debuts a new weathered TNT Title belt.

Trios hype video for Wembley and Daniels announces a four-way for ALL IN for the AEW Trios Titles with a LONDON LADDERS stip and the fourth team will be decided on Dynamite. Claudio is out to face Lio Rush joined by Top Flight in their stripper gear. We get a MINUTE-LONG STRUGGLE FOR RUSH TO DO ANYTHING with Claudio using his power to block everything and he FINALLY gets a rana! Rush frog splash misses and THE CLAUDIO GETS THE POP-UP UPPERCUT TO WIN IT. THIS RULED! Kris and Stokely cut a promo and Stokely is terrified every time Kris brings up Ishii only for him to say HE'S THE STONE PITBULL AROUND HERE!

Weird WWE ad for Love Having No Labels. Kingston hype for ALL IN and says that the Danielson he sees now is going to get beat because he's lost the fire. THE GLAMOUR is here! Mariah May deserves so much credit for taking her improvement from the Toni pairing and allowing it to define her own act after literally playing two eras of Toni's career over the past few months. Hip attack and Storm Zero end it! Toni's movie is about feeling depressed and being told to see the great clown. AND TONI IS COMING FOR THE GLAMOUR!

Best of FTR video airs quickly to hype up the Acclaimed match. Acclaimed rap is backstage and Caster is a heel in peril until Bowens comes in to run wild! Steiner bulldog by FTR! Caster crossbody off the top gets 2! Magic Killer by Acclaimed gets turned into a Dash spear and Dax inside cradle for 2! Bowens hits a ton of knee-based offense to Dax and locks Bowens in a sharpshooter! Caster comes in to break it up and does allowing for a blindside fameasser for 2.5! POWERPLEX almost goes really wrong but thankfully doesn't! ACCLAIMED HIT SHATTER MACHINE AND GET 2.9! MIC DROP BUT DASH SHOVES INTO THE PILE TO BREAK IT UP!

GOOD LORD THIS IS GETTING INCREDIBLE! SHATTER MACHINE BY FTR AND CASTER GETS A 2.999999 SAVE! Slugfest between Max and Dax leads to a double-down! Double head bonk off a tackle and Dax got a cover for 2.99 BUT TIME EXPIRES AFTER THE KICKOUT! 30 minute time limit has been reached in a damn-near classic here. It was a bit cold with Caster at times until things really got cooking!

Billy tries to be friendly but a BRAWL BREAKS OUT! It's a draw, but as per TK, BOTH TEAMS HAVE EARNED THE WEMBLEY SHOT BECAUSE IT WAS SO GREAT!


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8-14-24 - Shida vs. Mone

The TBS Title match is surprisingly starting the show - however, putting Mone in the highest-rated slot usually is a smart move.  Taz has opted to sting both Mercedes' theme and Shida's - so he's already got go-away heat by minute two. Shida landed a corner knee and a series of mounted punches in the corner. Leaping mid-ring knee gets 2 for Shida before a Mone backstabber! Three amigos turned into a brainbuster for 2! Mercedes uses the kendo stick as an opening to distract the ref so Kamille can boot Shida and end with the Mone maker - good match. Good setup for Hayter returning for Wembley. Kamille jumps a "fan" she thinks is Britt and Britt attacks Mone!

Hangman beating up Jeff Jarrett last week is showcased. Good promo work from the faces and Lethal eats a deadeye right away on the apron after a trifecta of dives! Death valley bomb by Page got 2! Discus lariat and the buckshot end it! HEEL HANGMAN RULES! MJF-Ospreay hype video and it feels like the real main event of the show - to the point where it should probably close the show. PAC IS MAD AT BILLY BOY FOR MAKING HIMSELF THE TOP CONTENDER - OI! Pac is angry - that is a bad thing for like everyone else on Earth right now. He wants whoever leaves Wembley at ALL OUT - okay, that's a good tie-in to the Omega match. 

Darby cuts a pretty intense piano-backed promo saying that Jack Perry being hired was a case of the Elite bringing their buddies in and who the fuck was Jungle Boy? Nobody bought the Tarzan bullshit and Darby comes out and eats a busaiku knee from Perry! They brawl on a road box and Jack traps him under a door. He wanted to toss a road case at him but was stopped and HE WANTS A COFFIN MATCH AT ALL IN!

Mariah May video package hypes up her in new ways - YOU WANTED TO BE A STAR!? WELL NOW YOU BURN! "We're both going to die - I just get to write your eulogy" - Okay, AEW is the best company for money promos since JCP. Holy shit. Mina is upset and hasn't talked to any of them and she loves them both! God bless her.

OC vs. Roddy Strong vs. KOR is up for the first spot in the casino gauntlet. Roddy dominates with backbreakers and a double dose and Bret backbreakers and a double Strong hold! The Kingdom is out and THE CONGLOMERATION SAVES and Mark dives! TORNADO BACKBREAKER TO KOR BY RODDY ON THE APRON! OC FIRES UP WITH KICKS TO KNEELING OPPONENTS! Toss-off tornado DDT BY OC AND A BEACH BREAK GETS 2! KOR gets a kneebar on Roddy and an armbar on OC! HIGH/LOW BY RODDY AND KOR! Sick kick hits OC and KOR gets a falcon arrow and OC GETS A CRUCIFIX AND WINS IT! That was an unreal match out of nowhere! KOR ate the fall and I think that will play into things easily

Okada and Claudio face off and Okada says he's the best tournament wrestler ever with four G1 wins and 12 MEN FOUGHT FOR THIS TITLE AND NOW HE'S THE CHAMPION. GOOD LUCK BITCH! Claudio says he doesn't want this bootleg Okada - HE WANTS THE G1 OKADA! I love seeing Shayna and Nick holding gold on global TV after losing Buddy and Christian is an asshole backstage and Tony says THAT AS A VIRGINIAN, NO ONE WANTS HIM HERE!

Hook is out and Jericho says he'll face him at Wembley if he doesn't face him again if he loses and he has to face Bill next week and Bill says he'll shove him up Taz's ass. TAG TITLE TIME ALREADY!? How is this show almost over? The Bucks are hyped up as the fightingest champions of all-time here in their first defense. BOWENS DIVES ONTO THEM OFF THE RAMP AND HITS A BEHIND THE BACK FAMEASSER! Nick has Billy hold a chair and Knox tosses him out. NICK KICKS MATT IN THE CORNER ACCIDENTALLY! 

HOT TAG TO CASTER and the match now has no ad breaks! CASTER WITH A SLINGBLADE! Gorilla press snake eyes! FTR prevents Bucks bullshit BUT DAX FIGHTS THE BUCKS AND COST THE ACCLAIMED THE TITLES! CD says that this wasn't a definitive victory at all and it's not over for ALL IN - and FTR and Acclaimed go at it on Collision to determine who gets a Wembley shot. Green Day video package set to "Time of Your Life" for Danielson and man does it make this Danielson run feel so much longer than it's been. 

SWERVE VS YUTA is up and this could be a PPV-level match with no ad breaks setup. Capture backbreaker by Swerve gets 2! Swerve ties him into a knot and one low-key great story they've been telling with Swerve is that HE CAN GO HOLD-FOR-HOLD WITH DANIELSON. Yuta rana into the corner! SWERVE GETS THE LEBELL LOCK ON! Yuta rolls into the ankle lock and a British escape by Swerve! Hammer and anvil elbows and the seatbelt gets 2.9 WITHOUT THE LEG HOOKED! 

Swerve eats a German and Yuta wants a cattle mutilation TWO HOUSE CALLS HIT! THIRD DEATH KNELL RINGS! AND IT'S PRIDE STOMP TIME AND THAT'S IT! Swerve slugs away and DANIELSON RUNS IN! Swerve says that he said he'd show why he is so dangerous and he'll show him that in front of 50,000 at Wembley. And your family will be there? They'll have the same view you did when you have your last match! HOUSE CALL TO DANIELSON! YES CHANT FROM SWERVE OH this is money!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

AEW Collision 8-10-24

The show follows up BTTF Part 3 and IT'S BUG-FREE! Darby and Hologram are out to face the Premier Athletes, who always shine. THIS TEXAS RESIDENCY HAS BEEN A SLAWJACKWED NIGHTMARE! Hologram flips out of a Woods hiptoss and armdrags him down off a flip before a code red! Mark Sterling uses his broken arm to grab Darby and gets knocked down! Crucifix bomb lands amd ends it for Hologram!


The Outrunners get a CWA-style music video! FTR is out to face them in an attempt at winning the lineal CWA International Tag Team titles! This was an incredible match with the Runners getting a bit of shine, but FTR winning after Dax sent Floyd to suplex city and the shatter machine. 

MJF-Fletcher recap showcases the future of Fletcher and Ospreay with Will telling Fletcher that he can't do it after Danielson couldn't lift his kids for weeks and Fletcher says if ANYONE does, it's MJF! RUSH IS OUT TO KILL A DUDE! Preston Vance will not be long for the world here. Rush is just absolutely beating the everloving fuck out of him on the floor including using a chair and the just like fuckit whatever. Bull and the horns end it. Fuck that ruled!

Swerve is out for his open challenge...not in the main event here of this B-show. He calls the venue the ESportatorium, which is a far better name. SWERVE VS. ISHII IS UP! Chops and forearms aplenty! OVERHAND CHOPS BY SWERVE AND KNIFEEDGE BY ISHII! Standing cravate/twister-style choke by Swerve! Back and forth headbutts and a snap Davey-style powerslam by Swerve is transitioned into a brainbuster for 2! HOUSE CALL ENDS IT! This was a fantastic showcase for EVERYTHING Swerve can do and topple Danielson.

Claudio talks about the Continental Title and he wants it before the C2 this year! He wants Okada at the first Dynamite in Europe. Stokely hypes up STATURDAY NIGHT! Willow issued a challenge for Ishii and her to face Stokely and Statlander at ALL IN ZERO HOUR. MXM talks shit about Top Flight's haircuts. They issue a challenge and it's set up for next week on Collision. 

Shida is out to face a jobber and gets a quick win. DANIELSON INTERVIEW WITH JIM ROSS! Danielson is in this very echoey room and talks about still being here after 24 years with JR Backstage, Shida is pissed about Britt getting a shot at ALL IN and not her. SHE NEEDS REAL COMPETITION AND SHE NEEDS WEMBLEY! She will face Mone on Dynamite! 

Christian Cage is out to ref the Bang Bang Gang and House of Black and fittingly, Tony brings up Sullivan before the HOB intro. Apron PK and rising knee by Buddy! A Brody tag is missed by Cage and the BBG attacks. ORIHARA MOONSAULT BY MALAKAI AND KING TAGS IN AND A SPRINGBOARD SSP HITS! JUICY CANNONBALL IN THE CORNER! CHRISTIAN HITS A SPEAR ON A DOUBLE DOWN FOR A COUNTOUT - so it will be a three-way at ALL IN.