Wednesday, August 7, 2024

AEW Dynamite 8-7-24 - Danielson vs. Jarrett


MJF starts off the show against Kyle Fletcher in an American title Eliminator. MJF has now brought in his wacky MAGA gear to AEW. Callis talks about how he wants to separate personal business and family business - but it's involving Ospreay, so he lets it slide. MJF talks shit and almost eats a tombstone and snaps the arm on the rope and hits the pedigree into the shoulderbreaker. DOCTOR BOMB BY MJF! MJF wanted a kangaroo kick but ate a superkick instead. Fletcher hits a giant suicide dive, a dive into the crowd and a huge HBK elbow for 2! Back and forth forearms and THEN A DESTROYER BY MAX! PILEDRIVER GETS 2 and Don tosses in the screwdriver. It gets thrown out and the kangaroo kick and the sheer drop brainbuster end it. The end of the Family unfolds! Ospreay goes to save, but road cases block his path and Max slices him up with the ring. MJF calls for the driver, but Ospreay saves in a white shirt - because he's a good friend.

Mariah May is out and poses next to the steps with her belt and the shoe! Viva Van eats a beating and a release German. She kisses her and nails a running knee! Mayday hits and Storm Zero wins it. Mariah May is fantastic in this new character. Mariah unveils a photo gift with DIE MARIAH DIE on it before a Toni-Mariah brawl breaks out. A Jack Perry video about sacrifice airs before a Taco Bell ad interrupts. 

Darby tells Perry he just needs to show up at Wembley before Jericho comes out with Taz gone for Bryan Keith vs. Shibata. Shibata slugs away and Jericho says he's getting Road Warrior pops now. Keith gets hyped up by Jericho and Shibata eats two forearms to the chest and ONE SHIBATA FOREARM TAKES KEITH DOWN! SLAP OF DEATH AND THE CLAW AND ARMBAR END IT! HOOK returns to save Shibata! Cassidy chats about his group having travel problems and says he'll still wrestle in the six-man. Hangman says that justice delayed is justice denied but he'll get what he wants!

OC is out with FTR as his partners and OC works some comedy before MORTOS FLIES! RUSH SLIDING KNEE HITS FOR 2! TORNILLO BY MORTOS! Shatter Machine hits and RUSH JOBS!? Christian names a trios top contender's match on Collision with him as ref and the winner faces the Patriarchy at ALL IN. Kamille massacres two jobbers. Torture rack bomb and the sitout dominator ends it with a double pin. The DDP/Max Muscle vibes are there but Max Muscle blended better with DDP than Kamille does with Mercedes. TK has overruled The Elite and lifted Britt's suspension! 

Britt says she's committed until the end - unlike YOU You'll take your ball and go home - you aren't the future and AEW isn't your home like it is mine. Steamboat is out and Jeff jumps Bryan during his entrance. TNA WALK AND BRAWL TIME! God they should have spent $85 to get the NWA Title on the line here. Concourse brawl and the kneeling kicks land! SUPLEX ON THE GARBAGE CAN AND THE FLOOR OUCH! KNEELING KICKS IN A CHAIR FOR JARRETT! Spider superplex and a shotgun dropkick off the top! Jeff gets a figure four, stroke and sharpshooter! KNEELING PUNCH EXCHANGE! BUSAIKU KNEE WITH THE CHAIR ENDS IT!

Everyone hugs UNTIL SWERVE IS OUT! He says you're woozy after Jarrett - JUST IMAGINE WHAT I'LL DO! He wants a tuneup match too against Wheeler! 

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