Cope shows up in an ambulance and says he's got the Death Riders' ride tonight and MJF cuts a promo on Hangman from a massage table. Hanger shows up in a cowboy-ish truck. He shows up in his street clothes and he boots Solo and a lariat and buckshot end it! Hangman says he hates 3 things - running out of business, English Ivy and a guy with a fake spray tan spits in his face. He's doing a sit-in until someone brings MJF out!
Ospreay vs. Keith was fast action with a knee strike off a hidden blade attempt before a second one hits. Outrunners vs. Murder Machines is a fast-break battle but the HURT SYNDICATE IS OUT AND A DISTRACTION ROLLUP WINS IT FOR THE OUTRUNNERS! Swerve is out and says he made Black History and he isn't a one-hit wonder and TREV comes out and insults the Padres and Chargers. Nana says that Swerve vs. Ricochet is now a number 1 contender's match! He tells Swerve to get the robe back or he's done. FTR and DG are out to face the Undisputed Kingdom.
Back and forth chops until a high-low from UK and the inverted back suplex by Strong! Goofy submissions lead up to Cole getting a jackknife pin and a win on DG! DG vs. Cole for the TNT Title is up for the Collision! Cope beats down Mox and MARINA EATS THE BUSAIKI KNEE ACCIDENTALLY! BLADERUNNER TO YUTA! They set up conchairtos to Claudio AND MARINA! HERE COMES WILLOW TO ATTACK MARINA! CONCHAIRTO TO MARINA! Harley is out to face Deonna and I get some technical issues with the capture software so I missed a bit of this. Harley hits an enzuiguri and she drives her down with...something the capture software freezes on. Okay then.
Backstage, Willow, COPE and Jay White send Claudio and Marina out in the ambulance! OC is out to face Takeshita! Takeshita destroys and CHEWS UP THE GLASSES! Corner forearms by Takeshita! Cassidy is on the desk and eats a forearm! ORANGE PUNCH SENDS HIM TO THE FLOOR AND A DDT TO THE FLOOR HITS! CRUNCHY DRIVER BUT THE GERMAN IS TURNED INTO A VICTORY ROLL BOMB FOR 2 AND THE RAGING FIRE WINS IT!
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