Wednesday, April 26, 2023

AEW Dynamite 4-26-23 - Cassidy vs. Bandido for the International Title

Dynamite starts off with wrestling again - with the International Title up for grabs! Ex talks about OC's dominance, but getting his hand hurt along the way. Tony brings up that his 19 defenses are the most of any men's division title in the company. Nice recap of Bandido's work in AEW as he comes out - and boy does his red and white gear look better than tonight's all-black gear. POCKETS DROPKICK BY OC! Nice smooth-flowing suplex by Bandido sends OC down hard before an overhand chop battle!

OC runs him into the buckle and Ex sells it nicely by wearing his face down for the Orange Punch. Irish whip Michinoku Driver gets 2 for OC! OC eats a gamenguri after hitting a pushing elbow suicida! One armed delayed superplex and then the lifting cutter from Bandido gets 2! Orange wins it! He puts the shades on Bandido and we've got a new buddy!

Renee chats with Adam Cole and her audio cuts out. We get some goofy comedy with OC and Bandido not realizing she was meeting with AC and not them. After a break, we get more backstage stuff with Jack and Darby and they are reluctant allies. Jeff Jarrett comes out and THEY EJECT HIS FRIENDS! FTR-Briscoes trilogy recap airs during Dax's intro - I love the usage of footage to tell tales during such a small window of time. 

Dax and Jeff have a fantastic old school Memphis match. Bit of matwork to start and man is Jeff quick for a guy 50+ with 35+ years in the ring. Nice uppercut shots and the strut is met with a GIANT Dax chop! Jeff hits a kneebreaker and wants a figure 4, but Dax reversed into a sharpshooter that Jeff avoids. Dax gets catapulted into the post and a schoolboy gets 2. Small package gets 2 for Dax! Sonjay causes a 2.9 off a suplex attempt for Dax, but the chase leads to Jeff getting the stroke and the win! Jeff celebrates with Dax's belt and that belt looks great on Jeff! 

TK announces that the Owen Hart Cup opening ceremony will be in Double or Nothing and the whole tourney will happen IN CANADA! Finals will happen in Calgary on 7/15! Wardlow's out to destroy a jobber and does so. Giant headbutt and a big goofy swing before the lariat hit! Powerbomb chain and it leads to the symphony! We get a promo from Arn telling the jobber to get a 12-pack and an ice bath. After three years in AEW, he knows what's going on and tomorrow is the NFL draft - but you need the right trade to make a dynasty, Wardlow is that dynasty! Christian and Luchasaurus come down and just walk away at the steps after staying on the ramp last week. SLOW BUILD here.  

MJF and Sammy do some goofy bullshit backstage with Sammy giving him a vest and MJF giving him a scarf after hugs and kisses! Love these two goobers! RJ City alerts us that there is both hustle AND BUSTLE here and Mox jumps him! Four pillar tourney final is up with Darby against Sammy! 

MJF is out with his new pickles and we get some amazing banter between MJF and Taz leading to Tony saying WE'RE TALKING ABOUT FREAKIN' PICKLES! Crazy timing from Sammy as Darby goes for a low-pe and SAMMY HITS A CUTTER ON THE FLOOR! Tay distracts Darby and Sammy hits a Spanish Fly for 2.9. 630 OFF THE TOP TO THE FLOOR THROUGH A TABLE ON DARBY. Absolutely perfect!

Darby avoids a countout and MJF stomps down! MJF tosses the board to Darby as the ref is distracted by Tay Melo and DARBY GETS DQED! They beat down Darby and run the DON graphic with Tony getting instructions from TK as Jack Perry runs down. Darby is still pissed and Tony is laughing his ass off at the announcement he gets to make. Tony calls MJF a prick and says that Sammy won, but there will be a tag team match with Jack and Darby against MJF and Sammy - and if the heels win, it's the advertised match but if the faces win, it's a four-way! This whole mini-tournament elevated everyone in it - even Tony and MJF with the pickles!

MJF rants backstage and gets away in an escape SUV with a driver and no one else - but he lies to Sammy and tells him it's full. Great little story beats here. Adam Cole comes down and tells him that doing what he did to Britt is something you can't go back from. Jericho doesn't come out, so he threatens to find him backstage. Jericho is backstage and talking shit. Jericho sends the boys after him before OC and Bandido save! The odds are uneven and the heels run wild until RODERICK STRONG DEBUTS AND THE MESSIAH OF THE BACKBREAKER returns and beats the shit out of them! 

QTV airs and Hobbs, like everyone else, is tired of this shit and Hobbs says THE BOOK OF HOBBS WAS WORKING FINE! QT will get him another title - it's time for Plan B! TBS Title time and boy is Taya not over here. MASSIVE intro for Jade here and the belt matches her gear perfectly. Jade pulls Taya into a split on the apron and then hits a draping GTR on the floor.

Taya avoids the pump kick and hits a superkick. JADE HITS A DESTROYER FOR 2! Taya fights out of Jaded and gets an armdrag. Big double stomp for 2! Taya wants the Road but has to stop and Jade rolls her up and beats her. Taya beats up the ref brigade! Hayter and Baker say that war has been declared and Jamie says the only way it's over is if they're in the morgue! Danielson comes out in a new BE REAL shirt for the Omega/Takeshita tag!

Danielson rants about amateurs and says that maybe RJ City got beaten up because HE'S AN AMATEUR! Butcher bowls over Kenny and Kip Arabian moonsaults him on the floor! Butcher eats a sheer drop brainbuster from Takeshita and we get a great bit where Danielson asks Taz who he'd rather have Hook train with and he says the BCC. Pump knee and the POWER DRIVE KNEE wins it for Takeshita. Danielson says that Omega looks tired and that he's living off his legacy. Danielson messes up his promo and says if Takeshita trained with the Elite instead of the BCC 

BCC attacks and THE BUCKS SAVE WITH CHAINS OF DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Omega grabs the screwdriver and Takeshita tells him to not use it. BCC shoves the faces together and the Death Rider hits Omega! The BCC feigns a celebration with him and he declines so they low blow AND SPIKE HIM WITH THE SCREWDRIVER! What a fantastic show story-wise - AEW benefits a lot from making their wrestlers feel more like real people than WWE does and it makes long-term storytelling so much easier and more effective.

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