Wednesday, May 29, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5-29-24 - Saraya vs. Mariah May

It was a tiring day at work still recovering from a cold, but rewarding as my controller arrived early and I've gotta say - going between the Razer Wolverine and Victrix BFG Pro, I'd put the Wolverine above it on comfort level and responsiveness too. I prefer the build quality of the Victrix, but it being so modular without replacement parts makes it tough to recommend over the Razer. The CEO is out for her celebration to start the show. She just shimmies and dances and is HER! She talks about celebrating 5 years of AEW and THE IN-RING RETURN OF THE GOAT - ME!

She wants Willow to kick the asses of Kris and Stoke when she returns BUT NOW BACK TO THE CELEBRATION! Skye Blue reveals that she's the one who took Mercedes out and she TKOs her! Ex talks about the TNT Title's fate being in the EVP's hands tonight before saying that Okada is international champion when he's Continental champ. MAYBE they have too many belts... Swerve vs. Killswitch is up and starts off with Swerve kicking his leg out a bit before gator rolling him to the apron and a twist and shout neckbreaker off the apron!

Swerve locks on a nice triangle that I've gotta give him in 2K - nice and tight elevated up too. A leg kick sets up the kneeling European uppercut for 2. Rolling thunder flatliner meets a headbutt and chokeslam before Nana stops a chairshot and gets the chair punched out of his hands by Killswitch. A Swerve stomp off the apron opens a door for the champ! DEADMAN RISE BY KILLSWITCH! House call! SWERVE STOMP GETS 2.9! ANOTHER HOUSE CALL GETS A KNOCKOUT WIN! Loved this match! Swerve cuts some hair off the mask as a trophy just like he had done to him. BIG DWAYNE ENERGY AD!

The Learning Tree is up with the cheapest-looking set since the lowest of TNA's budget days. He thanks his branches and brings out Bryan Keith. HOOK BEATS UP GOONS before casual floral wear Joe chats with him! We get an odd quick video of Mox and then maybe a Stephanie Vaquer video? Yes?! Yes, she will be at Forbidden Door! Mox vs. Romero is up. Back and forth and Mox hits a big superplex. Rocky high kicks him before eating a forearm shiver. RKOOUTTANOWHERE by Mox! Mox avoids a cross armbar with an S grip. Bulldog choke turned into a Penta arm snapper by Romero! DEATHRIDER ENDS IT!

Don Callis reminds everyone he has something important to say amidst all the boos. OC is out and Don attempts to do the thumbs up and Don puts him over huge before OC rips it up! Stoke is out as AEW'S NUMBER ONE HATER! Mone vs. Blue is up and Mone does a run-up tornado armdrag. Sunset flip into a meteora by Mone gets 2! Mone maker ends it. It's...a finish I guess. Vaquer stares her down afterwards. STOKE HYPES UP KRIS being tough enough to get back to back knee surgeries and THE NEW IMPROVED KRIS STATLANDER IS HERE! She cuts a killer promo about everyone using her as a protector - but now they need protection from her!

The Elite comes out and celebrates their win while Okada calls them all bitches. They got Okada a new Lambo! Matt gets a YOU DESERVE IT chant going for this and he goes THANK YOU I LOVE YOU GUYS! The NETWORK IS ON THEIR CASE and they need a new TNT Champion - AND IT'S JACK PERRY! Daniels returns and he is the NEW INTERIM EVP AND YOU WILL CALL HIM CHRISTOPHER AND WE DON'T GIVE BELTS AWAY and if you want to be a champion, you have to earn it! There will be a mini-tourney to determine a new TNT Champion in a ladder match at Forbidden Door! There will also be Friday Night Dynamite in LA with the tourney starting. The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass staredown the Elite. 

MJF hype video airs before Rush calls him out. GUNNS UP! Jay works Pac before Mistico is out! Ospreay works over Jay and then Pac. SHOTA UMINO ATTACKS OSPREAY! LIO RUSH DARTS AROUND WITH CLAUDIO! Claudio runs down Rush with a lariat and OC is out IN A BLACK SHIRT and busted up. OSPREAY AND OC GO AT IT with Will not hitting the Blade outta nowhere. Fastball knee strike to Orange, but the Orange punch hits! Sleeper suplex by Jay but THE HIDDEN BLADE HITS! OSCUTTER TO ORANGE AND OSPREAY GETS THE AEW WORLD TITLE SHOT AT FORBIDDEN DOOR! All right, so Ospreay loses there and then you want it that much more for ALL IN - good stuff. Weird show at times, but it felt more like vintage Dynamite than it has in months.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

AEW Double or Nothing 2024

 Pre-game show has a great Storm-Deeb video and some fun stuff with RJ, JJ, and Renee. Rosa vs. Deonna starts off the Buy In matches with Rosa looking fantastic in a Uvalde tribute. Nice back and forth shots before a corner tree of woe spear by Deonna gets 2. Backstabber into an RNC into a cobra clutch by Rosa! Deonna rolls into a cradle with the rope and wins it.  The crowd is lit EXACTLY like TV and it looks bad enough on TV - let alone for PPV.

Acclaimed and Daddy Ass promo is up and Caster buries the Gates' names because he still hasn't learned them! Dr. Martha Hart announces the 2024 Owen Hart Cups! Now the winners get World title shots at ALL IN. Cage of Agony is out in cool gold and black gear. Cage and Billy pose for a while at age 100. Gunn eats a Shield bomb before Bowens saves at 2.9! BILLY GUNN WINS WITH A SMALL PACKAGE BEFORE BRYAN DANIELSON!

Ospreay vs. Strong starts things off with just about the best quality opener possible with Strong eating a few shots early and then staring down Ospreay. OGK doomsday device on Ospreay and I guess it's not a DQ given that it would be a heel retention on purpose. Ospreay lands the handspring gamenguri! Skytwister on the goons after Wardlow comes in for a powerbomb and Bryce gives him shit.

Strong Hold is on but Ospreay gets the rope. Roddy gets a superplex into a torture rack/double knee backbreaker for 2. Clash is avoided and the Oscutter hits! Tiger Driver is avoided due to Ospreay's hesitance and Strong fires up and hits a Sick Kick! RANA GETS 2.9 BY OSPREAY! STORMBREAKER WINS AND OSPREAY IS THE NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION! the bruv era!

ADAM COLE IS BACK WALKING! He insults the city and says he shouldn't be here - he should be home rehabbing his ankle. MJF RETURNS IN THE 2002 HHH Vest and jacket! MJF ballshots him and suplexes him! He says he's driven by HATE HATE HATE and he didn't need a Vince McMahon to make him - MJF MADE MJF! He tears off his gear and does the Flair strut and beatdown on it! He says that CAMERAMAN ZOOM! A new BET ON YOURSELF AEW TATTOO! 

Death Triangle vs. Bang Bang Gang is up with the DT in matching black and gold to match the AEW trios titles. Destroyer to Colten, but Austin hits a tornado kick! JUICE RETURNS AND A BLADERUNNER WINS IT! Toni vs. Deeb is up with NIGEL ON COMMENTARY AS GOD INTENDED. Paradise lock and a dropkick to the ass, WHICH THEN GOES RIGHT INTO DEEB with the hip attack! Rope-assisted backstabber and a snap DDT by Toni! Deep fisherman suplex gets 2 for Storm! Twist and Shout by Deeb! Mariah goes to throw in the towel during the serenity lock, but Luther prevents it - but Toni only sees him with it and calls him a bastard! Jackknife pin gets 2 and a STORM ZERO OUTTANOWHERE GETS 2! Detox on the apron and in the ring only gets 2.9! MASSIVE TONI chants here! AVALANCHE STORM ZERO AND A STORM ZERO END IT!

Trent vs. OC is here with Trent getting new music and OC GETTING THE PIXIES BACK! He's also in a black shirt! They had an outstanding back and forth match with OC showing a bit of a mean streak and landing a beach break on the apron after eating a strong zero on the apron. The gogoplata was locked on, but OC rolls him up to win it! Trent says he's done and goes through the crowd. FTW Title time!

Jericho puts a bag of dice in the ring and he eats a pair of suplexes on them! DOUBLE HIGH ANGLE BACK SUPLEX ON THE DICE! Northern lights by Hook onto Shibata, who responds with a side belly to belly! Hook and Shibata get kendo sticks and Shibata GETS TWO OF THEM! Jericho bonks them to no avail before HE GETS CLUBBERED! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER OFF THE TOP and Shibata lands on his head...can we maybe not ever do that again?! SHIBATA DROPKICK GETS 2! REDRUM but BIG BILL SAVES! Hook T-bones him off the apron through a table! BRYAN KEITH BREAKS UP THE FINISH THAT ENDED HIS MATCH and beats up Hook and Shibata up and JERICHO HIRED A BOUNTY HUNTER!

Mox vs. Takeshita is up and it's a nice, violent affair. Takeshita works the arm and snaps the shoulder on the apron. Mox does EVERYTHING to survive, including a tope! Inverted dudebuster into a wheelbarrow German! PARADIGM SHIFT OFF A KNEE ATTEMPT! TAKESHITA LANDS A DEATH RIDER FOR 2.9! Mox gets a desperation stomp and the death rider wins it! Callis' advice to demand the weapons was his undoing! 

TNT Title time with the BROOD EDGE theme being back  BROOD COPE is officially back here. Chair joust to start and The End is avoided as is the spear! Cope pulls barb wire down and slices up Black. Powerbomb into the cage by Cope and a Ligerbomb gets 2. AVALANCHE SUNSET POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE GETS 2! Malakai lifts him up for the End, but COPE SPEARS HIM FOR 2.9! PILEDRIVER TO BLACK! Cope wraps him up in barb wire on a table! DIVING...we'll say elbow drop...well a splash would have been better. THAT GETS 2.9! MALAKAI SPEAR GETS 2.5! Cope gets kicked through the cage door! SPEAR ON THE FLOOR! HOUSE OF BLOOD teased but NO THEY ATTACK COPE! They get even more barb wire and Malakai puts the ring around his neck for The End. 

GANGREL ARRIVES THROUGH THE MAT FOR A SAVE! impaler! THE END TO GANGREL! SPEAR TO BLACK! GRINDHOUSE WITH THE CROSSFACE AND THE BARB WIRE! He passes out and that's it - it's a technical submission! Well that was goddamn insane! Willow vs. Mercedes Mone is up! Mercedes is a fantastic chickenshit heel here. Corner DVD but Mone avoids the cannonball! Meteora off Bret's Rope gets 2! Stoke and Kris distract and prevent the doctor bomb winning! Dr. Bomb turned into the crossface by Mone! STF CROSSFACE IS ON FROM MONE! Mone Maker hits and wins it! Kris and Stokely turn on her! Heel Stat is going to be a riot! 

Swerve vs, Cage is up for the World Title and unofficial father of the year. Swerve is hyped with a video showing his two years so far and a Warriors homage with Nana and the bottles. Brainbuster avoided into the falling deathdrop from Christian! Neckbreaker using the turtleneck and then a draping one that results in Taz saying he looks like Kenny with the gimick and Tony says it's also a bit of Cornholio. House call turned into a sharpshooter by Cage! Swerve stomp avoided, spear hits for 2.9! Cage's goons are thrown out! SWERVE GETS LOW-BRIDGED AND SMACKS THE STEPS! THE KILLSWITCH HITS AFTER THE WAYNE'S WORLD AND ONLY GETS 2.9! Killswitch is avoided on the table and SWERVE STOMP THROUGH IT! They get in at 9! JML turned into a victory roll for 2. MID-AIR HOUSE CALL! SWERVE STOMP AND THE HOUSE CALL END IT! This may have been the best match of the night.

Anarchy in the Arena features Team AEW jumping Perry and the heels and saving the full intro for Darby. His theme plays and the Bucks tell them to play a REAL BANGER - THEIR MUSIC before Danielson yells to turn that shit off and play his music AND IT'S FINAL COUNTDOWN TIME! They beat the shit out of each other until Matthew says turn that off - IT'S EXPENSIVE! Okada hits a dive with a RAINMAKER DRIVE sign! Darby gets into an accident of some sort off-screen as Perry drove a bus into him. Spike piledriver from FTR on Matt before an Okada bird flip is met with a Cash bite and a GODDAMN DROPKICK AND TOMBSTONE!

TK DRIVER ON DANIELSON ON THE POKER CHIPS! Dax DDTs Matt threw a chip! Nick swanton off the tunnel and JACK PERRY GRABS TONY KHAN! THE FLAMETHROWER IS USED ON JACK PERRY and the Bucks put him out with extinguishers that were briefly visible before in this match. Nick 450 on a can misses and COFFIN DROP ON OKADA GETS 2 WHEN THE BUCKS SAVE! CAN TO THE FACE OF DARBY! The Bucks and Okada hogtie Darby up to a wench! 


The Bucks call for Darby to be held up! DOUBLE TACK SUPERKICKS! Bryan gets a shoe and tacks up Matt! YES KICKS TO BOTH BUCKS! Busaiku knee with the chair gets 2! JACK PERRY HITS A BUSAIKU KNEE ON DANIELSON AS HE USES DARBY TO RISE UP! THE ELITE WIN IT! What an incredible show overall and a killer match to close it out. Easy five star-ish bout for Jack Perry and a showcase for his toughness ala Foley vs. Orton 20 years ago. 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

AEW Collision 5-25-24 - Double or Nothing Go-home Show

 YESTR faces Team Jarrett tonight and Mox is out to start the show off! Five years to the day, he debuted and took out Jericho and Omega before Callis interrupts. I gotta do Takeshita vs. Mox in 2K24 ASAP and Callis says that he cost Mox his title - but Mox sliced his face open violently and he is scarred for life! AND EVEN THEN, HE HELPED HIM BEAT OMEGA! He wants Mox to join the family and gets a FUCK 'EM MOXLEY, FUCK 'EM UP! chant. He threatens Callis and Takeshita jumps him! He flips off Mox and Pillmanizes his arm before the BCC saves.

Nigel hypes up the Undisputed Era...Kingdom and Ospreay talks about eating Cocoa Puffs and going to Japan. He LIVES FOR THIS BLOOD, BRUV! MY BLOOD IS BONDED WITH THAT CHAMPIONSHIP, SO SUNDAY, IT'S MINE - GAMBLE YOUR LIFE ON IT! Claudio, Garcia, and TANAHASHI. Why not just advertise him!? Dutch and Claudio do some clubbering and shoulderbutts before Vincent and Garcia go at it. Tana works slowly with Archer before Claudio swings Dutch around and Claudio just hercs Archer around too. High Fly Flow ends it. Elite propaganda ad airs to bury the BCC. 

Lucha Bros are out to face the Gunns and a Lucha Bros win gets them a trios title shot! Cool shit from the Lucha Bros with a rolling headscissor and then a blind dive splash from Fenix got 2.9! Last of the Dragon ends it and the trios gold is on the line! The Learning Tree is backstage and Jericho is extra Just For Men'd up here and he says that with two opponents, HE JUST HAS TO TRY HARDER! Keith tells him he's not done with him yet. Jericho says THANKS BRYAN! KOR is out to demolish KM, who is a perfect giant enhancement guy. Combo, triangle into an armbar wins it for KOR.

Willow and Kris are out after a CEO vs. Willow hype vid. She says that she's here to live her dream as TBS Champion and she'll go through anything to hold it! 4 Way tag time with Brody and Buddy, Gates of Agony, The Infantry and the Acclaimed. Caster calls them out for ball gags, cocks, says Cage can't stay hard. THE MEAT DIVISION IS HERE with Brody King and Toa just meating each other to death. FLYING SOFA FROM BRODY KING! HOB wins it and Cope is standing by! He says he's unleashing THE VERSION of him that has the devil on a shoulder, but no angel to be found! Copeland says that hey, you want me to join the house - but what if he's just doing all this to get closer to the House? THE HOUSE OF BLOOD...I like it...

Toni Storm's post-Dynamite promo is shown - NOTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON because if it was, then she would talk and that would be the main event. HER SEIZURES WILL SEEM LIKE A WALK IN THE PARK and in her obit, they'll mention that she lost to Toni Storm! Mariah May is out to face Leyha Hirsch. Mariah just chops the hell out of her before having Leyla motorboat her! Samoan drop by Mariah and a shotgun dropkick leads to an ad. Trish rana out of the corner by May! GERMAN AVOIDS THE HIP ATTACK! Headbutt and the knee hit and end it! Nigel does the WE'RE NOT WORTHY bit for her and he's right.

Deeb says some stuff for a bit. Oh boy.  EXCELLENT Cage vs. Swerve promo - I can't sleep in my house CUZ I'VE BEEN SPENDING YEARS BUILDING THIS ONE is a killer line. Danielson vs. Jarrett starts FOR A SECOND BEFORE JEFF TAGS OUT! Perfect! Dax gets bastkeballed by Singh. Danileson gets a corner mount punch series on Jeff and charges through him with a lariat. Corner dropkicks, but the Yes Lock is avoided by Lethal! Cash and Bryan soar! 3 ON 1 BEATING ON SINGH! YES KICKS TO HIM FROM ALL OF THEM AND HE'S NOT FALLING! FTR TRIGGER is almost no-sold before the busaiku knee! Stroke is avoided, but the Yes lock is turned into a post shot! BUSAIKI TO JEFF AND THE SHATTER MACHINE TO JAY END IT after Jeff accidentally chairshots Singh to the floor when Bryan moves!

Cash says in 2020, they debuted in AEW and AEW became their home and they will live and die for it. Cash says AEW MAKES THE BUSINESS BETTER and Dax says they're fighting for everyone who has a bad day and lives for AEW. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5-22-24

 Well, it's been an early-out work week and that's resulted in a lot of gaming and maybe a bit of writing tomorrow too! Double or Nothing is coming up on Sunday and this is a fairly loaded lineup too. A new Mad Max-themed intro video airs with Callis on commentary again. OC and Ospreay are up against Strong and Trent! Trent and OC brawl on the floor while Roddy and Ospreay do glorious battle in-ring. Turnbuckle gutbuster from Strong to OC! Trent wants a piledriver on the steps, but OC saves! TRENT SPEAR TO OC ON THE FLOOR!

Powerbomb by Ospreay before a spiral tap and then a wet nap elbow for 2.5! Callis holds OC's foot to prevent the End of Heartache and the Oscutter hits after a stundog! Wardlow jumps Ospreay on the ramp! BUSAIKU BY TRENT AND THE END OF HEARTACHE WINS IT. THIS RULED! Post-match beating splits open Ospreay and chokes out Cassidy with the gogoplata. Bang Bang Gang is out and Jay White is such an awesome promo. The Gunns have a wagon for the gold - which is a nice homage to Brian Christopher in the USWA. Pac says he isn't even mad about being attacked - but it's not 3 on 3 - IT'S TIME FOR THE DEATH TRIANGLE! THEY'RE BACK AND KICK ASS! And it's official for Double or Nothing! That should be a title change.

FTW 3-Way eliminator is up with Jericho on commentary. Keith clubs away at Hook before Hook gets Redrum on him, but Shibata locks on a sleeper on Hook! USHIGOROSHI BY SHIBATA! Figure four and the heel hook on Keith! REDRUM TO KEITH AND IT'S A DOUBLE TAPOUT SO IT'S A THREE-WAY AT THE PPV! Jericho says that he's just getting started as FTW Champion and it's now a three-way FOR THE RULES FOR THE WORLD RULES TITLE MATCH! 

Takeshita vs. Sydal is up after a Mox vs. Takeshita hype video and Takeshita starts off with a giant deadlift brainbuster. Death Knell forearm shiver hits and ends it! I love that move, but it's hurt by a decade+ of forearm exchanges in every match in puro. Release German! Mox walks in among fans singing and just bonks the shit out of him with the mic! Swerve is up with the Bucks and they suck up to him and tell them to hit his music! Swerve vs. Nick Wayne is up.

Slingshot sorta-house call almost a Roman drive-by! A bit like TJP's wrecking ball dropkick too. Leg-snatch into a rotating suplex into a powerslam by Swerve. Christian darts out and steals a car before NANA BLOCKS HIM! DDT ON TOP OF THE SUV! CONCHAIRTO WITH THE HOOD! Cage avoids it and leaves. Malakai is up against KOR - a bit of an odd spot for KOR to be enhancement, but he is Cope's partner now so it's a good story. Malakai blocks some kicks and lands some in response. Cross armbar is on from KOR, but a waistlock escape gives Malakai an edge. Teep from Black allows for a wacky line from KOR that is countered BEFORE THE END. BROOD COPE ERA IS HERE! LEGALLY NOT THE BROOD THEME ​​​​​​​LEGALLY NOT A BLOODBATH! Well that all ruled.

Timeless Toni and Mariah May are up against Saraya and Harley Cameron, who is already better than Saraya. Saraya hides from Mariah and Toni tags in and slams Mariah on her for 2. Double kisses from the faces to the heels, a Storm Zero/Mayday combo and then the Storm Zero on Harley wins it! Serena beats up everyone and gets booed! HEEL TO THE FACE OF TONI! Half crab with a chair and Toni taps. GUNN FIGHT AT THE COLLISION CORRAL to get a DON title shot. 


Singh vs. Danielson was a nice David vs. Goliath match to set up the return of Darby after he got banned from the building. Suplex to Danielson, who recovers and lands a few dropkicks on the chair-sat Singh before a LeBell lock after fireman's carry elbows from Danielson. LeBell lock leads to a DQ with goons and the Elite is out WITH AN ENEVELOPE with the cash! Bucks are down and miss the EVP trigger, leading to a kick-centric beatdown and OKADA! RAINMAKER TO DANIELSON!  TONY KHAN DRIVES DARBY INTO THE VENUE AND FIST BUMPS HIM! DARBY COMES OUT WITH A FLAMETHROWER! HE'S FRANK SCORPIO NOW!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

AEW Collision and Rampage 5-18-24

 Crazy day at work - so we'll see how much PBP we get to here. Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor is up with Roddy on commentary. The International Title belt appears to have the blue globe revamped a bit - it's a brighter blue. Ospreay dives on him, but Taylor trucks him down. Taylor chops him and does the OSPREAY OSPREAY bit! Hidden Blade is met with a knee and a uranage from Taylor. SPANISH FLY BY OSPREAY GETS 2! Oscutter tuned into the Rikishi Driver for 2.5! STORMBREAKER, called the Storm Driver by Nigel, wins it!

Mox and Claudio cut a killer promo about the Elite siccing folks on them, but they'll be flattered to take everyone out. The Learning Tree chats about Hook splitting Jericho open and he's a fan of the injury because it shows Hook is learning - BUT THIS SMARTS! Hook vs. Johnny TV is up and this should be a great learning tool match for Hook. Lariat, judo throw and a capture suplex off a roundhouse kick attempt! Disaster kick and STARSHIP PAIN, but it misses and the redrum ends it!

SHIBATA is here and he's facing Rocky Romero! Lots of matwork until a figure four from Shibata gives him a big edge. CORNER HESITATION DROPKICK BY SHIBATA! Flash cradle by Romero got 2 alongside a backslide. Rebound heel kick and then a deep schoolboy gets 2. PK AND THE FIGURE FOUR ARE LOCKED ON AND SHIBATA WINS IT! I love the figure four being a finish for him! Shibata came out after HOOK and now Bryan Keith comes out after Shibata! Boulder gets 2 off a powerslam. Keith avoids Titty City and gets a win. 

Pac chats with a generic interview robot and he says the Bang Bang Gang is naughty. MAKE ME CARE and as for you, leave me alone. BBG is out and THEIR INTRO SHOWS A FALLEN PAC! OC and Brother Zay go at it and OC gets a wonky bow and arrow turned into a cradle by Zay for 2. Trent comes down and Zay attacks OC and a back suplex on the LED barricade! Tilt a whirl backbreaker by Zay! Stundog and the tornado DDT land but he struggles for the nip up. BACK AND FORTH APRON TEEP KICKS! LOGICAL REF USAGE INTO THE SILLY STRING FOR ZAY! SWANTON TO THE BACK GETS 2! BEACH BREAK WINS IT! This was outstanding!

Trent talks shit about OC and gets a ton of heat and calls him a sociopath! RULES MATTER! He should be the President of the AWF. Deeb vs. Anna Jay is up! Deeb ties her up into a paradise lock and dropkicks her ass. Anna avoids a cradle with a neckbreaker and a back elbow. Deeb avoids  tackle and clips the knee before getting locked in the queen slayer, but it gets 2! Deeb hits the rehab faceplant and the serenity lock ends it! Lutha does not approve and steals the flag! Toni strips behind it and uses is as a bathrobe before getting chased away!

Nick Wayne versus JACK CARTWHEEL here on TNT! Cartwheel tiger moonsault misses but the Wayne's World doesn't! HOUSE CALL ENDS IT! FTR and Danielson against Archer and the Righteous is up! Power plex to Vincent and a splash misses. Archer is in and wants a blackout, but eats the busaiku knee! Cash hits a tornado DDT before Vincent got 2 off a cradle! SHATTER MACHINE TO VINCENT ENDS IT! Heel beatdown AND GARCIA SAVES!

KOR is up against Lee Moriarty with Lee fighting hard for a Kimura on the back. Front choke is locked in and then a few headbutts hits before a triangle ends it and KOR vs. Malakai is set for Dynamite. Acclaimed and Daddy Ass chat with Lexy about their music video and they say that Bowens will face the Machine Brian Cage tonight and Cage doesn't have AI in him! RUSH is out to massacre a jobber and does so quickly with the basement shotgun dropkick and a post-match beating - including cable choking!

Lex chats with Danielson and FTR is out for Dynamite, but they failed BECAUSE HE WILL BE! Deonna works an entirely too long match with a Renegade that she wins with a double Fujiwara before Rosa saves. Dutt hypes up Danielson vs. Singh on Dynamite! Swerve vs. Nick Wayne is set up for Dynamite too.  Cage vs. Bowens is up and Caster mocks Cage. Cage dominates with power before slugging away off the mat. Trent vs. OC is announced by Tony via VO for the PPV. DRAPING SUPERPLEX BY CAGE GETS 2!  Cage does the Terminator beat  Bowens hits the discus forearm, superkick and PK for 2.9! Kick to the balls, Drillclaw wins it!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

AEW Dynamite 5-15-24


Dynamite is live from the near-hometown of Bryan Alvarez - EVERETT, WASHINGTON! It's also new WWE 2K24 DLC day and it has been a blast playing as Terry Funk and adjusting Punk's moveset  bit too. Fittingly with Funk, MOXLEY STARTS THE SHOW OFF! Mox and Danielson face off Cobb and Fletcher - which should be fantastic. I may have to delete Ahmed Johnson in the PS5 2K24 and then put him on PS4 to put Cobb on PS5. Mox gets jumped and Danielson runs down to save in his home state! We get a mini Anarchy in the Arena brawl before a countdown clock for Swerve vs. Cage to start off hour 2.

Cobb eats the corner kicks from Danielson and then a figure four on Cobb opens the door for a tag and a Mox elbow for 2. Danielson runs wild with a shotgun dropkick and a corner dropkick before landing the kneeling kicks but the buzzsaw kick is met with a shove and a low-bridge to Cobb. SUICIDE DIVE TO FLETCHER! Danielson leapt right into a sidewinder suplex! CORNER UPPERCUT BY COBB into a rotating tombstone by Fletcher for 2.9! Now Mox vs. Fletcher would be a fun WGP Title match. Roundhouse kick by Danielson, Mox gets the Death Rider on Fletcher and it's over! THAT RULED!

Takeshita jumps Mox with a German and a kneeling giant elbow! Claudio ran down for a save just a wee bit too late - but it would logically take more time to get a giant crowbar. Swerve's media rounds are shown and make him feel like a bigger deal. Cope comes out and gets jumped by King and Buddy! Malakai gets a shut the fuck up chant and he tells Buddy to take his wedding ring after a chokeout. We see Kingston get hurt and the Bucks say that Eddie mighta got bit by the injury bug! Okada tells Dax that he'll take him out, BITCH!

Bucks Reebok ad airs with Okada being wacky before the Bucks are out for their match and Jack Perry is on commentary and demands some goddamn respect! Daniels talks shit and Sydal lands a corkscrew senton! NICK HITS A DOUBLE SLEDGE ON SYDAL! Iron Claw ad. The Bucks win and Matthew says that they're here to clean up the office from all this toxic behavior and now their hand has been forced - DANIELS HAS BEEN FIRED! But they're not heartless - they're gonna pay him for 30 days and they're even paying for an immediate security escort! I bet that immediate security escort was pricey - hopefully they don't take that expense out of Daniels' last check.

Harley's goons are banned from ringside AND TONI HAS WORDS OF WISDOM. "Thank you for knocking me out so I didn't have to listen to another second of your sob story!" "You can bet your bottom dollar ON THIS WHORE THAT YOU ADORE that everything is coming up Chin. Tits. SHOE!" "You'll be in Vegas flat on your back with an ass in your face, wondering where your dignity went!"

Malakai chats about the wedding ring and now he's excited that evil still lurks in his heart and if he beats Copeland, then Cope bends the knee to the HOB. HOOK is here to massacre Sebastian Wolfe. High crotch lift exploder before crossfaces and Redrum! HOOK says he's not here for this, he's here for his title and Jericho! They jump Hook and SHIBATA MAKES THE SAVE! Swerve walks backstage for a single shot and welcomes Brian Cage to WHOSE HOUSE! 

It starts off quick with Swerve going for fast-break offense and getting the rolling thunder flatiner, but eating chinlocks and the draping superplex by Cage! TEEP BY SWERVE, but Cage responds with a missed right and a left-arm lariat! Apron-draping SWERVE STOMP TO THE FLOOR! Cage eats a few forearms and Swerve wanted a stomp, but got a powerbomb. ARM SNAPPER TO CAGE! HOUSE CALL HITS AND ENDS IT! Nick Wayne jumps Swerve with a lowblow when Christian and Shayna distract. Nick smashes a photo of Swerve's family over his face and then Christian comes down. Christian rubs the photo in Swerve's blood and in two weeks, he takes the title.

Backstage, Hook and Shibata chat with Renee and Hook says he'll beat anyone to get his title back. Shibata's Google Translate gimmick asks if he'll even beat him if he needs to. Shibata's Google Translate gimmick is a better promo than Hook. YES CASUAL MALE SAMOA JOE IS HERE! Shibata's Google gimmick says that Joe's too large to be wearing a floral pattern. TIMELESS TONI STORM vs. Harley Cameron is up - it's the queen of the talkies versus the queen of the titties!

Toni gets a fisherman suplex for 2. Eat Defeat by Cameron! Sky high by Toni gets 2. Storm Zero ends it! Ospreay talks to the Undisputed Kingdom and says they're all Bellends and calls Wardlow the Big Veiny Bellend and Will says that he's never been respected by Strong. Strong says that yeah, he's an idiot out of the ring. He's still an idiot, a child and a fraud! This was outstanding.

Mercedes and Willow meet mid-ring and Mone says that money changes everything. In 2015 in Brooklyn, she changed the game forever! SHE KICKED DOWN DOORS AND BROKE GLASS CEILINGS - there would be no Willow without her!  Willow says hey, the last time they wrestled, she walked out a champion and Mercedes didn't walk out at all! Willow lays her out with the doctor bomb! Dax vs. Okada is the main event! 

Draping DDT to the floor from the barricade to Dax! Dax wants the Ultimo slingshot Ligerbomb, but Okada ranas into a cradle for 2 after a Dax counter. DAX COUNTERS A TOMBSTONE WITH A TOMBSTONE! Rainmaker countered into a sharpshooter by Dax! Low blow and the rainmaker end it before the Elite jump everyone AND DARBY MAKES THE SAVE! NO ONE LET HIM DO ANYTHING UNTIL THE PPV!