Saturday, August 17, 2024

AEW Collision 8-17-24 - Final Show at Arlington eSports Arena/eSportatorium

Britt opens the show up to face off with Harley Cameron as Nigel hypes her up as a singer and ventriloquist too! Sole food by Harley after Britt goes for the glove. Slingblade after a kick fakeout and the Stomp hits to win it. Harley shined so much brighter than Britt here - something has been missing with this run. Mone and Kamille come down and Britt's kendo stick is snapped over Kamille's knee. They stand over Britt and set up Britt's win nicely.

ALL IN Texas hype alongside showing Arlington mayor Jim Ross in the crowd. Sammy's ROH return is shown before he and Dustin are out to face the Kingdom. Bennett avoids the crouching uppercut and hits a superkick. Sammy gets run down but MAKES THE HOT TAG TO DUSTIN! Strong and Mortos are out and THE VON ERICHS SAVE! Cage of Agony is out! CONGOMORATION CLUBBERING! AVALANCHE CUTTER BY SAMMY! Final Reckoning hits and SAMMY IS UP! DUSTIN GETS THE PIN AND IS A DOUBLE CHAMPION! This Arlington run feels like a whole era in his career - he went from holding no gold in over a decade to BEING A DOUBLE CHAMPION IN JUST THIS RUN!

Jericho and a bright yellow jacket and he'll face Tommy Billington at Dynamite and cuts an insufferable promo that goes on for about 20 years. IT'S HOLOGRAM GUYS here to face Angelico! He gets a Save_Us presentation fittingly right after Jericho. ANGELICO STILL HAS HIS BANGER THEME! Ropewalk rana by Hologram! Wasteland hits after a slingshot DDT! 450 misses and an Angelico rising enzuiguri hits and Holo hops up on the back for a pop-up rana for 2! A trillion cradle exchange gets 2.9! A flash crucifix gets the win for Hologram!

Tiger Driver '91 hype video with Misawa all over it - and that's a surreal sight on TNT in 2024. Jack Perry is out to face Danny Orion from DallasSinglesdotcom! Corner clubs and a rebound lariat by Perry! Busaiku knee ends it! He puts Danny in a body bag and spray paints his face white - which seems dangerous and puts the TNT belt in there with him and debuts a new weathered TNT Title belt.

Trios hype video for Wembley and Daniels announces a four-way for ALL IN for the AEW Trios Titles with a LONDON LADDERS stip and the fourth team will be decided on Dynamite. Claudio is out to face Lio Rush joined by Top Flight in their stripper gear. We get a MINUTE-LONG STRUGGLE FOR RUSH TO DO ANYTHING with Claudio using his power to block everything and he FINALLY gets a rana! Rush frog splash misses and THE CLAUDIO GETS THE POP-UP UPPERCUT TO WIN IT. THIS RULED! Kris and Stokely cut a promo and Stokely is terrified every time Kris brings up Ishii only for him to say HE'S THE STONE PITBULL AROUND HERE!

Weird WWE ad for Love Having No Labels. Kingston hype for ALL IN and says that the Danielson he sees now is going to get beat because he's lost the fire. THE GLAMOUR is here! Mariah May deserves so much credit for taking her improvement from the Toni pairing and allowing it to define her own act after literally playing two eras of Toni's career over the past few months. Hip attack and Storm Zero end it! Toni's movie is about feeling depressed and being told to see the great clown. AND TONI IS COMING FOR THE GLAMOUR!

Best of FTR video airs quickly to hype up the Acclaimed match. Acclaimed rap is backstage and Caster is a heel in peril until Bowens comes in to run wild! Steiner bulldog by FTR! Caster crossbody off the top gets 2! Magic Killer by Acclaimed gets turned into a Dash spear and Dax inside cradle for 2! Bowens hits a ton of knee-based offense to Dax and locks Bowens in a sharpshooter! Caster comes in to break it up and does allowing for a blindside fameasser for 2.5! POWERPLEX almost goes really wrong but thankfully doesn't! ACCLAIMED HIT SHATTER MACHINE AND GET 2.9! MIC DROP BUT DASH SHOVES INTO THE PILE TO BREAK IT UP!

GOOD LORD THIS IS GETTING INCREDIBLE! SHATTER MACHINE BY FTR AND CASTER GETS A 2.999999 SAVE! Slugfest between Max and Dax leads to a double-down! Double head bonk off a tackle and Dax got a cover for 2.99 BUT TIME EXPIRES AFTER THE KICKOUT! 30 minute time limit has been reached in a damn-near classic here. It was a bit cold with Caster at times until things really got cooking!

Billy tries to be friendly but a BRAWL BREAKS OUT! It's a draw, but as per TK, BOTH TEAMS HAVE EARNED THE WEMBLEY SHOT BECAUSE IT WAS SO GREAT!


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