Tuesday, September 10, 2024

NXT 9-10-24 - TNA Knockouts Defense

I don't usually watch NXT live, but this is a loaded show with a tag title match, heritage cup match, last man standing match and mystery TNA Knockouts title defense. Fraxiom's intro is killer and Dawkins is ungodly fast! Axiom hits a C4 off the top to Dawkins! Powerbomb/blockster hits before THE BLOODLINE INVADES NXT and JACOB FATU RUNS WILD! 

Love that in 2024, we've got MARIGOLD footage on USA. GIULIA vs. Chelsea is hyped up a bit as a preamble for Giulia and Perez on the CW debut. Giulia kept her Hama Kimura tribute in the graphics! Chelsea hits a slap and eats a giant headbutt! SHOTGUN DROPKICK OFF THE TOP! SPIDER WEB MID-RING and Chelsea got the rope and avoids the rising knee. Corner sleeper by Chelsea after she yankst he arm in the rope. German and an elevated flatliner by Chelsea! RISING KNEE and the northern lights bomb ends it. This was a perfect showcase for both of them - but especially Green, who shined with a lot more offense blended in with the comedy.

Jordynne cuts a promo before being broken up by a video package. Lexis King looks goofy as shit with his facial hair getting styled. Demsey vs. Evans is up for the heritage cup after a wacky women's bickering skit backstage. Monkey flip cradles end the first round. Demsey wins the first fall in round 2. Demsey cravate gives him a further edge before Evans wins fall 2. Front chancery by Dempsey before turning it into a guillotine! Half hatch suplex hold from Dempsey got 2.5! Evans DIVES OVER THE RINGPOST ONTO DEMPSEY! TAVION HEIGHTS JUMPS EVANS WITH THE BELLY TO BELLY AND DEMPSEY WINS IT! Oh this ruled! 

HAMMERSTONE is out to face Oba Femi in a MEAT DIVISION MATCH! Hammerstone eats a press slam but lands a pair of belly to belly suplexes and a chokeslam for 2. FEMI JUST SACK OF SHIT TOSSES HAMMERSTONE! Femi hits his finish and beats Hammerstone clean. Damn this was short and fun! Hank and Tank want the Good Brothers and Chase U cuts a promo on Ridge and Duke cuts a promo on him - he's a fantastic promo within the limits of this act.

BIG DUKE ENERGY is here to face RIDGE - not the wallet or the racer, but Holland! Ridge clubbers in the corner before an overhead belly to belly and a slam. Rampage ends it and Thea Hail yells at him. RIDGE TOSSES PART OF THE BARRICADE ON DUKE to...some heat. Jordynne and Giulia have a little staredown. 

Dunne has lived like 10 lifetimes by 30 - and he's already preparing for life after wrestling, wisely, by doing producing too. Dunne cuts a good promo and says he's the lst man standing. MizTV will be on NXT - OH GOD WHY. Wes is out and grabs Vic's headset and calls it Zach for the CW on a street fight. SOL RUCA steps up to face Jordynne! Inverted gutwrench and a powerslam gets 2 for Jordynne. Corner tackle is met with a Ruca rana to the floor. Springboard splash gets 2 for Ruca!

Ruca apron high kick hits! Gunnslinger from Grace is met with a twisting DDT by Ruca for 2. Backhand and a world's strongest slam and Vader bomb get 2. Ruca cradle out of a Grace Driver for 2. Ruca crotched and the muscle buster hits! BUT THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Rosemary and Choo attack Grace. OH GOD. Tatum does goofy dollhouse shit and Tatum is upset about Choo using her. Ava meets with Giulia and FUNAKI AS HER TRANSLATOR! Good God thank God for Giulia! Giulia says Roxanne is scared and she should be!

SHAWN SPEARS ACTING. Pete vs. Williams is up, possibly with Petey Williams producing. BOOK END BY TRICK after a bunch of walking and brawling on the floor. Leaping neckbreaker from Trick onto the chair...that largely hits himself there. Whoops. Bitter End gets an 8. TRICK SHOT HITS! DUNNE POPS UP AT 9.5! POWERBOMB THROUGH AN ANNOUNCE TABLE TOPPER AGAINST THE BARRICADE gives Dunne an edge. Page yells at them and runs at Trick and Trick avoids and wins it!

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