Wednesday, November 24, 2021

AEW Dynamite 11-24-21 - Thanksgiving Eve

Punk is out to face QT, BUT MJF INTERRUPTS! Love MJF's "no" to the shut the fuck up chants. "I'm about to verbally finish you faster than your UFC career!" - LOL  "You can drop pipe bombs all you want - I'm MJF and I drop nukes"! I kind of hope QT just runs down, gets high kicked, pinned and then they just resume this. Punk calls MJF a less-famous Miz and MJF says that Punk has struggled to beat anyone or say anything of note. He calls him a robot and his hair is going grey and based on his eyes, Punk really needs to go to sleep. 

He says he's PG Punk and he might as well be preaching hustle, loyalty and respect! He says that Punk only said he'd come back for a bunch of money, but couldn't save the business from his couch. He was too busy making comics no one read and movies no one watched. In WWE, Punk was a cult hero. God I hope MJF comes out with the Mean Street Posse at the PPV. For his whole career, Punk's been second-best. Whether it was Cena, or HHH - he was never up to snuff and now that he's in HIS ring in HIS company, he'll show him that he isn't the best in the world and MJF is better than him and he knows it. 

Punk says he won't lie - not to MJF or the fans. He didn't know if he could go or if the fans would care and he's not scared anymore. I love how Darby's two losses have more meaning being brought up now. LOL @ the Britt line! "YOU'VE BEEN REPLACED BY BRITT BAKER!" "The only way you'll be number one is if we wait around long enough for Tony to have a daughter you can marry!" This is amazing! 

Nick and Solo come out to help QT after HE TAKES A SLAM AND MORE! But they're thrown out. Christian GUARANTEES that JB and Luchasaurus will win the tag titles. His heel turn is going to be fantastic. Kingston eats some pie and gets interrupted by 2.0 and Garcia and they put over the article. Billy and Colton of the Gunn Club come out to their...kinda blah theme. Colt 45 ends it after Billy eats a press slam and gets up before his opponent could even turn around. Okay then. Darby DEMOLISHES Austin Gunn! 

Battle of the Belts is announced for 1/8 before Cole and Fish say they're best friends before THE Best Friends call bullshit on that. Dante SIGNS WIT HTEAM TAZ and also enjoys Hook's shared snack. Jamie and Rosa beat the everloving shit out of each other for minutes on end before a rope neck snap leads to a break. Corner Miz lariat by Rosa and then the shotgun knees! Hayter gets locked in the necktie, but Rebel gets on the apron and Britt takes her off and accidentally superkicks Hayter ala HBK/Diesel at Summerslam '94. Hayter loses and she's pissed! Jericho mocks 2.0 and Matt's square head. 

FRIENDSGIVING TIME and Britt tells Reba to not eat the roll - and SHE'S STILL THE CHAMP! Rampage BLACK FRIDAY is coming up and RAMPAGE BLACK FRIDAY has Riho facing Britt because Riho wasn't taken out of the Casino Battle Royal and if Riho beats her, she gets a match. Tony has RUINED HALLOWEEN AND THANKSGIVING AND HE'S NOT COMING TO CHRISTMAS AND THEY AREN'T DOING THE DMD THING EITHER! 

Colt and Bryan have COLT'S BEST MATCH IN YEARS. He's motivated here and is working like the Colt of old before landing a flying apple BUT BRYAN GERMANS HIM out of it. Arm-trap KNEELING KICKS BY BRYAN! MOONSAULT BLOCK GETS 2 FOR COLT! Trip into the arm-trap stomps! Omaplata into the LeBell Lock AND POSING! Bryan says that when he debuted in Chicago, he got a different reaction - and he wonders if it's him or the fans. There's one word for that - FICKLE and he's not fickle. HE SAID HE'D KICK HIS HEAD IN AND HE DID THAT AND KICKED HIS TEETH OUT!

He wants to know which Dark Order members are from Atlanta so he can kick THEIR heads in and it's leading to him kicking in Page's head. Page comes out and Ex says that if you say his name, he shall appear. Page says Chicago is special and he wants to defend the title now. Bryan says that HE JUST  WRESTLED and that isn't cowboy shit - IT'S COWARD SHIT! Page offers him the first shot and Bryan's insulted - so they scuffle! This is great stuff!

FTR, Malakai, and Andrade are out to face Death Triangle and Cody. The tag champs get a minimal intro while Cody gets his full intro. Cody throws his belt at the fans AND THEY THROW IT BACK. MANY KICKS FROM THE DEATH TRIANGLE TO ANDRADE! PAC RUNS WILD ON EVERYONE and snap Germans Malakai before a Fosbury flop! Cody misses Andrade on a superkick and HITS PAC after throwing the belt back to the crowd. GTR to Cody! TULLY AND ARN SQUARE OFF and then JOSE COMES IN AND GETS DECKED! Andrade hits El Idolo on Pac to win it! This ruled!


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