Tuesday, March 26, 2019

WWE SmackDown 3-26-19

I usually don't watch SD Live, but this week has Kurt's last match on the show, so what the heck. New Day comes out and Tom talks about New Day being rumored to quit. Yeah, they have pancakes and are just being goofy - so I doubt that. Woods steals a line from Lance Storm and asks if he can be serious for a minute. Woods thanks THE ENTIRE WWE Universe, words you of course use when you're mad at the giant corporation. Big E talks about all the adversity Kofi has overcome and Woods wants some answers.
They threaten a sit in but thankfully Vince comes down to nix anymore filler. Bryan talks about New Day being a novelty act that Vince created and if they want to quit, fine. Just bring people up from NXT and have them throw waffles - Kofi's just a B Plus player anyway. Bryan's ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CORRECT VINCE I AGREE WITH YOU ALL THE WAY! bit is fantastic. Vince says if New Day can win a gauntlet tonight, Kofi's in. WHY ARE THE WM 35 MAIN EVENT OPPONENTS BUDDIES ON ESPN!?
Not Renee Young interviews Becky. Becky says that Ronda brings the title, she brings the people, but Charlotte's just a third wheel who isn't adding anything to the match. Thankfully, Charlotte's theme hits and she says she'll show what she can add. Asuka comes down, so we're seemingly getting an impromptu title match. And yeah, it's just a title match for no reason given.

Long headlocks start things off. Charlotte gets locked into an awesome octopus stretch before attacking the knee. Charlotte hits a quick codebreaker. Hip attack, German, and a shining wizard get 2 for Asuka. Rope hip attack misses, but a yakuza kick hits for 2 for Charlotte. They have a sloppy strike exchange for 2.

Spanish Fly hits for 2. Charlotte does a poor man's Brock impression with some mounted elbows. Asuka gets a triangle, but Charlotte gets a sitout Rampage bomb. Figure 8 is locked on and Charlotte wins it! As Charlotte leaves, Kurt comes down to have his last match on SD and against AJ Styles. Not Renee talks to AJ

Kurt starts off with a German quickly, but AJ avoids an Angle slam. Quick calf crusher, but Kurt turns it into an ankle lock. Nice of them to have five finishers stored before the match. Orton RKOs AJ and then Kurt hits an Angle slam on him. Well that was sure worth the plane flight for everyone involved. Dominic swears revenge on Joe and looks like Joseph Park.
A goofy Snickers ad buries Roode and Gable because they're hungry and need candy. So I understand the narrative of this candy commercial, if there are any botches on TV, it's because they didn't have their Snickers - the official candy bar of WWE. Miz comes out. Miz acting like an ass-kicker might be the funniest thing on WWE TV in ages.  He GETS SERIOUS when talking about his dad being attacked and wants a falls count anywhere match. Shane gets Shelton, Sanity, and Primo to protect him along with security. 

Shane demands and gets a BEST IN THE WORLD intro and says the goons are out to protect Miz from him.A brawl breaks out and everyone scurries. Iiconics vow to win the titles at WM. Joy. New Day beats Gallows and Anderson in short order. They then beat Rusev and Nakamura, with Nakamura doing the job. The Bar gets a nice, long match with them. Woods beats Sheamus with a schoolboy. Usos come out and say that Kofi deserves a WWE Title shot. The Usos forfeit and then Bryan destroys a TV backstage before Bryan and Rowan come down. Faces in peril for a while until E tips a table over on Rowan and they win by countout. So that's out Kofi goes to WM. KOFI GOES TO WRESTLEMANIA...via countout...

Vince says that Kofi is going to WM, but can a B Plus guy beat Bryan for the title? The babyface roster comes down in support of Kofi.

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