Saturday, June 15, 2024

AEW Collision 6-15-24 - One Year Anniversary


Christian Cage welcomes everyone to HIS SHOW THE SHOW HE STARTED and put on the map. THE BCC IS HERE IN THE OPENER! I don't recall them being advertised, but we also get Lio Rush, Romero, and TMDK here! ADVERTISE PEOPLE. Luckily, the show looks fantastic here - better than Dynamite has in a long time.

Rocky and Yuta chop the shit out of each other for a bit before Danielson hits the corner dropkick but eats a Haste flying forearm. LEBELL LOCK IS ON! Haste gets the rope! Mox runs wild on Nicholls with slugs in the corner, an RNC and a Gotch piledriver. Frog splash from Rush and he avoids the death rider by flipping out. BUSAIKU KNEE BY BRYAN! GIANT SWING TO ROCKY! Claudio toss into a death rider ends it! This was a lot of fun. Mox says he's not coming to Forbidden Door to just retain - HE'S COMING TO RETIRE NAITO AND BURY HIS ASS ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Acclaimed and Daddy Ass are out to no reaction. They bring up the Bucks' fines and Cutler says THEY'RE BEING FINED MORE so Daniels says nah and smacks Cutler with a clipboard. Deonna vs. Rosa is up in a street fight and Rosa is dressed for battle. Rosa misses a steps dropkick before tables are out. MASSIVE CHAIRSHOTS to the back of Deonna! Samoan drop on a downed table for 2. TABLE RAMP DROPKICK INTO A TRASH CAN BY ROSA! VENUS DE MILO BY DEONNA! Deonna uses a camera and knocks her out before locking on the De Milo on the ropes and it's over! 

One year anniversary video showcases Punk and MJF vs. Kenny, which I honestly forget about alongside the Bang Bang Gang classic. THE OUTRUNNERS FLEXING TO DALTON'S THEME IS INCREDIBLE Dalton says that Hichicero stole his Game Gear AND SONIC TRIPLE TROUBLE - THAT GAD! Quick match with a twisting legdrop la mistica winning before the Gates of Agony get run off by DG. Dante vs. Lee is hyped up with Dante saying that everyone's banned from ringside. Shayna is out saying that YOU BOO A MOTHER!

Christian shows off a letter from Nick and a Prince Charles-style painting from Killswitch and of course, he loves the kid-style letter more. He talks about how Killswitch needs to stay in line and his path to the top again begins with the Trios title and Tony, I AM YOUR FATHER NOW! Backstage, the BBG talks about proving if the HOB can hang with them. Lee vs. Dante is up and STP ruins that one. KOR vs. Anthony Henry is up and the suplex into the armbar ends it quickly. 

HOB vs. Bang Bang Gang is up and I've switched keyboard to have better results there, but with the mouse being a bit wonky. Juice pretends to dog piss on Malakai and Malakai just looks on gobsmacked. Buddy runs wild on the Gunns! ONE GUNN INTO ANOTHER LAWNDART SPEAR! JACKHAMMER GETS 2 FOR BUDDY! Super Meteora from Buddy and they carry him out. Juice cannonball to Brody gets 2! MALAKAI GETS A HOT TAG AND RUNS WILD LIKE HE HASN'T SINCE HE CAME IN AND BEAT CODY! Bridging German gets 2! Colton hits a Superman punch to the back of the neck for 2! Pac helps the HOB and THE END ends it! The Patriarchy shows Buddy taken out and says they're not a trios team anymore - oh nice!

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