Wednesday, June 12, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6-12-24 - Ospreay vs. Fenix for the International Title


This isn't the best-built show ever, but it's got Mone live and a killer Ospreay vs. Fenix match. Swerve starts it off and Swerve tells him that a year ago, he saw the assassin in Ospreay - but not at DON. He was called Killshot because YOU DON'T MISS WITH HIM OR YOU'RE DEAD. Okada says it's MY HOUSE, BITCH! The Bucks propose BLOOD AND GUTS and they want him for the fifth man. The Acclaimed come out and Daniels says he needs everyone out of that ring and backstage because they have an opener - but Jack can stay because HIS MATCH IS NOW! 

Perry tosses Dustin around ringside into the steps too. Jack wants a piledriver on the floor, but eats a backdrop on the concrete instead. Jack wants a rope-bound V trigger, but Dustin gets a snap powerslam. Jack hit a DDT on the floor and got a great 9 count. Dustin flips the bird but eats the busaiku knee that ends it! Orange, Kyle, and Mark Briscoe with his new Camo ROH title are here for a trios tag. Mark cuts a classic Briscoe promo putting over KOR and OC and THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO WELL THERE'S ONE THING YOU CAN DO AND THAT'S GET YA ASS WHOOPED! Rush massacres Rusman and hits him with THE HORNS! He traps Rusman under his foot after the match before MJF comes out for a brawl! Security tries to stop them, so MJF helps him beat them up too!

MJF VS RUSH IS MADE AD-FREE FOR NEXT WEEK! Okay - definitely seeing that one live. Fletcher, Strong and Takeshita are up next for the trios tag. OC dive on the pile and a diving DDT to Fletcher gets 2! Fletcher lands a sick snap gamenguri and then a snap half and half! SHINGO IS COMING TO THE AMERICA! Daniels announces eliminator matches for title shots for the tag title and Continental title as well. Joe and Hook chat about why his dad loves orange so much. Joe and Hook attack and Shibata has the camera! Shibata and his neon yellow shoes beat up Sterling! RNC to Nese on the apron and Redrum by Hook to Daivari! THIS WAS PERFECT! 

Vaquer promo on Mercedes being spoiled and says she's premiere. Zeuxis looks great in there with Mone - dominating until a tornado DDT off the announce table before a Batista bomb gets 2 on Mone. METEORA OFF THE SECOND ROPE GETS 2! Three amigos countered into a butterfly codebreaker for 2. MONE MAKER ENDS IT! THE MICHAEL JORDAN OF MICHAELS JORDANS - THE LEARNING TREE CHRIS JERICHO IS HERE! Private Pary crotches him on the top rope and they flee.

Daniel Garcia faces off with Nick Comoroto - who now looks EXACTLY like '70s Bruno. Front choke finish before Fenix vs. Ospreay. They had an insane match with a shitload of counters and fast shit until the Hidden Blade to the back of the head ended it and Swerve stared down with Ospreay. Ospreay grabs the world title 

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