Wednesday, June 5, 2024

AEW Dynamite 6-5-24 - MJF Returns

MJF is out and hugely over with a giant MJF chant. He says he's in Colorado and high and shills his merch. He buries Okada's physique and Swerve's promos "The cockney cockhead!" Bleep guy die or something? A GRANNY IS ALL ELITE sign is on the front row and Rush comes out to chat with MJF. MJF tells him he gets none of that and he thinks no one could hear Rush. They brawl and CD and the goons break them up. 

A Strong training video airs hyping up Swerve vs. Roddy tonight for the title. International Championship no. 1 contender 4-way is up with Orange, KOR, Lethal, and Rey Fenix! OC escapes a wristlock with the pockets! Lethal Combo and then the Injection on KOR! Fenix counters a figure four from Lethal into a small package to win it! Trent comes out and Don tosses a chair into the ring for Trent to take out OC with. OC'S GOT A CHAIN! Stokely threatens OC with Kris and SHE SLAPS OC! THE LEARNING TREE ARRIVES. "IF YOU RESPECTED CHRIS JERICHO, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE A SHAKY-ASS CAMERA!"

Willow says she's got a smile BUT NOW SHE'S BEEN BETRAYED AND SHE'S DANGEROUS! Mark Briscoe's out to face Brian Cage in a TNT Title qualifier. It's so dark in the crowd that it's hard to see Don and Takeshita even in close-ups. PUMPHANDLE JONES hits the Weapon M or X or something. Spinning Ligerbomb gets 2 for Cage. FROGGY BOW ENDS IT. Jericho gives Daddy Magic some advice on being the commentator on Rampage and he's an 8-time champion and a 3-time parent, he can help with Ange too! BCC is out as a team for their first 8-man match since Anarchy in the Arena last May. Claudio shines so nicely in there with lucha stars and Yuta is looking good too. GIANT monkey flip by Esfinge! Magnus sweeps the leg off a lariat and lands a shotgun knee! Seatbelt cradle wins it!

Jericho instructs a branch to scoop things better. Daniel Garcia hype video showcases his car accident and his desire to get the International Title and get into that gritty version of himself to win it! The Bucks tell the Patriarchy that they'd love to give them all gold, but CD will get in the way - BUT THEY'LL SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO! Toni is out with Mariah May, now in Outcasts gear to face Saraya. Saraya jumps her and Mariah comes back with Toni on commentary being incredible. "AEW is where the breast wrestle!" Saraya boots her after a Harley distraction. Kneeling forearm exchange! GIANT HEADBUTT FROM MARIAH! Trishcanrana off the top to Saraya! Wedgie and a hip attack hits for 2! KNIGHTFALL HITS FOR 2! SCORPION CROSSLOCK ENDS IT AND SARAYA WINS!

Danielson says it's a blessing to see Wheeler win tonight and he said it would be his most epic year in his last full-time year. But it hasn't been what he wanted - he's lost every title match and now he HAS to win the Owen to get ONE MORE TIME to get a World title shot! Strong grounds him but avoids a house call and the Kingdom catches Swerve leading to a Strong X PLEX ON THE APRON! Roddy codebreaker counter to the rolling flatliner! House call ends it!

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