Wednesday, March 5, 2025

AEW Dynamite 3-5-25 - Revolution Go-home Show


Bit of a late start to the show on MAX, which really needs to cue up some AEW footage for its preview before the show airs instead of BLUE. MJF talks shit about Hanger and we get the Swerve vs. Ricochet contract signing and Ricochet doesn't have the robe and says that it's getting modified AHAA! Swerve talks shit about TREVOR'S RING ANNOUNCER WIFE! SWERVE SCISSORS HIM IN HIS MASS EFFECT JACKET! Ospreay, Hobbs, OC, and Mark face off with the DCF and Bryan Keith next! 

Ospreay and Cage rule together. Giant uranage to Hobbs by Cage, but Cage eats a suicide DDT BY OC! Hidden Blade ends it and Fletcher is a cocky shit after it. Kyle bullies Mark Davis around and Davis hits Will with a brainbuster on a chair. DCF and Omega hype video air. Cope vs. Yuta is up and Cope has the babyshit green gear on. A minute of action and we come back to a YUTA CHINLOCK!? Really now? Grindhouse and impaler to Yuta. Busaiki, but it sends Cope out and the spear wins it! Yuta shakes his hand as Cope hypes up this is what respect is like. Oh no HERE'S MOX! 

Mox is pissed at Yuta and he says that you pulled the trigger - BUT YOU WON'T ON SUNDAY! Outrunners get a wacky '80s montage with a new wacky song! Hanger beats up a guy MJF dressed up like him before MJF jumps him. BUCKSHOT MEETS A BALLSHOT! The writer of Queen of the Ring is here to chat and TONI STORM IS HERE! Stat and Rose are out to face Bayne and Ford. Slingshot elbow by Kris but Rosa gets tossed onto her on the floor by Bayne! AND THEN SHE THROWS PENELOPE ON THEM! Shotgun missile dropkick to Bayne from Stat! Stat gets a twirling falcon arrow for 2. F5 wins for Bayne on Rosa!

Renee meats with Mone for nothing really. God I hope The Monk is here to destroy Max Caster in this standby match. Jay White massacre time! Jay will turn on Mox and we get some great shit between Toni and Mariah with Mariah saying she's a sick bitch and she's winning. Toni says that Mariah will exist, but not live - and be the answer to a trivia question of whatever happened to Mariah May?! Main event time and Ricochet as a little bitch with Okada is fantastic. Swerve works great with Okada and King is perfect with Ricochet and especially Okada. MASSIVE CHOP TO RICOCHET! DVD TO OKADA GETS 2! 

Springboard frog splash by Ricochet gets 2 on King for Okada! Big pressure turned into a victory roll by Ricochet for 2! Swerve stomp but OKADA'S ELBOW BREAKS UP THE PIN! Cannonball misses and the HOUSE CALL HITS STANDING before Ricochet grabs the belt and clocks Swerve to win it! Fun show, but not really a must-watch.

Monday, March 3, 2025

WWE Raw 3-3-25 - Post-Chamber Fallout!


Chamber is recapped as a GOAT-tier show. Good - every show should be your best ever. Recap really put it over as a GOAT moment and Punk is out pissed. He throws a bitch fit and tosses shit around  and says he's middle-aged and crazy. He says he wishes he could have sold his soul to hold a fake title like the People's Title. Punk says Cena's been selling everyone bullshit for 23 years! Seth comes out to brawl and he's in something a human being might almost wear! GIANT "this is awesome" chant breaks out during this brawl.

Finn bitches a bit and wants Bron tonight. Otis vs. GUNTHER TIME! Otis FATS UP and hits a fallaway on the floor! CHOPFEST WITH GUNTHER LANDING KNIFEEDGES AND OTIS HITTING WAHOO CHOPS! Caterpillar gets 2! Shotgun dropkick by Gunther! POWERBOMB TO OTIS WINS IT! Gunther beats them up and Jey saves before A-Town Down Under gets beaten up by Jey and Jey eats a sleeper! Women's IC is up with Ivy against Lyra. AJ chats with Karrion Kross and his insane hair and he wants Logan Paul next week. Lyra's knee gets worked over before a wonky Batista bomb gets 2 and an ankle lock. Nightwing ends it!

Punk/Seth recap and PUNK JUMPS HIM AGAIN! Punk vs. Seth is up for Raw next week in MSG in a cage! Kaiser and Penta brawl and Kaiser avoids a Penta driver! Bianca HAS NOT HAD A CHANCE TO TALK TO EITHER JADE OR NAOMI! Chad Gable's LUCHA EXCURSION IS SHOWN! He meets an old guy who isn't Dario Cueto who gives him a paper box after forking over $500. CASH! Tag title time and a double suplex to Ivar gets 2. Angle slam and 450 HIT for 2.5! HULK SMASH CLUBS! 


Jey is pissed  and leaves. Bianca is out before the title match. MAMI POWER LORDY! Rhea throws her around in skimpy gear before eating a basement dropkick! IYO HITS KAIRI'S ELBOW! ASUKA LOCK! Basement METEORA IN THE CORNER! Bianca argues with Rhea and the avalanche riptide is turned into a rana and the moonsault wins it!? WOW! I guess Iyo loses it on SNME!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

WWE Elimination Chamber 2025


America the Beautiful is sung to close out the pre-show. TONS of boos there. Wow. YAY OH CANADA! Hogan vs. Warrior and Hogan vs. Rock are hyped up and THE ROCK IS HERE! Women's chamber opens the show up. Naomi is beaten up by Jade to start things up as Naomi is the one who beat up Jade and Jade DEMOLISHES HER and Liv tells Bianca it's her fault and Naomi is eliminated. Jade doing something new with the cage door slamming trope SLIDING THE CHAMBER DOOR ONTO HER ruled. AND WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, BIANCA IS IN NOW! 

She focuses on Naomi and Liv jumps her. Roxanne hops off of Liv's back for a rana on Belair for 2. Corner high knee by Liv to Roxanne and BAYLEY WHOOPS ROXANNE'S ASS IN THE POD! WITH THE POD! Frog splash to Bayley by Roxanne gets 2! Alexa's out and just has a trance on her face to face Liv. FIEND NO-SELLING ALEXA is hilarious given how tiny she is. Chamber dive by Bliss is caught by Bayley and Bianca for a slam. CROSSBODY TO THE FLOOR BY BAYLEY! CROSSFACE BY ROXANNE ON  BAYLEY! OBLIVION TO BAYLEY TAKES HER OUT!

Bianca whips her on top of the pod! BIANCA CROSSBODY TO THE PILE! Tower of Doom powerbomb! Pop Rox leads to her eating a Twisted Bliss and taking her out. Three amigos to Bianca and a shining enzuiguri to Bianca! Abigail DDT is met with a schoolgirl for 2! Liv gets a jackknife pin on Bliss AND USES BIANCA'S HAIR TO SOLIDIFY IT TO WIIN! Liv uses the hair to send her into the cage a ton. Codebreaker by Liv, SPEAR BY BIANCA FOR 2! Bianca hits the KOD AND WINS IT. This was fantastic!

Trish's first retirement match was 18 years ago. Holy shit. Candice is actually in the video package! Air Canada by Trish to Nia. Stratusfaction is turned into a back suplex.  Inverted bearhug ragdoll to Trish! Nia rubs her ass on the back of Trish's head. Tiff runs wild after a tag on Candice and a Trishacanrana hits! PME TO NIA WINS IT! They had Trish replica belts made - odd to not have her wear one here. 

TKO blows the Rock for a while. Sami vs. KO is hyped up. I love how ultra-produced this unsanctioned match is. SO THERE'S A REF - BUT HE'S NOT IN HIS WWE-BRANDED GEAR BECAUSE IT'S UNSANCTIONED! Cole hypes up a SUPERVILLAIN DEATH MATCH between KEVIN STEEN AND EL GENERICO! This gets the old TNA Xplosion blue lighting. Chairshots to the back of Sami! Ditto for KO's back! Crowd brawling time Trash can shots and a blue thunder bomb through a table of stuff. KO BELLSHOTS THE HEAD! Sami avoids the avalanche fisherman suplex only to get thrown off the top to the floor!

Fisherman buster through a chair to Sami! HALF-NELSON POP UP INTO ONE THROUGH A CHAIR TO KO! Helluva kick hits the ref and KO now has no one to count the pin for his stunner. He takes out Robinson who is in his REF KIT AFTER HE ONLY GOT 2 ON THE STUNNER! AVALANCHE FISHERMAN BUSTER THROUGH A TABLE! PETEY WILLIAMS IS OUT TO TALK SENSE INTO KO! HELLUVA KICK TO KO! BARB WIRE CHAIR! BARB WIRE CHAIR TO THE BACK! DROP TOEHOLD INTO THE BARB WIRE CHAIR! "My Eye!" ala Terry Funk! BLUE THUNDER BOMB THROUGH A BARB WIRE CHAIR BRIDGE! AND IT GETS 2! Pop-up powebromb to Sami and it sends him out! APRON POWERBOMB! ANOTHER ONE BUT SAMI FIGHTS OUT! Sami is out and KO wins.

He exposes the concrete by moving the mats! BUT ORTON'S BACK! RKO'S A PLENTY! Stephanie's Places is coming to ESPN Plus. Nah fam. Men's chamber is up!? Logan is out with the American flag and a Prime bottle base! Punk's out not in Bret gear! Jericho is given credit for inventing the match and CENA'S IN POWDER BLUE! 

Seth vs. Drew starts off and a boomerang on the bottom rope on the buckle! Overhand chop off with Priest and Drew! THE MAV is in and moonsaults Priest for 2. OLD SCHOOL RANA TO THE CHAMBER FLOOR by Priest! Cena runs wild with AAs and Protobombs before hitting the fistdrop on Paul! Drew is out! Paul frog splash off the pod to take out Priest! Punk's out for a brawl with Paul! Buckshot turned into a neckbreaker! GTS HITS PAUL AND HE BEATS HIM! It's down to Punk, Cena, and Seth! HART ATTACK TO SETH! Seth's out on the chamber floor and CENA AND PUNK HUG! GTS turned into the STF! AA TO PUNK GETS 2! 

CAGE BOMB TO CENA! AND ANOTHER THROUGH THE POD! Seth pedigree gets 2 on Punk! Punk hits the Savage elbow to Seth. Buckle bomb and stomp get 2 for Seth! GTS INTO THE AA AND PUNK PINS SETH! GTS gets 2 and Cena gets the STF on with Seth looking on and CENA WINS IT! 

Cody's out and Cena tells him he wants the match! LOL @ Dwayne getting a Travis Scott song performance to talk! Rock's got THE GOOSEBUMPS! Rock is out in a douchebag vest and he tells CODY TO EMBRACE HIM AS HIS BROTHER! Cody says his soul is for the people and CENA TURNS ON CODY AND HITS CODY WITH A BALL SHOT AND KNUCKS! RUNNING BELT SHOT! 

"AT THIS POINT IN HIS CAREER, HE'S GONNA STOOP TO THIS SHIT!?" Great line from Cole WEIGHT BELT SHOTS! Rock puts Cody's blood on the weight belt! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-26-25

 Cope shows up in an ambulance and says he's got the Death Riders' ride tonight and MJF cuts a promo on Hangman from a massage table. Hanger shows up in a cowboy-ish truck. He shows up in his street clothes and he boots Solo and a lariat and buckshot end it! Hangman says he hates 3 things - running out of business, English Ivy and a guy with a fake spray tan spits in his face. He's doing a sit-in until someone brings MJF out! 

Ospreay vs. Keith was fast action with a knee strike off a hidden blade attempt before a second one hits. Outrunners vs. Murder Machines is a fast-break battle but the HURT SYNDICATE IS OUT AND A DISTRACTION ROLLUP WINS IT FOR THE OUTRUNNERS! Swerve is out and says he made Black History and he isn't a one-hit wonder and TREV comes out and insults the Padres and Chargers. Nana says that Swerve vs. Ricochet is now a number 1 contender's match! He tells Swerve to get the robe back or he's done. FTR and DG are out to face the Undisputed Kingdom. 

Back and forth chops until a high-low from UK and the inverted back suplex by Strong! Goofy submissions lead up to Cole getting a jackknife pin and a win on DG! DG vs. Cole for the TNT Title is up for the Collision! Cope beats down Mox and MARINA EATS THE BUSAIKI KNEE ACCIDENTALLY! BLADERUNNER TO YUTA! They set up conchairtos to Claudio AND MARINA! HERE COMES WILLOW TO ATTACK MARINA! CONCHAIRTO TO MARINA! Harley is out to face Deonna and I get some technical issues with the capture software so I missed a bit of this. Harley hits an enzuiguri and she drives her down with...something the capture software freezes on. Okay then.

Backstage, Willow, COPE and Jay White send Claudio and Marina out in the ambulance! OC is out to face Takeshita! Takeshita destroys and CHEWS UP THE GLASSES! Corner forearms by Takeshita! Cassidy is on the desk and eats a forearm! ORANGE PUNCH SENDS HIM TO THE FLOOR AND A DDT TO THE FLOOR HITS! CRUNCHY DRIVER BUT THE GERMAN IS TURNED INTO A VICTORY ROLL BOMB FOR 2 AND THE RAGING FIRE WINS IT!

Monday, February 24, 2025

WWE Raw 2-24-25


Logan Paul is out and Punk chats with him and Paul mocks his pose. Punk says he's a legend and Logan slaps him. Penta triple threat is set up with a video package. Penta vs. Dunne vs. Kaiser starts off hot with a Penta backstabber to Kaiser, Sacrifice to Dunne and Kaiser throws Penta out and hits the Velveteen DDT to win. Mami promo about tearing Iyo apart next week. New Day vs. LWO is up and New Day's new gear rules. New Day hits a terrifying double powerbomb-ish thing for the win. 

FORMER TNA WORLD TAG CHAMP PACMAN JONES is out while Gunther chats about Jey before killing Tozawa after being a dickhead to him. HANGING SLEEPER WINS IT! WE GETTIN OTIS VS. GUNTHER SOON! Lyra vs. Dakota is up and Lyra hits a delayed superplex and wins with knightwing. Ivy beats her up afterwards. Dom vs. Breakker is up and barely gets going before Carly and Finn beat up Breakker. Cody yammers and SETH comes out and Cody just looks annoyed. They yammer and this is an anti-angle.

We get some butchered historical WM VII footage with goofy ad bullshit. Womens tag title match is up. Blockbuster hits for Naomi and a BIANCA 450 KNEEDROP HITS RAQUEL FOR 2. Snapshot-style codebreaker for 2 for Liv. Raquel hits the tejara bomb and oblivion hits to get 2.9! KOD gets 2 on Liv when Raquel saves! Double team KOD but Dom puts Liv's foot on the rope. JD gets involved and LIV AND RAQUEL WIN IT! 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

AEW Collision 2-22-25 - Jericho vs. Bandido

Mariah jumps Toni to start off and we've got JR ON THE WHOLE SHOW! STORM ZERO ON THE RAMP! Mariah gets the spotlight and demands a Hollywood ending at Revolution. Okada calls out bitches and it's time for Hologram vs. BEAST MORTOS! Deja vu to Mortos before a ROPEWALK RANA TO THE FLOOR! MORTOS POUNCE TIME and a tornillo! AVALANCHE PRESS SLAM BY MORTOS GETS 2! 

CRUCIFIX BOMB BY MORTOS ON THE RAMP! CODE RED ON THE RAMP BY HOLOGRAM! SPRINGBOARD DESTROYER GETS 2 FOR HOLOGRAM! Moonsault fallaway by Hologram hits! Hologram wins and then Mortos jumps him. Komander saves sorta. Okay then. MIKE BAILEY IS AEW! Harley's out and tells a tale about a girl with BIG DREAMS and she loved WRESTLING! And that girl was Suzette and she isn't sure where she's at BUT SHE HAS HER DREAM! Gabe Kidd vs. Butcher is up!

Kidd runs wild with chops forearms, elbows and headbutts in the corner and on the ropes! DOUBLE CHOPS AND FOREARMS BY BUTCHER! Blind lariat by Kidd! Stuff piledriver wins it for Kidd. THIS RULED! Julia Hart vs. Queen Amanita is up and Julia eats a few snap suplex and zombies up before doing it on Germans before Julia gets a flash pin. Murder Machines kill geeks and call out the tag champs! WE HURT PEOPLE is over! MVP says if you guys beat a real team, then they'll talk BUSINESS. Lio Rush and Andretti hype video - they are THE CRU and Rosa cuts a promo before TRIOS TITLE TIME!

Boy, the TNT Title has done nothing for DG. Ange hits a snap German to Yutes! DADDY MAGIC EATS A CHAIN OF OFFENSE IN THE CORNER and a slam only gets 2! Kneeling forearms wit hDG and Yutes! Brutalizer causes Ange to pass out. Good stuff. Undisputed attacks as does Cope! CONCHAIRTO! Vendetta cuts a promo on Harley and Caster is out and knocks Hangperson! BRODY KING IS OUT TO KILL HIM! Body Chops him off a handshake, chops him off a long headscissor and a cannonball wins it! Caster doing his own Seth scared GIF ruled. Outrunners chat with MVP and they'll face the Murder Machines for a title shot.

Bryan Keith vs. Ospreay is hyped up for Dynamite with a BAD APPLE VIDEO PACKAGE! Bandido vs. Jericho is up and Jericho gets a codebreaker early off a flying nothing for 2. Jericho lands a series of mounted punches up top before landing a super rana. Bandido flapjacks him for 2. The HIGHSPOT flying headscissor hits and a moonsault fallaway slam off the top hits for Bandido! 21 Plex turned into a victory roll wins it for Jericho! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-19-25


They're shooting the show wisely here and MJF starts off with Hangman and tells the people he doesn't speak poor. He got screwed by Page in the first battle royal in AEW history and he beat Hangman for the ring. MJF points out that Page burned a man's home down and they'll chant cowboy shit but HE ISN'T THE MAIN CHARACTER! He ended the career of his mentor - THAT JOBBER HACK and that's a bridge too far for Hangman.  Daniels' retirement match means so much more in hindsight than it would have had they billed it as a retirement match. 

Page says that CD is a hero and MJF is a coward and that's how he'll be remembered. CD tells Hangman that this is what he fought for and then he gets his thank you chants and flowers. Grand Slam recap showcases the Cope theme singing! Patriarchy is out to face the OPPS! The OPPS have their own theme and tron now 

JOE BEATS EVERYONE UP! Cage throws Nick to the wolves and he gets choked out. Hangman vs. MJF is up for Revolution! ROH GLOBAL WARS RECAP with Bandido beating Jericho and he bitches about it. BIG BILL AND HIS BACKPACK face Hobbs in a street fight. Bill clonks him with a reinforced keyboard and Hobbs avoids a giant wrench shot.  MASSIVE chair shot from Hobbs launches a new meme. 

Hobbs hits a one-armed chokeslam to Keith through a corner table! BRICK FILLED BACKPACK TO THE HEAD OF BILL!  Hobbs hits one a choke toss slam to Bill through a barb wire board and that should do it! HE'S STUCK IN THE WIRE and it's over! Murder Machines want the tag titles and they announce Double or Nothing for AZ in May! Toni is THE TRAMP AND YOUR NEW CHAMP! She faced a woman who broke her heart, took her title and stole her soul - SHE'S A SICK BITCH! SHE RAILED HER WITH THE BIGGEST PACKAGE THERE HAS EVER BEEN - Mariah May has been compromised to a permanent end and it's time for a cheap plug - QUEEN OF THE RING ENJOY! IF YOU'RE WILLOW, KRIS OR EVEN WENDI RICHTER, SHE'S HERE TO GO TIT TO TIT OR LIP TO LIP! 

GABE KIDD IS COMING TO COLLISION!? Willow calls out Renee's husband. Bayne beats Stat thanks to Penelope! Rosa makes an awkward save with a chair and just kinda leaves. THE BEST WRESTLER ALIVE OPEN CHALLENGE hits Collision - it must be Gabe Kidd! Ricochet is out and cuts a money promo on WINNIN GOLD BABY! Nana comes out and says that he needs to talk to him tonight because he's been in the business throughout three decades. The robe stands for honor and Ricochet doesn't have that. 

Roddy vs. OC is up WITH JR ON COMMENTARY! OC takes Strong down for a thumbs up and hugs KOR before everyone else hugs! Stundog turned into a backbreaker into an armdrag! ORANGE PUNCH WINS IT! OC gets a title shot on next week's Dynamite! Tony is mid-ring with him for a post-match interview! BUT FIRST, the DCF interrupts! They attack OC but Kenny saves! STUNDOG TO TAKESHITS AND A V TRIGGER! 

Monday, February 17, 2025

WWE Raw 2-17-25


Cole hypes up Charlotte, NC tonight and Sami is out and hypes up KO and him as doing it TOGETHER no matter what. Sami is out and Pearce says he can't clear him to wrestle and they're given an unsanctioned match at Chamber. The Brazzers-level acting of Naomi and Bianca is replayed in full and they're coming to Raw. AJ vs. Dom is up and Dom dominates thanks to Carly until a Styles clash wins it. Bron goes to spear him afterwards, but he avoids it and Dom eats it and Bron eats a Pele! 

Dakota vs. Ivy is up and Dakota does a bunchy of goofy shit that involves spinning Ivy randomly before the KAIROPRACTOR! Ivy gets a long GRAPEVINE ANKLE LOCK and that's now just a transitional spot. Dakota wins after the GTK/Detonation Kick and so many goofy bullshit moves. Jey recap from last week. MAIN EVENT GUNTHER mocks Yeeting and the fans. He bullies Pat and Cole and Pat says Jey can win it. 

Dunne vs. PENTA is up and Penta has new black, red and white gear. Dunne ducks and eats a boot. Dunne works on the hands and snaps a finger and Penta chops! Leapfrog by Dunne is caught into a spinning AA for 2. Basically whatever Keith Lee's finish was there. MEXICAN DESTROYER and Kaiser hops up and Penta tosses Dunne into him and wins with the Penta Driver! Raquel vs. Roxanne and we get some nothing action until a fallaway slam and Bianca and Naomi come out dressed as cheerleaders and Poprox is a fluke win. Okay well that sucks. 

New Day recaps their beating of Rey and get Dom-level heat. Kofi is dressed like such a douchebag. LWO cuts a promo on them to prepare for losing a match one day. Balor jumps Seth to start and this is just a high workrate affair. Sharpshooter by Seth and the pedigree gets 2.99999 with no kickout until really what would have been 3. Coup de gras hits for 2 with a crucifix and then a Finn crossface, but he rolls out and the stomp wins it!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

AEW Grand Slam Australia 2-15-25

 Grand Slam begins with the Dream Team versus Takeshita and Kyle Fletcher! Heels are out first followed by OSPREAY OSPREAY! Fletcher is in PEAK HATER MODE here. Omega has his epic theme here - and it feels like a big show. Callis fucks around with Ospreay and finds out with a boot to the head after a dual Terminator dive! DOOMSDAY CUTTER ON THE TOP BY OSPREAY TO TAKEISHTA! Fletcher charges into Kenny in the corner but eats a Hidden Blade! Babyface finishes are turned into STEREO TOMBSTONES FOR 2.5! 


Harley is adorable and Mercedes is HER! Harley takes her down with a Russian legsweep! HARLEY MOTORBOATS HER! HARLEY BEATS HER UP WITH THE PUPPET AND THEN MINI MONE GETS PUNTED BY MERCEDES! THREE AMIGOS BY MERCEDES! Pumphandle back suplex gets 2 for Harley before a Mone' backstabber sends Harley out. Meteora hits for 2! CRUCIFIX GETS 2 FOR HARLEY! AREA CODE KICK BY HARLEY! SOMERSAULT SENTON MISSES FOR HARLEY! MONE MAKER ENDS IT - this was exactly what it needed to be. Harley beating Mone next year at Grand Slam will be even bigger in the main event. Momo Watanabe gets insulted by Mone' so that will be good.

Omega and Ospreay cut a promo backstage about how Omega wants the International Title at Revolution - he's tired of hearing Takeshita beat him twice in a week! Brisbane Brawl time! Cope is out in classic black and red the fans are just singing his whole theme after he's out! He's marking out here and Jay is in white. Mox and Claudio in a mask are out to wage war! Powerbomb through a table by Mox! Cope hits a double lariat on the Death Riders off the top! Paradigm Shift to Cope! 

BLADERUNNER TO CLAUDIO! YUTA ATTACKS JAY! HE WHIPS HIM AND THEN EATS A BEATING! Mox gets crotched by Cope! COPE CORNER SPEAR THROUGH A TABLE BY COPE TO CLAUDIO! BARB WIRE CONCHAIRTO! BUT NO YUTES! Case to the head and the Neutralizer gets 2.9! BULLDOG CHOKE BY MOX! Yuta chokes out Jay White! Wow what a nutty finish there - I don't see Cope beating Mox for the title.

Okada vs. Buddy Matthews is up! Buddy stares him down when he goes out to cower for a bit. Okada lures him in and forearms his jaw! GODDAMN DROPKICK UP TOP and Buddy takes a hell of a bump off the top! Meteora gets 2 for Matthews. Okada bird flip into boots! GTS BY BUDDY! CURB STOMP MISSES! Rainmaker gets 2! CURB STOMP AND MURPHY'S LAW GETS 2.9! Rising knee by Buddy and a superplex and jackhammer get 2! PRISM TRAP! Okada low blow and rainmaker end it! International Title series is announced for Revolution and HOBBS VS. BILL is up for Dynamite.

Mariah May vs. Toni is up with a big video package. Mariah's out in cool blue and pink gear and she goes WHAT THE FUCK at Luther. We go from ROCK STAR TONI to TIMELESS! She's in Aussie flag gear! Back and forth corner stomps! Toni locks on a headlock and a series of Germans hits for 2. MASSIVE assalanche hits and then a Storm Zero gets 2! MAYDAY CHAIN GETS 2! Mariah slaps her a ton in the corner before and a kiss of death from Mariah sets up a powerbomb and storm zero! BUT SHE ROLLS OUT! STORM ZERO BY MARIAH! Mayday but NO IT'S A SMALL PACKAGE WIN FOR TONI!

This was a show of the year contender and easily the best TV episode we'll likely get of any show across any company. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-12-25


The Gunns are backstage amped up and we see Dustin and Megan Bayne backstage too. Caster is out for the open challenge.  BABYFACE GOD AMONG MEN HANGMAN ADAM PAGE comes out to murk him. Caster hides in the crowd and Hanger chases him. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

WWE Raw 2-10-25

 AJ, Bayley, Lyra are shown and now Jey is out YEETing. He's on the table and gets beaten up by GUNTHER and Jey picks him for Mania. Liv and hyped up for the chamber and Dakota and Iyo face Raquel and Liv. Vengeance Day is hyped up for DC on Saturday and the Creeds get a tag title shot tonight. Good heel work by Raquel and Liv tagging in and out a ton to beat up Iyo. Liv SWIMMING for tags was fantastic. Liv gets busted up and the crowd is going crazy and the Iyo moonsault ends it! Bayley is out to face Lyra Valkria in a chamber qualifier with Roxanne in the crowd. Lyra catches an uppercut with a backslide for 2. Flying elbow misses and a Lyra tornado DDT is turned into a belly to Bayley for 2. Tornado DDT on the floor into a floor fisherman and then a mid-ring one for 2.5. Bayley cradles her for the win. 

Penta swears revenge on Kaiser who claps sarcastically and AJ walks by. Lyra is going to feud with Ivy Nile. AJ is out and says he had a career-ending injury, but he's back. Dom talks smack and gets nuclear heat for doing nothing. Speaking of which, Carlito is out cutting a promo as well. Pele to Carlito and Dom jumps AJ. P1 forearm to Carlito! Tag title match is up and the viking express hits for 2.5. Creeds use the belts for a DQ to make a statement. Punk cuts a promo on the chamber until Logan Paul interrupts. Paul and Rey have a pretty good match but Paul as a dickhead heel somehow works worse than him as a dickhead babyface.Loaded punch and a silly hanging spinning DDT hit to win.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

AEW Dynamite 2-5-25 - Ricochet vs. Swerve


Renee chats with Jay White about Cope and he hasn't always gotten along with FTR and the Death Riders jump him before Rated FTR come in to brawl too. Giant brawl to ringside too and Claudio swings Dax into the railing. Spear to Claudio and Cope wants Mox for the PPV and Mox says no and White challenges Mox to Grand Slam Australia. 

Ospreay is out to face the Callis Family's MARK DAVIS! Sliding D in the corner hits snug! Callis talks about how Davis is in kind of under duress - so we'll see how that works in the future. Slingshot forearm and Ospreay bounces off Davis. OSCUTTER HITS FOR 2.5! Hidden Blade meets a lariat and a giant piledriver gets 2 for Davis. Hidden Blade wins it! 

Killer, epic video with Ricochet and Swerve. Hurt Syndicate is out with fans chanting WE HURT PEOPLE and MVP says they're coming for any titles they want - when they want. GUNNS UP TIME FOR THE SYNDICATE! The Gunns challenge and we get Harley with the Mone' puppet again. Mercedes bullies her and Harley flips her off behind her back while Renee tries to be a good friend and prevent her. Hangman talks to Renee about ending Daniels' career and he accepted a Texas deathmatch with him and he told him he'd hurt him. Max Caster interrupts and Hangman says hey you've got an open challenge...

Hounds of Hell are out to face Fletcher and Takeshita. Brody hits the seated crossbody to BOTH GUYS ON THE FLOOR. DOUBLE DOWN LARIAT WITH BRODY AND TAKESHITA! Buddy curb stomp turned into a Fletcher half and half! Okada's theme hits and Fletcher heads up for the brainbuster! But Fletcher eats a superkick and a rising knee! CERBERUS dropkick/cannonball get 2. Brody eats a draping DDT and they hurk Brody up for a brainbuster and that ends it.

Joe in a floral shirt and Hook are backstage and Hook tells him he's too emotional and beat up the Patriarchy and Christian is in the next room with Mama Wayne. MJF is out and I love that Max Caster is SO ANNOYING that even MJF is tired of his shit. Now Dustin is out annoying MJF and he says MJF isn't the devil - he met him and he beat him because he's been sober! He's a survivor and the last of his kind. MJF talks shit about Dusty and Cody and Dustin clubs him. 

Mariah May is out to do commentary for Toni vs. Amanita with TONI STORM AS MARIAH MAY! Toni hits the spiral sideslam. HIP ATTACK ON THE APRON! Release German by Amanita and a hip attack and Mayday ends it. We get a nice staredown and Dustin says he lives for blood, sweat and tears! He wants MJF on Tuesday and we get a Bill vs. Hobbs hype video. 

New York Minute is ringside and Bill cuts a promo on Hobbs who comes out and gets outnumbered before the OUTRUNNERS SAVE! MEAT CHANT! Swerve has JIMMY RAVE'S ROBE - it's a big fight feel! Ricochet jumps him with a chair and a barricade brawl leads to a rana INTO A POWERBOMB ON THE BARRICADE BY SWERVE! I get a Sega CD-looking version of Max for an ad break.

SWERVE STOMP! APRON GERMAN BY TREV! Springboard 450 gets 2! SSP TO THE SPINE GETS 2! SWERVE STOMP BUT RICOCHET CROSSES THE ARMS INTO THE BALLS! SPIRIT GUN ENDS IT! Ricochet steals Jimmy Rave's robe! Dustin vs. MJF is set for Dynamite, which is taping Tuesday and airing Wednesday. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

WWE Raw 2-3-25

 Rumble recap video starts things off. Jey starts things off with the fans and does it again. And again. Jey is like legit shook with all this too - wow. This is a moment. He is crying at how much this run means to him. Damn - dude has that natural conneciton with the fans. Gunther talks shit and tells him to explore his options because he'll massacre him again. Kaiser's quick elimination is shown and he's out to face PENTA. Corner gamenguri and headstand hardyac kick by Penta! Sacrifice and the Penta driver wins it. Dude is OVER! 

Dunne walks out and Kaiser jumps Penta. Charlotte's out and bombs on her promo with all the boos until Rhea talks shit and tells her to scamper to other brands. She'll be on NXT. New Day is out to face Rey and Lee and Logan Paul comes out and leads to an ad break with the heels using the distraction. Logan right hands Rey with the loaded fist and the trouble in paradise ends it. Rey vs. Logan is set for next week to go into the chamber.  Liv vs. Iyo is up and Liv gets 2 off a rana. Codebreaker counter off a crossbody gets 2 for Liv. Release German by Iyo and Rhea jumps Raquel AND HITS LIV AND LIV WINS BY DQ! Iyo is pissed and Seth's out.

Seth talks shit and Sami comes out and Seth stirs the pot between them and Punk's out. Lots of glitches throughout the show here. Headlock elbows and the corner bulldog is turned into the blue thunder for 2.5. Helluva misses and Punk wants the GTS and Sami cradles him for 2.9! CORNER EXPLODER! THE CROWD IS MOLTEN! HELLUVA MISSES AND THE GTS WINS IT. This was a fantastic TV match - one of Punk's best since returning. Punk and Sami hug and KO ATTACKS SAMI! PACKAGE PILEDRIVER TO KO! Wow - that would be a natural match for either the Chamber in Canada or Mania. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

WWE Royal Rumble 2025


Well thanks to a flu bug this week, I wasn't able to go out to see this live - but I can at least watch it on TV. America the Beautiful is sung and it's Rumble time! KO arrives in a KO golf cart and we see Punk arrive with coffee. BUT FIRST STEPH! WWE GROWS BECAUSE OF THE FANS! THANK YOU! Women's Rumble starts off as is tradition and Iyo is the first entrant alongside Liv at 2. Liv is a legit top 10 star in WWE and that is massive for her. They brawl for a bit before Roxanne comes out and works with Iyo for a bit until Lyra comes out and has issues with her hair or top or something. Chelsea is out at 5. She goes to throw everyone out, fails and they beat her up.

B-Fab is out and then Nile hits a double German. Zoey is out and she hits some knees and kicks. Lash Legend is out and slugs Iyo with a bull hammer. Lash gets Ivy into a powerbomb giant swing and swingers her into folks. Chelsea chucks out B-Fab and Bianca is 10 and hits a ton of corner punches on half the folks at one time back to back to back. Shayna is out and Zoey slips off a springboard lariat and thankfully saves it and hits it well on Lyra. Ivy tosses Lyra out and wants the belt. Bayley is out in some cool blue and orange gear. 

Sonya is out for PFC and now Maxine is out and the capture is getting really wonky. Maxine is chucked out and Ivy's gonna take her out. GLOW time at 15. PFC is now gone and Bayley took out Shayna. Jaida Parker is out and needs better music. Lordy - Generic Superstar 15 theme here. Not much until Jordynne comes out with her full TNA presentation  - excellent. Big pop for her DVDing Piper. Alexa is back and looks fantastic - has the little doll with her. Vaquer makes her Rumble debut and TRISH IS HERE. Okay that would've been cool to see in person. 

Trish double-sorta bulldogs Jordynne and Candice. Piper bowls Trish over. Raquel is out and an apron codebreaker ends Nattie's run. ANOTHER ONE ENDS ALEXA'S RUN! Charlotte is out at 27 and they just put her over as God herself on commentary. Wow. Charlotte and Jordynne go at it and she superkicks Michin out. Vaquer and JG go for a double suplex and she counters with a DDT to them. Charlotte sends Piper out. Giulia is here with her NXT title. Shockingly, no TNA involvement yet at all and it's late in the match. Giulia takes out JG and that seemingly sets up an NXT program. Nis is 29 and works with Trish. NIA TAKES OUT TRISH THANKS TO CANDICE! Nikki's the last one out. Everyone gangs up on Nia AND NIA ROAR SPOT! Nikki does pushupand Roxanne does her one better. Nia chucks out like six folks including the tag champs. No Jade in this. Roxanne works on Charlotte's bad knee. Charlotte chucks Nia and it's down to Charlotte and Roxanne and a big boot ends it for Roxanne. 

Big E asks fans questions segment. Godfather and Mickie are shouted out with Mickie as a WWE Legend - so she's in the fold and Kurt is here WITH HIS SHOOT GOLD MEDAL and his daughter is an amateur star. We see the Guns backstage and Shelley is in a zebra print jacket! Sabin plancha on DIY through Shelley. I love Johnny hammer throwing Sabin into a Ciampa lariat for 2. Ciampa hits a knee for the first fall. Shelley gets a cover for 2. APRON PKS BY SABIN and a double-jump crossbody! Skull and Bones get the second fall. Fairytale ending and project Ciampa get 2. Johnny accidentally superkicks Ciampa in the corner and they hit the facial! The Profits use a crutch and DIY retains with meet in the middle. Wow that was a weird one. Okay so the Profits attack DIY too - so they gave them the win to get the belts...well still weird.

Long recap of KO-Cody before their match which starts off with some crowd brawling. Stepladder usage and a ladder bridge. Backdrop to KO on the opened ladder! Cody eats a powerbomb into a corner ladder! Avalanche fisherman buster by KO through a ladder! Aldis comes out to ensure they're okay with EMTs and Sami is out! They're up - so that was a nice way to get Sami out there in-canon. Cody turns an announce table package piledriver into a ladder bridge-snapping Alabama slam! And that's it. Wow weird finish. 

Rey is no 1 for the men's Rumble. and then it's PENTA! Penta is the man with no fear and Cole is going to be the man with no voice by the end of this. They do a taunt-off for this lucha exchange and REY ELIMINATES PENTA MAYBE OH GOD WOW. Chad is 3 and the LUCHADOR EXPERT is here! Rey does a nestea plunge onto chad off of Penta's shoulders - okay that ruled. Melo is 4 and Santos hits a 619 on Rey PENTA GOES AT IT WITH KING CUERNO! Destroyer and 619! EVERYONE ATTACKS GABLE just like Chelsea in the women's Rumble. Otis is out and eats an ankle lock but gets Gable in a torture rack. 

Bron is out and spears and tosses out Melo. BREAKENSTEINER TO GABLE! BACKDROP TO OTIS! Tozawa is out and Melo beats him up first. Melo established as...maybe above the level of Tozawa. BOY HOWDY WHAT A GREAT MAIN ROSTER CALLUP! Tozawa is replaced by iShowSpeed. Ugh. Breaker and Speed take out Otis and he eats a spear and gets pressed into Otis who fallaways him onto the announce table to eliminate him. 

Sheamus is out and brogue knees Bron and Andrade is out. FATU IS HERE TO KILL DUDES! PENTA AND FATU CLUBBERING! Double stack Samoan drop to Penta and Rey! Rey and Gable are out at his hand. Ditto Andrade! BRAN VS FATU! Kaiser keeps the ROH Nude DVD cover tradition alive before Penta eliminates him. lucha Miz with Penta before Fatu gets him! Hendry is out and he hits the STANDING OVATION TO MIZ before Fatu takes him out in the corner. REIGNS IS HERE! Fatu rocks Jimmy and it's ROMAN AND FATU TIME!

Brawl and Drew is out. Balor is out and Nak knees Roman a few times. PENTA DESTROYER TO FATU! Penta is chucked out by Balor before MAIN EVENT JEY is here. He tosses out Nak - so maybe he's heading to SD. AJ IS BACK! It has now been NINE YEARS that he's been in WWE. Unreal. Bullet elbow by AJ to Drew! AJ gets a MASSIVE AJ chant. Wow. Braun is out and he's going right for Fatu. BRAUN ELMINATES HIM! Cena is out and he low-bridges Braun to take him out. AA TO FINN OFF THE APRON ONTO...amost Braun to take him out.

BRON SPEAR! Roman and Cena staredown before Punk. And they just do NOTHING until Seth. Dom hits a frog splash to CENA AND THREE AMIGOS TO ROMAN but nah. SAMOAN DROP TO DOM! Sami is out and now Priest. Priest chokeslam to Dom and he's out! LA Knight is 29 and hits the double jump elbow to Cena. Yeah/Yeet off and SAMI IS GONE. Well that was a waste of him across the board tonight. Logan Paul is 30 - okay, had it been Rock, I'd have regretted not being there live. Priest eliminates Drew and Paul eliminates AJ. Logan takes out Punk after he takes out Roman and Seth! Seth turns heel by stomping Punk on the floor and Roman on the steps!

It's down to Cena, Paul, and Jey and maybe Cena will win this one. Double AA teased but Jey hops off and Cena lariats Paul over the top! FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE BY CENA! Cena thinks he's won it and it's low-bridge time on the apron! AA OFF THE APRON BUT JEY THROWS HIM DOWN AND JEY USO WINS THE RUMBLE! Okay didn't see that one coming - I guess he's winning the World Title at Mania.  Cena hugs him and Cole says GODDAMN RIGHT HE DID! 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

AEW Dynamite 1-29-25 Ospreay vs. Cage


Ospreay starts the show off and highlights a fan in his getup before Cage jumps him after Kenny is shown out in the back. Callis cheapshots Ospreay on the floor and hurts his hand - fantastic! SASUKE SPECIAL BY OSPREAY! Hook kick is met with a ripcord forearm, discus lariat and Spinning Ligerbomb for 2 by Cage! STYLES CLASH WINS IT FOR OSPREAY! Archer jumped Ospreay, but Kenny saved with a chair. Ospreay and Omega eat tombstones! Ospreay covers Kenny up - I love this! 

Backstage, Hangman comes out of Swerve's locker room and tells Renee he's not there and MJF puts over Claudio taking out Jeff Jarrett tonight. Claudio vs. Jarrett is up and we get uppercuts and European uppercuts aplenty! Giant swing into the sharpshooter but Jeff fights back. Yuta gets involves, Mox spikes him with the shift and Jeff is near the rope! NEUTRALIZER HITS! TW OF THEM AND CLAUDIO WINS IT! So Jeff seemingly wins the Owen this year. 

Ricochet is out to face AR Fox in another Lucha Underground rematch. Fox lands a corkscrew brainbuster and a 450. Spirit gun and the vertigo finishes it. Ricochet goes at him with scissors until Swerve chains him out! DADDY MAGIC'S MERCH MADNESS is the craziest DW-ish thing we've seen in eons. Yuta vs. Jay White is on tap and a perfectplex gets 2 for Yuta. Yuta got spiked on the uranage  Bladerunner ends it and the Death Riders attack before Rated FTR saves. Dax says it DENNIS CONDREY'S NAME IT'LL BE FTR AGAINST THE DEATH RIDERS IN A MID-SOUTH STREET FIGHT! 

Mariah pitches changing the name of Huntsville to something with a C to start. Yikes. Mariah says that Toni should play the version of herself that was bleeding in her hands. ASS BOYS HYPE VIDEO! Recap of big moments on the show before a Vendetta promo airs and they challenge Harley. FOUR BELTS MONE is out! MAGICAL GIRL DROPKICK BY YUKA! Magical girl splash meets knees and the mone maker ends it. 

Monday, January 27, 2025

WWE Raw 1-27-25 - Rumble go-home show


Cole starts us off with some Cody hype and is very echoey. Drew vs. Sami is up on this card. Seth comes out looking like a goober and talking in an annoying manner. He says he might have to win the Rumble to face Cody and beat him for the title he helped him win. GUNTHER comes out presumably annoyed that he wasn't mentioned. He's annoyed by Seth as is everyone and Logan Paul is out and gets nuclear heat.

Punk chats and Sami interrupts and wants clarity because one of them is a WM main eventer - and it's not Punk. Kross stirs the pot with Sami and Punk and the boot. War Raiders face Dom and JD next. JESUS CHRIST JD just smashed his head on the announce table on that Asai moonsault! Ivar hits a double handsrping elbow and JD avoids a wheebarrow double team. Carlito spits an apple and a Dom frog splash gets 2. The faces hit War Machine and win it. This overdelivered - Dom has become a low-key fantastic worker.

Dunne chats with Kaiser and New Day gets cut off by them too. Woods is out and his family isn't there. Zelina is out of the LWO after tonight as she'll be on SD - alongside I would presume her husband Malakai Black.  Rey gets spiked on his head but is fine and hits a big kick and he hits the seated senton and rana. SUNSET BOMB BY REY! Code Red gets 2! His family shows up with NEW DAY SUCKS shirts! 619 and the dime drop ends it. 

Sami chats with Seth who I'm just sick of. MAIN EVENT JEY IS UP IN YA CITY! Jey says he's winning the Rumble. Lyra cuts a promo backstage and then Ivy wants her title. Racquel and Liv are out to face Naomi and Bianca. Not much here beyond Liv eating a boot hard. Naomi eats a loss to presumably set up a title change. Heyman is out to announce Roman for the Rumble and Roman is the 2K25 cover star. Drew talks about slaying THE BEAST at WM and Brock sent him out before Roman saved him. Drew tells him to run and he's coming for Punk and Reigns.

Sami gets his nose busted up and is bleeding all over the floor before Drew misses the claymore on the announce table. Mid-ring helluva is met with a spinebuster and a cradle for 2. Sami crucifix gets 2 and a corner exploder hits for Sami. Helluva missed and Drew schoolboyed him with the ropes to win. Drew beats him up and Cody saves. AND SAMI ACCIDENTALLY BOOTS CODY! 

Cody chats about the title and Punk's distracting hairline says he lost friends over that title. They ramble on for a while and on and on and on and on and Punk says he's going to stab him in the front. Cody says the best in the world isn't the Best anymore. Okay this rambling nonsense was draining.